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this was posted to chris' twitter...has there been video on here? i haven't seen it but i haven't really looked :shifty:




i suspect a gif will be made of the ending :chuckle:


not sure what silliness the girls there are chanting though :noey:


The Wolstenbeast chanting and the 'and Chris was like ROOOOAAAR' cracked me up :LOL:


Yay Chris :happy:

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this was posted to chris' twitter...has there been video on here? i haven't seen it but i haven't really looked :shifty:




i suspect a gif will be made of the ending :chuckle:


not sure what silliness the girls there are chanting though :noey:


Wolstenbeast. :LOL: I'll be making a gif.


hi everyone :awesome:


how's everything around here?


i was uploading my Wembley pics and even though is grainy i still like it...


Wolsty sending kisses to PCT ;)



Oooh, nice!

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this was posted to chris' twitter...has there been video on here? i haven't seen it but i haven't really looked :shifty:




i suspect a gif will be made of the ending :chuckle:


not sure what silliness the girls there are chanting though :noey:



That video is great. Thanks for posting it in here! :D


the .gif as i promised





I would love to see a closeup of the face he's making there.

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well i have to say i havent been feeling so well today but coming in here made me feel better (well still a bit ill lol) - loving the pics - very very hot!! love the gif also!!


i was just thinking they sometimes say that Yorkshire is God's own county and well looking at Chris its a bigger proof that it must be!! the sun was def shining down on Yorkshire when he was created!!

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