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Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Are you going?  

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  1. 1. Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Are you going?

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Ah, it seems our taste in men is similarly excellent. Maybe we should kidnap meet him when he is in Australia next :eyebrows:




I will try to find green skinnies á la Dom in HAARP. If any Townsvillians know where I might find some, let me know!


Hell yes kidnapping meeting him when he's Down Under sounds like a really good plan! I wonder what we can offer him as a lure as a gift? :D


that would be massively awesome! Hey you're in the same section as me, a few rows back, but we might be lining up outside the same door...if we both get the pants we want, we might be able to see each other!

I just think it would be hilarious if people were milling about amongst the crowd wearing skinnies...

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Yep, David Tennant is awesome.


But at the risk of going really off topic... What to you guys think of Matt Smith? The new Doctor.


When he first regenerated I was nearly in tears because he looked a bit hideous and he wasn't David Tennant and so I hated him. Now I think he is really good! Amy isn't that bad either, but I like Donna better.

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When he first regenerated I was nearly in tears because he looked a bit hideous and he wasn't David Tennant and so I hated him. Now I think he is really good! Amy isn't that bad either, but I like Donna better.



I knew what he looked like because I told my mum last year who was going to be the new Doctor and she was like "that skinny lad? Oh, he's from this show I watch..." and the next time she saw it, she pointed him out to me. so, the first time I saw Matt Smith was snorting cocaine in a bathroom in an office block :LOL:


He's not conventionally handsome, no. I did love it when he commented about being a girl because of his hair during the regeneration :chuckle:

I'm starting to tolerate him, he's a bit weird and all...

I think the hardest thing for me to get into is the new style of the show, with the new writers and everything...

Amy's a redhead, so of course I like her! And she's Scottish too :awesome: I don't like how they made her into some kind of whore so soon though...the way she just jumped the Doctor was so random :LOL:

I didn't like Rory either, but after last week's ep I'm feeling much better towards him :happy:


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I'll be wearing a skirt and singlet to beat the heat :p


I think Matt does a wonderful job as the Doctor, and I think he's adequately stepped up to the plate, but because he's not David I'm not emotionally invested in his series at all. :( I don't mean to, it's just not there anymore for me :( Any chance of seeing human!david!doctor in the parallel universe at any point? only if they did it well though...


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I'll be wearing a skirt and singlet to beat the heat :p


I think Matt does a wonderful job as the Doctor, and I think he's adequately stepped up to the plate, but because he's not David I'm not emotionally invested in his series at all. :( I don't mean to, it's just not there anymore for me :( Any chance of seeing human!david!doctor in the parallel universe at any point? only if they did it well though...





I think you have hit the nail on the head with not being emotionally invested. Now that I think about it, I don't really feel much for anyone in this new series. Amy and Rory are pretty cute and there are a few funny bits, but at the same time I sort of don't care. Don't get me wrong, Matt is quite good, but the stories they have had so far are a bit...weird. It sort of feels like the writers are trying to make us care too soon before we even figure out exactly who these new people are. The episode last week was a bit strange too, not sure I get it - did the doctor infect them with the parasite that made them all dream? If it was all under his control, why did he make it about Amy having to choose between them? Or maybe he had to get Amy to realise that she loved Rory and not himself?


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I think you have hit the nail on the head with not being emotionally invested. Now that I think about it, I don't really feel much for anyone in this new series. Amy and Rory are pretty cute and there are a few funny bits, but at the same time I sort of don't care. Don't get me wrong, Matt is quite good, but the stories they have had so far are a bit...weird. It sort of feels like the writers are trying to make us care too soon before we even figure out exactly who these new people are. The episode last week was a bit strange too, not sure I get it - did the doctor infect them with the parasite that made them all dream? If it was all under his control, why did he make it about Amy having to choose between them? Or maybe he had to get Amy to realise that she loved Rory and not himself?



this is what I was getting at before, these new writers are trying to capture the same audience as the last seasons, but also make it something new and interesting. Yeah, I can't make a real connection with anyone (okay I did tear up when Rory "died" last week but that's about as emotional as I'm gunna get I think).

Yeah, the "bad doctor" as I like to call him made them all dream...

or maybe he wanted Amy to choose him? I mean, he's bad and all, why would he be making her realise that she loved Rory (when that is a good thing and quite unselfish)? That ep confused and scared me a little, I'd hate for that bad doctor to show up again...

BUT OMG who has seen tonight's ep?


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this is what I was getting at before, these new writers are trying to capture the same audience as the last seasons, but also make it something new and interesting. Yeah, I can't make a real connection with anyone (okay I did tear up when Rory "died" last week but that's about as emotional as I'm gunna get I think).

Yeah, the "bad doctor" as I like to call him made them all dream...

or maybe he wanted Amy to choose him? I mean, he's bad and all, why would he be making her realise that she loved Rory (when that is a good thing and quite unselfish)? That ep confused and scared me a little, I'd hate for that bad doctor to show up again...

BUT OMG who has seen tonight's ep?


