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Everything posted by guilt-stricken

  1. Hmmm, can't really remember what I typed earlier :-/ but here's what I can remember! Not that I follow AI religiously, but I have to say, singing songs from U2, Collective Soul, Switchfoot and Our Lady Peace... he's definitely on my good side of books! ------------------ *sob* I don't see why Ronaldo was allowed to make a mistake but not Anelka! Chelsea's never lucky during penalty shootouts though. Despite having Cech around. My heart goes out to John Terry though. He's gonna be so hard on himself! Sigh. ------------------- Meet Michelle Nolan, of Straylight Run fame. Best part? She plays guitar, keyboard AND she sings! I have a friend who adores Michelle Branch: At least, the MB 5-6 years back... I heard about that too, I think I heard the rumour for a Malaysian gig as well! A number of my friends would definitely be excited for Paramore, but really, i'm saving all my excitement for... DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE! well not exactly mainstream, but still - they're actually playing a gig here in Malaysia THIS AUGUST! I'm so excited!! Never in a million years would you think DCFC would even want to play in Malaysia. But it's happening! (well, according to this rather trust-worthy blog where i first heard of the Explosions in the Sky gig) Post-rock band Mono's playing a show here in July as well. Last but not least... don't quote me on this.. but, I also read that Sigur Ros might just stage a show in Singapore later this year! Wow, finanlly someone has taken notice that we've been deprived of good shows here! 2008 is seriously a good year for post rock in South East Asia! Have fun in t'ganu! I love 'em keropok lekors! Congrats! I can't believe my holidays are coming to an end however
  2. Long post ahead! Just came back from my trip up north (again) for a makan fest. Safe to say that at Penang, I ate, makan-ed, ate, ate, makan more and ate til my heart's consent. My only regret was not eating Pasembur! (no more space in my stomach la!) But really, Penang has the craziest one-way streets. Ever! The trip ended up a little stressful due to all the navigations lol It was a nice change of environment however! On with the replies: Yes, he played this new young lawyer working at Ally's firm. Ally dated him briefly but then she broke it off (I think) because she thinks he's too young for her and that he's still in love with his ex-girlfriend - who happens to be a lawyer as well working at Ally's firm. If my memory doesn't fail me, I remember there was this one episode where James took the mic and started singing along with Vonda Shepard. He was soo adorable in that epi! Oh, and I looove that James GAP ad too! I would walk pass by his ad at One Utama and force my friends to take random pictures of me and the ad (I also did the same with the huuuggge cardboard cut out of Prince Caspian at Sunway! Wish there was some way I could steal it.. Sigh. Oh, and I remember reading a post in this thread a year ago about how this guy managed to get Muse's cardboard cut out from a shop or something... he brought it into the LRT as well and people were staring at him? lol.) Little known Ally McBeal trivia : Hayden Panettiere of Heroes fame played Ally's daughter, Maddie! ----------- Hehe, yes Velvet Goldmine! I'm guessing you watched it before, Miele? Lol. It was.. disturbing for sure but I can't help but love the fact that JRM, Ewan & Christian all had their moments with each other in VG XD Speaking of actors working together.. I cannot wait for the new Johnny Depp/Christian Bale/David Wenham/Channing Tatrum movie, Public Enemies! Johnny Depp ANDDD Christian Bale? with David Wenham (Faramir) added to that! oh my goodness!! I'm not sure if my ovaries can take it! and I thought The Prestige had the best cast ever (Wolverine and Batman going up against each other? RAWR.) An amazing movie btw. I think that movie's called I'm Not There. Would be interesting to catch that movie too though! Something tells me it won't reach our shores though.. Mmmmmmmm helllooooo Viggo! Did you watch Eastern Promises? XD ------------------------- Haha the way he says "naturally" sounds really lovely too! XD I saw an enormous Prince Caspian/Kenny Rogers billboard near Queensbay Mall that day. Hee. I'm not too sure about him playing Edward Cullen though :0 Maybe because the Edward I had in mind ... ...I'm not too sure how to describe it..! Ben kinda ... changed my whole outlook of Prince Caspian (but maybe then when I read Narnia, my mind was still .. innocent ) i'm not sure if I want the same thing to happen to my Edward! lol. It would be nice to see him in such a challenging role though! I made my cousin read my copy of Twilight. Hurray! I'm spreading the love too. To think that Muse was the one that made me pick up Twilight.. haha! ------------------------ It's true though! Lol Friends is one of the few comedy series that you can watch over and over and over and over again - you'll never get bored of it! ------------------- Edit: what the barnacles! the board cut out a whole lot of my original post away I guess I must've exceeded the number of allowed characters in a post or something Grrr..
