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Everything posted by guilt-stricken

  1. I recorded that speech actually, using my cellphone but it's in really really bad audio quality - I can't even make out fully what he said :S I can send it over to you if you want, or you could wait a few more days and I'm sure someone would have the vid up on youtube Turn has got to be my favourite Travis track. There's just nothing like singing "I want to live in a world where I belong" loud and clear like you meant every word of it. Ooh, I bought it at a DC shop in sg. The shirt was kindaaa pricey, but it came with a HUGEE very intimidating Batman poster!! So it's totally worth it! :happy: lol that's what I thought too when I first saw the Nutcracker auditions I figured I would explain better after I returned the car home the next day. Lol. I needed the car because if my parents said no I would regret not being able to attend. I was quite sure they would say no too because .. well let's just say after working hours at Jalan Sultan Ismail, it's not exactly a place where parents would want their kids to be. Anyway it all turned out well though - the gig was awesome and I got the car plus myself back in one piece XD The first thing Brendon said in response to that question was, "the BUNGA RAYA!" lol. I think he said everyone in the hotel was telling him about the bunga raya so he kinda memorized the BM name for it already. He did mention why he got a hibiscus tattoo. Somewhere along the lines of ... actually I'm not very sure what he said exactly because I think I may have tuned out for a moment... lol. Anyway, they did an too :] I think P!ATD weren't in the studio though, it sounded like a recorded event from a press conference.. At least you got to see them live though! I'm sure the interviews would pop up on the internet soon too. Heh. Oooh and Mr Urie looked at you! I can't believe he's only 21!
  2. I was totally expecting to die too, you know when the mosh pit gets crazy and everything.. reading from Von's experience. Which was why during NFG's gig I was a little skeptical because I figured I might die if I joined in the crowd. During Lostprophets' gig though... I just had to move forward. Listening to Rooftops and Last Train Home live...I never thought I would live to see that day! So I thought it would be a good risk to take..haha. My sister sat that one out, but I joined in the crowd upfront. It wasn't tooo bad I have to say! As for Travis, right after the crowd dispersed for Simple Plan, me, my sister, a friend and weresodisco ran up front to get good spots. Although it wasn't too front, but we still had quite an awesome view They played all the above songs! sigh, Fran gave the most uplifting speech for Love Will Come Through. "this next song is about waiting for something that's worth waiting for" I can't remember in full what he said, but i know he mentioned something about love and companionship ... and that there are other bullshit that you shouldn't wait for lol hmmm I dunno haha but hopefully weresodisco managed to film the beginning of that song?! As for Andy, I met him at the Switchfoot KL show. He's super tall and he takes amazing videos. Lol. I loved that he went to Stereophonics to take videos for me and other Switchfooters. Super nice guy in general! Damn my phone had to go bonkers and I wasn't able to call him through his StarHub line Ok, it definitely looks better on the mannequin than me:P lol. Yeah, but there were local bands. but we weren't really ... aware of them lol. I hardly ran around like this when I was 17.. I think I started only when I was 18. It started with a Jason Lo gig. Which...my parents didn't know about :X Muse was next I believe. but my parents eventually understood my need for going to concerts though. I don't ask them for gig money lol but yeah eventhough sometimes they don't exactly agree on what I do (stealing the car for the Explosions in the Sky gig!), I love them to bits for understanding ... most of the time. Haha, but yeah miele is right - you should just drop, abandon and ignore certain things that are .. "normal" in life and experience life through the gig experience! Lol I sound like a really bad influence... but of course, don't abandon studies and all that I heard a short interview with Panic on Traxx FM this morning! They sounded pleasantly nice. Brendon has a hibiscus tattoo! Anyway, sucks that the crowd wasn't ... really into it? Which is odd! I thought the young Panic! fans would be more .. enthusiastic. I would've went if I had enough cash after Singfest... I wonder how did Joelyn enjoyed the concert? Thanks for the set list! I totally understand about the not being able to concentrate thing. I'm having Travis withdrawal right nowww!
