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Everything posted by guilt-stricken

  1. You girls have funnn! =( Yeah, please do take care of yourself at Bangkok! The festival will be at some army camp though, right? Lol wahh crowdsurfing in Europe. Syiok! Things to do: I definitely wanna go bungee jumping in New Zealand! and stay in Iceland for a month or so lol. Lol I thought she chose Bale in the end?! But only because that was the "right" thing to do - even though she still love John Smith. Ehh, actually I'm not too sure dy lol I kinda fast forwarded at some parts... A little Christian Bale trivia: Did you guys know his voice was featured in the Disney Pocahontas cartoon movie?! He voiced-over for Thomas! The lil boy who shot Pocahontas' supposed fiancee or something. John Smith took the blame for killing him and Thomas ran away! THAT'S CHRISTIAN BALE!! Would definitely love to hear all your SG and Bangkok stories! Hey Nut, when's the next time you'll be coming up to KL? lol. Lol I like the ketchup from McD....!! Two movies to date. Early Virtue & Dorian Gray YAYY! I was supposed to go flower bouquet shopping on sat actually but I think my sister can survive without me for that.. haha. I just found out about Team Malaysia leading Will you be wearing yellow in support of them? Edit: Looks like we'll only be going on Sunday! Can't wait til then I OVERSLEPT for that roger federer signing session. "But it only started at 11:15am!" yeahh I can hear you saying that... but I tertidur-ed and totally missed the autograph session. My friend wasn't pleased with me at all because I sorta promised her I would take pics for her.. Haha!
  2. Had to split this into two posts because: Wow... I didn't know we had a word/characters limit. I don't think I would want to be voluntarily groped. lol no body surfing for me in the near future I hope! It's annoying when people start crowd surfing because 1) you don't get to enjoy the live music properly 2) you'll get kicked in your head (someone kicked me once in Incubus =[ ) 3) waste of energy trying to get that person off the crowd and to the security guards ahead. If the band members decide to body surf though hrmmm... that might be a different story haha! A dutch penpal! Ask him/her if he likes fries with mayonnaise? Haha. Well, I'll be sending an xmas gift to my friend in the US this year. I promised I would get him a YUI cd. Last year I bought him a t-shirt and I gave him snippets of our newspaper I think ultimately, it doesn't really have to be Malaysian, but as long as it's something that you've given thought over - I suppose that will do nicely as an xmas gift. Keep us updated Ewan looks so nerdy and cute. Haha. :] I've never been a fan of Terminator... I know I actually cried out loud when I heard that Christian Bale would be acting in a Terminator movie too. Lol. I suppose after this, I'll have to start liking it for Christian's sake. Tried to catch a few episodes of the Sarah Connor Chronicles, to perhaps have a better understanding for the 4th movie :] His voice in that trailer is just oh-so-yummy! Recently I sat through two painful hours of Colin Farrel's The New World. Guuhhh, so super boring. Christian Bale only appeared in like the last 30 minutes of the movie T_T What a waste of perfectly good talent! He had this one quote in it though which made me go weak in my knees! "You do not love me now, but someday you will" XD Glad you enjoyed your time off! You work too hard =p When's your next day off? Lol we should plan a longer meet up
  3. OMG super long post! Pretty sure there are like 7928374 typos here, so sorry about that! and some good news for Faz, who's been working way too hard for SPM, at the end of the post! That's good, at least you're working on it lol My friend's been nagging me about my internship application for weeks dy. I still haven't started penning down my CV. =[ Ferris Wheel scene! <3 Haha I loved that movie. One of the early good chic flick movies and Jessica Alba was in it too - before she became huge! Jared Leto was in American Psycho with Christian Bale too!! XD There was one scene where Mr Bale was super jealous of Jared and so he invited Jared to his apartment ( =D~~). Before any (hot!) action took place between the two gorgeous guys... Christian Bale ended up killing Jared Leto. Lol. You've got to watch that movie, it has a Christian Bale shower scene in it XD hahahaha. Wow, you arrived at 6 and you managed to get front row! Awesome! :] LOL it was great to meet up with you Joelyn!! Albeit only 20 minutes or so, but gosh, I believe that was the first time ever I went on and on about Muse AAR etc in college grounds. Haha. You were even cuter la, with your rain-soaked jeans =p Oh I had no idea they charge RM150 for deposit! That really is outrageous! Crazy. I recently went through the lit section of our library. To my surprise there are actually quite a lot of books there. Including The Hobbit, a complete list of John Grisham books, as well as classic Jane Austen books! P/S: If I keep up with what I'm currently doing, that scholarship will definitely be out of my windows in no time =[ Must. Stop. Procrastinating!! I know the dutch can't help but eat fries with mayo. They don't