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Guess who's excited and ready to go? :awesome:




About the Swiss flag, I've stuck a Union Jack onto the back of it so I've decided I'm going to bring it, it's a Britain Swiss Collision :chuckle:


Also.. does anyone need/want my number?

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My bag is about half full thankfully! Though my cousin wants a box of Shreddies (I asked if he wanted anything English) and I can't find a Nestle Multipack anywhere! :stunned: I'm not stuffing a huge box into my bag! :LOL: Gonna have to ask my mum to rush me up to Asda later


And sure, number coming right up!

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Currency is in the bag :)


No inflatable cow, I'm afraid - I could bring WoBellDom instead, though. In fact, I think I will take him so that he's been to another gig in another country, even if he doesn't get inflated!


Hee hee I love WoBellDom, oh the memories :D

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My bag is about half full thankfully! Though my cousin wants a box of Shreddies (I asked if he wanted anything English) and I can't find a Nestle Multipack anywhere! :stunned: I'm not stuffing a huge box into my bag! :LOL: Gonna have to ask my mum to rush me up to Asda later


And sure, number coming right up!


Have you looked in Tesco? They always seem to have those multipacks!


Awesomesauce :happy:


Currency is in the bag :)


No inflatable cow, I'm afraid - I could bring WoBellDom instead, though. In fact, I think I will take him so that he's been to another gig in another country, even if he doesn't get inflated!


WoBellDom!! :happy:

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Currency is in the bag :)


No inflatable cow, I'm afraid - I could bring WoBellDom instead, though. In fact, I think I will take him so that he's been to another gig in another country, even if he doesn't get inflated!


I trust he's been washed down since V Fest, the piss / beer magnet that he was! :LOL: I'm not sure we cleaned him before handing him back in Preston train station car park!

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