  3. weresodisco, it was a pleasure meeting you! Glad you got back safely too ;] Sorry the whole meeting Travis at the airport thing didn't work out for you.. but... GUESS WHAT!! My friend, Andy (fellow Switchfooter - whom I was supposed to meet up, but he ended up being wayy too front near the barriers during Lostprophets! I figured if did go through that crowd to meet up with him I would've died when they moshed!) said he managed to catch the Travis bus when they left Fort Canning! WAHHHH. He took pictures with Fran and all!!! *$@&!*($ Why didn't we think of thhhhaaatt?! Oooh, do post pictures! and videos, I know you took plenty of them. Hehe but yeahh let's not post pictures of ourselves though haha. Just Travis! Here's the one and only non-shaking pic from my camera. Lol. The rest all turned out to look like this : Safe to say, I'll leave concert photo-taking to the professionals next time. Haha. Anyway, the whooollee event rocked - Travis was really the cream of the crop (or bun..? lol wait, how does that proverb go again?)! All the other bands playing before them, were seriously just a warm up for Travis! Can't wait to hear the studio version of this song! [vid taken by my friend ANDY ] Travis oh Travis. Fran and his sarcastic Scottish accent! Certainly worth every penny spent =] It's my first time at Fort Canning Park and I have to say, I kinda like that place. Maybe because even when you're seated at the top of the hill you still get a good view of the stage. My sister and I literally camped there before Travis played. (we arrived at about 5pm or so, Travis hit the last note close to 1am?) Reading magazines during New Found Glory's set...eating cheese nachos while Simple Plan played etc. Overall it was a fun trip though! Exhausting, for sure...but it certainly rocked Oh and Nut, we seriously thought you made it in because we saw your screen name plastered all over the Main House! (Too bad I can't transfer the picture now - so that you can understand, but hopefully weresodisco can help out a bit in this part? ) ------------------- MAA! I can't wait to watch the repeat. How was the Jared Leto/Karen Mok hosts combo? YAY for Muse winning! Thanks for the youtube link ------------------ Has anyone finished reading Breaking Dawn yet? :O! ----------------- Boy, wasn't that an eventful weekend? Oh, and I managed to buy a cute little Batman/The Dark Knight tee from Singapore!
  4. ^ Michael Caine! I think in The Prestige he helped Hugh Jackman's character more than he did with Christian's though. But gossh, I still remember at the end of the movie, I felt like my brain was totally fried. If you want a good mindfuck, watch The Prestige. Lol. Anyway too lazy to MQ at the moment, but yeah my cousins noticed Edison's 5 seconds of fame - I've been told that he originally has a bit more screen time though, but sadly after that sex scandal, he has been cut short to a mere 5 seconds! Poor thing. Morgan Freeman didn't quit, I believe. He would only leave if that sonar thing continued to be in Wayne Enterprise. Chirs Nolan says that it's too early to see whether there would be a 3rd movie. If there is though, the same old cast will definitely be in it. Therefore, Christian-oh-so-fucking-hot Bale will no doubt be in the third movie! (Here's hoping there are no scheduling conflicts with the Terminator movies in the near future!) I think it's difficult for Nolan to create a whole new script without really getting the Joker invovled since he left the options for the Joker relatively open at the end of TDK. But we'll see... Right now, I'm looking forward to the release of Public Enemies. Johnny Depp ANNDDD Christian Bale in the same movie! :happy: Plus, David Wenham of Faramir (LOTR) fame will also be playing a part in that movie. Goooshh I'm not sure if my ovaries can take this! Eeeek, I wish I could've made it for that Chelsea match A friend that went to Pavilion earlier that day said he could hardly see anything at all. Only Michael Ballack's hair. Lol, apparently it was packkked and the Adidas signing session was only meant for Chelsea Malaysia FC. Not open to the public! Baaaahhh, one assignment and one presentation due in a few hours. After that... a much needed break away from reality and the real world. Can't wait for Singfest!!
