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True. That's why I said a combination of the future and the past, not just the past. And I'd prefer to be a guy, considering women in the past were oppressed and crap.


true, unless you're like Queen Elizabeth or something

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You go to see the new KH movie just for her/Matt... just to call her fat and ugly the whole time. :p

and then you get reallllyyyyy excited when the "Stupid Crazy Love" trailer comes on and the music is STARLIGHT!!! and you're like "guys guys guys, this is MUSE!" and your friends are like, "OMGOMGOMG!!" *trying to sing along*

I mean, I've heard of songs that are in trailers but never in the theaters, I usually find out muse is in it and then google the trailer ;)


My friend Taylor said, "I hope her baby eats her from the inside out, like in Twilight." :LOL:

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and then you get reallllyyyyy excited when the "Stupid Crazy Love" trailer comes on and the music is STARLIGHT!!! :LOL:


I saw that trailer and sang along with it, quite loudly :D

But nobody heard me except the people I was with, since there were only like 5 other people in the theater.

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I saw that trailer and sang along with it, quite loudly :D

But nobody heard me except the people I was with, since there were only like 5 other people in the theater.


It has Muse in the trailer, and it looks like a stupid chick flick, but Im probs going to go because my friend Hunter's favorite actress is Emma Stone :D

I loved the trailer, anyways. It had...beautiful music.

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It has Muse in the trailer, and it looks like a stupid chick flick, but Im probs going to go because my friend Hunter's favorite actress is Emma Stone :D

I loved the trailer, anyways. It had...beautiful music.


I probably won't see it, it looks stupid. But hey, at least someone who helped make it has a good taste in music.

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For those who didn't see my earlier post, I auditioned for a band for bass and like completely fucked up my back and neck when we played PiB. 1. I got the gig :D:D:D:D:D:D and 2. I may need a small operation to fix my neck cause i really really fucked it up :eek::eek:


YKYATMW all that happens :LOL:

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Yeah, but still, I'd have to wear dresses. And I don't like to wear dresses.

you make a good point there, i mean i do like dresses, but i'd rather wear what the guys wear instead of a dress 24/7


For those who didn't see my earlier post, I auditioned for a band for bass and like completely fucked up my back and neck when we played PiB. 1. I got the gig :D:D:D:D:D:D and 2. I may need a small operation to fix my neck cause i really really fucked it up :eek::eek:


YKYATMW all that happens :LOL:

congrats :D

and hope your neck gets better






When your little sister got in trouble during class for humming along to Exo-Politics and she blames you

nobody told her to hum


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:( I've been a bad Muser. School is occupying too much of my time. I haven't even listened to Muse in about a week or so! I'll try to do better. :happy:


YKYATMW you get a small thrill just seeing that they have a Muse cd in the music store, and you go crazy when they have something rare like Hullabaloo or Showbiz in stock.


p.s.- I'm trying to think of a Muse-y name for my acoustic guitar. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)

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p.s.- I'm trying to think of a Muse-y name for my acoustic guitar. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)


These probably suck: Jimmy Kane, Fillip, Plug in Baby (especially because it's an acoustic... I'm like that...)... That's all I can think of that would make a good name at the moment... :$

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Btw just noticed your sig, the awesomeness of white limo haha.

Oh yea, had to capture that :)

I've convinced myself that I belong in an odd combination of the future and the past. But another planet would probably work too :chuckle:

I've convinced myself that I'M the sane one (out of a sane minority, not majority), and that there is a good chance that almost everyone I encounter every day is insane. Not sure if this is a sign of insanity... :LOL: oh the irony!

cool :]


for now i'm better off in this time though

if i'd lived in another time i probably would've been hung for being a "witch" :indiff:

I think simply denying Christianity would have got you a tonne of shame...

True. That's why I said a combination of the future and the past, not just the past. And I'd prefer to be a guy, considering women in the past were oppressed and crap.

You can't have it all can you? As womens rights get better, everyones freedoms gets stripped away simultaneously!

