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They hid themselves after opening for U2 here in c'ville last October ... the muse fan turnout was super sad at that one. I ditched right after muse left the stage and went psycho looking for them. Discovered much later that they left ages ago :stunned:. I can't blame em though because no one was really rocking out anywhere near me, and I was at the rail.


can't wait for some real fans to bring it this time around. maybe then muse'll stay!



ah PS, I'm a student at UVA, so if you've got questions about the gig or the city, shoot.

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They hid themselves after opening for U2 here in c'ville last October ... the muse fan turnout was super sad at that one. I ditched right after muse left the stage and went psycho looking for them. Discovered much later that they left ages ago :stunned:. I can't blame em though because no one was really rocking out anywhere near me, and I was at the rail.


can't wait for some real fans to bring it this time around. maybe then muse'll stay!



ah PS, I'm a student at UVA, so if you've got questions about the gig or the city, shoot.


Oh yeah I watched videos of that gig on youtube. I'm glad I didn't go because everybody looked dead watching them!

Ah that's a shame you couldn't get to them.


Oh yes I have a couple questions :)


1: How bad is traffic for events like this?


2: When do cars have to clear out of the parking spaces , the ones who bought a parking pass thingy (I don't know if you would know about this)

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Muser ninjas FTW! :ninja: (and shhhh don't tell, but at the U2 gig and the Fairfax gig I snuck onto the floor... :p:LOL:)


Those goddamn lights, ruining our concert experience! ...we should ask those cameramen to move them for us if we get towers again :p


Yeah, I mean, it's great that they play for us, but it just seemed like they were wayyyyyy to far into their comfort zones this last tour. With the setlist and everything... kinda steals the magic from the show, all the spontaneous riffage and such we used to get. :(




:eek: NOOOOOO!!!! :facepalm: I remember after Mariner's, they left right away for NYC... idk if that had to do with setup, but as far as Louisiana? I highly doubt that they'd have time to stay :$


Yeah.. I miss all of the riffage :( Can you imagine getting pumped to Dead Star??? :awesome:


And they left so early I think because they had an interview or something to go to right away in new york. still :( i waited for them :supersad: And I missed my chance at the Fairfax gig which I still regret not convincing my mum to let me stay :facepalm:

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Oh my goodness, if they actually played a pwoper riffy song like Deadstar... /dies :awesome:


Yeah, they proberly did... or they wanted to walk around. Or Matt wanted to see Kate... :facepalm: which is totally not getting her cool points... :p:LOL: nawrh, but I was soooo pissed when I got on the thread a few hours after I got home and saw the twitpic of the OoS tattoo! But there was no way I could have stayed... I had to get one of my friends home. But this time, there's absolutely no reason for me to go home right away... :awesome:


The Micro Cuts riff gets me so amped every time I hear it!


Ew :LOL::facepalm:

Haha, yeah! I got home, was super tired, didn't want to go to bed though cause the night was still fresh on me haha. Then I got the twitpics from my phone and was like...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :(

They better stay..I mean, it's the last gig on the US tour. THEY have no reason to leave early!

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hahahaha nice catch there... but yeah, at least he acknowledges their talent! After the Mariner's concert, my Dad mentioned that Matt acted like a total rockstar buff, but was impressed that he totally wasn't taking himself seriously... :LOL: He thought Dom was cool, too (and Chris subliminally... obviously haha, how can you not love Chris?).


Hehe Chris is just plain awesome :LOL:

You guys got me all jealous now! I wanted to que (sp?) so badly this year! :p

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haha, I thought it was qeue? idk haha, but you're not qeueing?! :eek: WHY?!!


Yeah that's it! I'm epic fail at spelling :$


I has seated tickets :( I'm really thankful I get to go but I soooo badly wanted GA tickets! And plus, this is their last show for this tour...... and I got seated tickets for the Fairfax Muse concert I went to. (my first concert) :happy:


I would have gotten GA tickets if I could but I'm much too young to qeue by myself. :(

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Awrh, that sucks! But it sounds like you enjoyed it regardless :) And... well... for the record, it's usually quite easy to get onto the floor before the concert even starts. Just have a wristband like object on your wrist or bring a strip of paper and markers. Or just find that one security guard who isn't actually checking wristbands haha

...and I never told you this.. :p:LOL:


Also, anyone wanna tell me how to do the cut? Where you have to click on something to see the txt? /boardfail haha


I had an absolutely fantastic time! :D I didn't realize a concert could be so fun :happy:

Really? Dang, thanks for tellin' me! But I think I'm gonna play it safe this time ;) I'd rather pay and get GA ticket rather than run the chances of getting kicked out haha! But I always thought security would be very strict on those kinds of things.... Plus I think part of the fun would be queuing with all the other muser's . I wanted to get there a bit early and just hang out a bit before the concert to meet and talk to people :p


Haha don't worry......


