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^^ I forgot and I made that gif. I think it's in Hullabaloo, but... don't remember. :LOL:


@Hullagirl: Matt's actually said he doesn't mind the paparazzi at all. Doesn't make it right, but it does make me feel a bit better about it. I wish it wasn't all over microcuts, though.


he seems to enjoy it rather :rolleyes:

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i suppose this goes here as well :eyebrows:




to be honest do you know what i'm finding really sexy about him playing the harmonica here? the close up footage of him playing it - watching his mouth playing it is almost like watching him kiss - the way he stops and starts to get his breath - you know like you would kissing. so hot!!


i love the footage of him rugby tackling Dom!




unsocial Chris :)

if i was anywhere chris martin i'd keep as far away from him as possible - i cant stand the man or his singing - as Simon Cowell said last night on xfactor (note -i only watch the auditions to laugh at!) - i once sat on my cat ... and thats my thoughts on chris martin's voice!!


when i saw this pic



the only thought i had was he looks wayyyy too young to be married there!


speaking of which - on the subject of personal pics of his - completely understand and respect the privacy of his private life they always say that and work should be kept seperate and i dont blame him. i dont agree with people invading that at all. i did recently come across some personal pics of him which i have no intention of putting up but i have to say its really cute to see him like that - as well as his beautiful face/smile, sexy ass, lovely personality, voice (even though i'd love to hear him talking as yorkshire lad lol - though i have recently discovered that he says B*****d as a true northerner lol and i'm proud of him!!) and just damned good at bass playing - i think 1 thing that def appeals is esp to us femmes that he's a family man and my heart melted i have to admit!!

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Just saw the pics from Wembley. What the hell Dom was wearing. :eek:

he seems to enjoy it rather :rolleyes:


What,he should be chasing after the paparazzi and picking a fight with them instead ? :p

ok a little novel of a post apologise in advance!




to be honest do you know what i'm finding really sexy about him playing the harmonica here? the close up footage of him playing it - watching his mouth playing it is almost like watching him kiss - the way he stops and starts to get his breath - you know like you would kissing. so hot!!


i love the footage of him rugby tackling Dom!



if i was anywhere chris martin i'd keep as far away from him as possible - i cant stand the man or his singing - as Simon Cowell said last night on xfactor (note -i only watch the auditions to laugh at!) - i once sat on my cat ... and thats my thoughts on chris martin's voice!!


when i saw this pic



the only thought i had was he looks wayyyy too young to be married there!


speaking of which - on the subject of personal pics of his - completely understand and respect the privacy of his private life they always say that and work should be kept seperate and i dont blame him. i dont agree with people invading that at all. i did recently come across some personal pics of him which i have no intention of putting up but i have to say its really cute to see him like that - as well as his beautiful face/smile, sexy ass, lovely personality, voice (even though i'd love to hear him talking as yorkshire lad lol - though i have recently discovered that he says B*****d as a true northerner lol and i'm proud of him!!) and just damned good at bass playing - i think 1 thing that def appeals is esp to us femmes that he's a family man and my heart melted i have to admit!!


its ironic i have come across this pic tonight ...



cos i have discovered tonight that i almost had the same injury as Chris had when he did his hand in in 2004. he fractured his scaphoid bone by the sounds of it yea? well ..... sorry a little story here lol!


at the beginning of last dec before all the snow came lol - i slipped and whacked my hand on the floor as i put it out as a reflex action to break my fall like you do. didnt think a lot of it at 1st - it hurt a little but that was it and carried on with my day. within the next few hrs id had the odd shooting pain up my forearm. then i decided to quickly go out local in my car. got in my car went to to turn the keys - couldnt do it - hurt!, went to put my belt on - couldnt - hurt!!, went to turn the wheel couldnt - hurt! i also noticed my fingers were painful when i moved them and i thought ooh dear thats not good! so i went to the local minor injury unit to get it checked out!


i was told that this reflex injury was common (more in men lol cos they play more sport which is how Chris did it!) and they call it a FOOSH aka a fall on an outstretched hand. cos of how id done it and where i had the pain they had to treat it as that sort of injury as they said it could be fractured! (great lol at least i dont play bass like someone else we know lol but i just work in an office and type so it still could affect me working!!) so the 1st thing was to get it xrayed but they even said that its common not to be able to tell if its fractured or not at 1st! so had the xray and they couldnt tell so they had to put me in splint which i wasnt allowed to take off! the general way of treating it from there is like what happened with me. i had to go back to a review clinic at a local hospital 10 -14 days after! they didnt think it was fractured when i went to the review clinic but cos i was still getting pain in it i had to have another xray and they still couldnt tell so they had to send me for a bone scan which i had the day it started snowing which was the 17th dec! the day before xmas eve i went back to get the results of the scan and after all that and pretty much 3wks in a splint lol it was just badly bruised!! however i was still told to take it easy on it for about 6wks!


