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I have two seat tickets for sale. They were purchased during .mu pre-sale so they are really good. I will post the exact spot when I get home. Long story short, my husband and I both bought presale tix and he got seats while I got GA. :rolleyes: I have compromised with him and we are doing seats for Ral and GA for C'ville. So now I need to get rid of the C'ville seat tix. I know there are some still available, but these will be much better. If anyone knows of someone who is thinking about going, please PM me. I am only asking face value. I do not profit from Muse, I only enjoy :D


Thanks for help. We need gas and hotel money for our trip :p

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I have two seat tickets for sale. They were purchased during .mu pre-sale so they are really good. I will post the exact spot when I get home. Long story short, my husband and I both bought presale tix and he got seats while I got GA. :rolleyes: I have compromised with him and we are doing seats for Ral and GA for C'ville. So now I need to get rid of the C'ville seat tix. I know there are some still available, but these will be much better. If anyone knows of someone who is thinking about going, please PM me. I am only asking face value. I do not profit from Muse, I only enjoy :D


Thanks for help. We need gas and hotel money for our trip :p

Have you put a post up in the musebay thread for the tickets? It might help them get noticed :)

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I'll be there! :Djop

soo pumped, anyone wanna start a citizen chant with me?


Will def assist. I have been wanting to send Muse a letter requesting songs like "fury, citizen erased, sing for absolution, the gallery, and hyper chondriac music" for a long time now. Pretty much my intention in the letter was for them to at least play one but hopefully some of those songs at a future gig that I would be attending. Once again, I waited too long and won't be sending them a letter for this show.


A part of me knows that just because a fan requests it doesn't mean it will happen, but I bet Muse would play a request if they heard someone ask it. So my question: Has anyone ever mailed muse requests for gigs? If one of those songs gets played then " i've seen all I'll ever neeeeed"

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Will def assist. I have been wanting to send Muse a letter requesting songs like "fury, citizen erased, sing for absolution, the gallery, and hyper chondriac music" for a long time now. Pretty much my intention in the letter was for them to at least play one but hopefully some of those songs at a future gig that I would be attending. Once again, I waited too long and won't be sending them a letter for this show.


A part of me knows that just because a fan requests it doesn't mean it will happen, but I bet Muse would play a request if they heard someone ask it. So my question: Has anyone ever mailed muse requests for gigs? If one of those songs gets played then " i've seen all I'll ever neeeeed"



No, no letter, but I am on twitter campaign for B&H. I am sending them a tweet once a day about it. Nothing like "PLAY B&H," but cute and witty things. I've recently promised butterfly cookies, so I guess I have to live up to that. But, I figured the worse that could happen is that they don't play it. But if I don't ask, then I know they won't. It's just like that old Chinese proverb - "Man who waits for roast duck to fly in mouth must wait a long time." One sure way to not get what you want is to not ask for it. I say write your letter and when they don't play any of it, you will never wonder 'what if'.

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I was thinking of bringing a Bliss sign. Of all the songs I'd love to see live that has to be at the top of my list. :D And it's been played recently, so that ups the chances. ;) But I doubt the boys will see it, as far away as I am at this gig. Maybe I'll bring it to NY, where I'll (hopefully) be on the barrier.

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As sections, we can put up a banner, depending where we are sitting... like at football games. Will reflective tape work? If Matt does the same 'ol performance, at some point he will point the large spot light towards sections 111 and 113. THAT would be a good time to hoist the signs in the air. :musesign::dom::matt::chris:


There is always flirting with Danny the Camera Man. He is becoming a Muser cult favorite and has done minor requests for fans... like getting set lists, etc. He has his own page on FB by fans. Maybe be can slip him some cash and a nice note to give to the boys asking them to play something! :pimp:

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I'll be there! :D

soo pumped, anyone wanna start a citizen chant with me?

I'll chant! Of all the songs that I want to see, Showbiz is #1. I know they will never play Showbiz, so I'm putting all of my energy into hoping we'll get CE! :D

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I'll chant! Of all the songs that I want to see, Showbiz is #1. I know they will never play Showbiz, so I'm putting all of my energy into hoping we'll get CE! :D


I'll happily chant with you guys. CE would be super, super :awesome:!


I'm so easy to please at my first gig, though. I want Map, and I figure I have at least a 50-50 shot of getting that :cool:


But if they decide to not do Map, they should do CE. That would work nicely :D


We're in the waaaaayyyyyyy baaaaaaaack of the arena, so they won't hear us, anyway. Haz to yell really, really loud.

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I'll happily chant with you guys. CE would be super, super :awesome:!


I'm so easy to please at my first gig, though. I want Map, and I figure I have at least a 50-50 shot of getting that :cool:


But if they decide to not do Map, they should do CE. That would work nicely :D


We're in the waaaaayyyyyyy baaaaaaaack of the arena, so they won't hear us, anyway. Haz to yell really, really loud.


by map you mean Map of the problematique? I'm still getting used to all these acronyms. :LOL:

Well they played it last leg of the tour so theres a good chance :D

anyone else gonna be in section 111? I think I'm in row V or something....

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by map you mean Map of the problematique? I'm still getting used to all these acronyms. :LOL:

Well they played it last leg of the tour so theres a good chance :D

anyone else gonna be in section 111? I think I'm in row V or something....


Yes, Map of the Problematique. They dropped it for a few shows on that last leg, and I began to lose hope. Then they put it back in. So we'll see. I can't express how much I love that song, though, and want to see - no, feel - it live. That's the only song that if they didn't do, I would feel that I had missed something.


CE could make up for it, though.


We're in section 108 row X.

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I think we should all chant "Play Uprising!!", that way we won't be disappointed :chuckle:


:LOL: that sounds like a really good plan


anyways, my friend and I won't be arriving in the queue until about one in the afternoon because of this college thing we have to attend, but my sister said she'd be waiting in line starting at about 7:30 or 8, is it ok to save spots in line like that? :$

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:LOL: that sounds like a really good plan


anyways, my friend and I won't be arriving in the queue until about one in the afternoon because of this college thing we have to attend, but my sister said she'd be waiting in line starting at about 7:30 or 8, is it ok to save spots in line like that? :$


People will maul you. No joke.

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