  3. Don't you love James Marsden in Ally McBeal?!? he's even more adorable when he starts singing! Double yumm to both of the Brandons you mentioned! Yay, JRM love! Can you believe Christian Bale, JRM and Ewan McGregor all acted in a movie once? Even better - they fall for one another! Lol. Hahaha yeahh, a lot of people don't get it though when I tell them hand porn is addictive Lol annnd sorry for posting all these pictures here, but I'll put it in a spoiler code so that it won't annoy the other Muse Malaysian fans! Be warned - the following pictures may cause your ovaries to explode! At least, mine did lol --------------------- There are parts in the book/movie that were cringe-worthy. How Aslan's supposed to portray God etc.. I try not to look too deep into the religious issues surrounding the movie but yeah - I suppose it's a good way to instill a certain "faith" in your kids without them really noticing. Heh. Did anyone stay behind til the end of credits btw? Lol, just wondering. LOL exactly whaaat were you thinking when he said "enormous"? :chuckle I think he would be a great guy to hang out with. If only we could like, play pool with him or something, like Catt Sadler! Off to pack now! Hopefully I'll get to go online once I'm in Penang. Speaking of Penang, any idea where I can find the best fried kuey teow/curry laksa mee?
  4. Oh and Happy Wesak Day, everyone! and also, happy birthday Miele! That's a very interesting name btw!
  5. I like my fair share of American guys too lol but I suppose my heart lies with the sexy English men. Ewan McGregor, Billy Crudup, Christian Bale... But really, if any guy has beautiful, sexy hands, I tend to like them immediately. For some reason, I have this ... hand fetish. Aww, I thought that moment between Jane and Edward was ... romantic I felt so happy when she went back to him. I felt so depressed after reading Wuthering Heights! Perhaps I enjoyed Jane Eyre a lot more because I felt it was easier to read back then. Yes, I agree whole-heartedly! Lol it was under the YA section of Borders.. Unfortunately while I was looking through the books, this ... 15 year old girl came beside me to browse through the books as well. Not too sure how that made me feel -_- Speaking of summer blockbusters, my mom's excited about Indiana Jones I'm looking forward to... The Dark Knight! Christian Bale...! Sexiest version of Bruce Wayne. Ever. What more with Heath Ledger's posthumous appearance, this is definitely going to be one daaark movie. Haha, Narnia is definitely kiddy. After all, it is based upon children's books. I myself grew up with these books though so when I watched the movie, it reminded me a lot of the time when I read those books. Having said that, the romance between Prince Caspian and Susan was definitely not in the books! But I guess they just wanna spice things up a little so they added that part in. Take comfort though Debbie, that the kiss looked like a lousy kiss XD But that hug he gave her was really ... nice though! Sigh. They also made Caspian look like a complete fool beside Peter. I would hope for Caspian to be more Aragorn-like Hmm..maybe in the next movie! Aslan explained at the end that the Telmarines (Caspian's race) were pirates or something from our world, but they landed on this island and found a cave that brought them to Narnia.. Therefore they invaded Narnia and took it as their land... Which is why he offered to bring any Telmarine who wanted to head back to that island at the end of the movie. Or something like that. I haven't read those books in awhile! Ah, and you gotta love Liam Neeson's voice as Aslan He went missing because... no one really trully believed in him anymore after Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy vanished. When CS Lewis wrote the Chronicles of Narnia, many believed he was actually trying to preach through those books. Only Lucy saw him at first because she believed in him but not the other three kids until much later in the movie.
  6. I fell in love with him in Stardust! He played a small role in that movie He was the young Dunstan Thorn. Tristan's dad When I found out that Ben would be Prince Caspian as well, I was extremely delighted! There's certainly something about him that's very appealing! (Being a Brit definitely has got something to do with that ) Whoops, sorry to take over the thread with girly talk! Can't help it sometimes. Heh. One of my fav books of all time would be Jane Eyre. Although that's written by Charlotte Bronte and not Emily... I loved Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice too though - how can anyone not love Mr Darcy? I swear, he is the most romantic person ever. That Colin Firth portrayal of Mr Darcy in the BBC tv miniseries was sooo lovely. Not to mention extremely hot when he jumped into the pool! Lol there I go again, gushing over guys
