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Everything posted by james90

  1. I thought about your post during breakfast today, and came to the conclusion that it's possible that your MB-1 gets dirty quicker because you play it more. Is your new one still stuck in customs or have they released it yet? https://www.mansonguitarworks.com/index.cfm/categories/cort-mod-shop-34 Still needs the Jaicen spec Classic TC... if not, I'll have to modify mine to that spec.
  2. I didn't think OLC was still around. Need to check... Did someone say riffs? https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/articles/features/queens_of_the_stone_ages_no_one_knows_is_the_winner_of_greatest_riff_of_all_time_ug_showdown-72917 I mean... not that it's a particularly meaningful contest anyway, but I don't really consider that a riff. Though it's probably closer than some of the others they had listed. Also, ended up taking that Peavey HP2 (that's what it is, isn't it?) apart as a few parts needed lubricating. There's not really any indication of it being made of leftover wolfgang parts (at least as far as markings go) but I figure these first ones are... seems to make sense, as they've been out of stock everywhere since that initial batch sold shortly after they were announced at summer NAMM last year. If that's true, these must be more MB
  3. How's yours looking now? I gave mine a deep cleaning with that lighter fluid stuff a while back and it actually made a pretty big difference. And I don't mind waiting a few extra days if you don't... really.... it's not a big deal.
  4. But it's green Also, you should buy this. https://reverb.com/item/10632960-ovation-ultra-gp-1984-sunburst Serial indicates that it's two away from the one I have, although I don't think it's anything to go by with these.
  5. That makes sense. Can't risk missing out though... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX-lhQKUvGA So it's a late 70s big muff paired with a big cheese clone? I actually got a late 70s big muff (not sure which one exactly) in a trade recently... but I don't know who's building clones of the big cheese. You should build me one. At least if I miss out on the next batch of infatuators. Edit: http://www.gibson.com/Products/Acoustic-Instruments/2018/J-45-Neon-Green.aspx
  6. Yeah I did, but that took half as long. I'm not exaggerating either... that one above was the custom, and then there was a Cort TC with it, which took about two months. Also not exaggerating about that... We threatened to open a claim on the custom after several excuses, false delivery dates, blaming the delays on customs, etc... but that one finally showed up... The Cort on the other hand WAS lost and we did put a claim in. The shipping company (same one as always, but can't be too careful here...) actually admitted they couldn't find it anywhere. But somehow the following day, they made it appear out of nowhere when the word claim was mentioned. Probably not too surprising, as there's not really any way to blame that kind of situation on the shipper or recipient.
  7. I don't know how long it usually takes in Thailand, but that isn't unreasonable. Could be much worse: I don't think I really posted what happened on here, and probably shouldn't knowing you haven't received your guitar yet.
  8. Doesn't look like they're taking orders yet. I'm interested in one too, but will likely miss the sale... is your attempted clone actually #details? Meaning, did someone actually leak the recipe?
  9. You posted that at 6:15am. Doubt it will get sent until after lunch. Now that Macaroon is back (we knew you couldn't stay away from the knob man) what do you think about the recent change in the irn bru recipe?
  10. I don't know. Jimbob plays a jazzmaster, and he seems more Texan lumberjack (can that combination exist?) than anything else. I wonder what that will go for. Can you plug a left handed guitar into it?
  11. Well they're not doing any of the others in black, so it wouldn't make sense to do just one. It's from when he had his MB-1 modified. The neck was replaced with one of a different spec, so the original one is going spare. I get the same impression, but I get the feeling they still won't modify the DR-1s with a black finish, as it will be far too close to the tour spec guitars. Makes most sense to wait for a right handed version of the DH-1. That's what I'm doing. Or I could be hipster and learn to play opposite handed like nerd herd does.
  12. Someone already found out that they're not willing to refinish the DR-1s. As for the cort, you can't get a custom neck on those. Olly had his spare MB-1 neck he wanted to use on his MBC-1, and it doesn't actually fit that guitar.
  13. Yes. I like how this one turned out, except it's had some fancy aged copper machine heads installed since. I think the new owner posted a picture (either instagram or a facebook comment) but I haven't seen anything since then.
  14. No ordinary breakfast either. That combined with the #banter was enough to delay us for a minute and 47 seconds. The MB-1 carbon from last year? I imagine it was, as there was only that one as far as I know.
  15. Fixed the title, as it doesn't seem like Bs is getting his guitar anytime soon. And no, Works Wednesday doesn't REALLY happen until the Monday when Jaicen and I visit...
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