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Everything posted by bekbee

  1. haha! i am going away on holidays next thursday and i am not ready for that, never mind oxegen!

  2. Haha no! Where would be the fun in that?

  3. No problem, hope you had a good Christmas! He must have had them for ages, he's so made of fail lol

  4. Not as cheap as Ryanair though lol. I only paid 10euro for my flight home from London on Saturday!

  5. Well Gatwick is usually cheaper because Ryanair fly to that one. Heathrow is easier to get into London from, but its usually more expensive. We can hook up nearer the time and make arrangements anyway. If I see nice cheap flights I will let you know!

  6. Yes of course I am going! Wouldn't miss it for anything! :) There will be a huge meet too, I would imagine, like last weekend for the gigs in the O2, it was epic fun! We all stay in the same hostel anyway, so plenty of company.

  7. Oh hai! Thanks for your company at the gig, you and your friend were ace! <3

  8. Can't wait for epic hugs next month in London!

  9. Love your face cutie! NOM NOM NOM!

  10. Hey! Sorry I've been working and I havent checked fb. That's a pity about Dublin, but we will hook up somewhere along the line I'm sure!:D

  11. Ok darlin' you go right ahead and call me that then.

  12. No problem! I am adding everyone I see with the icon, and I reckon you might be erm, interesting, lol. Oh, and its Becky.:)

  13. Got a call today to say my daughter ot suspended from school for skipping detention. So, not so good really.

  14. Hey Kavo, whats the story?

  15. Happy Birthday Mark! Hope you have a great day hon! :)

  16. Hey Aino, thanks so much for my wonderful kittykathats that arrived today! I am currently sitting in bed wearing one! And I will be sporting the brilliant purple one (which matches my coat really well) going to work in the morning. Thanks for sending them so soon, I am well pleased with them! :)

  17. It was only a little treat to put a smile on your face my dear! Leprechaun lollies ftw!:D

  18. Happy Birthday hon!

  19. Well you or Lya, or both, have to do this for me! He was well MEAN to me!

  20. Yeah me too. Maybe you could do me a favour though? Can you give Ali (dip) a nice hard kick from me? He'll know what its about!

  21. Hmm I don't know exactly what it was but I'm sure it was pure truth! I'm sorry I won't get to see you this weekend, but its kinda complicated. :( I hope you have good fun though!

  22. Me? I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about.:)

  23. Ooh! Happy Birthday you lovely Scot you! :D

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