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Everything posted by guilt-stricken

  1. Technically, SD21 is a lot cheaper if you're earning in that currency Heh.
  2. A little hunch says The Resistance should be there too. They're usually rather prompt in getting CDs to the stores before anyone else does Should give them a call to confirm though.
  3. Hmm, I can't see the picture. Did you try the Acoustic shop @ Pertama Kompleks?
  4. Yeah I was in disbelief as well, trust me. I told Debbie that it shouldn't be selling for anything more than RM80 but to my surprise when he told me it's less than RM40 I made him repeat a few times. I believe it's an ongoing promotion of sorts that they're having! Drop by at sg wang tmrw and let us know? Perhaps I heard wrongly! Also, the direct £14 cannot be taken as the whole cost price here because I'm guessing Warner Malaysia had it reprinted in Malaysia so it should be a lot more affordable here. If you're looking for the imported ones from UK, then I believe that would cost a little more in RM and it should take a longer time to reach our shores as well.
  5. Just a quick update. Victoria Music Centre will be selling the CD+DVD edition for only RM39.90! At least, that's what the guy over the telephone told me. I called at about 5pm today, they told me the CDs are already released, but it has yet to reach the shop. I'm pretty sure it would be there by tmrw! Also, great jeebus. The Ataris playing in Indonesia on the 10th of October!!! That's really sooon.
  6. lol should've pieced it together. graphic designer... mac user, of course! I tried iTunes before as well, while I loved it at first, eventually I realized that it uses a lot of memory, as well as precious space in my limited hard drive. I'm using MediaMonkey for my music now because I love that option where I can edit and organize my files through the programme without going through each file. :]
  7. 4 seconds Your willpower's extremely hebat then. I think if I heard the first 4s, I wouldn't be able to stop! Which player do you use now? Same here, I used to adore winamp but since reformatting, I changed alliances lol.
  8. One day lag isn't toooo bad I say. Actually, I'm watching the live videos from VMAs The only other song that I allowed myself to listen to in studio format is Mk Ultra. I think that song's got a lot of potential to be my fav from the album My hp doesn't support Java! lol at least, I don't think it does. it's okay though, having twitter at my fingertips is really too dangerous lol. Oh good luck for that drive tmrw btw! What are you still doing up awake? Random: Winamp has Muse in the front page lol.
  9. Curious, which media player do you use to play your music? itunes/real/wmp/winamp/mediamonkey etc Do not start a Twitter account. Ever. It's evilllll. Although, right now in Singapore (Malaysia as well), you can update your twitter with a single sms! (via GladlyCast. It's times like these that I'm even more keen to check my twitter account because that's a reason to procrastinate!
  10. What player are you currently using to play the vids? I guess they made it in mp4 format coz then people can upload and play them in their iPods. Try getting a VLC Media Player to solve all your video needs. It's one of the best programmes out there that features almost all vid codecs Were you walking alone or with your friends? Hahaha lol aww you should've went up to him to say hi! Discuss about when the new Muse album will hit Malaysia or something hehe... The last time I saw the Muse-wearing shirt guy in our college's hostel, I tapped him on the shoulders and asked if he went to the 2007 Malaysian gig.
  11. ^ ...unapologetically batshit insane... UBI. Lol! That was an interesting read.. Here's Victoria's number, if anyone's interested to call in 03-21420661 One of the staff there's really nice, but if the owner's wife picks up the phone..you might want to stress that you're looking for Muse properly lol she answered me in mandarin the last time. I don't think I should give myself any more reasons to go near my laptop coz I should be studying instead... Omg yeahh I passed by that area (Sogo/Pertama Kompleks, ya?) last Sunday and the roads there were soooo congested! A real pity I haven't been to much Ramadan bazaars...(the food-related bazaars, that is ) I love buying samosas lol. Have you found the delicious one at Klang btw?! Lol. Muse-album-release-day, then? There was another set of drums at his side right?! Hehe yeah, I noticed that! As well as his watch I love! Matt's vocals was absolutely spot on in the Resistance... It's crazy good! USoE's just as epic!! Matt's piano playing skills... Wow wow. That last bit with the thumb spreading over a series of pitches on the piano.. I used to play that and it hurts like hell, but the way he does it, it seems effortless! Respect. We need to spread the word and let them know that there's an Uprising clap!