usually eat it with ketchup! Speaking of ketchup, do you guys prefer KFC's or McD's tomato sauce/ketchup? Lol. Random! Hehe. Ewan as a priest... Mmmmm... Forgive me father, for I can't help but sin! XD Hey Mel! Welcome back :] When you're done with one semester, it feels great, no? Any major plans for your hols? Aha, speaking of Click 5, I remember when I was thrown in the jungle (NS =[ ) my friend ran around the whole of KL chasing the Click 5! That was before they changed the lead singer though... I think they came to play a show for the Quicksilver Rev party and some also for prom night...She had a good conversation with them over in the airport too! Wow, that's so awesome that you'll be heading to Singapore and Bangkok! That's the spirit!! Aida's going for both too? So niceee! Am seriously tempted to go to Bangkok, seeing that the tickets for that Manic/Ash show is dirt cheap! okla, maybe not dirt cheap but really affordable! Plus, the girls that I met from the sg Ash show will be flying in to Bangkok for the gig too. We're actually planning to give Tim/Rick/Mark Star Wars stormtrooper figurines. Haha! Unfortch, on Nov 30th, my sister's having her bridal shower and as a filial bridesmaid I can't abandon her! And you're taking the KTM! Wahhh I wanna follow. I remember when Snow Patrol came for Bangkok Rock 2-3 years back my friend and I planned on taking the KTM before we relized it would take like 2 whole days in a train to get to Bangkok lol. Please do record every travelling detail for us haha. Speaking of travelling. oiiiii I haven't exactly finished my Singapore review yet! I would loovee to hear live A Life Less Ordinary again! Pretty please and thank you! <33 Word. lol but seeing that I have ample time at the moment, multiquoting is actually preetty fun and challenging, especially trying to keep within the number limit of smileys! ;] Yeaaa we have to do boring lit like Dr Jekyll & Hyde and The Pearl when I think my mom used to read Animal Farm for Eng lit during her days! I've read the Dorian Gray play before! Although I think it was an abridged version. OMG I love that you are so obsesseddedicated with Ben Barnes!!! I AM NOT ALONE YAYYY!!! That is one super gorgeous picture of Ben! The Hair! The Cleft! Those eyes!!! *dies along with you* Colin Firth acting with him again!! WEEE!!!! XD AND HIM BEING THE NEW GAP MODEL WAHHH! RTW is the best place to get mosh pit training. If you survive RTW, you can survive anything. Lol. Don't think I can make it for this year's though as much as I would love to finally see Butterfingers! ------------- Ahh, yeah speaking of Watchmen/Zack Snyder - did you guys hear about the rumour that Mr Snyder wants to make a sequel to 300?!?! David Wenham, AKEEE!! Just one week left before Twilight premieres (in Malaysia)! I'm trying to avoid listening to the soundtrack at the moment. Can't wait to hear Bella's Lullaby in the movie! --------------- Faz, guess what?! I have an extra grandstand ticket to A1 this weekend at Sepang!!! The first name that came up my mind was you! My beloved F1 hommies managed to get like a total of 8++ free tickets and we have a few to spare! ARE YOU IN? Sundays got not SPM rite? heh, so I sure hope you can make it! A little motorsport action over the weekend might just help you brood over Miele/Aida's Singapore trip. lol. Apparently on Saturday, before qualifying, they'll have a meet the drivers session. I don't think I can make it on Saturday though - I gots no transport I *think* I'll be driving on Sunday :] Ahhh, I can't wait to get a little bit of motorsport adrenalin pumping in my blood! (although to be honest, I have no idea who's leading the A1 championship haha)
  4. Oooh, did they security guy give you the lyrics? Did they do their soundcheck earlier btw? Curious because if Motley Crue did, I'm sure Manic Street Preachers would too... Oooh, I did hear about that MAA scandal - but I dont really care who it is lol. If they had pictures to prove it, maybe then it'll catch my attention Which course will you be doing? If all goes well for me and I don't screw up my papers for the next semesters, I should be in UK too We could go to a Muse concert together if they were to play at Wembley again haha Well, Vartan's character came back for the last episode (summary of Alias: no one really dies lol and I guess I just gave you a huge spoiler sorry!) but yeaaahhh I absolutely adored him in that Drew Barrymore movie, Never Been Kissed! If I had a teacher that looked like him, oii, I would certainly pay attention in class Mmm, yeah even if they did show that James Marsden movie in theatres, I'm pretty sure they'll cut a lot of scenes :[ Ben Barnesss...! Well thank God for torrent files? The movie's out already?! I had no idea. I thought it would be due like next year or something hmm. I still can't get over the fact that Jared Leto got punched so badly in Fight Club by Edward Norton. Speaking of movies, I'm not much of the Da Vinci Code fan, though I certainly enjoyed reading the books. But anyway, Tom Hanks with his mullet will be back for Angels & Demons Summer next year. Guess who will be playing the evil priest ... Ewan McGregor!!! Someone needs to come up with a pill that cures procrastination!