I never heard anything ;)

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I haven't posted in here for a while :shifty:


yay for being the last show on the tour! :awesome:


Come on, teh my00z, give us something special....!


Also, anyone wanna tell me how to do the cut? Where you have to click on something to see the txt? /boardfail haha

You mean like...






Just quote my post and you'll see the code ;)


There's also this version...



consider yourself spoiled



Or did you mean something else? :unsure:


Oh, and btw guys, it's queue - french for tail, but also means line (as in lining up) ;)

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consider yourself spoiled



Or did you mean something else? :unsure:


Oh, and btw guys, it's queue - french for tail, but also means line (as in lining up) ;)


That just made me laugh and I don't know why :LOL::facepalm:

I must be tired.....


That word is making me angry now! Curse it and its weird spelling! :$


(sorry I'm brain dead right now)

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Hopefully we'll get an awesome crowd! :awesome: <---- (this smiley is epic win)


i was thinking i might put it in one of my Muse shirts... that will be and absolute .mu thing


its only 4 months and 3 days to this gig guys!!!!


for some reason i'm not seeing this summer as a long and boring one anymore.... :rolleyes:

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Oh yeah I watched videos of that gig on youtube. I'm glad I didn't go because everybody looked dead watching them!

Ah that's a shame you couldn't get to them.


Oh yes I have a couple questions :)


1: How bad is traffic for events like this?


2: When do cars have to clear out of the parking spaces , the ones who bought a parking pass thingy (I don't know if you would know about this)


The traffic question'll be tricky because I'm not sure how big people will be into Muse here, or how far people will travel. Hopefully, traffic'll be horrible = concert'll be ridic


I called the JPJ arena and they said you need to clear out your car at the end of the concert. At the very latest, by the time the staff leave the parking lot. Because "you can't be parked in an unstaffed lot" is the final word I got.



Where's everyone coming from?

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The traffic question'll be tricky because I'm not sure how big people will be into Muse here, or how far people will travel. Hopefully, traffic'll be horrible = concert'll be ridic


I called the JPJ arena and they said you need to clear out your car at the end of the concert. At the very latest, by the time the staff leave the parking lot. Because "you can't be parked in an unstaffed lot" is the final word I got.



Where's everyone coming from?


If a bunch of us are planning to queue early and wait after the show for the band, we could possibly arrange a car-pool of some type ... maybe that would get too complicated but it's a thought.


I'm coming from Delaware. Looks like somewhere between a 4- and 4.5-hour drive for me. I have to at some point decide which car I want to take, as well as which one to take to N.Y./N.J.

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If a bunch of us are planning to queue early and wait after the show for the band, we could possibly arrange a car-pool of some type ... maybe that would get too complicated but it's a thought.


I'm coming from Delaware. Looks like somewhere between a 4- and 4.5-hour drive for me. I have to at some point decide which car I want to take, as well as which one to take to N.Y./N.J.


Ah, I forgot to say I'm coming from Cville (I go to the university). If you all get lost, give me a call :happy: . It looks like just me willing to be in line all day, from amongst my friends -- so come early to join me! Some restaurants within walking distance. Can't wait to take over JPJ for such a worthy cause.

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i was thinking i might put it in one of my Muse shirts... that will be and absolute .mu thing


its only 4 months and 3 days to this gig guys!!!!


for some reason i'm not seeing this summer as a long and boring one anymore.... :rolleyes:

That would be awesome!

It's getting so close now! :D

Only 122 days to go! (not that I have been keeping track or anything) :rolleyes:


It's going to be great. Ive yet to go to a Muse show that had a disappointing crowd.

So far all the crowds I've seen online have been fab! (well, for the most part)

It would be great to have a really energetic crowd for the last gig on this tour!


The traffic question'll be tricky because I'm not sure how big people will be into Muse here, or how far people will travel. Hopefully, traffic'll be horrible = concert'll be ridic


I called the JPJ arena and they said you need to clear out your car at the end of the concert. At the very latest, by the time the staff leave the parking lot. Because "you can't be parked in an unstaffed lot" is the final word I got.



Where's everyone coming from?

Thanks for the info! We might need to bring two cars (my dad is coming to just chill in the hotel all day) :rolleyes: and we check in at 2:00 PM and a quote I heard was, "Traffic is a b*tch so leave as early as you can!" So we may want to get there early. I don't know.... I just don't want to be stuck in traffic and miss any of the show! lol

Thanks again! That helped a lot :)

Me, my younger sister, and mum are coming from around Winchester. So it's a bit of a drive. About 2 and a half hours or 3 at the most.


If a bunch of us are planning to queue early and wait after the show for the band, we could possibly arrange a car-pool of some type ... maybe that would get too complicated but it's a thought.


I'm coming from Delaware. Looks like somewhere between a 4- and 4.5-hour drive for me. I have to at some point decide which car I want to take, as well as which one to take to N.Y./N.J.


Actually I think that would be a really good idea! I guess it depends how many people would do it. The more people the more complicated I 'spose

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