  12. Our boys did awesome at the VMAs! Despite being heavily edited, loved the constantly changing backgrounds, the acoustics, Chris' awesome bass line and the Uprising bears lol. Though I feel awful for the fans outside that waited for hours.. Happy Muse Day Edit: I just got off the phone with the people at Victoria Music Centre (sg wang - i believe there's one at Amcorp Mall too?), tentatively, he asked me to call again at about 5pm tmrw to check if it has arrived. ETA is 15th/16th sept! They have both the DVD and normal CD editions Edit #2: Yikes, the VMA link's not up anymore, so apologies. I'm guessing the next youtube link that I put up will prolly be taken down eventually, so I suggest you should just search VMAs Muse Uprising on youtube to watch the vid Oh and also, the MTV site has two vids up as well. Here's one on Resistance. ♥ Edit #3: To further speculate on a possible SEA tour early next year... Matt: There's a strong chance we'll be in Australia soon! That's really good news
  13. Anyone else have the idea of creating a "crowd clap-a-long" (ala Starlight) to Uprising?! The 2nd time I heard Uprising, I tried to clap along to it, but oh my, it was quite a challenge with the non-related drumbeats lol I say before we head for our next Muse gig (whenever that is..soon, I hope!) we'll make everyone learn the Uprising clap! Fisi holds a special place in my heart. Lol. It all began with the picture I saw of him and Alex Wurz (teammates then in Benetton) singing autographs at KLCC for fans back in 1999. I kid you not, I fell for him in 1999!!!! How was Mika Hakkinen?! Were you the lucky one chosen to drive along with him? AHHHH. I REMEMBER FREDDIE FISH NOW!... Along with Putt-Putt & Pajama Sam!! *dies* I used to love that Pajama Sam game aiii I feel like playing it for old times' sake after my finals! So should we wear our Muse shirts proudly on the 26th or sometime next week?
  14. No, I can't make it I'm afraid I've got my finals huhu. More info about that Mika Hakkinen appearance can be found here. Are you planning to catch Moto GP @ Sepang btw? I'm so stoked that Fisichella will be driving a Ferrari this weekend. So happy for him!! <3 Did you hear rumours about Kimi wanting to quit F1 by the end of this season? Lol the only time I write in BM is really during my BM-paper related exams like Moral & Etika etc. or writing those surat rasmi to the government haha. I recorded the audio using a setting in my camera. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to clear out the noise behind those bootlegs before I uploaded them, so it's still a little muffled at times. I love FIRE! Pity Kasabian didn't win the Mercury Prize.. Oooh saya paling tak suka kalau telefon bimbit saya hilang Petaling Street/Masjid Jamek, memang prone for these things to happen. Is your number still the same? I'll send you a PM in a bit! Saya rasa Muse akan hantar Penentangan pada 12 Sept atau 13 Sept...biasanya kena tunggu seminggu lebih baru dapat di Malaysia..Saya pernah pre-order album dari Scotland, dua minggu lepas release date baru sampai rumah saya! Tapi bila dapat memang excited lah.
