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Exactly. They should be happy I have any motivation to work, but noooo. And there's no one who could come with me, no other friends of mine like Muse really. Or would save up for a weekend trip to London, for that matter. And, they always tell me I need to get my priorities in order, decide what I really want, but I guess they only want that if I want what they want.


I would go with you. too bad my parents are physco about traveling to other countries and would never let me go and i'm gonna be in summer school so no way to get a job for money.:(


and i have no muser friends. sucks.

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I don't understand how you or your parents can reason the whole "no you can't go"...it's your money, you are a legal adult, f them! They'll be pissed for a week, and then it'll be all back to normal.


My mom told me I was dumb for going to the OKC show when I'll be living in Denton. I told her, "I don't care, it's my money, I'm buying tickets Saturday", and that was the end of the discussion. I mean, if I wanted to go to Wembley, I would, but don't have the cash.

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Sorry to hear some of you are dealing with difficult parents. I am in a similar predicament with my husband. He doesn't understand why I would want to go to more than one show, but it's MY money.

I think if you are an adult and you are paying for the tickets with your own money, you should go to the show and have a great time. I would be proud of my child for setting a goal and seeing it through to fruition. Maybe your parents are jealous? lol I would be if my oldest son were going without me

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Exactly. They should be happy I have any motivation to work, but noooo. And there's no one who could come with me, no other friends of mine like Muse really. Or would save up for a weekend trip to London, for that matter. And, they always tell me I need to get my priorities in order, decide what I really want, but I guess they only want that if I want what they want.


To be fair I can see why it sounds crazy to parents ... while my world revolves around rock bands and cars, my parents' world revolves around me. Although I guess I'm pretty lucky in that neither of my parents has tried to tell me it's a poor allocation of money. My mom thinks it's kind of deviant and is going to make me more of a social outcast, but she's not saying it. I know she still wishes I were the high-society kid she raised me to be instead of the crazy eccentric bum I turned out to be. My dad thinks it's a cool idea, especially since I'll get to meet new people who share an interest with me, but he's worried sick already. You're parents probably aren't trying to be dictators so much as they're reacting to their own fears by clamping down on you. You mentioned that you'll be in debt when you get out of school and that may be something that makes them worried for you, especially in this economy. And parents sometimes have a hard time realizing that you're mature enough to balance financial decisions. It's crappy and unreasonable of them not to talk to you about it. There were a lot of things my parents were opposed to when I was younger, but they would always have a conversation with me and sometimes we worked something out. You are 18 and they really ought to start treating you like an adult. If they're wise they'll realize you're able to make your own decisions now, and if they want to be included in it, they better be respectful.:happy:


Rambling thoughts aside, I hope you can get to a couple U.S. shows ... mooch rides and lodging from folks here if need be. It may not be London but it'll be fucking sweet.:dance:

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NO WE DONT! Muse will have a voting thing, and play rarities...




If we get towers + same setlist color me unhappy.


I don't give a fuck if we get any of that lol :D

I just want to see them!! The last(and first) time I saw them was in 2004!

GIVE ME ANYTHING!:p (though i would like to see them switch it up a bit)

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Its kind of sad but in a way its kind of good that their not coming anywhere too near me cuz theres no way I'd be able to afford it and I'd be like AHHHH! I WANNA GO SO BAD!


Milwaukee is close to Chicago. :p


Or at least in my opinion, "close" is like a 6, 7 hour radius. :LOL:


I do too, but not so much on the whole Guiding Light thing. I love Undisclosed Desires.


Guiding Light is awesome for it's cheesy 80s hilarity.

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Two of the shows I went to (MSG and Oakland) I got both MoTP and MKU. Both setlists for those nights were kickass. I got GL in Boston, kinda liked it live.


Unnatural Selection is starting to become a live monster though. When they have that silent bit in the breakdown, then Matt comes in with those loud ass crunching notes...fucking incredible.

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