For those who didn't see my earlier post, I auditioned for a band for bass and like completely fucked up my back and neck when we played PiB. 1. I got the gig :D:D:D:D:D and 2. I may need a small operation to fix my neck cause i really really fucked it up :eek::eek:


YKYATMW all that happens :LOL:

1. YES!

2. No...... :unsure:

:p.s.- I'm trying to think of a Muse-y name for my acoustic guitar. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)


Fillip! (instead of Philip, or Phil)

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:( I've been a bad Muser. School is occupying too much of my time. I haven't even listened to Muse in about a week or so! I'll try to do better. :happy:


YKYATMW you get a small thrill just seeing that they have a Muse cd in the music store, and you go crazy when they have something rare like Hullabaloo or Showbiz in stock.


p.s.- I'm trying to think of a Muse-y name for my acoustic guitar. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)


We all have our bad-muser monents ;)

Forameus, Nishe, I dunno :LOL:

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:( I've been a bad Muser. School is occupying too much of my time. I haven't even listened to Muse in about a week or so! I'll try to do better. :happy:


YKYATMW you get a small thrill just seeing that they have a Muse cd in the music store, and you go crazy when they have something rare like Hullabaloo or Showbiz in stock.


p.s.- I'm trying to think of a Muse-y name for my acoustic guitar. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)



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These probably suck: Jimmy Kane, Fillip, Plug in Baby (especially because it's an acoustic... I'm like that...)... That's all I can think of that would make a good name at the moment... :$


i was going to suggest those :LOL:





when you can't say anything without people thinking it's Muse related

today during class i was randomly quoting things and it took a while for my friends to realize they were songs, it wasn't Muse though; i then found myself quoting Shakespeare o.o

just when they thought i couldn't get anymore weirder :LOL:

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when you can't say anything without people thinking it's Muse related


People seem to think that my whole life is based off of Muse...:rolleyes: I mean, I do have all the CDs, posters, speak of Matt, etc.etc., but I like other bands...Today I heard someone say they really wanted to go to the Death Cab concert and I was like, I got tickets! :D and they were all 'i didn't think you listened to anything other than muse' and I'm like :stunned: what kind of world would I live in? I would be musically challenged.

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YKYATMW you feel extremely proud of your mom when you find out that she posted "Muse should come to the East Coast!" on their Facebook page. :D

my mom sent me a text today during school telling me about the presale for LA Rising. i really don't know how she knew that, but it made me love her even more


When you never remember what SMH stands for because when you see it, you always think about how it's missing a B.

:LOL: i do that at times





YKYATMW your friend calls you a cunt and you reply by calling her a pwoper fish

her: "What's a proper fish?"

me: "PWOPER, with a W!"

then next thing you know everyone in class was saying pwoper fish and asking what it is :LOL:

i just sat there like :awesome:


I then showed her a picture of Dom and Matt happened to be next to him

She said that Dom looks like a vampire that lost his sparkle

and she fell in love with Matt

her: "He's so adorable."

me: "He's with Kate Hudson."

her: "Ewww"

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YKYATMW your friend calls you a cunt and you reply by calling her a pwoper fish

her: "What's a proper fish?"

me: "PWOPER, with a W!"

then next thing you know everyone in class was saying pwoper fish and asking what it is :LOL:

i just sat there like :awesome:


I then showed her a picture of Dom and Matt happened to be next to him

She said that Dom looks like a vampire that lost his sparkle

and she fell in love with Matt

her: "He's so adorable."

me: "He's with Kate Hudson."

her: "Ewww"


my friend has started replacing her r's with w's and everytime she does i can't help but laugh because I know she does it from Matt:) (she went through a very, very, short Dom phase but still does like Muse)

Now that I think about it....Dom does look like a vampire who lost his sparkles...:stunned:

About the Kate Hudson thing, I don't want any KH fans to take this offensively, but once, after looking at a a magazine with pictures of preggo Kate, she said, "I hope her baby eats her from the inside out, like in Twilight." and I almost peed my pants laughing. :LOL:

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