  7. Woah - that was a really long post..! Lol I should keep myself more updated here.
  8. It won't be til July right, graduation? Hehe, we shall make it a rather memorable Muse-filled graduation then Sorry to hear about your cancelled Europe trip.. I love travelling too - more so backpacking to completely random places. How many countries have you been to so far? Spend time with your Muse-loving friends on your birthday! Hehe. Perhaps you could... buy a Muse shirt from the official store? Make good use of the credit card.. heh. Thanks for wb wish Deb! Here, have some duty free e-chocolates! Hersheysss. Yumm. Lol I think I've heard of the string quartet tribute to Muse. Never really checked them out in full force though - but great jeebus!!! Stockholm Syndrome on violins totally blew my mind away! Thanks for the link ---------------- Aww, I left right after the movie ended for Ironman.. There's no scene at the end of Prince Caspian - it's just that it features a song from Switchfoot, which is why I'm going to watch the movie again tmrw. Lol. The things you'd do for a band... sigh. Four kids, actually but yeahh time in Narnia and the Real World are completely different and I believe at the end of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - the kids went back to the real world as though no time had passed at all eventhough they've spent years and years reigning at Narnia. Therefore when the four of them returned to Narnia a year later, almost 1000 years have passed by in Narnia time! Hurray! I saw it too two nights back XD Stayed til the end of credits as well although I'm pretty sure it pissed off the cinema staff. Heh, but hearing Switchfoot through huge loud theatre speakers - gotta love that moment Melwhoops/Debbie, wouldnt it be awesome if Matt really did write Bella's Song for Twilight? I believe we would alll be staying til the end of credits for the song! I am totalllyyy smitten by Prince Caspian though. I am in love with his ... hands. Lol. He's absolutely charming - as you can see in this interview of Ben Barnes @ Jay Leno. Gotta love that British humour in him As for the movie itself... Well, there were several moments where I just had to cringe, but all in all I suppose it was an enjoyable movie with plenty of eye candy from Prince Caspian Would've expected that Caspian did a lot more though - I don't really remember how the story goes anymore. I haven't picked up my Narnia books in ages! It really does get rather addictive right? I couldn't put the book down at all after picking it up!
  9. Hey Joelyn! A pity really, we never got to hang out in college earlier lol. Would've been fun reminiscing 25.02.07 with you over a teh tarik or something. Heh. Perhaps on graduation day - if you're from the main campus? Sad to hear that you won't be continuing though :-/ Will you be working soon then? Hello! --------- Can't wait to watch Prince Caspian in the cinemas today! I loved the books. Wasn't a fan of the first movie however - but I'm sure this would be much better with Ben Barnes playing Prince Caspian. I feel like stealing one of those gigantic cardboard cut outs of Prince Caspian home. Sigh. Ah and also a Switchfoot song will be featured in the movie so if you do watch Prince Caspian in the cinemas, do stay til the end of credits!
  10. Woaah one trip to Langkawi and back - so much to catch up on! WHATT, there are awesome Muse-loving fans at TARC that I do not know of?! Wait, what did you say your name was again? Lol. Because I'm about to graduate with a diploma too! With an accounting dip however. Will you be continuing your advanced diploma studies there? It would be awesome to actually be able to hang with other muse-loving fans in college Coz currently... as you know the state in TARC, most of my friends would rather listen to ... Jay Chou than Muse ------------ Because I'm a sucker for cellos. And I love Muse. Combining my two great loves would result in :
  11. It was late when I made that long post lol can't really remember what went through my head! haha. I noticed I never made a proper introduction here in this thread. forgive my abrupt intrusion at times! The name's Liz and I'm currently 19 going on 20 *waves* I received Twilight as an early bday gift because.. it looks I'll be turning 20 away from home this time round due to my upcoming backpacking trip to Kedah/Langkawi ... and hopefully drop by Penang too for some glorious food Thanks for the early bday wish though Not sure if that's what I really want at the moment because all of the sudden, being 19-turning-20 seems a little ... too fast for my liking, in some way. On one hand of course you're more able to live that life that you've always wanted (attending concerts! gigs! showcases!! etc.) given the freedom that you're entitled but on the other, you can no longer use "being a teenager" as a reason anymore if you end up in trouble. Lol yeah I couldn't really understand how my sister could do it 5 years back - studying with all that distraction... but now I see how it's even more creepy/distracting to read in silence! WOW. That's pretty awesome XD Have fun reading New Moon after your mock exams! I finished Twilight a few hours back... I have to say, I think reading it so quickly didn't make me crave for more... Although I really do want to find out what happens after that TEASER chapter! So being the spoiler whore that I am... I went to wikipedia to read up on the plot!! AAHHHH. Silly me, shouldn't have done that lah. Now I just ruined all the fun huh? But sigh, yeah the way their relationship progresses from everything in school/biology lessons to that back alley in the mall incident to bringing her home to the Cullens... Makes me wonder why I don't go through these phases properly. Just saying, but I thought Carlisle sounds like an extremely sexy name. Jasper too Rosalie and Esme sound absolutely beautiful too - but you're right. Unfortunately Edward and Bella doesn't sound too appealing ... but it's a good thing I don't have friends that go by those two names though! I cannot imagine how hard it must be talking to your Edward friend without hoping if only he could act like Edward Cullen! Yeahh that would've been fun! I couldn't make it because apparently greeting unknown strangers at the airport twice in two months doesn't seem very appealing to my dad at that moment. Plus, I actually didn't exactly mention that I would be going to Sunburst until the night before. Lol, so you would expect my parents' displeasure in finding out that I will be away again from my home for the weekend. It's a lot more complicated than that, but yeah I asked my friend to go to the airport in my favour instead - but that idiot never passed my letter to any of the Incubus guys He didn't ask Brandon to play Pardon Me too! Sigh.
