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I think I'm going to have to stop riding the sexyplane, and reading about the shows. So much setlist hate going on!


There is no way I can go to my first Muse show and be disappointed by the setlist. I've got to believe it will just be amazing to be there. Right?

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I think I'm going to have to stop riding the sexyplane, and reading about the shows. So much setlist hate going on!


There is no way I can go to my first Muse show and be disappointed by the setlist. I've got to believe it will just be amazing to be there. Right?


MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY! I just left the MN board and I'm disgusted. I realize everyone is entitled to their opinions, but that is just ridiculous. As long as the people that were there liked the show, then everyone else needs to just S.T.F.U!!! Ugh. I've said it before, Muse could play nursery rhymes and showtunes and it would still be a great show. I will not let all these haters rain on my Muse-parade. :D

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I think I'm going to have to stop riding the sexyplane, and reading about the shows. So much setlist hate going on!


There is no way I can go to my first Muse show and be disappointed by the setlist. I've got to believe it will just be amazing to be there. Right?


You won't be disappointed. It is absolutely astounding to be there. These days I generally don't go on the messageboard threads for each show until the next day when people who were actually at the show start coming in and sharing thoughts and pictures. I just don't really want to read the complaining, even though I do have respect for most people's concerns over it. Every fan is different ... my personal stance is that Muse is one of the few things that doesn't constantly let me down. It's funny, because I'm not in any way a sunshine-and-rainbows type person, so it's not like I'm just trying to blindly defend them. I just have really genuinely enjoyed the four shows I've been to so I'm not personally going to complain. :)

Of course, I have a little wish list of things I'm kind of bummed the don't play, but it's not like I'm going to be pissed when they don't play them. I'd probably pass out if they just cranked into Space Dementia anyway.:LOL:

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I think I'm going to have to stop riding the sexyplane, and reading about the shows. So much setlist hate going on!


There is no way I can go to my first Muse show and be disappointed by the setlist. I've got to believe it will just be amazing to be there. Right?

You'll enjoy your first show, absolutely :yesey: because everything you see and hear will be the first time ever and all :awesome:


When I left last night the thread wasn't too bad, just a little moaning... but I just read through and there were a couple of people who were in there who were just inappropriate and went too far, I think. If you're annoyed that they're playing shorter setlists in general, then there's a thread for that and they should have gone in it rather than spewing their bile in there.


I'm going to be happy to see them at this gig no matter what, and I know I'll enjoy myself... but I'll be looking at the time stamps on my pictures later and I have to say that if this show is significantly shorter than the March show I'll be annoyed. Like I said in another thread last night, I tell myself "it's only one song, what's the big deal?" but they keep dropping "just one song", so it's actually been 3 that have been dropped so far (and by that I mean the slots - the setlists are 3 songs shorter) It's really not right that they keep shortening the show....

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I'm going to be happy to see them at this gig no matter what, and I know I'll enjoy myself... but I'll be looking at the time stamps on my pictures later and I have to say that if this show is significantly shorter than the March show I'll be annoyed. Like I said in another thread last night, I tell myself "it's only one song, what's the big deal?" but they keep dropping "just one song", so it's actually been 3 that have been dropped so far (and by that I mean the slots - the setlists are 3 songs shorter) It's really not right that they keep shortening the show....


I wonder why?


I'm a long-time Def Leppard fan, which means I'm used to stupid setlists that never change :rolleyes: And although they might start a tour with some cool songs and later replace them with stupid songs, the amount of songs/time of the show doesn't change.


So I'm just curious as to why. You boys getting tired? ;)


Definitely, longer sets are always better than shorter sets.

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I'm going to be happy to see them at this gig no matter what, and I know I'll enjoy myself... but I'll be looking at the time stamps on my pictures later and I have to say that if this show is significantly shorter than the March show I'll be annoyed. Like I said in another thread last night, I tell myself "it's only one song, what's the big deal?" but they keep dropping "just one song", so it's actually been 3 that have been dropped so far (and by that I mean the slots - the setlists are 3 songs shorter) It's really not right that they keep shortening the show....


This. It's a bit depressing when the setlists go from 19 to 18 to 17 to 16 and now 15 songs? I mean really, c'mon! I'm still going to all my ridiculous amount of shows, but I can't help but be annoyed at them continuously cutting down the setlist. It's just not cool. :(

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I wonder why?


I'm a long-time Def Leppard fan, which means I'm used to stupid setlists that never change :rolleyes: And although they might start a tour with some cool songs and later replace them with stupid songs, the amount of songs/time of the show doesn't change.


So I'm just curious as to why. You boys getting tired? ;)


Definitely, longer sets are always better than shorter sets.

Yeah, why? That's my question too! I haven't understood it since the beginning! They play the same setlist over and over, then when they finally change it it's only to drop a song without replacing it!


The shows on the spring tour seemed to average about 1hr40mins, even though by the end they'd gone almost exclusively to 16 song sets after starting with 17-18. I guess the riffs balance it out. But I wonder about this leg... I'm thinking the average may have dropped a bit with these repeated 15 song sets... maybe it's down to 1hr35min.