  5. Aww hun, why did you say that? I'm actually still waiting for your text msg regarding your monthly college visit Have you applied for your alumni card? I only paid for my bus tickets to get that view!! That's less than 5 sing dollars!! Spectacular, no? :D So are we up for next year's Singapore GP?! Aww, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I felt really sad for Massa too letting down his home fans. There must've been a lot of weight on his shoulders. Massa won more races - I think he deserved the title this year. While Hamilton may have a "talent" in driving, I still think he's still rather inexperienced to all this. Just like you mentioned, he got really lucky and managed to get into a great car for his debut year. Some worthy drivers, like Vettel (and Alonso - Minardi! Who knew he was once Alex Yoong's teammate? ) at least worked his career up from the third driver role. I still remember that one fine day in 2006 where Sebi (yes, from here onwards, he shall be known as Sebi lol) was fastest in the Turkey GP Friday sessions <3 All eyes were on him for a moment and I remember posting on a forum saying that I've began to take a liking in that (then) 19 year old German Geez, Michael Schumacher, Nick Heidfeld and Sebastian Vettel. What is with me and Germans? Oh and adieu, David Coulthard! You will be missed (for crashing randomly into the barriers back when you were still in McLaren ) I feel sorry for him to end his career like that though. Just like Jean Alesi a few years back..! Oooh yay! You went to the concert in the end :] How were they? Speaking of Jared Leto and his hosting capabilities... I wonder why MTV rehired him to do the MTV Europe Awards with Katy Perry. Hrmm. It would've been more special if he only hosted the MAA this year =[ lol. I still can't believe I didn't do any stalking plans to meet him back in August (but then again I was at SingFest). To think that he was staying at Hilton Sentral and even paid Sentul a visit for Habitat For Humanity! [Click] UCAS! Which UK uni are you planning to further your studies? My cousin had quite a bad experience with UCAS - a lot of miscommunication I should say =[ I can't stop watching House because I'd rather do that than anything else right now - like studying for my upcoming test. Also, I'm pretty fascinated with House now because I just found out that the real actors for Chase (Jesse Spencer!) and Cameron were engaged to each other before they called off the engagement last year! Goes to show that dating your co-actors arent really a good thing. See what happened in Alias with Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan They "killed" Michael Vaughn off! And yes, Hugh Laurie really has pretty blue eyes - he's quite likeable despite being so annoying! Did you see the article on James Marsden that day featured in Star two btw? So gorgeous! <3 Hugh Laurie's eyes can't really compare to James I have to say lol. Talking about food with Muse would be really interesting :] I wonder if they eat their fries with mayo or ketchup?
  6. I concur! They'll definitely help you up if you fall down or something. The energy for the Malaysian fans are definitely top notch I have to say. Sorry Singaporeans, but you guys don't really seem tooo enthusiastic when a band comes over to play in your shores (perhaps too many good bands come by sg la - diminishing marginal utility lol). Andy my Switchfoot buddy told me that the KL gig was ten fold times better than the Singapore one despite Switchfoot playing a better setlist in sg. He said the crowd in KL were so loud and practically fueled the band with energy that's why the guys were so pumped up throughout the whole gig! There's one down part for the M'sian fans though. They just keep screaming, and screaming and screaming. If you're not used to it - you'll really be pissed. At least the SG crowd's a lot more considerate and they definitely hush down when a band's about to play a slow number! -------------- Faz, I finally uploaded the F1 vid! I know it's not exactly clear and you can't tell which driver is which. But it's so freaking close to the circuit right?! And the noise!! :D Also, whaaa.... Hamilton winning the championship in the freaking last lap. I was hoping the Germans (Vettel and Glock) would prevent him from finishing 5th. When Vettel overtook him, I jumped up in glee (not that I really want Massa to win too actually - but since it was his home race, I didn't want to see him disappoint his fans)! Unfortunately Glock's wrong choice of tyres made the year for Hamilton. I sense that victory would definitely get into Hamilton's head - added to that he has a PCD for a girlfriend! --------------- You guys should meet up with Nut at Plaza Singapura. It's very accessible there via bus and it's right opposite the Dhoby Ghout MRT station. Oh and it's also pretty close to Fort Canning too Lol, can you tell that I freakin' miss Singapore? Miele, I killed time by making banners for Ash. I don't think it's appropriate to carry banners for Nicky/James etc though lol Make friends with the people in queue, you'd be surprised to know that people are usually friendly. Perhaps you guys could discuss over the disappearance of Richey too If memory serves me right, if a person goes missing for more than 10(?) years, technically he/she will be declared dead according to the law right? ------------- Is it bad that my friends around me are getting calls from the Big Four accounting firms regarding their internship early next year? The due date for sending out the applications was 4 weeks ago. My application form is still sitting on my table right now - collecting dust! All I could really care about is finishing my House marathon and re-watching HAARP! Dr. House is so quirky and sarcastic. I likey
  7. Debbie, I'm sure Edward Cullen would find your teeth dazzling the way it is? For Ash and Singfest, I didn't find Fort Canning squishy at all. Hmm. Lucky for us the crowd wasn't really rowdy I guess. The LAMC guy (Eddy I think his name was - he drove Ash to their hotel!) that I talked to while queueing up for Ash said that there was an 8 year old boy who broke his ribs for the Muse concert... Also apparently people started queueing as early as 6am. I told my sis to head over to Fort Canning Park early (maybe around noon or after lunch) for her Manic gig but she says MSP most likely won't be soundchecking. Hmm, is that possible? Not sure bout that but what time are you girls planning to start queueing up, Miele/Aida?
  8. Glad I could be of help :] ... or not I think my first song from them was Sæglópur but I adore Ágætis too. I love love LOVE Starálfur! Heima is just wonderful to watch. Doesn't hurt that there was also a fan in the crowd that was wearing a Barcelona Eidur Gudjohnsen shirt Talk about being proud of their nation! Heh. When are they ever coming to Singapore? Mann, I would be pissed if that happened. Do they plan to compensate the early birds? :-/ Actually I heard that the Ash tickets were sold at 30% off too for the last two days. LAMC really don't know how to keep their fans happy huh?