  15. Kenaikan! Sinaran Bintang! Penentangan! Lubang Hitam yang Teramat Besar! Cucuk Masuk Bayi! OMG you guys are awesome. This reminds me so much of the funny BM translation of movies that you get to see in the cinemas every once in awhile. Hahaha okay I'll try my best to converse in BM now. I think I have to get the help of my karangan book lol. Saya suka idea untuk bertutur dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Tapi maafs la yea kalau kena baca BM saya yang teramat teruk. Sudah tiga tahun lebih tak guna BM dalam situasi seperti ini. Malu kaum! Haha.. Faz, Betul tu Mika Hakkinen (Hugo juga, maybe?) akan sertai Tahun Mengunjungi Malaysia dan kalau tak silap saya beliau (or should I use dia?) akan berada di Sunway Pyramid Sabtu ini! Lebih kurang pukul dua stengah! Ada apa plans (brain dead..I can't think of the translation for this) rancangan? Video Keane akhirnya! Syiok Terima kasih ya kerana susah payah upload. Haha. Tom sudah kurusss! Oh saya dah habis type .. er tulis laporan saya untuk MTV Pentas Dunia bulan lepas. Tapi sekarang ada finals, agak busy jugak. Lepas finals saya post la ya? Kalau nak dengar audio bootleg (kakiboot haha!) AAR & Kasabian yang saya record hari tu, boleh klik sini --> Klik Aduiii, kawan saya dah marah sebab guna lebih kurang satu jam untuk type ni (multitasked as well - but the fact that my BM has deteriorated contributed as a factor too haha!). Jumaat ni saya sambung bersembanglah ya?
  16. Hmmm, though it would be really awesome to watch Bloc Party for the first time, but if you pick Travis, that would come along with F1! The lines were really bad last night. Maxis, at least, it was all jammed up! I wonder if it would be better to use Celcom. Common People!! That was shortly after Blur's Song 2, right? There were two guys ahead of me screaming and getting all excited to Song 2. It was amusing to watch lol I sang out loudly to it but people were just looking and joined in only at the "WOOHOO!!!" moments. It's funny how the VJs were asking people not to leave the mosh pit and to fill up the empty space to the right of the stage. For recording purposes lol. The crowd at my side (after I moved up front) was really into Kasabian. I think they were there FOR Kasabian. A bunch of decent guys stood quite still at first but when Kasabian worked their way towards the climax for the night (Fire!!!) they really let their hearts lose. It was great to sing along with them...Like they would look to the person next to them, eyes would meet, and one sole purpose exist only at that moment, that is to rock out to Kasabian together! A bunch of moshers with their shirts off (ICK!) stood near me but they can't be more than 16 years old I believe. They tried to mosh to their songs but the more appreciative crowd standing around didn't exactly react to that, they were mostly just head bobbing and rocking out their own ways. He reminds me of Ben Gibbard from DCFC:happy: Any videos from the Keane show to share, Nut? Malay-siaaaaa! Lol the way he said it, very nyaring and yeah, squeaky I recorded a few tracks actually, I'll post the audio bootleg up once I convert it over to mp3 format. Did you read one tweet on the screen that said someone broke their quarantine to attend MTV Worldstage? He was hilariously drunk/high. I think they had a live webshow over in rejectstv (warning, profanity is abundant lol) from tyson's room (ooh they're staying at Sunway Hotel eh?). He was totally covered in glitter! AAR & Kasabian write up tomorrow. Will try to upload the bootleg too. Heading back to college now. Sigh.