  12. I'm currently watching the extra time Champions League Chelsea vs. Liverpool match right now... Sooo nerve wrecking! Welcome! It really is pretty addictive to lurk in this thread, no? Lol but welcome anyway! I have to study with music on. Plug In Baby seems to work well along with Economics. Haha. You could try Borders! I love the discounts they offer there. Speaking of Twilight though..... Out of curiousity, I actually did convince a close friend to buy that book for my birthday, and I've been reading it too! Today is actually the first day I'm reading it, and I've already reached page 324 at the moment. That's not very healthy... For some reason I'm just so absorbed in this book. I've never felt that way in the longest time! (Although it does get a little tiresome at times with how the [young] female protagonist only worships the ground Edward walks on - it's pretty hard not to though, seeing how beautiful he really is! lol) Tim did not had much of a reaction really - or a chance - because right after I said that I actually asked if I could give him a hug and he agreed..not too reluctantly I hope... probably more surprised. You see, I knew my mind would be absolutely blank and/or act awkwardly when I meet these guys plus I would only come up with stupid questions (eg: How was the flight? in which Jerome-guitarist- answered "short". What a laaaame qeustion really. Seeing that they flew in only from Singapore.) so I wrote a nice letter addressed to all 5 of them thanking SF for coming all the way here as well as for making awesome music I think I'll have to thank meeting Nick Heidfeld + the other few F1 drivers for building up my confidence in this department. Otherwise I would've fainted right away. Haha. Intended to do the same actually if I happen to get the chance to meet Incubus at the airport last month. Too bad that didn't happen though... Even more so after I decided to skip Stereophonics two nights ago - only to regret so horribly now. Can't believe I passed on seeing Kelly Jones in his classic shades/gibson SG/leather jacket combination! Sighh. Blame it on lack of money and me being lazy to get off my ass to look for a part time job or something! I heard it! I have to say it reminds me of vampires for some weird reason (pray it has nothing to do with Twilight...) but yeah - i'm curious with how the rest of the songs in the album would blend with this one. Looking forward to the album release, for sure! Also, Coldplay needs to hire an assitant for coming up with better album/song title names. And bring Travis along please, like they did back when they staged a show in Singapore! Oh btw, love that little icon of jenson and rubens there That's a horrible feeling and I know how it feels like coz I get the same nostalgic feeling too! Except maybe mine has an addition to the Bukit Aman Police Station nearby (long story short - my friend and I actually got lost in our attempt to walk to the stadium...)
  13. omg so embarrassing lah - what with my (crappy) banner and all! Lol yeahhh the one and only fan at KLIA Or in other words: total stalker!! My sister was supposed to come along with me but her boss called in at the last minute and she had to go to work despite the day off... She's still pissed. Lol. The guys of Switchfoot were huggable and they were extremely friendly! Hilarious too at times. Tim, the bassist asked me about this wavepool he heard in Malaysia and I was telling him WHY in the world would he want to go to Sunway Lagoon after heading to Bali and New Zealand? The waves in Sunway would look... tiny. But it seemed like they had fun there though! We even managed to talk about local food + durian... nasty! It was a good thing they didn't show the footage where I blurted, "OMG YOU LOOK SMALLER IN PERSON" to Tim the first time I approached him. That would've been embarrassing! Imagine heading out from the arrival halls in a brand new country and the first thing you encounter would be a stranger coming up to you saying that. I don't know why I did that! But you would think an American shouldn't be Malaysian-sized tiny, right? Sigh. I think you can always use another player, like VLC for example, to play HAARP? The VLC/VLAN player plays almost about any video file available! Including DVDs. Speaking of Tower Records, I wonder why they closed down the branch in Mid Valley? Oh wait, maybe I do - that's because they don't sell HAARP! Rock Corner totally rocks. However cliche that may sound...