OMG 182 days!!



I bet the dodgy doc will show up again. I betcha. I was totally freaked when that kid was locked outside the church and you could see the shadow of the reptile-human running around. Who do you think will kill their hostage? The lady looks pretty guilty from when she had all those weapons, but I reckon it will be the man - I bet he got injected with something that will make him lose it and kill her. OMG I was so pissed off when the episode ended! Was getting into it and then it was over :s This is the first episode where I actually felt the emotion as intended by writers I must admit. Can't wait until next week!


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I think you have hit the nail on the head with not being emotionally invested. Now that I think about it, I don't really feel much for anyone in this new series. Amy and Rory are pretty cute and there are a few funny bits, but at the same time I sort of don't care. Don't get me wrong, Matt is quite good, but the stories they have had so far are a bit...weird. It sort of feels like the writers are trying to make us care too soon before we even figure out exactly who these new people are. The episode last week was a bit strange too, not sure I get it - did the doctor infect them with the parasite that made them all dream? If it was all under his control, why did he make it about Amy having to choose between them? Or maybe he had to get Amy to realise that she loved Rory and not himself?

....yeees. the heat. ....:shifty:



loljks. :chuckle: I looked the upcoming episodes up on wikpedia because I didn't care about them tbh. I'm not revealing any spoilers or anything. And aside from that, I think this doctor may turn out to be more selfish than David, they seem to be getting more emotionally unstable every time...


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OMG 182 days!!



I bet the dodgy doc will show up again. I betcha. I was totally freaked when that kid was locked outside the church and you could see the shadow of the reptile-human running around. Who do you think will kill their hostage? The lady looks pretty guilty from when she had all those weapons, but I reckon it will be the man - I bet he got injected with something that will make him lose it and kill her. OMG I was so pissed off when the episode ended! Was getting into it and then it was over :s This is the first episode where I actually felt the emotion as intended by writers I must admit. Can't wait until next week!


I was just saying to my friend that I'm so hyped about this gig, but I think all that excitment is going to burn out by the end of this week :p I mean, those days will pass so quickly looking back but... saying it's six months right now is daunting. this thread will die and be revived so much the mods will just not bother to read it anymore I bet :LOL:



well we know she doesn't get dissected because the doctor saves her and she's running around everywhere in the preview for next week :chuckle: sometimes those previews can be a bitch...

I know, I was like "noooo the little boy!" and then...:(

I think it'll be the old guy too, that stuff will either make him all crazy or turns him into one of them, and because she lashed out at him with her stupid tail or whatever, he'll get pissy and kill her. No one elect Rory here :LOL:

I knew it would be a two parter because it was 10 past 8 and there was no way they could solve everything just like that :LOL:

Hm, I haven't really been attached to any ep of this season as yet...perhaps the finale will be the best of all :happy


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....yeees. the heat. ....:shifty:



loljks. :chuckle: I looked the upcoming episodes up on wikpedia because I didn't care about them tbh. I'm not revealing any spoilers or anything. And aside from that, I think this doctor may turn out to be more selfish than David, they seem to be getting more emotionally unstable every time...



:LOL: Thank-you for not revealing anything!

I wouldn't have called David selfish, just...mixing up his priorities. I used to think my fave doctor, the sixth one, was the most selfish and up himself, but oh well.

I agree that this doctor is emotionally unstable, but I don't think he'll be really evil or self-centred until perhaps the last ep, and even then things could turn out alright. if that bad doctor comes back though...:fear:


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:LOL: Thank-you for not revealing anything!

I wouldn't have called David selfish, just...mixing up his priorities. I used to think my fave doctor, the sixth one, was the most selfish and up himself, but oh well.

I agree that this doctor is emotionally unstable, but I don't think he'll be really evil or self-centred until perhaps the last ep, and even then things could turn out alright. if that bad doctor comes back though...:fear:



Was the sixth really your favourite doctor? I hated him - Peter Davison wins in my books. Aside from David of course, he is in a league of his own. I googled to check that Rory's name was actually Rory and not Roy (brain explosion) and I accidentally found out too much. The moral of the story is DON'T GOOGLE DOCTOR WHO AT ALL EVER.


They had better play CE in 182 days. And as per your earlier comment, we can totally identify each other with our coloured skinnies! Pretty sure we will be entering the same door if we are the same section. I will be the one who gets there early-ish and has my ear pressed up against the door as they are rehearsing beforehand, and then cleaning out the merch stand :awesome:


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Was the sixth really your favourite doctor? I hated him - Peter Davison wins in my books. Aside from David of course, he is in a league of his own. I googled to check that Rory's name was actually Rory and not Roy (brain explosion) and I accidentally found out too much. The moral of the story is DON'T GOOGLE DOCTOR WHO AT ALL EVER.


They had better play CE in 182 days. And as per your earlier comment, we can totally identify each other with our coloured skinnies! Pretty sure we will be entering the same door if we are the same section. I will be the one who gets there early-ish and has my ear pressed up against the door as they are rehearsing beforehand, and then cleaning out the merch stand :awesome:



yeah he was, David runs a close second, Tom Baker is probably third...

