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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. I tried hard to capture the legend. :cool: Shame no one else saw it! :LOL:

  2. And the glitter? :D


    Pffffft! They'd spread you over a slice of toast and wash you down with a pint of hot tea as soon as look as you!

  3. Can I be your official beard brusher?! :D


    But it's so cute! :supersad: It literally couldn't be happier than when tickled. :happy:

  4. When you do can I play with it?! :D Sadly I grow rubbish beards. :supersad:


    As long as I can have one of these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLdQ3UhLoD4 :happy:

  5. I think the beard will suit you! :happy:

  6. Don't make me give you a slice of Hormonal Omelette!





    *steals cake* :ninja:

  8. Mmmm... moist sex chocolate cake.


    *puts the lego men in* :happy:

  9. What kind of cake? :eek: Will it have the chocolate?! :D

  10. Hey you! YOU! I miss you. :(

  11. I'm tired! Not enough sleep and too much wine. How are you?


    Very nice pics yourself. :happy:

  12. It is a pretty cool mask. :happy:


    I want a real one. :supersad:

  13. :awesome:


    I can't remember tbh! But they are magical. :happy:

  14. That sucks. :(


    I'm good thanks! Just stressed by uni work and trying to work out what i'm going to do doing come september.

  15. I can't find your loveboat! :(


    *leaves love* :happy:

  16. It'll be a good bottle. I've had lots of experience now as a broke uni student buying cheap bottles for £4-7! :LOL::yesey:

  17. Red wine is indeed awesome! :yesey:

  18. Hello there! *passes red wine* :happy:

  19. gooood! Did you do anything embarrassing? :LOL:

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