  9. ^ omg reading that made me cringe, I'm not sure what the pictures would do to me you definitely have the guts girl! Perhaps then we could muse over my Muse poster in the hostel. Hey - I actually managed to get a Muse poster up in college grounds! I think this explains a bit about the $49.90 DVD? Click. They have TRAVIS on the list too! :] Hey Nut, I think this would be a great time to get a (laaate birthday) present for that someone Lol. Speaking of CDs, Faz did you find the Stanley Climbfall CD anywhere? I think I bought mine from Victoria at Sg Wang. Although that was a good 6 years back lol. Come to think of it, I seriously don't see much of that album in stores anymore I haven't been CD hunting at Pertama Kompleks in the longest time. Too bad I'm cash strapped I'm not sure how many of you here are Sigur Ros fans, but I re-watched the DVD of their Iceland documentary and seriously, I always fall in love with Iceland all over again when I watch it. Oh and their music too, eventhough I don't understand a word they're saying. But that's the beauty of it - they come up with a whole new language of their own and they leave it at that so that you will interpret it on your own... If you click on the image above, it'll lead you to one of their many trailers for that DVD. You definitely get a different perspective in ... music and the environment after watching it. I'm all but praise for this. And I can't wait to make my very own trip to Iceland to take in that beauty!
  10. :eek: You're taking it very well I have to say! I would still be rolling in bed in agony, cursing that bastard. I'm so glad you're feeling much better now (apart from the 7 stitches. Ouch )Get well soon dear!
  11. Thanks for sharing all your stories everyone, and Kay-a mmmmmm that bass line to Fury! Joelyn, if only we met when you were at college! I can't help but think of all the yum cha sessions we would've had. P/S: I still miss Paul the cruiser Sigh, it's been quite a whirlwind week for me - definitely kept my hands off the internet. What's this about Federer coming over again?! I'm sure my friend will be very happy with that news! I just went toy-shopping with L so that she has a gift for ASH when she sees them again in Bangkok next month. Lol. We saw this adorable three piece "evolution" Stormtrooper figurines and we thought it'd be a perfect gift for the three remaining guys in Ash. A little dorky, I know but I'm sure these kids will love it Star Wars figurines don't come in cheap though... Ah, the price you'd pay to see the amusement on their faces! How was the Butterfingers gig? Edit: On a random note, the latest epi for Gossip Girl played the instrumental/strings version of TIRO!! Caught me by surprise there and it made my day I have to say, Gossip Girl is definitely getting trashier at the expense of making it even more boring. (Yet I still watch it ) I'm not sure why they're associating it with Muse.
  12. :LOL: Yeah, he is. But he plays the guitar with his right. Awkward eh? But totally rad that he's left-handed. Are you a leftie too? ;]
  13. Major sidetracking here.....Speaking of SUNBURST....... Remember I mentioned I was uploading a few sunburst pictures a long time ago? I never got around to posting it here heh. These pics are strictly not mine though! Mine turned out like crap, as opposed to these!
  14. Jason said, "Thank you Singapore, we love you! We'll see you next time!" How cliche! The only original thing he said, I suppose, would be that little speech he gave before an impromptu song he did right when he came back for the encore. Jason folded his long sleeves and said, "I haven’t played this song for like two years. You guys wanna hear a song called Storm? Alright – if I mess it up, it’s all your fault!" The crowd cheered in unison before being absolutely silent to hear him sing! Whoops. 12 chapters I mean. Heh. Apparently she gave the drafts to only like less than 5 people... the director for Twilight the movie, Robert Pattinson and a few of her editors (don't quote me on this however). I'm upset that she has halted writing that book indefinitely though. I would love to get inside of Edward's head I'm all about reading e-books actually! When I'm cut off from the internet, at least I still have a reason to spend time in front of my laptop. Lol. Mmmm, I remembered Bangkok 2006. I wanted to see Snow Patrol pretty bad at that time (totally addicted to Chocolate). My friend and I were already planning to sleep over at the Bangkok air terminal to save on accommodation. Of course, we didn't get the green light eventually. We were so worried that we would get kicked out during Ash's soundcheck! Nobody came to tell us off though. Everyone around was so friendly - as opposed to the lousy Lifehouse organizers who were so tight lipped about everything. Even talked to three other girls there who were supposed to be WORKING at Fort Canning Park but instead they get to enjoy themselves with the company of Ash! (Later on, they were the ones that checked our tickets) This girl, Cindy, went "OH YEAH I LOVE MY JOB". Sigh. I would love to work for LAMC too. I'd influence them to bring The Killers/Dishwalla/Feeder/Pearl Jam to this region lol. Of course, me and L kept our limits too because we knew if we even went a tiny bit overboard with our fangirliness (a difficult feat, honestly!), they would kick us out. We didn't harrass Ash or