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Status Updates posted by Ro

  1. Not as yet, gotta find a date really and the other fixtures are still being arranged

  2. Haha, I did nothing

  3. I can't remember what the first Muse track I learnt how to play was...it might have been SMBH...

  4. All the albums except Hullabaloo :)

  5. Haha, well I don't have a fuzz factory yet. I can't even stay awake til 3am :LOL:

  6. Yeah I can play a fair bit. I have the TAB books for the albums, so I learn from there.


    I love breaking into the PiB riff randomly XD

  7. Yup I do :) A bit of everything really: classical, rock, fingerpicking etc.

  8. My next training session is on the 5th November, so not a lot's happened really ;)


    How are you? x

  9. LAUREN!


    You might be interested in this ;)http://www.strictlycomedancinglive.co.uk/

  10. Yup :happy:


    I gotta go now, talk some other time xxx

  11. We're planning it in the midlands sort of area next summer XD

  12. Well I'm trying to do that actually, get a team off this board together with an Exiles team and play :D

  13. Ouch! Pfft, I'll always wear a helmet seeing as a length ball could probably knock me on the head :LOL:



  14. Very Rahul Dravid ;)


    I'm like 5 foot. I do have a very good straight drive though, it's my best shot really

  15. Yeah, I think I have to cuz I'm under 16 :erm: Not sure though.


    Haha, I'm a midget, I lack power. Guess I have to nurdle then :p

  16. Yeah :p And I look tall cuz I'm one of the oldest. It's very rare that I look tall :LOL:

    Haha, I hate running, especially with pads on



  17. She lives in Hemel (where I live) now n all XD


    There's a few here of us in training, I look like a fool lol

  18. 1st XI, cool. My brother is in the fifths. I'm just in the girls youth team at my club :LOL:


    Nice steady 1 not out there ;)


    We had Charlotte Edwards come to do a few coaching sessions at our club last season, it was awesome :D


    If you're interested, here's the place you can find the Exiles on the web atm ;) *plug*

  19. Well I only played two games last season, one I was at number eleven and the match got rained off before I batted, and in the other for the Exiles I got a duck :LOL:


    I have some training coming up over the winter though, hopefully I can get better at it. We're all bowlers in my family though really



  20. Yay Yorkshire :D Tim Bresnan is my fave, he's like my hero lol


    I'm more of a bowler, I do a bit of spin. Apparently I have batting talent though, but I don't really think I show it :LOL:



  21. I'm a Yorkshire fan, but I play for Herts girls U15 :) Who do you support? Nice to meet a fellow cricket fan XD


    The cricket match I'm trying to plan is against a team called TMSB Exiles, they're an online cricket club who raise money for Chance to Shine. I went to a match last year, it was awesome.


    Ro xx

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