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Not trying to be a dick or anything, but PLEASE, show me one single post that says something even close to that :p


The complains about the setlists has been: Too short, too little changes from gig to gig, Muse not choosing the fans choices from the polls and also just being lazy. Perfectly normal reactions to what Muse are doing at the moment. Where they expecting us to just vote for the singles? Because they are obviously not planning on rehearsing any new songs from the polls besides Bliss and CE.


I have no respect for Muse as a band at the moment, but I still love their music, so I probably will stay on this board forever, because the old albums aren't gonna be any worse no matter what Muse do in the future. Gah, I really need to sleep...


And maybe it's just me, but when I bought a ticket for Muse it wasn't to hear Uprising->Resistance->Supermassive Black Hole->NSC->Starlight->Guiding Light->Feeling Good and then some Undisclosed Desires, but hey, that's my fault for thinking Muse were a better band than that.



Now I know your not the only one but, Before you go and rag on them about the set list understand there situation.

They need to promote the new album... yes then they have a few other song they can put in... in order to keep your head above water in the music industry you have to play what the majority of people want to hear... and promote what's new. SO before you judge them because you pay for a ticket and don't hear you favorite song consider their situation.:musesign:

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I haven't posted alot on this forum, mostly because I usually have nothing to say and reading it is very entertaining. But there are a few things that kind of bother me, and I'd like to share it with you guys because it may be bothering others as well.

There's alot of known (M)users here... quite a few have been supporting the band since the very beggining, and I respect that, but... some users can't seem to get over their own superiority and are laying down the "guidelines" for what it is to be a true Muse fan.

For instance, alot of older fans disagree highly with some of the newer songs... many say that songs like "Neutron Star Collision" and "Feeling Good" suck horribly and that those who listen to those songs aren't a real fan. They say that If you only listen to The Resistance and only know a few songs you aren't a real fan.

To the prospective "newbie" on this site it's terribly alarming. So many songs you like, but obviously thats just not accepted here! A weaker person would be scrambling over themselves not to admit that they got into Muse through TR, and like songs like Supermassive and NSC. While I don't like those songs exclusively I don't think their very existence should be shunned. People have different tastes, and luckily for us, Muse has produced a very large range of music for those with different tastes.

I don't see either why people are abandoning the band for Neutron Star Collision. I'm not a Twi-hard, I hate romance and gooey stuff like that, but it seems all the Die-hard fans think this is not their usual old-school Muse, and are boycotting the song. Even if thats your choice, you just can't bring yourself to find even one redeeming fact of the song, as I tried to state above, don't press your opinions on others. Everyone likes Muse in their own way.

Muse themselves have produced a vast range of musical styles, and reasonably enough not everyone is going to like every song they come out with. Still, its Muse. I don't think any song should have a reputation that says "You can't like this song, because if you do you aren't a true fan. You signed up on this site not to critique every noise they make, but because they're this cool band you like, right?

Lastly... And I think I'll get the most hell for this...

Alot of people talk about the band themselves on this site.. in a very... uncomfortable way. Some fantasize about Matt kissing them, Dom taking them on a date, Chris impregnating them. Now, I find it a bit disturbing myself but imagine the band! It must be uncomfortable for them to read what people say on their own site! I can understand being happy you met them. I can understand hero worship. I can understand even a crush (who doesn't have a crush on some celebrity?) but not to the point where it's embarrassing, unrealistic, and even downright pathetic. There's a difference between having fun and being a little weird. Even the band themselves (Chris I believe) has mentioned that they don't like the way they're discussed here.

I could add more but its late and I'm tired, not to mention really anything I say will be redundant. I know my opinion is a little unsual, but I guess I'm just the new kid here with some crazy ideas about the world in general.

But isn't that all of us, really?

Questions, comments, concerns? If you disagree please tell me why.

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Im an older fan (since 2004 from American) and I agree with you completely. The Gigs and Tours section is the most brutal. Don't go there or you will be completely disheartened. What others think of the band really shouldn't affect anyone, but it is kinda detrimental to the band and how they think of themselves. Alot of the people on this board a bunch of whiners and to be honest I dont know why they don't just move on to a different band.


They are going through an experimental phase right now and testing the "American" waters to see where it takes them. Thier next album will be different, as all thier albums have been from one another.