anything, we just let them do their thing. Me and L actually stumbled upon the whole Beer Festival thing that was going on at the other side of Fort Canning. They were all busy setting up their booths though. Nobody asked for our tickets. So we just walked in and berpura-pura we were part of it Of course, that led us to the museum (?) and we could see the stage from the balcony there. We were sitting there quietly working on our banners at first - a few tourists came by and caught us sitting on the floor working on something artistic. Good thing they didn't like, give us money or anything hahahaa. It wasn't til about 1:45pm we noticed the three girls I mentioned earlier was onstage taking photos with Ash and all. We packed our things and walked over to the stage quickly then to see if it was really them. Right in front of my eyes, there stood Tim! After witnessing their soundcheck (it went on for a good 2 hours+!), only then we left and went out from the entrance (the bottom of the hill one) to start queueing up. The gates didn't open til about 7:20pm! If you're going for Manics @ Sg, you'll most likely bump into my sister and her bf (not that sister you met though, another one lol). Aww, thanks <3 I totally know what you mean by not having enough time due to forums! Which explained why for the most part, prior to Sunburst, I was usually a lurker around here. But you guys were just too nice, it was impossible not to lurk only! If you dropped by the LH bsides forum a few months earlier, you would've seen my siggy with Matt in it, instead of the current Christian Bale one Actually we started that forum back in 2005 after a tiny 'accident' with our old message board, which I still dearly miss right now. I don't post as much as I do last time... Let's just say I practically spent my whole teenage years being a part of the LH community. I've grown so much since - even to the extent that sometimes... I don't exactly agree with what LH is doing as they venture into a newer, more mainstream market. which is why I suppose I am forever grateful to Lifehouse for, well, shaping who I am today. Safe to say, I guess if I wasn't involved in forums - I wouldn't even be around in this forum! Yay! I'm so proud of you to have all the LH albums in your collection ;] Did you know that the Storm in Who We Are is actually a new version of that song? I'm so so sorry to jump in on you guys for this... but even before Lifehouse was formed, when Jason started out, he was in a band called Blyss and they managed to release an album titled Diff's Lucky Day! The original Storm is featured there. Head over to Lifehouse Media if you want to listen to it - and for all your Lifehouse download needs. Be warned though - it'll definitely take some time to explore the whole database there! While we're at the topic of this though - I'm curious as to how you guys came upon posting around in this Muse message board and how it felt like when you found out that Muse would be playing MALAYSIA!? Now, here's an interesting story to listen :]
  15. Aida, I'm sure we're all expecting a full report from you for Manic's gig too I have written about 11 pages for the LH gig report in double spacing. lol it feels like I'm doing an assignment or something L just asked me to fly to Bangkok with her for Ash/Manic! So tempted to go again but Nov 30th is my sister's bridal shower la. She would kill me for bailing out! (My sister, not L) I didn't mean it that wayy lol :-/ It looks good no matter how dirty it is I say you should get yourself a pair :] Comes in handy during concerts too! Mmm, I would love to watch Muse in a private/intimate venue. I'm so used to watching videos of them in festivals, big stadiums and all that! Acoustic Sunburn. I'd like that Yeah, the sound system in that venue was crap. If you're up front you can hardly hear Jason's vocals because it's drowned out by the guitars. You do get to hear his voice though - like his actual voice! Not some mic-amplified voice. Heh. Actually, that venue in general was crap. I feel really bad for the fans that started queueing up about an hour before the show starts. They had to cram into odd positions with not very nice views.. Oh that Spin vid My sister uploaded that one as well eventhough I told her not to because it had my face all over it. Hrrmm. The official Lifehouse message board is filled with ... nonsense. To get a proper fan oriented updated forum, head over to http://www.lh-bsides.shorturl.com We've survived a lot of forum closures - from the time Lifehouse was dropped by their old label Dreamworks, to the unknown silence about LH's future during that 2003 hiatus and finally when they announced that Geffen signed them in 2005-ish. We found that the new Geffen forum is filled with Ashley Simpson bull though and tweens constantly spamming about Jason/Bryce being hottt. so we've made a new home for ourselves :] Meh. I need to stop rambling! I don't use Vista, although I had the option to change but I'm just too lazy to learn how it works. ----------- On a lighter Twilight note, what do you guys think of Breaking Dawn? I'm about half way through the book now and I have to say I certainly don't like it as much as the first :-/ I cringe everytime Bella and Jacob start their loving each other nonsense. lol. I felt pretty much that way all through Eclipse. Did anyone read the "leaked" 9 chapters of Midnight Sun?
