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Status Updates posted by bekbee

  1. bekbee

    Apparently its the smallest remote controlled helicopter in the world, but that could be clever marketing! I'm glad you got some fun out of it. :)

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday darling! Have a brilliant day!

  4. Happy Birthday!

  5. Only how nice you are really! I can't wait to meet you properly, we'll have some FUN!

  6. Hey babe! Hope you feel better soon!

  7. Happy Birthday baby!

  8. Happy Birthday m'dear!

  9. Yeah! I met you! I was with Olly and Nic when we met I think. You're Paula right?

  10. V was so good! Way too much to tell on here though! Will catch up on msn soon and tell all!

  11. In the pit of course! Epic fucking gig! DEADSTAR!!!!!!

  12. Thanks! Dia is Muire dhuit!

  13. Hey Paul, welcome to the main board! Stick around everyone is nice really!

  14. Aw thats nice! Come over to the meet-up/party thread for some fun and get to know some more of us! http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?p=4722713#post4722713

  15. Hey, welcome to the board! Might see you in Marlay? What part of Ireland are you from, if you don't mind me asking?

  16. Hey,

    Welcome to Muse.mu! Just thought I'd say hello seeing as we seem to have the same taste in books. Enjoy you stay!:D

  17. Hey, Just wanted to say welcome to the board! If I read correctly and you are arriving on Tuesday 12th August please look out for me in the arrivals hall. I shall be there most of the day meeting arriving Musers from various places and will have a sign saying 'Mental Musers Mystery Tour'. So feel free to come and say hello!

    There is also a meet up planned for the pub on the Tuesday night and you are more than welcome to come! Keep an eye on the thread for the details!



  18. Hi, I've added you on Facebook, hope you don't mind!

  19. Hey, I take it you are gong to Marlay Park then? Welcome to the Marlay thread, its a bit mental but good fun too and we are all mostly nice! Check out the thread for details of a meet-up the night before the gig and also plans for a party in the queue!

  20. Hey, I seen you watching the Marlay thread and was just wondering if you are going to the gig? If so, we are all planning a meet-up in Dublin for the gig. Its great fun to get together for these things! Anyway,welcome to the board!

  21. Of course I'm going to Marlay! Since I only live about 20 mins away it would be rude not to! Anyway, as I said, welcome! We are all quite nice really! By the way, there is a huge meet-up planned for the Tuesday night that week in the city centre, you should come, it will be mint! Shit thats a lot of exclamation marks, sorry.

  22. Hey Brian buddy! *hugs*

  23. Thanks! You is nice too! I like having friends from everywhere! Its great!

  24. bekbee

    I think they will work it out from the glasses pic!

  25. Hey babe! Roll on Dublin!

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