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Everything posted by Jaicen

  1. Not that it's terribly important, but it's vU (volume unit) meter, UV is what gives you a tan Looking at the pic, it kinda looks like its being used as some sort of fold-back amplifier for monitoring purposes maybe? EDIT: Nope, it's a strobe tuner
  2. I agree with all of the above. Just look at Joe Bonamassa, possibly the greatest blues player I've ever heard. He has legit chops, and uses Legit equipment. Broad and massive talent. Pretty dull to listen to though. The same is true of a great many guitar players back then and now.
  3. I don't my E shape has some obvious wear, including an unexplained scratch across the front. I try to accept its a tool and it gets used 3hrs + every week but that still sucks.
  4. Slightly back on topic, just watched the Firefly festival. Did anyone else clock Matt's led shoes?? My son thinks they're cool. He's 7.
  5. Fixed. I guess if you could live without the upside down logo, you could go to KTS direct?
  6. Seems like it's a more slabby body and generic looking pickups. Not so much 'reissue' as ' a new guitar vaguely reminiscent of an old one'.
  7. I think its a mini toggle switch. For what, I don't know. Maybe it's to control the settings on the big fugly YES/NO switch. I wonder if it's for changing whammy patches on the fly or something like that?
  8. So, I saw some of the Facebook gig. Is there 'something' going on that's unusual with the new chrome Floyd guitar? Something more than the Floyd and sustainer I mean
  9. As something of an old man, with family and work commitments, I would say that if you want to go, and you can go, then you should go. It might not be long before you get into a position where you can't so make the most of it now.
  10. Of course, I was momentarily confused Also, has anyone seen this: http://www.dv247.com/guitars/diezel-zerrer-guitar-effects-pedal--213999?gclid=CLuWy7ncqNQCFYc_GwodcroHFw Is that the same gain channel as the VH4 pedal? Looks like it's Muse-in-a-box if it is?
  11. That looks like it still has the Crunchbucker bridge?
  12. This is precisely why I haven't pulled the trigger. It's also why I haven't bought any other guitars in the last 12 months I know that 'something' is coming, I just don't know what it is.
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