  14. Sigh. Finishing a course - and moving out - is no easy feat! Glad that I got that over with though. Now I can spend 9 consecutive hours online again! Ah, and that well-deserved backpacking trip up north to Langkawi/Kedah My apologies for not replying to the eariler incubus comments! ---------------------- 8tv was the official tv station for the Switchfoot concert in KL and it's probably the hard work of Wing Meng, the guitarist for Love Me Butch to get their sponsorship in advertising and all. I heard he personally brought the guys to Malaysia when he heard Switchfoot would be doing a show in Singapore, courtesy of his label One Armed Productions. Nothing like Warner/Galaxy who were definitely lacking a bit on their job to keep fans happy When I was at the airport to greet Switchfoot - there were actually camera guys around and when I talked to them they said they were making a tv special on SF. (if you caught that tv special two Saturdays ago - you probably would've seen me ) 8tv's been pretty awesome really - and when I heard that they've decided to show one full hour from the concert that night. I flipped out! -- despite having my crucial finals at that time :-/ Yeah and it would be nice to watch the recorded footages from that Muse KL gig. Notably Kak Faz during Invincible? lol I've never actually personally seen it *hinthint* I'm sure these footages are still somewhere. So maybe we just need to pester a certain person and push his/her buttons to release them online or something... If that fails.. well then I'll just go pretend to be a spy and curi all 'em Muse footages from the Warner store room. And if we can't find it... I guess we'll burn the store room down. Haha... Oh and I saw that MTV thing too! Also TIRO @ Wembley at the MTV!Live show or something. Sooo glad that they mentioned the awesome KL fans eventhough it's well one whole year after the gig. Missed the 8tv impromptu Muse @ Wembley show though. *sob* Would've been awesome seeing them on national tv!
  15. Cheese omelette! I like! "Un omelette au fromage, sil vous plait?" I remember watching Moulin Rouge over and over and over again...Memorizing the lyrics and all. Even told myself to make Come What May my wedding song. Not exactly tech savvy either. A blog maybe.. Awesome - can I talk to her and ask her questions regarding ACCA? Lol. Just kidding. I'm at the point where I can choose whether I want to continue with my studies that is partly intergrated with ACCA. Sigh, I'm not exactly sure myself because... well let's just say I ended up doing Accounting @ TAR College after my parents helped me to decide what I should do with my life. Basically, heading for National Service kinda messed up my plans/timing a bit... How 'lucky' huh? :S You're doing A Levels now issit? I have assignments I should complete... But all I can think of doing is uploading the remaining 802934890283 pictures taken during Sunburst!
  16. ! Ok that's it. I'm not gonna buy my text books first. Lol. I think I remember that Joey G/Marion thing onstage! I'm gonna go look at the videos my friend took during that Tag Heuer event to see if she got a shot of you answering that question! There was a joke somewhere that said if Nick's name was Nicki Heidfeldnen then he might be driving for McLarens in stead. Haha. I think the only thing that irked me was that Nick used to race for Mercedes (and win races/championships for them!) back in his F3000 days. They repaid him by hiring Kimi instead But oh well, I suppose if that didn't happen - I wouldn't be able to meet Nick at all these awesome Petronas sponsored events. [safe for this year - what happened?! They didn't even arrange any meet and greet sessions with the fans. So much for being the 10th year anniversary? I was actually at the BMW Sauber Pit Lounge late Wednesday night attempting to enter the event but was rudely shunned out into the rain saying it's an invites-only event (Saw that coming, however). Extremely different from last year's. I could only hear Christian Klein, the third driver for BMW, revving up his F1 engines from outside the tents/gates. So disappointing la I really loved the Pit Lane Park last year! Making Sebastian Vettel blush by calling out his name from across the track - asking for a picture with him instead of Nick's (already met Nick earlier that day ), declaring Chris Pfieffer as the king of all mat rempits! And Dr. Mario waved at me and my friends from the Paddock Lounge balcony None of that this year however...] Star Sports! Quite the famous, are you? Lol I'm surprised I haven't bumped into you at all these events/concerts. I've also done my share of embarrassment in the media notably in front of Nick. I don't know but I get all giddy before meeting him :-/ Maybe because there was once I actually gave him a stalk of rose and the media caught all that in the photos. (Who gives an F1 driver a rose anyway!? I can't believe my friends talked me into doing that lol) The first time I met Nick was back in 2001 when I intruded his little session of pool @ Mid Valley's All Star Sports Cafe to get his signature. Sigh... Those were the days! OK, I think I may have talked a little too much about this... Formula One is a pretty huge part of my life... So I can get a bit carried away sometimes. Here's hoping BMW might just win their first race this season! Any chance if you'll be heading to Singapore this Sept for the night race? Wow. How insane is that?
