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Everything posted by Sventington

  1. those are alright I suppose, you'd have to pair them with something kind of dramatic though I think!

  2. I tried going to sleep and kept hearing this weird noise that jerked me up. Now I'm scared to try again :(

  3. you're all about the angry passion. You twisted weirdo.

  4. YOU UPSET ME EVERY SO MUCH. don't you dare get them.

  5. now you're just on a mission to kill my lusty feelings.

  6. as one who believes in God, I find that whole thought process weird. I guess it does exist though!

  7. hyperactivebliss says to send her a message, as she is currently in New Zealand!

  8. not a problem, glad you enjoyed!

  9. Here we are.


    A coworker of mine made this, you may appreciate it:



  10. no no, think of it as lady as in part and parcel with "ladies and gentlemen". It denotes class.


    Anyhow the point of the library question was that I MAY HAVE SOMETHING YOU WILL ENJOY, I just need to get the link...


    Please hold.

  11. are you the lady who worked or works in a library? I feel I may have you confused with someone else.

  12. I'm glad you like it! I first heard of the wendigo through Stephen King, and then discovered a short story about it, and ever since I've been interested. Native American mythology is neat!

  13. it has not! I'm just perpetually distracted. I will try and write you this week, I think enough has happened to be able to write an ok response, but for now I'm off to bed!

  14. Sorry! I've been quite sick lately, and as such have lacked the energy for a long response. I will give you one within the week, I promie.



  15. Sorry for the lack of response, I'm currently at a library conference, and will be until the weekend. I'll try and write you something substantial at some point!

  16. In all honsty I'm not sure, I stole it from some user at a different board.

  17. :( boo about the pain, yay about the opiate! What kind is it, perhaps it and I crossed paths at one point.
  18. TOO GOOD FOR ME, ARE YEE? Well :phu: !

  19. Excellent solution! I just would have panicked and hidden!


    I wonder when I'll actually start paying for music again. I wouldn't want to pay for a download, but I'd pay for an actual cd or record. They'd be nice to have on display. I doubt I'll ever start buying e-books as I'd be left with the same lack of display, and I like to see my trophies.


    I do have MP3s on my Zune, just none I paid for, haha.


    Have you found any jobs worth applying for in the last while? I'd be perpetually stressed trying to climb my way out of debt whilst working in a low paying job I didn't love. As it stands I don't make a lot of money, but then again I'm only supporting myself, so I live fairly comfortable. I actually bought a rather large tv awhile back! 46", I enjoy it!


    Ah I don't mind not having a theatre. It costs too much to go to a movie, especially when you can wait a couple of weeks and download it. I generally don't get bored, but that's because I'm easily entertained. I do drink a lot though, haha. I've never been the sort who really enjoys going out, I just like going to a friend's house or something, so this place isn't a bit deal for me.


    It's funny you should mention ING, my facebook account is me pretending to be ING's spokesman! As a result I know all about their high interest savings accounts, haha. I also have many pictures of him in my profile, it actually borders on being creepy! I did check out Sharebuilder though, and it seems it's only available to U.S. customers, so once again I'm out of luck.


    Montreal ended up getting knocked out of the playoffs by the Philadelphia Flyers :'( . It's ok though, they had a great run, and it meant I got to shave my pathetic playoff beard. It was a sad site indeed. The Flyers stand no chance against the Chicago Blackhawks though, so it'll be good to watch Philly lose in the finals.


    I wish it didn't cost so much for me to go home, or I'd visit more often. A round trip ticket costs $1500, meaning the Roger Waters concert is basically costing me $3000. :(


    The weather around here is still kind of cool, I think yesterday it only got as warm as 11 celcius, so I still have to wear my spring jacket. C'est la vie, I suppose. It doesn't look like it's going to get much warmer over the coming weeks, which is kind of lame.


    So how was your week? Mine was kind of uneventful, I just worked, watched a couple of movies (Equus is one I highly recommend) and lazed about.


    Any big weekend plans?


    Let me know what's up! Sorry it took me so long to respond!

  20. Yes, you took forever, and as a result my heart has grown weak. I hope you can live with yourself.


    What are you going to download with the itunes gift card? I have a Zune, so I don't get into the whole buying MP3s thing all that often, unless the track is super rare. I got my mom a Beatles boxset for Mother's day, I think she liked it!


    How did your boss end up reacting to you losing the receipt?


    You really must not be doing great if you're selling your stock off at this point. I do remember the hassle of credit card payments though, so I can't blame you. Everyone needs some breathing room, we'll see how long I'm able to remain debt free.


    My weekend wasnt too bad. Montreal won one game and lost the other. My headphones are working out splendidly! None of the sounds are exaggerated, they're just all full and represented in ways that go beyond simple left ear and right ear. It's tough to explain, they're quite the experience!


    I haven't seen Iron Man 2 yet as this town doesn't have a theatre.


    I'm jealous of the Sirius stocks! How did you go about buying them? I've always wanted to invest some money in actual companies, but I don't wanna deal with the hassle of finding a stock broker and such. Besides, I don't think we have any of those sorts of people around here at the moment.


    I'm seeing the concert in Toronto. It is a bit of a distance away, and it'll cost me a lot to fly there, but as the Wall is my favourite album, I'm willing to pay. I'm sure seeing it in San Fransisco would have been fun, although I probably would have saved the drugs until after the concert so I could remember the whole experience! Besides, I imagine there will be plenty of stuff available at the Toronto venue should I choose to imbibe.


    Guess what? MONTREAL WON THE PITTSBURGH SERIES! It's insane! The Canadiens got into the playoffs by a single point, defeated the best team in the league in the first round, and knocked off the defending Stanley Cup champions in the second round! It's eerie and amazing. I think the third round starts on Sunday, we'll see how they do then. Regardless, I'm fairly proud of them.


    How's everything been with you? Things are more or less the same here. It's STILL snowing, which is insane.

  21. Howdy!


    My birthday ended up being pretty mediocre. I had a bad lunch, I ruined my dinner, and the Canadiens lost. I suppose that is bound to happen on one's birthday every now and again, but it made me a bit grumpy. On Saturday I had a little get together with some people which was a birthday of sorts. It was alright, did some drinking and ate some good pizza. Yesterday was a lazy day. I played an NHL game and then went to a coworkers to watch the game, Montreal WON this time, which was supoib! Then we had a barbecue which was delicious, and I walked home. So the weekend slooowly got better.


    Today has been pretty slow, but it is on many days. I invested most of the rest of my money in a low interest GIC, just so I avoid blowing it on dumb things. It's nice to get that stuff set up though.


    I have to cut this off now as my lunch just started. How was your weekend?

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