  5. Lol yeaah, but I love how the two of them had a ... (almost) platonic girl/guy friendship. Didn't like that Teddy ended up marrying Jo's little sister though! I can totally imagine Christian saying this in a serious tone, "My name is Christian Debbie. What's your name?" There's always the KLIA transit - albeit a little pricey! I won't be able to make it to the airport though for Jared Leto. I have to pack for Singfest..! His show times always vary... but usually it should be between 12 midnight to 3am :] Small world indeed! I saw deb at first and i thought it might be you lol. How did your friend enjoy the concert though? Next time if I do send a text out to Paul, I'll give you a shoutout? Aiiii...missed again! You're not coming back to Setapak again anytime soon? Sigh, I wonder when then... Chelsea will be at the Adidas outlet @ Pavilion, 5pm today! Also, I believe they're staying at Palace of the Golden Horses. Unfortunately, nooo i won't be able to squeeze time for the match or to stalk them at the hotel I'm currently only taking comfort in the fact that I've already watched them play last time back in ... 2004? They played against Newcastle then in Bukit Jalil Lampard, Terry, Bridge, Gudjohnsen etc - they were all so young then heh
  6. I've never called Paul before though, although all my other friends who listen to him has. Have you? I would actually love to talk to him but ehh.. kinda shy la lol. So usually I'd only send him a text msg and request for Switchfoot if he has already played Muse XD LOL If you can't sleep, don't sleep! He would also constantly say, "Liverpool ROCKKSSS" which i would sometimes roll my eyes to (Chelsea fan here see ) lol. But yeah, he's altogether a very friendly DJ I should say! Yeaaahh sucks about last Tuesdaay Would've been nice to meet you! Did you return your robes on convocation day? Otherwise we can perhaps meet up when you return them this week and gush over how crazy for the past two years we were in college, we never knew there would be another Muser just an arm's length away! Chelsea arrived in KL today from Macau.. Heh. As for Jared Leto... I'll try to dig out for information but I can't be sure if I'll be able to get any. I'm guessing he should arrive on a Friday (or possibly Thursday to pre-film the MAA ads?) , but don't know he'll be flying in from where. 30s to Mars aren't on tour at the moment :-/
  7. OMG PAUL LOVEE. Joelyn you totally rock for listening to him! I have a 5 year love-hate relationship with paul. First of all, I've been listening to him since pulling all-nighters back in my PMR days! His show is the only radio show that I would listen to 3 hours consecutively without the need to change the channel too frequently. Apart from that, he is super nice! Seriously back in those days, he would answer calls and it would be played on air. The crazy requests and stupid people that he has to deal with ... he manages to deal with them even without showing a single strain of irritation! And how can you not be motivated when he says, "Study study study, don't give up!" at 2:25 in the morning? Lol also, he would constantly give football updates and that is the one thing I love especially when I'm away from home! Let's just say everytime I hear Paul on early in the wee hours of the morning, my day is instantly better already. I think the best part of listening to Paul is that he loves Muse too and sometimes, there's nothing better than singing out loud to LostProphets' Rooftops when he plays it at 1:30 in the morning. Wait a minute, this isn't a love-hate relationship.. Lol. I've made a number of my friends listen to him as well to help keep them up awake whlie studying. They say that they love his music selections, but they can't quite stand his .... retarded voice Owell, Paul definitely needs a raise though, that's for sure! I hope he stays on for a long time to come <3 ----------------- Yayy, glad you've finally watched TDK :] I think people didn't like Katie Holmes mainly because ... she hooked up with Tom Cruise right about that time when Batman Begins was released. A lot of people say it was merely a media gimmick of sorts.. I wasn't sure what it was, but all I know is that... Christian and Katie didn't seem to ... connect too much in the movie lol. But that could be due to Christian not exactly having a lot of chemistry with his other female leads actually. The only possible match I could think of now would be Winona Ryder & Bale in Little Women. Aww, they were so cute in that movie! PS: Deb, that avy is so distracting! XD <3 --------------- They played that HAARP music special thing again on 8tv! --------------- . Safe to say my friend didn't get to throw eggs at him yesterday night. Lol. I didn't go in the end because I was running around Bangsar, Bukit Bintang, Dang Wangi, Mid Valley etc earlier that day so I stayed home at night. Only to find out that Lifehouse played SEVENTEEN songs in their gig at Manila. *sob* (LH would usually only play about 15 songs or less in a setlist due to Jason's strain of health problems...pneumonia etc) but they made an exception in the Philippines since they were extremely well received there! Sigh. So any of you guys heading to the airport to greet Mr Jared Leto this week?