  17. Riiiiight at the start before Quicksand. After John Legend's show, the DJs over at Sky stage told the crowd to stay on after Incubus... the lights went dim for the Sun stage and Incubus slowly came in with the countdown projected in the big screens? My friend said it started counting down from 5 before Quicksand came on! I remember vaguely because I counted down from 3 onwards. Trying to look for the videos now.. Also the actor in Fight Club, Girl Interrupted and American Psycho! No, no HAARP there as of Wednesday. I asked the guy if he has any idea when it'll be released but he gave me a very blunt no reply. These past few months have been the best months of my life thus far. It kinda sucks that my life is hardly really based on reality but it revolves only mainly around music (and F1). Sometimes I feel extremely out of place when I discuss with my collegemates regarding future professional papers to take (read: ACCA, CIMA etc ) I wish I work for some music magazine or something. These people get free tickets AND VIP passes! Getting paid to go to gigs/events... A job to die for! Someone needs to slap me back to reality. Sigh. I never liked Pop Shuvit and I never will. I don't get how they're pretty big over in Japan. Sorry to hear about you being pulled out If it was me, I think it would've been a really traumatic experience. They took a flight from Melbourne to Singapore then from Singapore to KL through AirAsia. This was the 2nd time I talked to Nico! The first time was at the ORIS event @ BB Plaza last year. He was being extremely nice there too! He actually signed my friend's Moral book because she brought that book along to study for her moral studies exam the next day lol. You were there at KL Plaza during that Kimi TAG Heuer event?! I was there too! That event was crazy packed. Could hardly see Kimi at all! Followerd him all the way around and ended up somewhere in JW Marriott. Lol. Surely I would've bumped into you? Lol. My friend's a HUGE Kimi fan (I find that I cannot bring myself to like him however - after what happened when McLarens picked him instead of Nick Heidfeld to replace Mika Hakkinen. IMHO, Nick is very much an underrated driver. He's only beginning to get in the spotlight now! Ironically, both current Ferrari drivers used to be his teammates back in the Sauber days and Nick actually outqualified both of them during their time together!) but we've managed to work our differences out and focus on our love for Formula One instead So usually we go driver stalking hunting around KL together! Did you go to last year's BMW Sauber Pit Lane Park along Jalan Binjai @ KLCC? If it rains tomorrow (or today rather!), I believe Lewis will menggelabah. Lol. No traction control + slippery newly tarred track! Should be a really interesting watch - yay for him being demoted 5 places as well. Heh.
  18. I was at KLCC's Tower Records. Yessss, the Incubus DVD would only cost RM32 after the 20% discount! The thing is, I am seriously broke - because I'm considering heading to Singapore for the Stereophonics gig in April! Trying to get my sister to loan me cash now however. Haha... Ugh. Pop Shuvit and OAG opened for them back then right? They totally drained out the energy of the crowd. I remember being so dehydrated after the two opening acts - but my friend went to get Nescafe Ice Lemon Tea for me. Til now, I am forever in debt of that drink lol. We were standing in between Jose and Ben. Not exactly right up front however. Maybe about 4-5 lines from the stage. But during Mega it got so intense my sister and I were just pushed everywhere. Finally we seeked refuge near this couple and managed to enjoy the rest of the show eventhough I was seperated with my other friend. Too bad la last time got no youtube or anything. I think the videos I took (Brandon + Beanie!) are gone forever when my desktop crashed two years back I would looove to listen to the bootleg of it. Lol yesss I'm actually in that picture so technically I took a picture with Nico? Lol. My friend took that shot of me running up to Nico for a handshake. Nico and Kazuki Nakajima were at LCCT (I think they just got off from their flight from Singapore - and yeah they took AirAsia XD ) for some press conference I believe. When I wanted to take a proper picture with Nico however, he was actually all ready to pose and everything lol. Unforunately, this lady came along and drag him away saying he has a busy busy schedule. He looked apologetic as he left me and my friend there standing lol. But a handshake from him was good enough! Also congratulated him for his fantabulous podium finish in Australia! Very sad lah this year, there's not much promotion going around in KL with drivers' appearances. Even BMW Sauber didn't do an autograph session with their fans this year. Damn disappointed I hope it raiiiinnnns during the race! PRETTY!
