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Wowee zowee

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Status Updates posted by Wowee zowee

  1. I'm on my phone, will upload it later!


    Was it They Live?

  2. Just taken a picture of the worst jack toy ever

  3. I might check an episode out one day as I've noticed that blonde woman who was in Role Models and some other films.


    :LOL: because of that thread? theres been so many muser relationships over the years!

  4. Lost memes will always live on:D When I see a good selection of Jack clips I'll make one of you :D


    Yeah the first episode started on the 12th I think! I'm going to aquire it soon and see what it's all about:shifty:


    I don't understand Glee. Someone told me if you liked John Hughes films you'd love Glee and I do love me a John Hughes film..

  5. I believe you:p


    Only 4?!! This is like when the wire ended:(well when I caught up with all the seasons last year and then it was all gone :'( Are you going to watch Treme?


    Oh and yes I agree Ben was waaaaay better in season 3 & 4.. 5 he just lost his cool appeal.

  6. Dude


    I have no idea what you're on about :LOL: I've got an exam in a module about usability within web design looking at how to take into consideration human interaction, how we perceive websites with colours and how they're laid out.


    I always get it on a Wed afternoon and watch it on Wed night :happy: Locke is the baddest man :yesey:<3

  7. I was hoping for sympathy :D


    What are your exams on? I'm awful at exams


    I've got till the 28th, sone of my friends have tonnes left and I'm stunned at how they could be so far behind... I'm hoping to get the rest of my project done by sunday and then spend monday printing :LOL:


    You seen Lost yet? I haven't so no spoilerzzz

  8. It's your fault clearly :(


    Hows your revision going btw?

  9. I just bought an iphone :facepalm:

  10. It has Roddy Piper & Keith David :LOL: but I think you should get Big Trouble in Little China if you haven't seen that.

  11. I was going to suggest that I could let you borrow it (send it to you) but you'd need something to play it on.


    You really don't want any of Ghosts of Mars :noey: Carpenter hasn't made a proper film since and that says it all really :LOL: He really should though because he is a master! his synth themes and Kurt Russell + Keith David :awesome:

  12. Hasn't been released over here if I remmeber as I had to buy it from America..region 1 so it doesn't work in my PS3:(


    Don't make me choooooooose:supersad:

    It's either..

    Escape From New York

    The Thing

    Big Trouble In Little China


    They Live


    Think the only one that I've seen that I didn't like is Ghosts of Mars :noey: or possibly Vampires.

  13. I couldn't resist posting :supersad:





    I have nearly every John Carpenter film :happy:

  14. :LOL:!! damn don't I have a good comeback.. you win this time Lianna
  15. Just a bit:phu: I might even put my microphone on and shout out BOOOM YEAAAAHHH HEADSHOT, OWNNNED etc


    Immature about the lampost comment :p

  16. :LOL: how does 10 kills for me and 0 for you sound? :p might make up for it :shifty:


    That's really nice of you :) what kind of things do you help with exactly? I help my mum when I have the time at the cancer research shop. All the ladies up there want to make me tea :chuckle: how could one refuse :cool:


    It was one of those moments when you just can't help but laugh! :p I feel really mean but she had thick jam jar glasses too.. she had a huge thing for The Lost Boys as well always telling me how great it was.


    I've bumped into a lampost before:facepalm:

  17. But you still called me mean :supersad:


    Which charity was it?


    Well...where do I start:LOL:


    You know John Peel right? There was this slightly weird woman who'd come in and ask he just stupid questions now and then.. I think she fancied me :LOL: but one time she was chatting to me as I was trying to sort out the A-Z and she just pointed at this John Peel CD and went "OHH that's him from Location Location Location" and I just burst out laughing :D

    Then this other time I was just putting out a few CD's and I just caught a glimpse of this guy walking straight for the window(you know the massive windows you have in shops) the entrance is just by it... anyway he just kept on walking straight for it and smashed his face against it :eek: I couldn't believe what I just saw! Just amazed how anyone could completely miss the entrance.. So yeah there was a huge imprint on the window and he just ran out of the shop :(