  8. LOONNG post ahead! (mostly Batman/Chrstian Bale related..lol sorry for that!) Lol, I'll tryy to refrain my friend from throwing eggs... But he's already asking me to boil these eggs. "Make it hard boiled eggs, Liz. That way it'll definitely hurt more! Maybe he can go lock himself in the trailer write a song about it after that." I seriously don't know what my friend has against him... I'm not sure if it's a proper gig Deb. But I understand that Sony Ericsson will be having a Traffic Jam Party of sorts that will feature Daughtry. It will be held in the car park area of OU this Saturday. I think you'll need invites for the gig though. I can't be bothered to look out for more information regarding this now.. Heh, but I think if you google 'traffic jam party daughtry' there might be something? ------------------------ It'll be on the 29th of July. Next Tuesday. I WANT TO GOOOOO. Summore now they say Lampard's confirmed to join the Asian promo tour. But I'll be freaking broke what with SingFest on the 2nd of August. Sigh... Maybe I'll just go look for them in the airport/hotels or something ;] After all, I've seen them play once before against Newcastle Let's hope I can find time for it though... ----------------- Hullo! My sister and I will only be staying one night in Spore. We're taking the morning bus from KL on Saturday and we'll probably reach at about 12:30pm? We'll be spending Saturday night at her friend's place, I'm not sure where though. I'll ask her and get back to you? Of course you can join me and my sis and we'll head together to the gig :] Although we'll only be around Fort Canning on Saturday. She wants to go shopping on Sunday *narrows eyes*. But I guess for her to join me in my Singapore trip is good enough. Heh. My sister just bought the tickets a few days back. Use your credit card (if you have any). I think you can get 10% off if you do! ------------------ I think it's the same. I saw a poster on the release date of Breaking Dawn in MPH (or was it Popular?) that day. Speaking of vampires, after being influenced by my other friend that loves Edward Cullen, she managed to make me watch this anime called Vampire Knight. According to her, the basis of the story is a tiiinnyyy bit like Twilight so that certainly caught my attention. I decided to watch it eventhough I'm not too fond of ..animes. But anyway, hmmmm... there's a certain character in there that certainly reminds me of Edward. Heh. ------------------- He was topless in two scenes! It's impossible to miss. Lol. The first part was when he was stitching himself (ouch) and when he took that fitting black shirt off, I remember wailing, "OMG please don't put another shirt back onnn!" Might be a little tooo loud though because the guy sitting in front of me cleared his throat hahaha. That was also the first scene that has Bruce Wayne in it! Seriously la, I don't think there's enough Bruce parts But oh well. I guess we've had plenty of that in the first movie dy. The second part would be the swimming trunks scene XD When he jumped into the sea/ocean, usually people would be distracted by his well-tonned body but ehhh I was actually grinning myself silly because ... he had this black strap thing around his hands while he swam towards the aircraft. Wet!Handporn! *DIES* Agent Mahone! The guy that hunted and wanted Michael dead in season 2! Haha, I found his voice really awkward too. But I guess it's part of him being Batman and not wanting to be recognized or whatever.. I'll forgive him for that.. I like starring at his thinn lips in every Batman scene. lol okay, this is getting too much, huh? Thomas! John Smith's friend. That tiny guy with brown hair. He was the one that shot Pocahontas' supposed husband but then John Smith took the blame for killing that guy and told Thomas to run! Hehe, that's the spirit! I managed to get my friend to watch it more than one time too. Lol. Eeee. Thank youuu for that picture! I would post a pic spam right now but gahhh... busyy Ben Barnes! XD I wish I could still watch that interview of him with Jay Leno though. I can't find it in youtube anymore! :[ Eeee. I loved Empire of the Sun! I've watched it multiple times now and I still can't believe how good he was eventhough he was only 13 then! Yup, it was in Shanghai during WW2. He definitely pulled off playing an annoying kid alongside John Malkovich. Lol. I believe my first introduction to Bale was in Little Women. TEDDYY <3 Wahhh. The teenager in me then fell in love with him immediately. But it wasn't until I found out about Christian Bale/Ewan McGregor/Jonathan Rhys-Myers being in a movie together that I began being a (serious) Balehead! James McAvoy! Have you guys watched Penelope? He acts opposite Christina Ricci. He's brilliantly gorgeous in it! Anyway, I liked him in Narnia actually. That may be due to the fact that I've always had a soft spot for Mr. Tumnus though. Heh. But in Wanted, waahh damn chun what with all those guns in his hands. (Lol, hands again..) I think it's absolutely far-fetched. All this negative press around him made me cringe and laugh at the same time, really. When you're bound to be that big Hollywood actor thing you'll definitely get sucked into the whole crazy gossip whirlwind. Seriously, have you seen how this guy professed his love to his wife and family?! Bale's acceptance speech. Totally made me go awwwwwww when he mentioned about his wife being his Wonder Woman! Oh and the nipples/batsuit thing Anyway, I have to say that I am not going to fully believe all these allegations made against him. I don't really buy that whole "Bale being absolutely depressed over Heath's death" thing. Sure I understand they were co-stars in two movies but I just never felt Bale beginning to quote "crack" unquote after Heath's departure. (Or maybe I'm just not a Heath Ledger fan in general...) I can't be 100% right on this but I felt Christian had more of a "friend/buddy" connection with Hugh Jackman (The Prestige!) compared to Heath... Hmm. Also, the sudden influx of his daughter's pictures circulating the internet must be troubling for a person that hates the media revolving his family! For Christian's sake, I just hope this bowls over quickly and that he'll be able to get through with it. Hopefully he doesn't excuse himself from interviews again and disappear out of thin air like he usually did back when he went around promoting Steven Spielberg's Empire of the Sun! (then again he was only a young boy then. haha) I think it's only the strain of promoting The Dark Knight as well portraying John Connor.. I trust that he would do the right thing to overcome this though!
