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I was about to ask the same :chuckle:


Hello Marta, Hello Aida and hello everyone else :awesome


Hi,there. :kiss:

Ahhh,it's so good that I can finally visit the board. The past few days without internet were just awful. :eek:

I'm working my way to my 300th post...


I can soooo imagine the interviewer saying:"You're so hawt" and Chris all like " Oh stop" :awesome:


edit: okay, i gotta run. My brother and I are going to a department store and he needs my help to find new trousers. :chuckle:

See ya all later. :happy:

Edited by HullaGirl
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Aww thank you Allison :kiss:


wtf Dom: "dislikes: people who talk in films" :erm: Does he mean people which are talking while watching a film?

Anyone knows why Matt's column is empty?


Hi,there. :kiss:

Ahhh,it's so good that I can finally visit the board. The past few days without internet were just awful. :eek:


I can imagine :chuckle:

Absence of internet is maximum penalty :eek:



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Wow! I started in pct7, only. :p I've only been around half a year. :eek: It feels like I've spent my whole life here already.

I started in PCT2 :$

I can't believe it's 3 years already. :erm:

wtf Dom: "dislikes: people who talk in films" :erm: Does he mean people which are talking while watching a film?

I always talk during films. I can't keep my mouth shut, I just have to comment everything that goes on. :LOL:

I can imagine :chuckle:

Absence of internet is maximum penalty :eek:

I knoooow. :eek:

I almost started reading Faust, that's how bored I was!


Oh my.... :eyebrows:

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I started in PCT2 :$

I can't believe it's 3 years already. :erm:


I always talk during films. I can't keep my mouth shut, I just have to comment everything that goes on. :LOL:


I knoooow. :eek:

I almost started reading Faust, that's how bored I was!


Oh my.... :eyebrows:


Wow! :eek: You've been here a long time!


I talk during films, too, though I try to whisper into whoever's ear to not bother people... Well, it also depends on the movie. If it's a serious film with a complex plot I want everyone to shut up. :p


I didn't have the internet most of yesterday and I actually read through The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy AND The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. :LOL: Makes me wonder how many books I'll have finished by now if I didn't have the internet distracting me at all times. :LOL:







Microcuts.net is nice to me today! 4 images in a row with Chris in it! :awesome:

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I started in PCT2 :$

I can't believe it's 3 years already. :erm:


I always talk during films. I can't keep my mouth shut, I just have to comment everything that goes on. :LOL:


I knoooow. :eek:

I almost started reading Faust, that's how bored I was!


Oh my.... :eyebrows:

Faust would've been a good distraction :happy:

Haha and I'm also commenting films while watching :LOL: So I'm always imitating the characters saying "I loveee youu" just a few seconds before they are really saying it :D




It has been posted on the Lolz Thread recently and just needs to be right here :awesome:

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Faust would've been a good distraction :happy:

Haha and I'm also commenting films while watching :LOL: So I'm always imitating the characters saying "I loveee youu" just a few seconds before they are really saying it :D




It has been posted on the Lolz Thread recently and just needs to be right here :awesome:





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Faust would've been a good distraction :happy:

Haha and I'm also commenting films while watching :LOL: So I'm always imitating the characters saying "I loveee youu" just a few seconds before they are really saying it :D




It has been posted on the Lolz Thread recently and just needs to be right here :awesome:


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Man, I feel awful. I should probably lurk the LOLz thread or the Banter, that probably cheers me up.

Wow! :eek: You've been here a long time!

Don't say that, sounds like I have no life. I mean, come on, three years in this messageboard? :LOL:

Microcuts.net is nice to me today! 4 images in a row with Chris in it! :awesome:

Don't know why but when I'm looking for Chris pics microcuts.net gives me only Matt. :indiff:

Faust would've been a good distraction :happy:

I almost fell asleep reading it. :LOL:

Haha and I'm also commenting films while watching :LOL: So I'm always imitating the characters saying "I loveee youu" just a few seconds before they are really saying it :D


When I went to X files "I want to Believe" with my friend and there was a scene where Mulder and Scully are both lying in the bed and it's obvious they have finally had sex I just yelled:"Yes!!!" LOUDLY. :facepalm:


It has been posted on the Lolz Thread recently and just needs to be right here :awesome:

Need that as an avatar. :eek: Now.

Could someone make it for me? Pwetty please? :awesome:

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Don't say that, sounds like I have no life. I mean, come on, three years in this messageboard? :LOL:


If it makes you feel better, I've posted at the IGN Zelda boards for 5 years. :LOL: I was actually talking to one of my friends there the other day. "Eww, gross, I knew you since you were 15 and now you're 20."


Don't know why but when I'm looking for Chris pics microcuts.net gives me only Matt. :indiff:

I have a very good strategy: Open up a window in PMT, pretend that's where you're replying. INSTANT CHRIS ON MICROCUTS. :LOL:

Need that as an avatar. :eek: Now.

Could someone make it for me? Pwetty please? :awesome:


edit: colors got messed up, brb!

nevermind: sexpipespregnancy.png

Edited by Tofu
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Don't know why but when I'm looking for Chris pics microcuts.net gives me only Matt. :indiff:


I almost fell asleep reading it. :LOL:



When I went to X files "I want to Believe" with my friend and there was a scene where Mulder and Scully are both lying in the bed and it's obvious they have finally had sex I just yelled:"Yes!!!" LOUDLY. :facepalm:


Need that as an avatar. :eek: Now.

Could someone make it for me? Pwetty please? :awesome:

Nawww how can u fall asleep reading Faust? :eek:


And about the Chris-LolZ... maybe you should ask molecula_ for permission since it's her awesome Lolz :chuckle:







Picspaammm :awesome:

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Nawww how can u fall asleep reading Faust? :eek:

Well, I wasn't exactly reading Harry Potter, so... :p

And about the Chris-LolZ... maybe you should ask molecula_ for permission since it's her awesome Lolz :chuckle:

Thanks for reminding. Will do it.

If it makes you feel better, I've posted at the IGN Zelda boards for 5 years. :LOL: I was actually talking to one of my friends there the other day. "Eww, gross, I knew you since you were 15 and now you're 20."


Well, I was only 14 when I started posting here and i can only imagine how incredibly childish my posts were back then. :rolleyes:

On the other hand, they still are. :LOL:

I have a very good strategy: Open up a window in PMT, pretend that's where you're replying. INSTANT CHRIS ON MICROCUTS. :LOL:


That might be even true.

edit: colors got messed up, brb!

nevermind: sexpipespregnancy.png

:awesome: Thanks,Allison!

Picspaammm :awesome:





That pic just looks so pervy. :chuckle:

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Well, I wasn't exactly reading Harry Potter, so... :p


Thanks for reminding. Will do it.



Well, I was only 14 when I started posting here and i can only imagine how incredibly childish my posts were back then. :rolleyes:

On the other hand, they still are. :LOL:



That might be even true.


:awesome: Thanks,Allison!






That pic just looks so pervy. :chuckle:


I know...*nudge* The cakeface makes all the panties drop *ghetto voice*

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