  17. Thankss! Mr Chaplin lost weight! Or maybe I just remember him from the SOWK video clip..TWO encores wowww. Must've been epic! Thanks for the pictures and set list!! Any post-gig encounters? YAY! Awesome that you've pre-ordered your deluxe set! Just like Miele, I hope you'll give us a pic-by-pic update of receiving the package in your mail. I've already made plans for that weekend. I knew if I didn't make any plans for it, I would definitely end up spending another trip down to Singapore for the F1 GP just like last year! So this time to exercise self control, I've committed myself to other plans! REGRET! Yeahhh I should've took personal day offs too just for Keane :[ I would be horribly gutted for missing Travis One just cannot get enough of listening to Turn live <3 Bloc Party + Travis + F1!! Sounds like one of those epic once in a lifetime trips (ahh.. F1 + Ash + Lifehouse, nostalgia!) you should definitely go for it!!! Although ... Bloc Party is on the 24th of Sept (tentatively). If I'm not mistaken that is the fourth/fifth day of Hari Raya? :-/ Thanks for the speedy update Aida, you beat me to it Congrats for getting into the mosh pit for Kasabiannn! Were they willingly asking fans to come up to the mosh pit? So luckkyyy! I was appalled when the crowd started leaving after AAR's set. I gave them all WTF looks lol. Do they not know they're in the running to win that Mercury Prize? But you're right... I owe them thank yous because we managed to get up front for Kasabian's gig too! Though only in the Red Zone area. Yeaaahh I noticed the short hair too! He...kinda reminded me of Rick Astley for one tiny moment, but then after he started singing... well I wouldn't call it singing actually he literally blew the crowd away! haha :S Phrase of the night is definitely, "I'm still alive!!!" in regards to his recent H1N1 quarantine! Tom tonggek LOL PRICELESS!!!!! My highlight of the night? SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE & STARLIGHT in the middle of a very random DJ mix. I tweeted about that during the gig, hoping that either you or Deb would catch the message on the screens I started thinking about The Resistance right about that moment...and came to a conclusion that Uprising live would be KICKASS to listen to. Okies even though my sister's about to wake up (I've yet to sleep since, so exhausted!) and it's close to breakfast time now, I think I should just write this all down now to prevent me from procrastinating! I came rather late because I had to attend to my sister's graduation earlier that day. It wasn't until 5pm that the whole thing was done so... by the time I got ready and picked my friend up, it was already 730pm when we reached. Heard a lil bit of Boys Like Girls from outside.. Too bad I missed out on Estranged too.. Hmm. Anyway, Raygun was ridiculously poppy (imagine flowers of all colours lined up by the lake, nodding and swaying to the wind, like catching sunlight in a jar) that's what you get (actually I think that sounded more like a compliment, I don't think I intended it to be though lol). It felt more ridiculous watching that music video of Raygun, Just Because, repeatedly (during intermissions) and that lead singer is totally frolicking around with his car...? Pixie Lott Aww, she was so cute! All dolled up in a feathery dress. Geez woman, I'm sorry but didn't you notice we're in a tropical country with a humidity of more than 50%? Never did I imagine I would enjoy this better than AAR (more on that later), but Hoobastank surprised me tremendously when I noticed I had a LOT of fun during their performance. I mean, just look at what he's doing with his hands ;] A big boo boo to the sound system though, just when Doug was about to launch into the whole male/female crowd cheering part. When the mic wasn't working, I half expected them to stop immediately and start the song again since it's for recording purposes...but nope, they just carried on and pretended it didn't even happen. That should be the way! How adorable was that cover of GHOSTBUSTERS!? @ Doug calling us ridiculous for screaming out loudly to that song, which he apologized and took back his words when the crowd started boo-ing (well at least where I was standing they were quite pissed lol). So much energy though these guys. Crawlin' in the Dark was actually a lot more fun for me than The Reason haha. I guess it's because the girls next to me were SCREAMING so loudly to The Reason. I had to strain my ears very hard to listen to Doug's vocals in this number coz the crowd literally became one with his vocals. It was interesting to observe :] Sigh, ok I would love to continue but I think I'm just too exhausted right now. The fact that I have a running nose and my skin's flaring up doesn't help either (uh oh!). I'll write up on AAR & Kasabian later today...hopefully! Debbie could update on AAR perhaps hehe.