  16. You're never too old to get a pair of chucks. My very own mother wears a pair of black chucks to work <3 She says it's comfortable. LOL. Aww don't hate me I'll shake hands with you the next time I see you to pass on the "Jason Wade" handshake The sad part about the setlist is that ... they've been playing almost the exact same setlist for over a year now! I wish they would ... play other songs like Only One and Take Me Away! But eh, I suppose I shouldn't ask for too much. I'm happyyy. There are moments during the gig where I'll nudge at my sis and ask her to film Bryce, because I knew that he would be singing the chorus to Better Luck Next Time. Kind of a spoiler I suppose because I've heard so many LH bootlegs prior to this lol. Yeah, there was absolutely NO barricade at all. It was just us and the stage. Kyaa. Super duper close! Even closer than I was to Explosions In the Sky last time because there were no annoying camera guys in front of me for Lifehouse! Just Jason! I pray hope LH will come back so we can all go together next time! Jason promised he would. But I wouldn't bet against anything that Jason said because he told fans in Europe repeatedly that Lifehouse would be heading to tour Europe soon but the last time they played there was in 2002! That's the one bad part about their record label, I suppose. Geffen just refuses to send them over as often as the overseas fans would like to. I think they've only recently realized about the South East Asian market after playing that one gig back in July @ the Philippines! From Where You Are is a song Jason wrote for an . The Lifehouse community actually just recently lost one of our fellow boardie member to a tumor in her brain and this song means a lot to us because it relates really well to her. Sigh. Amazing how one song can connect all of us together. Jason has told a few fans in the US that FWYA will be in the next new album! The last time we heard Everything live in full would be a good year back I think. But back in July (July 5th to be exact), on Jason's birthday - about 23 of us from the forums went to a show in Milwaukee to pass Jason his birthday present and some cupcakes. Lol. After the crowd sang Happy Birthday to Jason, the rest of the band left the stage and armed with his guitar alone, he sang a teaser to Everything for the fans! Andy actually lives in Singapore. Haha! Well, I could get one copy for you in our next Muser meet up ;] I finally managed to upload the video of Broken from my camera. Filmed by my sister. Youtube kinda messed up the quality though - but you can still hear (with an almost inaudible Jason). Five things I like from it: 1) Jason throwing his guitar pick right in our faces! Lol. 2) Ben tucking his hair behind his ears. 3) Bryce twirling in the background. 4) Rick standing up as he hit the last beat. 5) Mhmm. Jason falling down to his knees right in front of my eyes! Ok.. Sorry, enough of this Lifehouse talk for now! PS: I'm now working on page seven in my review. Lol. Try googling on google blog search to see whether there are any other lone fans heading for Motley Crue! I happened to find my Ash buddy, L, through a random blog search. I kid you not! All the best and I hope you make it for the gig!
  17. I think I'll be writing the review(s) when I'm completely cut off from the internet. Here's hoping I do not procrastinate! Miele, I believe 6 out of 10 pages for the Ash review would be filled with the detailed numerous hair flips that Tim made during the concert. The bad thing about the Ash concert is that I did not have my camera around! It was in my bag and the security helped us in the front row to put it down on the other side of the barrier - so I couldn't reach it! But fret not, my friend L has plentyyy of videos from the night and I'm only waiting for her to update so I could link you guys :] She uploaded this that day: (Even the official Ash site linked her video!) Don't you just love Tim's Irish accent & hairflip? XD ----------------- @ Deb, no sadly I did not meet the guys personally again but I blame that on the organizers. Sigh. and yes, Jason Wade's married - for almost 8 years now! To Braeden, an absolute darling and also his childhood sweetheart (of sorts lol). The song Somewhere In Between was written for her when Jason wasn't sure if she was only a friend or something more. Safe to say, he played that song to her and they became an item! Lol. So cute, right? At the mean time though, here's the Lifehouse setlist! (which I now have, thanks to Angie! also managed to get Bryce's pick ) 1. Make Me Over 2. Spin 3. Am I Ever Gonna Find Out 4. Interlude - Quasimodo 5. Simon <3 6. Hanging By A Moment 7. Blind 8. Somebody Else's Song 9. From Where You Are 10. Bridges 11. Better Luck Next Time 12. Whatever It Takes 13. You and Me 14. First Time ENCORE 15. Storm !! 16. Disarray 17. Broken I added phone credit for my cousin lol. She's been an absolutely wonderful host! I promised her I would only bother her once a year though lol. Also, I have come to understand the public transport in Singapore. I can take a bus now from anywhere to Vivo City! Take that, Nut! Lol. I don't think I want Lifehouse to play Singfest 2009, they wouldn't play a complete set then (unless they headline the festival like Travis this year - heh). I'm hoping they would play at proper and appropriate venues the next time they head over to this region! I'll definitely be there again though for sure. I have to see Everything live - at least! And to have Jason signing my pair of Chucks. Lol. Yeah, I met up with Andy! He passed me a DVD filled with .mpeg files from his camera! Vids from Death Cab, Stereophonics, Travis, Switchfoot etc! If the vids from his youtube channel aren't clear enough for you, I could always get you another copy if you want.... I hope you guys make it for the Bangkok one as well as the Singapore one. The bad thing about missing Singapore is that Manic probably won't play a proper full set for the Bangkok festival, but if you go to Singapore only, you won't get to see Ash! Would be fun to join you guys! But I doubt I could head down to SG again after last week. I'm so broke! And you guys... <3. I'm only doing all this because I was inspired by your trip to Bangkok last year! LOL living dangerously?! Taking chances, I would say It definitely comes with a cost though! But when it pays off, it really is worth everything. I'm only bracing myself for something horrible to come my way soon. Last week was too good to be true!