  19. Chris' would be filled with emo tattoos! Lol. Come to think of it, I never really focused on how fit a rockstar really is until you mention it. Haha. My friend says Brandon looks mrore like a junkie but she added quickly, "a HOTT junkie though!" Instead of FILMING the drums solo, she actually only took picturessss My other friend who's a drummer is pretty mad now coz I remember he specifically told her to film the solo... not take pictures of it! Sigh. I think I would prefer a smaller, more private concert/gig compared to a big scale outdoor one. The EITS gig @ Ruums KL was spectacular because you could trully take in the awesomeness of the four of them onstage just working out their magic with their instruments in perfect harmony. As much as I love jumping and singing along to songs in a concert - sometimes all the jumping and moshing would really distract you from uncovering the real beauty that lies behind the live music! My part was crazy. I knew eventually after 4-5 songs things would slow down a bit so I told myself to hold on for just a bit. Haha. And I did! I came prepared however, because the 2004 gig kinda gave me a culture shock of some sort. Lol. Plus they actually opened with MEGALOMANIAC that time. The 15 year old in me then almost died! I developed a severe case of tonsilitis after the Switchfoot concert back in February. It lasted for a good three weeks! Summore that time it was during CNY. I actually had to sacrifice all my pineapple jam tarts!! The Muse concert made my voice hoarse - which doesnt sound too bad actually lol almost sexy. I'm sure your voice sounds a bit like that now? Heh. Oh and I forgot to mention - that countdown thing they had before Incubus started to jam: ABSOLUTELY RAD. To reduce all the PIS attacks, I've actually taken the time to ... go stalk F1 drivers instead! Wee! It's that time of the season again! Unfortunately, this year there's technically less than 1 week of promotions, so there aren't many events that are open for the public. Booo. So much for 10 years in Formula One and getting the fans involved. I attempted to go for BMW's Pit Lounge thing @ KLCC last night but was sent back out in the rain because I didn't own a BMW and/or I didn't have a pass :-/ OMG. HMVVVV! And it's less than SD25! Unbelievable!! Do they post it here to Malaysia? lol. I tried pestering the guy in Tower Records two days back about the HAARP dvd but he tried to sell me the Blur DVD instead ?? Also saw Incubus' Alive at Red Rocks DVD and I was soooooooo tempted to buy it because Tower Records currently have a 20% sale storewide!! My friend managed to drag me out however - before I end up prolonging my maggi-mee-only-for-dinner by another 6 weeks! Hello superolls! Reminds me of that Super Ring snack. Lol. Has anyone tried asking Victoria Music Center? ------- Wow, that's a pretty long read - sorry if you had to go through all that!
  20. Thank you, dear! Hahaha yeah, they did. Twirling, spinning, dancing, swaying. No joke, even the sax guys have to learn choreography! I stood somewhere near the guys that were body surfing towards the end of the show. Tsk tsk, I don't know why some people can't just be there to really enjoy the music and not jeopardize someone else's time there. Heh. Rock concerts can be fun - and traumatizing at the same time. I had fun ;D But I feel a bit bad for my two other smaller friends. One of them was telling me last night she will never again go to another rock concert of this genre... Oh God, how can you not notice the hairband pulling tease? He seriously teased us! And when he flexed his muscles........ I'm just gonna leave you guys to this: (Should also be classified as not work safe. Lol!) The same guy who posted that vid has a kick ass vid of TSOM as well I think my friend may have got the awesome drums solo part in vid. She needs to send me those vids now! But procrastination runs in my circle of friends, so I'm afraid that may have to wait for awhile. No idea what she really caught on vid though! I loved the '04 set actually. Certain Shade of Green! That was phenomenal! I loved it when they played Warnings as well. Speaking of the '04 set, do you by any chance happen to have the Incubus Live in Malaysia bootleg that they released? I don't think I can really compare between the two sets though - because each was amazing in their own way. Also the Incubus gig in 2004 is something that I really hold dear because it was my first actual rock concert (not counting Linkin Park's back in 2003) and it gave me exposure to quite a number of things. Heh. They definitely played more than 75 minutes. More than an hour and half, I have to say!
