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Wowee zowee

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Status Updates posted by Wowee zowee

  1. I did it I caught up!!!!!!

  2. My name is George. I'm unemployed and I live with my parents.



  3. I model myself on him, does that make me hot?

  4. I couldn't get rid of him :(

  5. amerrriiicaaaaa fuck yeah

  6. It is 4 :p but I got it spoiled for me by my mate ages ago so it wasn't a huge :eek:.. :( ah well. I don't know anything from 5 so I'm hoping the cliffhanger will be better. Still 4 is epic! although I still think Desmond is better than Ben :p Daniel is also a cool addition.

  7. I sort of guessed it would be locke who was in the casket..I think it was the last few episodes where I made that guess. Pretty cool twist though!

  8. Onto season 5 now! 2 episodes in already, I'm going to make it!

  9. That wink was a spoiler!


    You big tease :(

  10. Can't believe Ben let Alex die :stunned::stunned::stunned::stunned:

  11. Ok I won't :phu:


    My next sig will feature



  12. What the HEeeeeeeeeeell is going on, just saw that Jin/Sun episode


    Ok so according to Sun Jin is dead? so Jin faked his death? he gave the bear.. but that guy said it was a boy but it is infact a girl :erm:


    Hmm I guess the next few episodes will explain it.

  13. Erm I don't think I have actually! is it awesome?


    This is where I've got up to



    Season 4, Episode 6: The Other Woman

    Original Air Date—6 March 2008

    Daniel and Charlotte leave Jack's camp to fulfill their objective, and Jack and Juliet try to track them down before they are successful. Juliet's romantic history on the island with The Others is exposed.

  14. Nope I'm about up to episode 6 I think, there has been lot's of Desmond which is highly awesome. The whole going back to the past whilst being in the future is confusing but amazing!


    :LOL: I wish, although do not want his past drug experiences..

  15. Season 4 of Lost is AMAZING!

  16. Well if they have some science behind it then I'm all for that! I knew they probably wouldn't leave it just like that and the whole Dharma thing has obviously got something to do with it, research etc.

  17. I don't know what to think really because I realise that Lost was always going to have some supernatural elements to it.. I like programs that make it blend into making it seem like it actually could happen. I guess the time travelling aspect makes me feel slightly suspect about the realism... But ah well.

  18. Ohh right!! yeah it was pretty crap tbh.


    Desmonds episode was cool but I was confused as to how/why he went back in time.. I realise he did it so he knew that he couldn't change anything but then suddenly it does change when he gets hit with a cricket bat and he wakes up.. very odd

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