  9. Lol, I swear if Heath Ledger is still around and doing press conferences together with Christian Bale.. I don't think I would let that "Then you're gonna love me!" part die so easily too. Seriously, there were quite a number of Batman/Joker slashy moments Unintentional, I know...But I just can't help thinking it over. Sigh, I solemnly swear I will stop being a Bale-head and get back to work on my lousy ass(ignment)s. P/S: Can you believe he used to voice a character in Pocahontas?! :happy: PP/S: I'm sure by now you would've heard about the new Terminator movie that Christian Bale will star? They've recently released a teaser trailer to it ... and I gotta say, Christian Bale sounds extreeeeemely sexy in here! (As much as I am still cringing to the fact that Bale will be in the next Terminator movie...) Click. --------------------- Not tooo sure if this Twilight bit has been posted.. Buut this just made me go ---------------------- I'll probably do that. But then again I'll be broke anyway due to SingFest! Speaking of concerts though - any of you interested with Daughtry playing at OU on the 26th of July? I may just show up and climb through the barriers (lol inspiration from a certain nut... *cough*) just to get myself occupied and not think about the Lifehouse gig that would be going on at the same time in the Philippines! I have a friend that hates Daughtry a lot (no offense, Daughtry fans..) and he's planning to crash the party as well.. just so he could throw eggs at him I'm sure he's just kidding... I think.
  10. Oh and speaking of the current affairs in Malaysia, Dear police officers closing off roads headed towards the city center. Road blocks are ... not necessary! It took me three hours to get to college today (stuck on the road for a looong time, eventually took the train). I cannot imagine how much worse it must've been for the people driving to work. Sure, I understand that you're preventing any ... unwanted riots that may or may not happen. Trust me though, causing massive traffic jams would only bring to an even more aggravated crowd that could be persistent to start a riot just to prevent you from having any break time at all. Sigh.
  11. I wrote this at about 4am this morning but then my internet got screwed over. Sigh. ---------------------- Hey guys, I'm gonna make this as spoiler-free as I can We definitely need a dark knight in our city streets! (And Christian Bale too, please?!) One of the best, most anticipated movie - ever. I have no qualms over the fact that this movie will definitely be worth whatever you're paying for in the theaters. I just came back from the midnight screening and I don't think I can ... fall asleep! So haunting and brilliant was the cast that you would feel very much absorbed into the whole storyline! As much as I hate to say this, but I actually did find myself sympathizing The Joker a tiny bit more than I did for Batman. That's not a goood thing, seeing that I am usually oblivious to everything else when Mr Bale's hands are waving around... (Please do remember, while watching the movie, to check out his hands sliding around the wheel of his Lamborghini ) Much respect to Heath Ledger though. Truly, he portrayed the Joker brilliantly. He definitely added an insane modern touch to his character. Christian too deserves praise because he maintained the awesome portrayal of Bruce Wayne again similar to the first movie - though he definitely seemed a little more intimidated in a few scenes. He can't possibly go wrong though (I'm probably biased haha). But I need to watch this movie again. I don't think there were any major flaws at all in the movie. Perhaps there were tooo many going on in that 150 minutes and your brain starts to get a tiny bit weary, but that's exactly when Christopher Nolan, the brilliant director, snaps you right back to reality and doesn't insult your intelligence one bit - despite fucking up your brain like that! He's definitely good at that, what with movies like The Prestige and Memento. <3 Let's just say I doubt I can think coherently in class in a few hours' time. --------------------- Now that I've had a little bit of sleep and a long train ride to college, I figured I may actually still like the first movie better than this second one. To compare the both of it is actually unfair though because both movies had two different plots dwelling into completely opposite ... issues. On to comments with possible spoilers in them: I'm sure I have more than that to add.. but my brain is currently dead at the moment, over the thought of Bruce Wayne's leather jacket and swimming trunks.Excuse me while I go rehydrate myself. Sigh... I can't wait to re-watch this movie again!
