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And the best friend is me :D:\mm/::dance:


Welcome! Congratulations! It's what, your 5th day? Yeah, cuz five months until Matt's birthday birthday was Monday the 9th and it's Monday one week later and that would be the 16th and it says you joined on the 11th so welcome!


YKYATMW you remember dates by Muse events ^^


:LOL: Listening to MoTP and it was in headphones and whenever I opened my mouth the effects would get all wonky :LOL: I freaking love this song :\mm/:

"LoooOOOOooooNNNnnnLLLLiiiiiiiiIIIInnnNNNNeeEEEEsssSSS BBBeee OOoVvVvEeErRr..."


It sounds cool with the intro to Uno too :D

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YKYATMW you're watching wife swap (couldn't find remote) and one family who's a bunch of flowery-free spirit-no gender roles-be yourself-creative types and the other is a football-revolving-stereotypical-redneck-woman does housework, men do sports-pink isn't manly types

So the wives switch and the hippie wife is telling the football cowboy that he's not open-minded and is pressuring people and is being sexist and isn't in touch with his feminine side and you immeadiately think of this:



:facepalm: I :LOL:'d for a good couple minutes


I read the interview to it, so...


Linky Link: http://erato1.wordpress.com/2009/08/08/2004-kerrang-the-truth-is-out-there-muse-interview/

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Welcome! Congratulations! It's what, your 5th day? Yeah, cuz five months until Matt's birthday birthday was Monday the 9th and it's Monday one week later and that would be the 16th and it says you joined on the 11th so welcome!]


Thnx! :)


You're welcome!


YKYATMW you suddenly think your grey leopard print shorts go with EVERYTHING.


...you now have a specific dressing order

1) Socks (and a phone)

2) Any coloured skinny jeans

3) Ze leopard print! Moar leopard print!

*4) Any other muse-y clothing

5) Silver converse/converse

6) The rest

*if Ze leopard print! has to go on top of clothing, switch #'s 3 and 4 :D

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When you're all :awesome: because you used RBS in your essay


YKYATMW your friend is mentioning who she'll put into her credits for her science fair project and I tell it'll probably go

"I'd like to thank...

My mom, my dad, my teacher, my friends, volunteers for testing, Muser, Mr.Madeupname, my brother etc." And I'll probably be wearing a muse t-shirt that day :awesome:


YKYATMW One of the student teachers doesn't even know my name, he just calls me Maffoo :D

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YKYATMW: My friend and me serenade each other with Neutron Star Collision and Starlight almost daily :chuckle:


:stunned: that would be my nightmare xD NSC lyrics just make me....:stunned::stunned::stunned: ...BUT I totally envy you for having a friend also obsessed with muse *sniff*

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Be sure to give credit to the creators! :LOL: I'll post the full lyrics when I finish,


YES SIR (we really need a salute emoticon)


and adding to the thread, i have a 5 year/o bro who likes everything i do (he recognises anything to do with fc barca, harry potter, doctor who, sherlock, merlin and top gear even though he's not even allowed to watch half of them) and i just introduced him to muse; he currently loves KoD :D:D WOOOOO!! GOD BLESS KIDS' EASY TO MOULD MINDS!

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YES SIR (we really need a salute emoticon)


and adding to the thread, i have a 5 year/o bro who likes everything i do (he recognises anything to do with fc barca, harry potter, doctor who, sherlock, merlin and top gear even though he's not even allowed to watch half of them) and i just introduced him to muse; he currently loves KoD :D:D WOOOOO!! GOD BLESS KIDS' EASY TO MOULD MINDS!