i read that David Beckham had this injury where he'd actually fractured it but im even more impressed i've almost had the same injury as Chris lol - not bothered for David!! Its apparently the most common wrist fracture you can have and part of the reason that they have to check it so much like they did with me even if they dont think its a fracture is because the scaphoid bone has its own blood flow and if the blood flows disrupted ie by a fracture the bone might not heal properly or something like that!


so yea i just thought id share that with you all!! - you're probably all fast asleep by now!! haha!:LOL:

:stunned: wow

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to be honest do you know what i'm finding really sexy about him playing the harmonica here? the close up footage of him playing it - watching his mouth playing it is almost like watching him kiss - the way he stops and starts to get his breath - you know like you would kissing. so hot!!


i love the footage of him rugby tackling Dom!



if i was anywhere chris martin i'd keep as far away from him as possible - i cant stand the man or his singing - as Simon Cowell said last night on xfactor (note -i only watch the auditions to laugh at!) - i once sat on my cat ... and thats my thoughts on chris martin's voice!!


when i saw this pic



the only thought i had was he looks wayyyy too young to be married there!


speaking of which - on the subject of personal pics of his - completely understand and respect the privacy of his private life they always say that and work should be kept seperate and i dont blame him. i dont agree with people invading that at all. i did recently come across some personal pics of him which i have no intention of putting up but i have to say its really cute to see him like that - as well as his beautiful face/smile, sexy ass, lovely personality, voice (even though i'd love to hear him talking as yorkshire lad lol - though i have recently discovered that he says B*****d as a true northerner lol and i'm proud of him!!) and just damned good at bass playing - i think 1 thing that def appeals is esp to us femmes that he's a family man and my heart melted i have to admit!!


Thats the way to do it. Tell everyone you've seen the pics but don't want to show them because you respect Chris's family life. But then you start saying how awesome the pics are. Why did you even mention it? :)


+ Coldplay were really good around 2000. They were friends with Muse. Matt talked about them all the time..

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sorry lol i wasnt bragging or anything l was more commenting on the topic of personal pics it wasnt meant to tease you if you havent seen any! going by what was said about the pics when they went up by someone a few pages (which were edited before i even saw them) back they are probably the same 1s and i didnt go searching for them specifically - i was looking at pics of him in general ie google image search and saw 1 i liked of him and the 1s i came across were on the same page. they arent from a photo shoot lol they look like 1s that someone shouldnt have taken to be honest. i wouldnt put them up on the forum unless the band did 1st. i havent been on this forum for very long so to be honest i dont know what pictures people have seen - i personally had never seen any personal pics of him before.


as for chris martin - i was just being sarky cos i dont like him but if you like them/muse are mates with them fair enough! each to their own! to be fair i like a couple of their songs!


i think maybe i should have just commented on his mouth playing on the harmonica on that post lol and nothing else!

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Hello PCT!


I'm out of the lurking corner :ninja: How have you been girls?


I think I love this picture. The background, their poses, their clothes. The expressions on their faces... :yesey:


You forgot mr bellamy's belly ! :LOL:


he seems to enjoy it rather :rolleyes:


Yes I also think he's enjoying the attention .. :rolleyes:


Here is some admiration of Mr. Wolstenholme ;)





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Hello PCT!


I'm out of the lurking corner :ninja: How have you been girls?


Welcome to the pct :)


You forgot mr bellamy's belly ! :LOL:


I almost mentioned that....:LOL:





This is so mesmerizing.


My eyes were glued to Chris tackling Dom and didn't notice what Dom was doing.:LOL:

I wish Chris would still do that on stage.


Me too! That, or crowd surf :yesey:

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Welcome to the pct :)




I almost mentioned that....:LOL:







Me too! That, or crowd surf :yesey:


Ow thank you ! :happy:


Dom looks like a man size raggedy doll ! Oh yes crowd surf ! in the hullabaloo extras it seemed that they couldn't take Chris back :LOL:

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lol i was thinking more along the lines of the size of the 2 bigger 1s lol that appear to be appropriately placed!


as for the pic above it - i know we like the cake face in here but that face also makes me think!



ok i have been having a play around with that KOC harmonica mo cos i find it so sexy! the intention was to make it into more of a gif but cos of the size photobucket put it as a movie instead! so i put it on youtube. hence the reason theres no sound on it!!



i dont know how good it'll be cos im not really experienced in doing this sort of thing but i hope you enjoy!!

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