  12. *raises hand* I am! Going with my sister - if that works out. Currently we're observing the singapore exchange rate (it's currently at RM2.41 now), once it hits RM2.35 or something we're gonna get our SingFest tickets! There are a few comfortable coaches headed down to Singapore, among them are First Coach, Aeroline and this company called Nice. I'm looking at heading to SG on First Coach and coming back on Sunday (early) morning using Transnasional or something. It's better if we purchase our return bus tickets in Malaysia than in SG. The last time I travelled to SG I sat on Aeroline and the trip was pleasant, but it costs RM80 per trip. Nope, not wise at all! Any idea what kind of a setlist would Travis play at a festival though? I'm hoping they'll play why does it always rain on me!
  13. Lol omg you guys. Climbing over walls and everything. Make me sound like an idiot for actually paying the tickets Haha we totally climbed walls back in NS! I always end up as the last person to climb over the wall because I'm relatively tall (meaning I'll help everyone else across the wall) but I also end up getting stuck at the 2m wall because I suck. Haha. My trainer would have to come over and push me up. Lol, those were the days. If we all do go for SingFest though, we should have a Musers meet up! I'm only taking the bus down to Singapore on Saturday itself however - so let's hope they don't put Travis as the first few bands to play. I heard the gates open at 12pm? Anyone care to fill me in as to how SingFest works? Nut..? Heh. Coz at the moment, I'm only imagining it to be something like Sunburst :]
  14. Despite being caught up with college workload, I haveee to drop by to say: The Death Cab For Cutie show in Malaysia is CANCELLED *sob* [Link.Click] Also found this from SingFest's forum: *dies* First, I can't make it for Lifehouse. Now, DCFC decided to drop their KL tour date as well!?!?! I was only considering to go to SingFest because I know it'll definitely take up a lot of time and energy (not to mention money) but now I guess I have to go for SingFest to drown my sorrows about Malaysia's pathetic live music scene (well okay, the music scene here now is definitely better than a decade ago!) So crazy unfair right!? I've attempted to bombard emails to 8tv, OneArmedProductions and all the other music labels here in Malaysia asking them to bring LH over. All were negative responses thoughh Perhaps you could send an email or two to those big guys as well? I'm gonna try writing a personal letter to Lifehouse's bassist soon. Jason mentioned wayy back in January actually that they were "close to booking a show to play in the Philippines" and when I heard that I couldn't believe it at all. Should have started pestering the guys who brought Switchfoot to bring Lifehouse over as well back in January! You can't make it for SingFest? :-/ Oh and Deb, if you like the softer side of LH, I believe you would definitely love the older stuff from LH. Even way before Lifehouse was even Lifehouse. They were called Blyss. Try listening to Eighties. That's one of their most influential songs IMO. But I could be biased. Lol. I totally love Simon too. Heh. I remember being 13 and listening to Simon over and over and over again Sigh, those were the days la... Welcome (back?)! I live only a few minutes (well okay about 20 mins) away from your work place. Heh. So how's your first week at Putrajaya? How many times have you been to Alamanda? lol. As for tonight's Portugal vs Germany match... GERMANY FTW!!
  15. Britain's got talent! sii. it took some time to get used to his non-spike look.. But the James Marsters we'll keep in our minds will always be Spike though? Gotta love that watch on his hands too! XD . Oh and the hand porn moment at 1:26! Jared Leto in Malaysia!! Holy cow!! Now, this would be a perfect time to ask him about his co-star Christian Bale! Lol. Here's hoping we can manage to dig info regarding his flight arrival times I'm not too sure if I'm ready to sit through an agonizing 3 hours at Genting with MTV for Mr Leto though.. And it also falls on August 2nd.. the same day Travis will be playing in Singapore! ------------- If anyone's interested, you can listen to the brand new Sigur Ros album here!. The Muse @ seemed like a blast! I know someone who stood rightt at the front row. Wish I was there
  16. Yess, JamesSpikey can !! --------------- Regarding the LH show in Manila... My heart nearly couldn't take it when a friend of mine dropped the bomb on me Monday, telling me that my graduation/convocation happens to fall on the SAME FREAKING WEEKEND LIFEHOUSE IS PLAYING IN THE PHILIPPINES. :'( I definitely can't make it anymoree.. My parents would be horrified if I would choose to fly away for LH instead. And I already found out that AirAsia flies you to Manila front and back for only RM430. BLAHH. Lifehouse's just not supposed to happen for me :[ (Also tried bombarding 8tv etc with emails) So, to accommodate for that... Niiice, Lost Prophets to add to the line up! I've always had the guilty pleasure of singing out loud to Rooftops after a looong day. OH BOY, I think i may just go for singfest! but only one day, i guess. Saturday! I don't think I can afford to pay another $150 for Jason Mraz!