:$But I'm not a sir


Been trying to get a 5 yr old and a 3yr old and a 1 yr old into Muse. Whenever I put it on, the 5 yr old likes it but isn't :D, the 3 yr old just has a short attention span :facepalm: but teh 1 yr old (my favourite :awesome:) dances and jumps and has fun, then when the song ends she points to the screen demanding for more! At least I know one of them's got a shot! You're never too young for Muse! :D



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:stunned: that would be my nightmare xD NSC lyrics just make me....:stunned::stunned::stunned: ...BUT I totally envy you for having a friend also obsessed with muse *sniff*


I agree the lyrics are cheesy, but the song, overall, I think is amazing! :happy:I mean....... it sends tingles down my spine :ninja: How could I not like the song? .............:chuckle:


And as for my friend.. she's not exactly obsessed about Muse. I have gotten her into Showbiz (CD) and The Resistance.. but she could care less about music, I think :erm::supersad:

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Knights of Delusion?


LOL fail much. no. you know what i meant. xD KoC


:$But I'm not a sir



And as for my friend.. she's not exactly obsessed about Muse. I have gotten her into Showbiz (CD) and The Resistance.. but she could care less about music, I think :erm::supersad:


:( then we're on the same boat, but I suppose my friends like 'music'...it's just I don't consider kpop or beiber MUSIC

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YKYATMW you're always trying to suggest to your friends that they should listen to certain Muse songs

Tru dat! I linked assassin and my friend Sara was like, Whoa. Listened to some covers. The drums and guitar is intense. When you listen to Muse, you don't listen to covers. Especially when I link the actual video.:rolleyes:

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No way!

YKYATMW you have to do a science project and the first thing you think of is musey.


Dom inspired my science fair project on mabidexterity cuz he's left handed and liked Jimi Hendrix who's left handed but there were only right-handed guitars so he played the guitar upside-dwon and backwards which led to ambidexterity. I included him in my background information about left-handedness, ambidexterity, etc.


"In fact, many celebrities like Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker in Star Wars), Oprah Winfrey (TV Show Host), Babe Ruth (baseball player), Tom Cruise (actor), Sarah Jessica Parker (actress), Barack Obama (44th American President), Paul McCartney (bassist- The Beatles), Ringo Starr (drummer- The Beatles), Leonardo da Vinci (artist), Michelangelo (artist), Jimi Hendrix (guitarist) and Dominic Howard (drummer of my favorite band, Muse) are left- handed." :D


And that is going to be on my board :awesome:

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Dom inspired my science fair project on mabidexterity cuz he's left handed and liked Jimi Hendrix who's left handed but there were only right-handed guitars so he played the guitar upside-dwon and backwards which led to ambidexterity. I included him in my background information about left-handedness, ambidexterity, etc.


"In fact, many celebrities like Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker in Star Wars), Oprah Winfrey (TV Show Host), Babe Ruth (baseball player), Tom Cruise (actor), Sarah Jessica Parker (actress), Barack Obama (44th American President), Paul McCartney (bassist- The Beatles), Ringo Starr (drummer- The Beatles), Leonardo da Vinci (artist), Michelangelo (artist), Jimi Hendrix (guitarist) and Dominic Howard (drummer of my favorite band, Muse) are left- handed." :D


And that is going to be on my board :awesome:


Awesome! I'm so going to talk about Muse in my report, even if it's unnecessary. :awesome:

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I've got to do this Long-term project for gifted and my sister asked me what I wanted to do it on and I said "I don't know." and she said "You could do it on muse" I asked how I would do that and she said you could do bio's of the band, their history, albums/singles etc. and I was like "I already know all that" :rolleyes:


YKYATMW when that happens ^^


I used Muse songs as headings in one of my reports, it didn't make much sense but I was happy. :D

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I've got to do this Long-term project for gifted and my sister asked me what I wanted to do it on and I said "I don't know." and she said "You could do it on muse" I asked how I would do that and she said you could do bio's of the band, their history, albums/singles etc. and I was like "I already know all that" :rolleyes:


YKYATMW when that happens ^^


I used Muse songs as headings in one of my reports, it didn't make much sense but I was happy. :D


Me too! High-five for similar curriculums!

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