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Epic!! We had bubble pipes that we waved in the air during the show and screamed his name. He laughed. After KoC we threw them onstage and he picked it up and put it in his mouth :chuckle:


The Vid with the pipe:






:awesome: :awesome: :awesome:






I heard that his wife was there though.. :chuckle: lol at her thinking what the fuck were some girls having plastic pipes in their mouth and screaming Chris's name.. :LOL:

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I'm good, so excited for school... I missed it, so sick of summer.:$




:eek: You're not serious,are you? How can you miss school?

Today I found out that our school has taken part of some stupid program where the teachers text all the student's marks to his parents. ALL of them. You can even arrange that parents get an email every time you haven't done your homework or something. :indiff:

My life will be hell if my parents know all my marks and lessons I haven't been to.

So,no,I don't miss school,not at all. :p

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:eek: You're not serious,are you? How can you miss school?

Today I found out that our school has taken part of some stupid program where the teachers text all the student's marks to his parents. ALL of them. You can even arrange that parents get an email every time you haven't done your homework or something. :indiff:

My life will be hell if my parents know all my marks and lessons I haven't been to.

So,no,I don't miss school,not at all. :p


:eek: that sounds horrific. Luckily my parents phone plans don't include texting. :awesome:

not that my marks get sent to my parents anyway. :LOL: But I still don't miss school. :p


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