  17. Well, ACCA takes up time. I think I remember you mentioned your sister's taking it as well? How is she faring with it? I won't be taking my papers til next year though haha. Right now, it's just difficult finding a reason to be alone in my room (as much as I love my friends but sometimes I like spending time alone la. With my internet connection and everything. Lol)

  18. Oh and Melwhoops, happy 18th birthday!! You're (almost) legal! -------- Did anyone catch Once at GSC's International Screens? I'm in love with the soundtrack! It's a very thoughtful movie too. Movie for thinking people? I enjoyed watching the movie - maybe because it has a very Damien Rice-ish style to it.
  19. You should check out their singles from the album "The Man Who". One of my favourite albums to date :]. Why does it always rain on me? is also apparently the first track from Stephenie Myers' Twilight Playlist! More reasons to listen to Travis? Haha, well it'll be one of those memorable things that you'll look back 10 years down the road and reflect on how crazy you've been. Why wait around for life to come to you? Should work your own way around it, I say. A backpacking cum concert-going trip to the Philippines should be interesting. Heh. Now, how do I convince my family I'm not crazy? I saw the name "James Marsters" at the beginning of the movie! I didn't know he would be in the movie too, I was only expecting a lot of Gerard Butler. I knew who to look out for though hehe. Because recently, a friend that went to watch James Marsters' perform live just sent me pics/videos from the gig so I knew how he looked like with dark hair XD Lol I would loove to hear that story again Shannaz!
  20. Debbiiiiieeeee! (please don't call me Lizziiiieeeee lol!) It's only the first week back in coll and it's already taking too much of my time! :( When do you finish your finals btw?!

  21. I hatee being cut off from the internet world even if it's only for a day. It's been ages (lol well not really actually haha but it sure feels like it). Anyway, one down part of being cut off from the internet world is that you can hardly keep up with all the news pouring in. #1. I just found out that, TRAVIS will be playing in SINGFEST 2008! (More bands to be announced soon!) Nutcracker, will you be heading for that? My sister and I have been kicking ourselves silly since we missed that Travis/Coldplay killer combo show in Singapore a few years back. I don't think we're gonna let Travis slip through our hands again! Down side would be Travis only playing in a festival. That would mean a shorter set from them? Unless they're like Incubus @ Sunburst #2. I did not see this coming at all. But LIFEHOUSE has announced a show in MANILA, the Philippines! Can I just say I AM SO GONNA ATTEND THAT MANILA GIG?! I'm already looking into flight tickets to Manila right now, and if that doesn't work out for me I'm gonna bombard every recording/music label and/or radio stations in Malaysia and ask them to bring Lifehouse over here! Despite being really disappointed with how they've recently turned out, one part of me can never give up on them completely. Also, I believe seven years is just too long a wait for them to play at this part of the world! I'm so gonna have to live with maggi mee for dinner until the rest of the year! ----------------------- Deb, I can't reply to the earlier posts now but let's just say I watched PS I Love You Too recently as well! James Marsters :O! Lol I think I remember reading about how Matt asked about Faz's working/teacher tag at the airport? XD Do enlighten us with the story again, perhaps? hehe. Work load's starting to pour in. Sigh. I guess I'll be out for another week
  22. Hahahaha! I think it's his whooole personality that I'm falling for lol. Oooh yeah I was wondering about Evangeline too.. and I want that pickle from Ben... yes, i do follow Gossip Girl. Guilty pleasure la... It's like when I watched The OC, I keep telling myself I only watch for the music. Lol. I don't quite like the ending too but I'm not sure what I really feel. There were so many things to digest in the end. I love Rufus though! Or maybe it's just the whole... rockstar thing I hope he gets together with Lily. Also, do you ship any relationships when you watch a series? It was the third and final one during the credits. Yay! I can't believe you stayed! Lol. My friends were pretty annoyed that I forced them to stay haha. Lol SF's not my ultimate fav band, although it does seem like it. That's probably because they were niceee enough to play a show here in Malaysia! Along with Muse! But I'm even more obsessed dedicated to Lifehouse lol (Though I hate that LH is turning a lot more commercialized thesedays Damn you Geffen!). Believe it or not, my friend had to be hospitalized actually a few days leading to the Switchfoot concert! Talk about wrong timing! I suppose they worked their hearts out for the event and it certainly took a toll on him. I managed to greet/hug/talk/meet the guys of SF when they arrived at KLIA - I figured if I did continue pestering my friend for backstage passes, he may be hospitalized even longer lol. So I left it be. He has two jobs actually. A normal day job and he owns a music label. So fun, right? Lately I don't see too much of him though... Must rekindle for the sake of DCFC!