  18. Ooh lucky you guys didn't procrastinate to get those passes! I told my friend about the MTV Worldstage road crew coming by his college so I made him attend the event. He managed to get a pair of invites and decided to take me along Do you have any idea how's the artist line up schedule's gonna be though? What time does AAR play? Can I come a lil later? Heh... Awwweesome. Is there a bigger shot for this? I'm adding that to the song artwork :] I think if I play the vid in slow mo, bound to catch a shot of me and my friends lol but I don't think I wanna bother looking lah, we're all part of the crowd! Thanks for linking the vid Deb :] It feels good to pre-order righhht? The anticipation of waiting for it to arrive in your post can be a very nerve wrecking experience. Report back to us once it arrives in your mail, take pics before and after opening the package! lol. £60 is almost as pricey as one of my ACCA exam papers... I don't think I could afford that at the moment, as much as I would ♥ to own my very own Muse USB! (and other goodies) Aww, don't belasah them...! I think it's just a wave of anxiety gushing over...it'll all drain out eventually but you should be prouuuudd! Just like that time you were featured in Engine Block I wonder if Matt/Dom/Chris watched the vid before releasing it... I'm sure they did right? I think they definitely remember you from the airport. Hehe. Aida! You could try catching Kasabian this Friday (tmrw!!) at Club Koko, Barsonic, Zouk KL. 10pm. Since Club Koko originated from UK, I believe Kasabian's the special guests for the event happening tmrw. I heard that they're not performing due to MTV commitments, but you never know what could happen! I say you should goooo. It's only RM20 for the entrance (for ladies, guys will have to fork out an additional RM10). More info here. Hope you can make it! I might see you there How's everyone doing btw? I've recently fallen more in love with Explosions in the Sky... I blame it on Friday Night Lights!
  19. It's always crucial to catch up on twitter updates... That's the only way of receiving early news on release dates of a certain single/album/gig Actually I think I'm only using it as a reason to procrastinate.. One more thing to do in order to waste time online, ya? Yeahhh, I'm truly grateful that I managed to get my wallet back in the end... at least I don't have to spend more money renewing my IC/ID cards etc. If there's one thing I learned though, it's always important to leave your hp number in your wallet. My college ID happen to include my contact number and that was how the nice lady that found my wallet managed to get in touch with me! Confession time, I think inside this fragile heart of mine, I really do want to listen to Tyson Ritter crooning out to Swing Swing. That song brings back a lot of crazy memories... including one where my friends and I got a lil drunk in school (trust me, it wasn't the influence of alcohol...) and we started singing the BM version of Swing Swing.. We call it.. Goyang Goyang. If only I could get more tickets though, I think it would be a lot more fun if a whole group attend together! How did you get the tix btw? You mentioned you bought the tix? How...? Oh and I hope they close the set with The Last Song (cellos and everything included?)!! My friend from Aus (he saw them about 5 times already...I think he has a man-crush on Tyson ) told me that they'll (usually) close the set with that... Hopefully that won't change in Malaysia! I wonder if Joelyn's going?! Are you gonna watch BLOC PARTY!? Did your boss offer last minute tickets for Keane? OH MY GOD it's not just the audio, but A VIDEO!!!! Featuring us!! :happy: Wait, is Stockholm Syndrome the vid with the shot of our very own KLIA-baju-kurung-wielding Malaysian Muser up close and totally rocking out to Muse?! I think I remember vaguely *counts* 29 months ago (has it really been close to thirty months?!) we made a little plan to hijack the Warner Music Malaysia office to steal those recorded live footage lol. They should really make this pre-order worldwide la, in the good spirit of USOE!!
  20. Welcome to all the new members!! Gah, I have about one and a half week's worth of twitter updates to catch up on. It's taking forever! Last week was possibly one of the worst week I ever faced (includes doing screwing up a certain test, losing a wallet with a lot of cash, and then finding my wallet again minus the cash, as well as a missing free Subway coupon) etc. Badd week. Putting all that behind though: Tee, that pic of Tim (along with Mr Gourcuff) :awesome: Faz, I don't think you should e-mail Hitz about Uprising. They do not deserve that kick ass song featured in their playlist within the likes of Jonas Bros etc. E-mail BFM (89.9) instead! Third Eye Blind is probably playing Semi-Charmed Life in Jakarta right now. Sigh! My friend's giving me invites to MTV Worldstage so that I won't be too upset over missing Mew and 3eb... I guess I'll be seeing you at Sunway, Debbie! Kasabiannn! I'm hoping that it would take less than two weeks (max) for the CD to reach our shores! I suggest we should start pestering people working at RockCorner/Victoria Music Station and ask them to speed up the process. Try leaving your numbers with these people, arrange for them to call you immediately once they have it in their stores