  18. What kind of gossiping?:chuckle:


    Here are some...secret links, could only find that one Airfields EP so I added a few others, going to try and zip+upload that Airfields for you. I'm really glad you like them :happy:


    The Airfields - Laneways, An EP



    The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart – Higher Than The Stars EP



    Ride - Nowhere



    I worked in Music Zone and then I worked in several independant shops which kept opening and closing :LOL: Erm mostly I would put on a CD whether it be something I like or a new release and people would ask "ooh that sounds good, what is it?" Like for instance there was this old rocker who liked the sound of Wolf Parade(not sure if you've heard of them) so it can be pretty surprising! I was never a huge fan of putting on stuff I've heard loads of times.. It's like how many times can you listen to The Smiths.. trust me it got very annoying when you hear the same album over and over and over :LOL: When the second Arctic Monkeys came out we had like a full day of that album :stunned: I've got some really funny stories working there though :LOL:

  19. Did you enjoy the bbq? :happy:


    The Airfields are great :happy: I have a few links if you want them? (I know a secret place)


    I have two plastic boxes and I put them in there, they aren't out of sight so I can flick through them whenever, although I notice a few have some dust on NOooooooooo! Oh and I have Isn't Anything on vinyl :happy: One day I want a room with just vinyl & cd's in :awesome: Working at a music shop for a few years was a bad idea :LOL:


    That Ride album is one of my favs, I think along with MBV got me into being slightly obcessed with finding similar bands.


    I couldn't resist one more suggestion.. sorry :D


    I just completely love this song, I think they're leaning more towards indie pop.. if you want to be pedantic about genres:LOL:

  20. I posted on my wall again :facepalm:


    I know a few who hate Mew :LOL:


    Heres an example just to make you go WOW :p posted these on another forum ages ago




    Tell me what you think after you've listened to them <3

  21. That's cool! I really wanted to see MBV but it sold out so fast, think it was the ATP one in London. I've never been to the festival but I have been to Roskilde as my brother lives there. I love Efterklang!! I remember years back when I was CD shopping in Copenhagen and came across their first album and it had a Pitchfork sticker on so I bought it :LOL:.. suppose you like Mew then?


    Yeah I like to zone out to post rock. It's sort of my obcession in some ways of finding these sort of bands, when I had a job I'd pretty much spend it all on vinyl as they tend to do speical edition colours etc so I have like ones that are gold/green/purple etc... god I sound like even more of a hipster:LOL:


    I have a few recommendations if you're into shoegazy stuff as I went through a bit of a phase of listening to a number of bands.


    Typical shoegaze band






    These guys are bloody loud live.



    It's like shoegazy electronica.. all good :cool:




    Pretty sure I've got some other shoegaze stuff, if you're interested! I'll have to wade through everything. Sorry I've got a bit carried away.. love recommeding stuff to people:$

  22. Are you a fan of post rock/instrumental music?


  23. Thanks :)


    Have a good time!

  24. My mum volunteers at the cancer research shop and she is always coming back with stuff :LOL:

    Hmm that is pretty interesting, do you have an article which I can read about it?

  25. Well I'm generally not a fan of people who preach, I'll listen to what they have to say and make my own mind up.


    Primark sales rose by 19 per cent in the 16 weeks to 2 January.


    But amid bumper warm clothes sales in the chilly weather, Primark garment workers remain frozen out of its success, the charity War on Want claims.


    It said people making Primark clothes overseas struggled to survive on poverty pay.


    Last month the charity's research showed that workers toiled up to 84 hours a week and earned as little as £19 a month - less than half a living wage - making Primark clothes in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka.


    And its report on three Primark factories in the same city just over a year ago revealed workers earning as little as 7p an hour for up to 80-hour weeks.

    Majority of people don't care because it doesn't affect them and it does annoy me but I can't stop people buying the clothes..


    "the shop just encompasses "replaceable one-use" society" you have a point but then again I think clothes are one thing that you're never going to get reduced in terms of people buying.. We still live in a society where alot of people don't use charity shops because they're not in fashion and not new...


    How come?

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