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I don't even like blue, but it looked so good on Matt, I'm tempted to try it :LOL: I've already had red hair, but not like Matt's, I've always wanted it like that, though. I don't know how I would look as blonde. I've always wanted to be a blonde :chuckle: Yeah. But she was actually right about it :eek::chuckle:


I wouldn't cut it, i'm afraid of that :p i'd just die it blue :)

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really? every Hot Topic i went to had the shirt

the rest of my Muse doodles are just bad or incomplete


i have to be super bored and inspired

but lately when i've been super bored i find myself falling asleep :chuckle:

edit: this is out of nowhere, but the tags at the bottom always make me laugh :LOL:


thats just :LOL:

and yes about the tags! i read some of them and laugh so hard!

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YKYATMW you get excited yesterday when your skinny little brother walks into the room with a gray long sleeve shirt JUST like the one Matt wears in the Uno video, and then nearly have a spaz attack when he wears it again tonight WHILE EATING A BANANA.



ohmygosh...that is just :LOL::eek:

i would freak out too :p except if i told my brother "matt has the same shirt" he'd be like "you're not gonna rape me now, are you?" (because he knows i LOVE Matt)

can i marry your brother? :LOL: JK

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ohmygosh...that is just :LOL::eek:

i would freak out too :p except if i told my brother "matt has the same shirt" he'd be like "you're not gonna rape me now, are you?" (because he knows i LOVE Matt)

can i marry your brother? :LOL: JK


That's actually very similar to what he told me when I pointed that out! :p He went something like, "Uhh... Well then this is awkward..." And then he walked away. :( He knows my love for Matt. Haha.

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YKYATMW you get excited yesterday when your skinny little brother walks into the room with a gray long sleeve shirt JUST like the one Matt wears in the Uno video, and then nearly have a spaz attack when he wears it again tonight WHILE EATING A BANANA.




my little sister tries to dress like them on purpose

she bought a bunch of different colored leopard shirts o.o

and i was like :awesome: when she was wearing them with colored skinnys


I dont really like pink either but I would buy it if they had it!:p

it's a nice shirt though :]


When you're out at a club and you walk up to a random person who you've never met in your life to tell them they have the same shirt as Dominic Howard and you receive a blank/confused/'who the hell are you and why are you talking to me' look back.



I keep my fingers crossed that you'll find a Muser-friend like her too :) everyone should have one :yesey:


Love your doodles :awesome:





YKYATMW you take a normal landing platform for choppers (near a hospital) for an UFO :facepalm:


I noticed it a few days ago (my bus takes the road where you can see it) and now every time I see it I can't help but grin :LOL:

I hope I'll be albe to take a video when I see it next time.... hope the other kids won't see that I'm taking pictures of an landing platform :facepalm::chuckle:


EDIT: here, that's what it nearly looks like : http://www.mai-sicherheitstechnik.de/sysimg/thumb/301_377-Steigleitung_Landeplatz.jpg?1293468520

thanks :]

and that's funny x]

i thought i saw a UFO on Sunday night when i was looking at the sky xD




and apparently there's a limit for smiley's >:/

oh well :]




When you're trying to convince your friend that Dom does not look like a hobo

"he looks like a sexy British hobo" is what she said

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YKYATMW you find out that Kate Hudson is pregnant with Matt's kid and almost faint.:stunned:


Haha me too my mother said I my face was white as a sheet :LOL:

But oh well I think I'm okay with it as long as he is :)


YKYATMW when you're having sleepless nights because of stuff like that :LOL:

<--- going to bed now :stunned:

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That's actually very similar to what he told me when I pointed that out! :p He went something like, "Uhh... Well then this is awkward..." And then he walked away. :( He knows my love for Matt. Haha.


haha yes i have 3 older brothers and they're 8,7, and 6 years older than me. that would se so awkard. actually i have a cousin that's 5 years older and hes a natural blonde. he got his hair dyed, well, im not gonna lie, he's my cousin and most of my friends have crushes on him if you get what i'm saying... :happy: well anyways. he got his hair dyed black, and he came in the room and i was just like, :stunned::eek: "m...ma....m...m...? oh hi, Jordy" i thought he was matt for a bit :p and then when he was like "huh?" i was like "err...you look like..." but i couldnt say that it would be so awkward...

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YKYATMW you find out that Kate Hudson is pregnant with Matt's kid and almost faint.:stunned:


that's the first thing i found out when i woke up this morning

i was just shocked

i couldn't even get ready for school without checking Twitter over and over again

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YKYATMW you find out that Kate Hudson is pregnant with Matt's kid and almost faint.:stunned:


IKR. Geez I seriously almost threw everything! I almost picked the computer up, the radio, a lamp, and even another computer and threw it to the ground D:


But then, because of all my anger and sadness, I even ripped up... A Mattfooooo picture that was on my wall and threw a spoon at it :stunned:

Now, like someone else said, I hope to Dominic Howard that baby is glittery like Glitterati :D

And that also reminds me, WHAT ABOUT THE BELLDOM? :eek:

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