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Matt's 's' pronunciation


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Anyone realised that when Matt says certain words that require the 'S' sound....

Example 'supermassive', 'desolation', 'thinks', 'same'


Sounds very harsh on the ears when listening on earphones on blasting volumes. I was listening to SMBH and MoTP and my ears was dying. Especially during the verse when Matt sings 'so scattered almost' on MoTP.


It justs kills my ears, or i should just lower my volume;)

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I would say so, yeah. There are certain tools when mastering that just focus on the s's to make it less harsh. I don't have it so all my recordings suffer from it haha.


De-essing has nothing to do with mastering, if you did use it on the master, you'd fuck up the entire mix :facepalm:


Matt, like most vocalists, will use large diaphragm condensor microphones in the studio (I believe he uses an AKG C12), which often have a bump in the 7K-12K range, any sibilance will sound harsh and while there are tools to remove, if you are too harsh with them, the vocalist will end up sounding like they have a lisp, which is worse overall. So ultimately it's a balancing act.


And you can't get rid of it with a pop shield, that's P's & B's, where you physically move air to create the sound.

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Lol I didn't understand 1 single thing of what you just said :LOL:


It's something called 'sibilance', basically with S's, C's, Z's, X's, you sort of have to hiss them, which up close to a microphone, doesn't sound too pretty, you can hear it in everyday speech. :)


If the thread opener has only noticed this with Muse, then that person needs to start listening to more music, also needs to turn the music down when listening through headphones, will be doing shit loads of damage :chuckle:

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