The 6th one had the coolest coat! :awesome: Meh, Peter's a bit whatever to me :p

far out, you are the second person who is hinting something's going to happen to me. I am not going anywhere near anything to do with Dr Who on the net, 'cept for what we talk about in here...


I thought you hadn't seen that post/ignored it :(

:LOL: Yes, I can't believe I got the same section as another Aussie boarder! :D

I'm not too sure when I'll be getting there, but yeah, if we're all milling around and I randomly spot some green skinnies (mine are hopefully going to be bright blue, and I'll tell you more about what I look like as the day gets closer :chuckle:) I'll go over to who is hopefully you and say hi :D I'm not going to be getting any merch, too expensive/too long a line :rolleyes:


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I actually download the shows as soon as it comes out in the Uk... so I've already seen the next part of this earth/reptilian/weird/ "matt's Zeta lizard aliens" episode.. and the next one after that. haha.

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yeah he was, David runs a close second, Tom Baker is probably third...

The 6th one had the coolest coat! :awesome: Meh, Peter's a bit whatever to me :p

far out, you are the second person who is hinting something's going to happen to me. I am not going anywhere near anything to do with Dr Who on the net, 'cept for what we talk about in here...


I thought you hadn't seen that post/ignored it :(

:LOL: Yes, I can't believe I got the same section as another Aussie boarder! :D

I'm not too sure when I'll be getting there, but yeah, if we're all milling around and I randomly spot some green skinnies (mine are hopefully going to be bright blue, and I'll tell you more about what I look like as the day gets closer :chuckle:) I'll go over to who is hopefully you and say hi :D I'm not going to be getting any merch, too expensive/too long a line :rolleyes:



Aww sorry I didn't ignore it, sometimes I get distracted by other stuff that is happening on here and forget to reply until a while later. I'm good like that :rolleyes: Really hope I find mah green skinnies, but if I am unsuccessful I will inform you of my wardrobe choice in about 180-ish days. Do you think ours will be a good section? It shouldn't be bad at all and we should get some nice pictures. Just a bit worried about me being in row T - there are a couple of diagrams going around and in one it looks like T is pretty close, but in another it looks pretty far back. Oh well, will have a good view anyways, and it's all about the music after all!



/spoiler convo


I actually download the shows as soon as it comes out in the Uk... so I've already seen the next part of this earth/reptilian/weird/ "matt's Zeta lizard aliens" episode.. and the next one after that. haha.


:eek: Noooooooooooooooooooooo say nothing! I already know too much. Have they reached the end of the season in the UK yet?

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Aww sorry I didn't ignore it, sometimes I get distracted by other stuff that is happening on here and forget to reply until a while later. I'm good like that :rolleyes: Really hope I find mah green skinnies, but if I am unsuccessful I will inform you of my wardrobe choice in about 180-ish days. Do you think ours will be a good section? It shouldn't be bad at all and we should get some nice pictures. Just a bit worried about me being in row T - there are a couple of diagrams going around and in one it looks like T is pretty close, but in another it looks pretty far back. Oh well, will have a good view anyways, and it's all about the music after all!



/spoiler convo



That's okay, it does get a bit random around here...as long as you reply within 180ish days :LOL:

Yeah, must keep an eye out for each other :awesome:

I think it is, I wasn't tempted at all to go back into the selection pot and have another go. I just figured "you might miss out if you don't take them now!" :LOL:

Yes pictures and being able to actually see something are my main concerns. I haven't seen any specific diagrams other than the circle one that that person posted a day or two before the gig (the official one, not the drawn-on one :p)...I'm in row P, I hope you're close too!

But we have another whole section in front of us, which I was a bit annoyed at but obvs I got these seats for a reason :happy:

Yeah, that's another reason why I didn't want rear: the sound might be a bit funny from behind the stage :erm: Can't wait to dance and yell and shit :LOL:


/okay yeah let's end that because we aren't talking off-topic no mores.

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I've just realised that the Entertainment centre and the Exhibition centre are not the same thing... in fact they're in opposite directions :facepalm:

You can tell I haven't been in Brisbane long! :LOL:


:LOL: I hope you don't go to the wrong one!


Yeah, head north for Muse ;) This is why I really like this venue: close by for me :D

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This is why I really like this venue: close by for me :D


Same! All I have to do is drive down the motorway until I get to the boondal exit and i'm there :D...given I first have to drive about 5hrs haha.


Just got off the phone to my mates in Townsville, they just bought their tickets.:)

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^^ Same... gosh that would be perfect!

Ahh well, I suppose I shouldn't complain because it'll still be the second time I've seen them this year! :D


Yay for second time this year, it's going to be my first time ever :D


FUCK YES!!!!! 2nd show, got gold reserved tickets, row A section 13, best tickets in the whole arena!!!!!


Congrats on the awesome tickets

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