  18. I'm back in Malaysia! What a week! Guys, it was the least I could do since you weren't able to make it yourselves! :] Glad you enjoyed the calls. Faz, I called you during Am I Ever Gonna Find Out. Since you mentioned you enjoyed listening to Stanley Climbfall, I figured that was the closest I could get for you to Wash! Debbie, I wanted to call you too but I didn't have your number Don't worry, I took videos for you! :] I think you'll especially like the neat little ending they did for Broken! The concert last night was ... out of the ordinary. I don't believe it has sunk in me just yet that I have seen them. There are so many "human" things that I have to attend to right now like unpacking my luggage and repacking it because I'll be heading back to college in awhile. Then of course I'll have to get back down to reality pronto because I'll need to submit my (late) internship application and the beginning of a tough semester is about to kick off. The only thing that I'm really bothered to do now is to sit down and write a proper 10 page review of the Lifehouse gig though before I forget any important details! Let me just leave you with my favourite shot from the night though: I love that Jason's pair of chucks were so worn and dirty. Haha <3 Yeah, I'm weird like that. .. and no, this is not feet porn. Safe to say, when Jason gets down on his knees (which he did a LOT of times during the gig), this is my view of him: Tell me, how the hell am I supposed to go back to college after experiencing something like that?! Bracing myself for a very very bad case of withdrawl right now.
  19. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it The pics are from my friend, but I'm sure she doesn't mind as long as you give her credit for it ;] Wow, now I feel like showing up at 10am just to be safe. Lol but I doubt I can wake up in time. I only had about 3 hours of sleep last night. Huhu. Oooh, Qstwn. I'll be taking the train from Clementi actually. It looks like I'll be passing by Queenstown. I'll try to meet up with you at the station? My voice isn't at its very best now though so I apologize beforehand first if I appear to be quiet. I'm only conserving and saving it for the LH show, you see? I'll have a look out for those people on Facebook but I have to say that I'm currently pretty much occupied because I have about 8 friends coming down to Singapore from Malaysia tmrw. I'll bring cloth and crayons though, you could perhaps help us out with making the banner ;] We could grab something to eat from Vivo?
  20. ^ Hey! I did get your msges but it was a little late though. That number's my cousin's number btw lol but you can still contact me through that! My dear, I can't meet up for lunch tmrw I think - I'll be queuing up! Lol unless we take away our food and camp at St. James. I think you should just be around that area and wait with the rest of us even if you can't enter the venue At least you might get to listen to the soundcheck though! I'll be meeting up with a Filipino fan tmrw at about 12pm. I pray hope that's not too late or anything! Any idea what time other fans are headed towards the venue? Do you have a friend that'll be going? Tickets are sold out btw! and yeah. JASON. BRYCE. RICK. BEN!!!! I can understand though with your parents. They only want you to be safe! Where are you staying btw? Four hours is nothing compared to the 8 hours I put in for Ash the day before.
  21. First off, so so sorry to hijack this thread over with my trip to Singapore... Teaser pictures from the soundcheck: Day 6 in Singapore. As I am typing this, I am typing with a hand that has shook the hands of Jason freakin' Wade. THE Jason that wrote and inspired so many of us through his songs! Yes, my dear friends, I MET LIFEHOUSE!!! It was a four hour wait for them - only to meet them for about 4 minutes or less. I can't complain too much I suppose, I was lucky enough to be even SEEING them right in front of my eyes. This, for sure - when they stand right in front of you and as you put your hand out to greet them - it's just .... so fucking surreal. I am bloody glad I managed to hand them the storybook + letter I prepared for them - that was my main priority and since I got that done, I am happy enough as it is already! Managed to squeeze in a picture with Bryce & Ben <3 I just felt SO numb when they were rushed off inside the venue. I just froze and watched them walk away. Didn't even say bye or thanks or whatever. Lol. It was an abrupt meeting, for sure - I hope we get a better chance of talking to these guys tmrw! I can't waitttt!!!
  22. Hey Eunice, I haven't read your reply yet, but I just came here to let you know that Lifehouse will be playing at this Nokia event @ Red-Dot Museum. I talked to the security guard, event starts 6pm and they'll most likely enter from the cargo arrival area. I will be there to try to see if I can weave my way past the "private event". I guess if not, then I'll just hang around to listen to their session through the walls or something lol. I left my sg contact number in the earlier pages so at least you'll know where to find me? :] After all, I've traveled so far to Singapore already right?! P/S: Come say hi aight if you see a totally lost girl with a backpack. Lol.