  21. ^ noor, I hope I'll get powers that will stop me from procrastinating and being lazy for good during that eclipse! MUST RESIST. Ask all your friends in America to congregate in NY and attack the person with the Muse key if he intends to activate it! Lol. Oh I didn't read the plot of PE on Wikipedia, I read the background of John Dilinger... so knowing that he will die eventually outside that theatre kinda ruined things a bit for me... Oops.. I hope I didn't spoil that for anyone, a bit lazy to put up spoiler codes at the moment! Bale Have you watched this . I love how he said Bali for some reason... and that lil part where he said he only bought a bed in the house? Aww, it's hard to believe how crazy the media has gone over him these past few years and I don't think he's this open to interviews anymore right now... Joelyn! How's work coming along for you? Are you still working at the Hotel near Pavilion since you mentioned not long ago you moved out from your hostel that has a view of our Muse stadium? I think rumours started in late 2007 that Bale was in negotiations to act opposite Depp for a new movie. At that time, I think my system had a shut down for a good 10 minutes trying to process the idea of having them together in the same movie. A lot has happened since.. Heh. ------------------ The Singapore Formula One GP, list of entertainment for that weekend. The Malaysian F1 GP saw Jamiroquai rocking the stage after the race... Singapore has once again, out did all of us and intend to bring not just Backstreet Boys but TRAVIS to rock the stage after qualifying for the Singapore F1 GP! Aida, any plans to catch Travis again?! I am deeeeply tempted to book my flights to Singapore right now because if I'm not mistaken it's only RM25 (all-in fares) to get there! Only down side is probably the fact that we'll have to own a GP ticket for entrance (the most afordable one is already SG298!) Somehow, I don't think things will work out for this one... Sigh.
  22. I adore the new layout! <3 When I launched it, I was actually in a cyber cafe and soon enough there was a crowd around asking what's up with this eurasia/station charlie thing lol they thought I was playing a new game or something That lil clip of USoE is such a tease!!!!! I love the cellos. It blends so well with Matt's voice. Next phase: Moscow and Dubai. So confuzzled...! I think I'm gonna ask a friend in Dubai to go look for that agent lol. You're welcome! I wonder if Tim forgot the lyrics or he just didn't wanna sing that part coz it's a little low heh.. I went and read Wikipedia before watching the movie so I knew how the movie ended lol. Damn spoiler sial. I thought the whole plot was rather . . . meh though - maybe because it's based on a history of sorts. *shrugs* but Bale's hands definiteyl made up for all of that... Especially that one part when we were first introduced to Melvin Purvis... i love his fedora! and how he held it with his hands.... Also, that one tiny small screen time between Johnny Depp and Christian Bale! So wasted la, both of them only got one major scene together Think i'll be catching Harry Potter in Penang. Finally finished my final paper today! Road trip starts tmrw. Cannot wait.
  23. Eeek. There was one Paragon near my cousin's place, but they didn't have it last time I checked hmm. I don't think I'm going to Singapore any time soon though. Ash posted Blacklisted soundcheck, this is a different one! U2! Eh U2 never played in Singapore before right..? Or have they? I <3 Harry Potter actually, the books at least. Especially Professor Lupin's character! Public Enemies... Aiyoo... I can't believe I waited two whole years for this, and it's all over in two hours! Pity Johnny Depp and Christian Bale only have like one major scene together I think most of the actors were criminally underutilised, especially David Wenham! I didn't like a number of things relating to the movie (shaky cameras) but all the close up hand shots of Bale toying with his hands made up for it! Speaking of Christian Bale, for all Manic Street Preachers lovers, how cool issit that they used a Christian Bale character quote for the opening to Journal for Plague Lovers? XD Don't put your hopes up tooo high just yet though..! and yeah, if it's really happening, the only way to get tix is probably by winning them :-/
  24. Also, what's this I hear? All American Rejects and Kasabian coming to Sunway Lagoon August 15th for MTV Asia Awards 2009? (Which, I believe it's now known as MTV Worldstage 2009 or something) If that's really true, wow, better get myself ready to fight off Tyson Ritter fangirls..!
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