  21. Close!! It's the knees on the ground part that I'm looking for though... Ahhh, looks like it was during the intro to Megalomaniac! You can watch part of it here in this vid. The pic you posted however, is nothing short of gorgeousness! I think we should try to work the setlist out? unless someone has already done that I remember them playing (not in exact order - but broken up into parts where Brandon took his shirt off layer by layer. Lol. My way of remembering things are weird, I know. ): Quicksand A Kiss To Send Us Off Nice To Know You Wish You Were Here Anna Molly (?) The Warmth Favourite Things Megalomaniac Drive Are You In? Vitamin Pistola Talk Shows on Mute Sick Sad Little World -Encore- Stellar Circles Aqueous Transmisson Hard to believe Incubus was just entertaining Malaysians 25 hours ago! When they came back for the encore and Brandon's "You're steeeelllllaaaarrrr" came on, I almost died. Stellar was simply ... for lack of better words, stellar! Oh, and I heart my "music lover" wristband as well!
  22. Yeah man, standing through Incognito was pretty ... long. Lol but my friends and I sought eye candy from the guys playing the saxaphone I was standing right up front in the middle - but then several people started pushing through cutting right in front of us. We gave in eventually and when the moshing started during AKTSUO, it got pretty bad. My smaller petite friend was pushed all the way to the front and she had to literally crawl back 7-8 lines behind the barrier to get back to me! We were at the festival since 3pm and I have to say it was rather exhausting. But amazing nonetheless! Incubus really made it allllll worth it. And when he took his shirt off.... Squeeeeeee! Brandon Boyd has got to be the only person that can pull off skinny jeans. (No wait, I stand corrected - Matt too ) lol okay sorry for the fangirly moment, but really I can't help it!! Towards the end, I'm not sure if it was during Circles or Aqueous Transmission - but Brandon kneeled down and leaned his head against the mic? Gosh - I had a perfect view and he seemed so symetrical with the mic parting his face in equal halves! Too bad I couldn't snap a picture of that moment however! I wish someone had though. The down part about a huge outdoor festival though - I couldn't really hear Brandon's voice I have to say. Maybe the crowd drowned his voice especially the guy behind me who wouldn't stop screaming instead of singing along, but I have to say the sound system was a bit of a disappointment. I couldn't hear the perfect bass line from Ben! And Jose's drums were all swallowed up - in a way. Mike was amazing though esp during his solo. Perhaps I shouldn't ask for too much given that this is an outdoor festival. Thanks for the vids btw! Loved the part when Ben and Brandon started singing "hold the wheel and drive" x82390423 Perfect harmony! I just noticed though - the first Incubus show in Malaysia was in March 16th 2004. Ironically, four years later way past midnight they perform again on March 16th 2008 I'm sure I have a lot more to add to this but right now I gotta go pack coz I'm leaving home in a few hours! Sigh.
  23. I'm curious about the departure times now, do keep us updated if you have any info? Ooh. I saw the vid. That's pretty awesome I heard the Colbie showcase went well, safe for the rain downpour. MUSE needs to come back to Malaysia. Sigh.
  24. ^ Glad you met them! (and that the flight predictions were correct ) I had to send my friend over instead and miss out on it because I had a few things to attend to at the MATTA fair over at PWTC Damn. Do tell us all about it though? My friend says there were quite a lot of people, surprisingly! Hopefulllyyy, someone told them to play Pardon Me. How's Ben Kenny feeling btw? So today's the day! Hopefully I'll bump into you guys. Heh
  25. I'm not exactly comfortable being in front of an audience too.. But there was once I talked about my Muse concert experience during an impromptu speech and I thought I did pretty well So now usually if I have to speak in public, I would try to incorporate my presentation with something I would enjoy talking about. Haha. Aww, I've always wanted to be a tour manager or some sort too.. You know, being involved in the music scene but technically not a musician.. More like one of those behind the scenes crew There was one point I was actually being serious about starting my own recording studio. Parents weren't exactly supportive with that idea however. Anyway, Deb & Mel, all the best with your results! No no, not stalk, but simply to welcome them - and perhaps pester them to play Pardon Me Hmm. True. I suppose they'll take the night flight seeing that they just got off two back to back concerts in Shanghai. I've just decided if that's the case, I'll steal borrow my mom's car and drive to the Putrajaya KLIA Transit station at night Oh yeah, there are two airports in Shanghai, MAS however only flies from the Pudong airport. I think chances should be pretty high that they will be flying on MAS. I checked a few other airlines, and they don't have a direct flight to Malaysia. Singapore, at the very least. But I'm still not too sure, of course Maybe there's a media promoter person that we could send an e-mail for conformation? Or ask fellow Shanghai Incubus fans to stalk them in the airport on Friday If it's at night though - there goes all our Colbie Caillat plans. Oh and the sunburst kl site posted a few pictures!
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