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Where did you get the photo in your sig, btw?


ooh sorry! :chuckle:


it magically appeared on my boat this morning...courtesy of my brain twin :awesome:




here it is...not sure where she found it :$ i've gotten far behind in any current muse stuff cause i've been so busy.

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ooh sorry! :chuckle:


it magically appeared on my boat this morning...courtesy of my brain twin :awesome:




here it is...not sure where she found it :$ i've gotten far behind in any current muse stuff cause i've been so busy.


I can't seem to find any photos from that gig...


But the photo is....that pout!

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I'm sorry I haven't posted in here in a while :$


I've been on vacation since the beginning of August and I just got my wisdom teeth removed today, so time has not permitted me to do as such. Sorry!


I do like that striped suit though :D




ooh...i hope you're feeling okay. welcome back! :awesome:

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I was watching this tonight and i swear that harmonica just does things to me :$




btw... if you list with head phones you can hear Chris' background vocals VERY clearly


I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVEN'T POSTED IN HERE IN ALMOST A MONTH!!!! I've been neglectful :( Actually, I've just been super busy.




found this in the lolz thread...








:LOL: your sig!


Chris makes stripes looks :stongue: which is quite a feat.






Ooooooh nice!


Hello there. :eyebrows:




:LOL: love the smiley

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I was watching this tonight and i swear that harmonica just does things to me :$




btw... if you list with head phones you can hear Chris' background vocals VERY clearly


I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVEN'T POSTED IN HERE IN ALMOST A MONTH!!!! I've been neglectful :( Actually, I've just been super busy.



I have to make some gifs from that KOC performance...The harmonica....Deadly.

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Hi,everyone. Sorry I haven't been here for quite a time, I was visiting my granny again and yesterday I went to a party where my friend and I were the only girls. :awesome:

So I'm in a pretty good today, ready to start posting here again. :happy:





*needs eye bleach* :eek:



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