In regards to the pornogenic threads, there is nothing that can be done with those. Everyband has fans like this. If you think its creepy then don't read it. I just look at the pictures myself. I find Matt to be quite the little hottie!


You're thread will most likely be locked but at least you got this off your chest. You aren't alone in your thoughts.


Oh and its called eliteism! Musical eliteism. :(

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eh, there's a lot of crap posted on this board from all angles... I generally just wade through it all and ignore the bits I don't like...


For example, I like Invincible, always have, and I don't care that so many people hate it... it's ok, they're allowed to be wrong ;)


To be fair, this isn't really so much a "muse opinion" as it is a "muse.mu opinion" ;)

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yeah... the controversial thing was sarcastic, I just thought it would ridiculed. Its mostly what makes me uncomfortable about some members on this site. Does that mean that If I had named the thread differently it wouldn't be locked...? :rolleyes:

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yeah... the controversial thing was sarcastic, I just thought it would ridiculed. Its mostly what makes me uncomfortable about some members on this site. Does that mean that If I had named the thread differently it wouldn't be locked...? :rolleyes:

If it's locked it'll because they'll say the conversation could be posted elsewhere and the mods like to keep things neat around here...


The elitism can be annoying. No one really gets flak though for liking NSC or Feeling Good....or at least none that I know of.

OMG, you like those songs?! You suck, delete your account and leave this board. You're not a true muse fan :phu:

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:awesome: i knew some Muse songs years ago, but I know I only became a "Muser" after i heard Uprising on the radio.... and i've admitted as much.


and regarding the pornogenic threads, i dont think that most of those people actually WANT to do stuff with the band members, even though they might talk big... its the internet, everybody is a little (or a lot) more graphic is all


:p you seem very mature for a 14 year old, its good to see fans like you

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You like Muse? You're a liar, no one on the Muse boards actually likes Muse. Go post in Banter already :phu:

I don't hate Muse, I love them and have since '95, which makes me a true fan. You're the moron who belongs in banter with all the other freaks :mad:





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This forum sometimes makes me sad to be a Muse fan in two ways. There's the negativity which is so well justified that I just can't help but believe most of it. Then there's people who basically say "You don't like 10 Muse songs? WHY DID YOU JOIN THIS FORUM?!?!" that just completely irritate me.


There's almost no happy medium on this forum.


Also, honestly, WTF is a true fan. I want this term to die.


Some of the obsessives creep me out as well, but what can you do? Like someone mentioned above, there are fans like this in every fanbase.


Also Neutron Star Collision just came on TV. :happy:


[/two cents that had nothing to do with the thread. :LOL:]

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And on the pornographic note - I'm willing to agree with you a bit. Some of the thoughts on the PT's can get a bit....detailed :erm:. I post on the PCT but I keep my thoughts restricted for the most part, because I realize this is the Muse board and that they'd be a bit creeped out if they saw the threads.

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Ahh conversations can go on for so long when it comes to the 'true' fans.


I've learned (after many a long rant) that you can't change people and their attitudes. So I just ignore them. By debating about this, it's probably just adding fuel to their fire.


Many people are young on the board and their hormones are crazy so it's all "I LOVE MAFOO" "NO, DOMMEH IS DA BEST"


I like the songs I like. Sometimes I get a little disgruntled about what people say but I'm here to discuss the band. If there are wankers out there, well, I've just gotta ignore them.

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This forum sometimes makes me sad to be a Muse fan in two ways. There's the negativity which is so well justified that I just can't help but believe most of it. Then there's people who basically say "You don't like 10 Muse songs? WHY DID YOU JOIN THIS FORUM?!?!" that just completely irritate me.


There's almost no happy medium on this forum.


Also, honestly, WTF is a true fan. I want this term to die.

<---- you're lookin' at her! :yesey:

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Now I know your not the only one but, Before you go and rag on them about the set list understand there situation.

They need to promote the new album... yes then they have a few other song they can put in... in order to keep your head above water in the music industry you have to play what the majority of people want to hear... and promote what's new. SO before you judge them because you pay for a ticket and don't hear you favorite song consider their situation.:musesign:


"The complaints about the setlists have been: Too short, too little changes from gig to gig, Muse not choosing the fans choices from the polls and also just being lazy."
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