  23. Just got back from the Ash gig! Wow. Wow. I'm just gonna write this in short right now coz I'm still rather... dazed. I can't believe today just happened and it went by like a breeze! - Met up with L, a fellow Ash fan from Malaysia, and ate quick brunch. - Felt like we were in a treasure hunt trying to find the real entrance to Fort Canning Park. - I believe we reached there around 1pm. Crazy early or what? lol. We were the only two fans roaming around the area freely while the others were busy setting up the Singapore Beer Festival. - Decided to work on banner after that. Felt like kindergarten kids, sitting on the floor with crayons working on our art. The banner reads: "GIRLs FROM MARS KL <3 ASH" I drew a tiny Ash phoenix at the bottom of the banner - At about 2pm or so, we realized that ASH is actually ON STAGE! Well, we were actually at the Fort Canning building or whatever it's called but luckily we managed to spy them from a distance. We packed our crayons and ran downhill to the stage area. - Hardly anyone was around so we waited for them to come down the stage. - MARK TIM RICK OMG IN FRONT OF MY FACE! - L told them we came all the way from Malaysia. Tim replied sayin, "Oh you guys must be hardcore!" I was so so stunned la, I'm sorry I just stammered at him saying stupid things like "Thank you for coming" and "Hello how are you". I didn't even get to talk to him about the process of writing A Life Less Ordinary, what they thought of Ewan McGregor's same titled movie, why don't they play in KL...etc. I swear I had it all practised out in my head but wtf, when three Irish blokes stand in front of your eyes, rolling out their perfect Irish accents - your tongue just refuses to work - So yeah, I took a pic with them then, introduced myself and shook hands - all that formal stuff la. They were rushed away to a nearby tent though after that to do an interview. - Went to a different tent nearby to get shade and continued working on our banner. (some tv reporter came by and forced us to be fangirly waving our banner around -__- I hope it doesn't appear online anytime soon) - Just our luck! They did their soundcheck after the interviews! - Practically sat through the WHOLE of their soundcheck. SO so so so awesome. They were just chilling and playing, me and L just stared at them silly. Picture this. A huge venue that fits at least a thousand people and more, but at that very afternoon, they were only playing for TWO fans <3 - Some songs they played: a tiny tiny bit of Cantina Band, You Can't Have It All, Wildsurf & Twilight of the Innocents. When Tim told the rest of the band, "Let's do Twilight!" my brain practically stopped for a moment lol. - I wanted them to sign a few stuff actually including this paper carved phoenix thing that I drew like 5 years back. So after their soundcheck, as they were leaving the stage, we approached them once again. - Tim "Oh wow, very cool art. Nicely done, mate!" XD zomg he complimented and singed for me! Talked to them for a bit. - We didn't want to bother them any longer after that, so we left and went to look for the queue outside the area. - At 4pm, we were the only two people in line. Quite sad la, only about 6 fans in total up til about 6pm. - Wait we did and finally gates were open at about 7:20pm! - Opening act, Fishtank was a bore. Although the guitarist wore a Ben & Jerry's shirt so I cheered for him - Ash entered the stage with plenty of drama. - They came, and totally rocked! Here's the setlist, with my little comments on it: 1. Meltdown - "I think I think my head is gonna explode!!" waaahh. syiok! 2. You Can't Have It All 3. A Life Less Ordinary - !!!!!!! 4. Shining Light - Called Miele at this time ;] 5. Kung Fu - SO glad they played this! 6. Renegade Cavalcade - Singing along to this with hundreds of people along together with you is really quite spawsome. 7. Orpheus - MAJOR <3 8. Goldfinger 9. Walking Barefoot - I think I wanted to die then because they played like almost all the songs I wanted them to play dy. 10. Ichiban - super spunky new track! 11. Jack Names The Planet 12. Blacklisted 13. Oh Yeah - ! 14. GIRL FROM MARS 15. Twilight of the Innocents - A proper Ash fan will have to listen to this song live. It is the penultimate of everything Ash. Rick's drumming skills here are vunderbah! Mark's bass line thumps like no end, the strings here are just to fall in love with - last but not least, Tim is just ... so convincing when he says, "I'm still breathing, my heart's still beating" eventhough it felt like he has gone through HELL but at the end of the day, you're just still breathing with a beating heart! -ENCORE- 16. Lose Control (I thinkkk) 17. Wildsurf 18. Angel Interceptor 19. Burn, Baby, Burn! Ok sorry, that didn't turn out short at all! Wish you guys were there Will post pictures and videos when I get back! (But I think like next weekend only I'll be able to do it - I'm heading straight back to college on Monday. Huhu.) I am incapable of spending any more for concert tickets, so guys, please please make sure you head to Thailand if you can to catch Ash! Plus Manic too!! My sister's most likely going for Manic's gig @ Singapore in Nov!
  24. The roar of the engines made me soooo happy, even if I went back on Monday itself, I would've been contented! Lol. Ok, no, if I left before LH I might've not regained back my life after what happened in the Philippines. Wash <3 "All my life I've never found my place, until I felt the sunlight on my face, my sunshine"! Don't think they'll play that song though hmmm they've been playing more new songs recently, but here's hoping they would change the setlist! Unfortunately, due to the hurricane/ribut taufan at Taipei, their flight has been resceduled and everything. I mean, I seriously don't know when are the exact times anymore. Stopped by at Changi this afternoon, only to be greeted by a RETIMED arrival time for a flight coming in from Los Angeles. From 11:45am, now it's 2:40am the next day -__- But yeah, whatever it is, I have to meet Lifehouse! I'll work something out...! And I'll tell them about fans from the neighbouring country! Hey Eunice, I'm pretty sure I know what you feel right now. So clooosee yet so far, right? Have you tried calling the venue to ask? Maybe if you had your elder brother/cousin or parents to come along with you as a chaperone, they might allow that. I really hope you do get to see them live eventually. Another proper "real" fan in the audience would be awesomeness! Sometimes I can't stand that people only love Lifehouse because they thought You & Me is such a nicee lovey dovey song. Keep us updated with your progress ya, of getting into the venue? According to my friend in singapore, the backdoor IS the entrance for this venue! Lol. Sigh, my parents were not pleased at all actually when I told them about my extended stay here. I solemnly promise though, no more singapore after this! At least, til the end of the year... ----------- Last but not least, SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!
  25. I know I shouldn't do this, but you can reach me at +6598934391(it's technically not my number, but I'll be using this while I'm in sg). If you need me to pick up bus tickets or anything from sg, let me know! p/s: Deb, have you considered driving down to Johor with your friends and taking a bus over to sg from there?
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