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Muse kids?


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Forgive me if this topic has been done to death, but a search didn't find a thread.


My daughter is three and is OBSESSED with the band. She caught me, a few months ago, watching the HAARP DVD and since then there have been few days where she doesn't ask to watch or listen to "Matt, Chris, and Dom'nik." Thank goodness for Natasha's "Random Musings of a Curious Mind" site for links to stuff my daughter hasn't seen.


Anyway, she also is insisting that "When I have money I will buy a ticket to see Matt sing," so I'm TEETERING on the edge of taking her with me to the Raleigh show. I play in a band and she's seen a few of our concerts if we're at some festival or such where it's not late. She has enormous ear protectors that block out nearly everything and has enjoyed it.


Any of you have similar tales of kids (or for that matter surprisingly mature folks) who've become superfans?

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My son is 4 and he already knows Muse when he hears it. His favorite is Supermassive Black Hole, but he likes just about anything on the Black Holes & Revelations and The Resistance CDs. Its so funny watching him nodding his head to the beat and singing along! I'll have to get him on video and post it somewhere.

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If he's like my daughter, he whispers along with Chirs "sooker-mastic back-hooooooooooe" in that song. I have a hard time keeping a straight face.


One morning she said "Come into my room, Daddy. I want to play guitar with you!" She brings out her pink ukelele and starts bellowing "Yeaaaa, Yaaaa, Yaaaa!" from KoS, plunking random notes on her "guitar."



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The daughter of my cousin is 6 and she's a big fan. She was telling me how amazing that singer of Muse is and how hot he is. I really adore that kid!!! She wants to see them live as soon as possible.

But you can't take a 6-year-old to a festival, I guess

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  • 3 months later...

My boys are 7 (nearly 8) and 6 and they both know most of Muse's songs. DS2 is the bigger fan. His favourite song is Muscle Museum. I once went to pick him up from school, and he came out of his classroom singing Hysteria to himself :D

DS1 is showing a worrying liking for hip hop but DS2 is a rocker all the way. His current favourites are Kasabian, Klaxons, Rage Against the Machine and, of course, Muse.

Although, having said that, DS1 really likes Nirvana, especially Nevermind, so there's hope for him yet.

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My little brother is 6 (10 year age gap) and I feel quite proud and smug to say that I have now gotten him and my mum into Muse.... rather than the usual rnb stuff they used to listen to.


He came in the other day and said he wants to be a drummer 'because of Dom from Muse' and then went outside, got in the car, put Black holes and revelations into the cd player and blasted it out... sat there on his own jamming along :LOL:

And a few weeks ago he woke me up blasting Plug in Baby through the whole house (on his own accord) singing at the top of his voice :| :|


I have a video of him attempting to sing Supermassive Black Hole somewhere... I'll try and dig it out.


He wants to come to on of their concerts but I promised when he's older he can... I couldn't handle him quite yet!

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