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Everything posted by james90

  1. I bought the wrong one. Need the one with the MIDI output. I can still hook it up by USB and send through the existing MIDI interface I have, but that's not the best way.
  2. tczechan didn't need a laptop to play MOTP And I didn't, but I bought one of these. It might do what I want, but then again... it might not. https://www.audiofront.net/MIDIExpression.php Still, should be a pretty neat and potentially useful thing to have.
  3. No mate, I mean being able to go to -1 octave (heel) and +1 octave (toe) on the same setting. It's the same idea as the harmonizer -1/+1, but only for pitch. You absolute madman I don't think MIDI would work in this case, especially for on the fly stuff Unless there's a MIDI controlled expression pedal that will switch between -1/+1... basically, EXACTLY half way on the expression could be bypassed. Forward (toe) from that middle point would be 0-127 +1 octave, and backward (heel) from that middle point would be 0-127 -1 octave... Somehow I don't think such a thing exists.
  4. Gentlemen. Is there a pedal that will basically go from -1oct to +1oct (on the same setting) with an expression control? Sort of like the harmonizer on the whammy, but without the harmonizer effect. Looks like the only one that might do that is the EHX pitchfork, but not sure.
  5. Not to mention that he's using a plugin, and not £5000+ worth of amps and pedals like everyone else. Maybe that's the real secret! What was the reason for that? Guessing not because of intonation issues, as that seems to happen more on the wound strings. And yeah, the pyramid strings he mentioned, and also the GHS GBLXL set. I ordered a couple of the GHS ones. I generally don't like anything below 10-46 gauge, but interested to see if there's a difference.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVx44W88X08 #JaicenApproved or...? I think I actually have one of those dean markley sets with the axis artwork from several years back. They're probably rusted by now though.
  7. https://www.mansonguitarworks.com/index.cfm/news/signed-muse-guitar-auction-136 Get bidding.
  8. Well at least it's a proper one and not one of those dodgy ones with the tele bridge. @nerd_herd, where are these infatuators? I've been checking the GCP website often enough. Maybe it's not happening...
  9. no it's mine! Not that I'm aware of. I know mine (very early one) doesn't have a logo'd neck plate, and the finish is slightly different.
  10. You can still find these for reasonable prices, provided that the seller isn't aware of the other MB using one. Also because they don't really get that much attention from buyers, as everyone's much more familiar with the usual flame top model. #counterfeit
  11. Yeah, but you'll probably end up losing money if I send it! Have you asked at any of your local guitar shops? They're often willing to give them away as there are plenty. #JaicenApproved These had a bit of a quirky spec to them...sort of like a cross between a LP/SG/ES, but it actually worked really well. None of that #innovation nonsense that they've been doing in the past ten years.
  12. Don't worry Bs, I'm not giving you the silent treatment. I just couldn't process two of your posts back to back. So how come you went for the MBK-3 in this as well? Playing it safe, or...? Should've asked if Psychopaf could have done you a 7 string PF-1.
  13. Remember when everyone just HAD to have teles with humbuckers? Jaicen might want to look away... https://reverb.com/item/11397547-fender-telecaster-1952-natural
  14. I don't know. I was going to link that one as a reply to Dom's post. Is that not the best one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFq0-eGOOlA
  15. I think that's just the same DI fuzz factory sound, but with some kind of octave effect. The MOTP one just seems to be an octave down (the guitar already has the low E tuned to C) I'm not sure about SMBH. It seems to vary depending on what he's playing (listen to the octaves in the chorus bit) .. almost sounds like a ring mod at times. But for all I know, he could have programmed a MIDI track for the whammy so it switches modes at a specific time. Unlikely though.
  16. As far as I remember, Sam (along with a handful of others) got banned permanently because of the whole K&T banter situation. Ben was banned temporarily. Then someone (I can't remember who - probably Ben) started the other board and they moved there. Meanwhile, we were allowed to have a K&T group on this board, and it had about two people... me and Niel/trad3mark (the mod at the time) I didn't realize muselive was gone completely... their community (see what I did there?) sort of scared me. They seemed to love valentin for some reason, at least from what I remember. And no, we really wouldn't!
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