But I dunno... I hate complaining and probably shouldn't be doing it in here. I really do love the band and can't wait to see them. I'm just frustrated with the decisions they've been making lately and can't make any sense of them :erm:

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I think I'm going to have to stop riding the sexyplane, and reading about the shows. So much setlist hate going on!


There is no way I can go to my first Muse show and be disappointed by the setlist. I've got to believe it will just be amazing to be there. Right?


like others said before...

you're going to have the time of your life...

i did, always.

Being disappointed with the setlist is just... the other side. and mostly for people who saw them more than once...


look, is not that bad... and the hate is not even hate... cause i never met a person, a muser that stopped attending gigs because of the setlist.

i won't do it. cause i love the band... i just... dunno... feel sad sometimes, cause i know how much more they can give...

maybe is Wembley's fault...

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Sounds like we need to do a campaign drive to pump up the guys to give it their all at the final show!


Create a new "Charlottesville Set-List Request" thread/topic!

Tweet loudly of what you would love to hear to their @muse account

Visit the "tour dates" daily and let them know what we would like!

Best way to put it, I have the privilege of being part of a Muse sandwich: I saw the kick-off gig in Fairfax... saw a show in between... and now ready to savor the last bite of the of the whole U.S. Tour! Let us let them know we love them and that WE AS FANS WILL NOT DISAPPOINT THEM by being a responsive crowd! :dance::chris::matt::dom::happy:


However, in reality, they have everything running like a tight ship so they can go from one gig to the next seamlessly and try not to go beyond curfew, which costs lots of $$$$$. Being this is the last night though, I hope they say screw it and have a good time! I'll gladly donate....

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This. It's a bit depressing when the setlists go from 19 to 18 to 17 to 16 and now 15 songs? I mean really, c'mon! I'm still going to all my ridiculous amount of shows, but I can't help but be annoyed at them continuously cutting down the setlist. It's just not cool. :(


I'm sure in some cases the venue may have some say in it, but it does seem like too much of a trend to just be venues. Might be interesting to look at what other artists have done at the same venues to see if that explanation holds water. 15 songs isn't that terrible if there are a lot of really entertaining riffs in between, but I can see why it does concern some people ... because there isn't really an explanation for it that we know of ... and it seems to be a trend. As said, I'm not really the type to dwell on it at this point, because a night of watching Muse perform 15 songs is a hell of a lot better than most nights I have. I've got other things to dwell on. I'm not going to throw away perfectly good dwelling on one of the few things that actually makes me happy.:stunned::)

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I'm sure in some cases the venue may have some say in it, but it does seem like too much of a trend to just be venues. Might be interesting to look at what other artists have done at the same venues to see if that explanation holds water. 15 songs isn't that terrible if there are a lot of really entertaining riffs in between, but I can see why it does concern some people ... because there isn't really an explanation for it that we know of ... and it seems to be a trend. As said, I'm not really the type to dwell on it at this point, because a night of watching Muse perform 15 songs is a hell of a lot better than most nights I have. I've got other things to dwell on. I'm not going to throw away perfectly good dwelling on one of the few things that actually makes me happy.:stunned::)


Oh, I agree, but I'm greedy and want moar songs! ;)

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So Muse' date=' you can [b']now[/b] play Citizen Erased and Bliss at every gig.




THIS! :yesey:


From looking at the map, you're basically right across the street from us at Cavalier Inn, so we can all walk back together. My guess would be the reason Budget Inn is cheaper is it's "no frills" ... it can't really be in a worse area because it's right next to the Cavalier Inn, so we're all in the same boat as far as that goes.:LOL: You were probably the smart one booking the cheaper hotel ... I mean, it's not like any of us will be spending all that much time in our rooms anyway. But, we'll all be pretty close, so it'll be fun, and we can watch each other's backs on the walk home.:)

Anyone planning to stalk?


Hey Missy! Are you going solo? My mom and I will be there and you can hang with us if you like! :D


I've been thinking (hoping, praying) we might get something special, but I'm TRYING not to get my hopes up. ;)


I'm gonna be so :supersad: when they're all done touring, but I have to remember that it just means they'll be working on a new album. And that's :awesome:

Are they still talking about taking 1 year off?


You'll enjoy your first show, absolutely :yesey: because everything you see and hear will be the first time ever and all :awesome:


When I left last night the thread wasn't too bad, just a little moaning... but I just read through and there were a couple of people who were in there who were just inappropriate and went too far, I think. If you're annoyed that they're playing shorter setlists in general, then there's a thread for that and they should have gone in it rather than spewing their bile in there.


I'm going to be happy to see them at this gig no matter what, and I know I'll enjoy myself... but I'll be looking at the time stamps on my pictures later and I have to say that if this show is significantly shorter than the March show I'll be annoyed. Like I said in another thread last night, I tell myself "it's only one song, what's the big deal?" but they keep dropping "just one song", so it's actually been 3 that have been dropped so far (and by that I mean the slots - the setlists are 3 songs shorter) It's really not right that they keep shortening the show....


I don't mind them playing the same songs over and over, though I would DIE if they played CE! (please play CE) I don't get why the set list keeps getting shorter though. It seems kinda unfair.

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