  23. Haha yeah perhaps the pictures that I posted were a little too heavy on the make up On the topic of female musicians though, who do you think would be your personal favourite? Not in terms of looks or anything, but talent and everything in general. We can only hope the Sigur Ros rumour is true! Do they sell the Heima DVD at Singapore btw? Hahaha you can really see that Ben's extremely embarrassed about his boy band past! Did you watch the interview of him with Jimmy Kimmel? Ben was so adorable when he looked down, all shy about that clip Billy was the guy that died. I remember Jon Bon Jovi playing another one of Ally's love interest... He was the plumber or something. Heh. I wonder why we're talking about Ally when we should be talking about more current shows like... Gossip Girl? lol I just did a google search on Prince Caspian and apparently Caspian is only 13 years ollldddd during the events that happened in that book! The directors must've increased Caspian's age in the movie version so that Ben could play him :0 I watched the movie twice too actually! Probably a third time this week when I get back to school. Before you call me a crazy Ben Barnes fan though (although I don't think I would mind ) the onllyyyy thing that I really look forward to would be the end credits actually. Haha.. You see, Switchfoot actually wrote a song called for the movie. Disney however, played a completely different version of the song during the credits - a stripped down version with a lot of "magic" thrown into the lyrics (literally). Before the movie was released, we've been told that This Is Home was supposed to be featured in the movie too, but then Disney must've overlooked Switchfoot and they cut off their parts only to play a different version of the song during the credits Sigh, can't complain though - after all I did get to hear Switchfoot through the theatre speakers... :] and also bugging ppl to stay for the credits lol. *sets Title & Registration as ringtone* ... *forces sister to call* OMG you're right! It works as a ringtone! I doubt my friend would give me backstage passes... unless I start dating him lol. He wouldn't even let me in for Switchfoot, although he was the one that confirmed the flight arrival times for both Switchfoot and Incubus when they landed in Malaysia I did ask him if he needed any help for the DCFC gig though, he said he'll let me know if anything comes up! Here's the entry where I first heard of news regarding DCFC in Malaysia!
  24. How is it that Sunburn did not make it into HAARP? =[ Anyway, a trip down memory lane:
  25. You can watch him sing here! Goshh.. James Marsden's voice is soo dreamy! *melts* When I have the time, I think I'll watch/stream Ally McBeal again! The whole thing she had to go through with Billy was so tragic. She left for NY right at the end? Hmm I don't really remember the details of it, but I know she left the firm for the sake of Maddie. I love my friend's phone wallpaper! She has a KL Muse gig pic as her wallie. Ehhh 27 year old guys can be so much more appealing than 18-22 year old guys! They're definitely a lot more mature :] Apparently if you eat that special set at Kenny Rogers (the restaurant, that is.. not the person lol!) you stand a chance to win Narnia muffin goodies! Ooooohh don't let me get started with Spike (James Marsters!)! lol Caspian I had in mind was pretty young... about 15 or so haha! Not as dashing as Barnes but more like... bright, bubbly, bergaya and easy to get along with... But Ben now made Caspian smexy, hot, and sinful! :chuckle I'm not complaining though I loooove Title & Registration from Transatlanticism! I'm not sure what I should really feel now. I think the Death Cab gig is pretty much confirmed - unless the permits don't get through at the last minute! I've been told by my friend who's involved in it as well! Apparently Homegrown Records will be the main organizer. Will definitely keep you posted with the details
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