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A bit of weather won't stop the UFO!


Well apparantly by midnight the sky will be completely clear so maybe it'll clear up towards the evening? Wembley was scheduled for a thunderstorm and it stopped raining by the time Muse came on!

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OK I see that Pip answered the locker question. At the worst you can put your bags at the station? Are you staying in a hotel in Zurich? Then the Zurich Hauptbahnhof station would be your best bet.


My plan looks like this so far. I have a friend who lives 10 min away from the venue so we'll be at his place until about 5pm. I also worked out that Muse won't be on until at least 8, so if we get there at 6pm it will be more than enough? Like this my friend should be rested enough for her big moment :)


Especially if the weather is as bad as today, it's been quite cold. We're under the roof but it might get chilly anyway. Maybe we'll pack some blankets :happy:

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Guise, how big are the bags that you're taking? Mine's quite small, so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get in there..


I'm using one of THESE, not the same as that but that style ;)


Mine's similar to that.


Just had a thought actually, I wonder if there are lockers at Zurich airport? I'm sure there must be.

If there are I'll leave all my toiletries, my book and my fleece blanket there ready for when we get back to the airport at whatever ungodly hour we arrive back after the gig and train back to Zurich!:eek::eek::LOL:


Ooo locker, might make a difference...


Although I'd quite like to see slightly more of Bern that the railway station and the exterior/interior of the Stadium, I'm happy to hang out wherever :)


I just made myself a little document wallet out of an old pillowcase for passport, boarding passes, dosh and ticket... something to hang round my neck under my tee-shirt. I feel all old-school make-do-and-mend :LOL:


As long as it's not totally siling down we have to at least see the bears, and I bought a map specially!


Aww bless :chuckle:


Thanks guys for the packing lists :chuckle: I'm making notes... I did get myself a little money-belt thing from T K Maxx, and my space blankets came as 2 for £1.99 from the camping/outdoors-y shop in town. They're probably not great quality but what the heck... The guy serving me said 'yeah they're great for runners' so I said 'yes, and for people queueing for gigs' so he asked who I was going to see, he approved of my choice :D


My packing list:



CHF (I got mine from the post office, I had to order them to come to the local one but a main one might have them. Got 190CHF for £119.96 ) and plastic

train ticket info x 2

boarding passes

gig ticket!

Phones x 2 (both sony-ericsson with memory cards and on the same network so I can faff and switch sims/mm2s if necessary, also they work on the same charger)

phone charger

travel power adaptor (that'll be at least two of us with one of those then :D )

camera (dd2's, must take special care of it!) with memory cards


toiletries (shampoo, travel toothbrush, I found an old lip-balm, armpit stuff. Facecloth might be good? Might bring a little make-up, am going to look a lot like a panda...)

various spare clothes (a vest-top, poss a long-sleeved top, spare undies and socks)

space blankets & brolly

puzzle book & pens

ipod (if I can find the fucker :stunned:)

cereal bars, water/juice, protein bars

map of Bern


My mum found the mac :dance: I'm gonna look ridiculous yaaaay




Oooo does anyone in the NORD-gang have any particular idea what we want to see, if we can? Apart from the bears of course!

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So.. we should be there by half 12 depending what train we take.. some are faster than others:


Details Station/Stop Date Time Duration Chg. Travel with Occupancy

1 Zürich Flughafen We, 02.06.10 dep 10:32 1:49 1 S16, IR 1. 2.

Bern arr 12:21


2 Zürich Flughafen We, 02.06.10 dep 10:40 1:17 0 IC 1. 2.

Bern arr 11:57


3 Zürich Flughafen We, 02.06.10 dep 10:43 1:14 1 ICN, IC 1. 2.

Bern arr 11:57


4 Zürich Flughafen We, 02.06.10 dep 10:47 1:38 1 IR 1. 2.

Bern arr 12:25


So.. us Nord lot. Shall we try get a tram into Bern centre then and see what we can do from there?


Anyone have any idea how much the trams are?


Edit: Sorry, scrap that, if we get a train to Bern centre it wouldn't matter :facepalm:

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So.. we should be there by half 12 depending what train we take.. some are faster than others:


Details Station/Stop Date Time Duration Chg. Travel with Occupancy

1 Zürich Flughafen We, 02.06.10 dep 10:32 1:49 1 S16, IR 1. 2.

Bern arr 12:21


2 Zürich Flughafen We, 02.06.10 dep 10:40 1:17 0 IC 1. 2.

Bern arr 11:57


3 Zürich Flughafen We, 02.06.10 dep 10:43 1:14 1 ICN, IC 1. 2.

Bern arr 11:57


4 Zürich Flughafen We, 02.06.10 dep 10:47 1:38 1 IR 1. 2.

Bern arr 12:25


So.. us Nord lot. Shall we try get a tram into Bern centre then and see what we can do from there?


Anyone have any idea how much the trams are?


Edit: Sorry, scrap that, if we get a train to Bern centre it wouldn't matter :facepalm:


it's not that big, I reck we can get to Bern, see the bears, munch some lunch, wander up to the stadium before 3...


Nice one. You don't play cribbage, by any chance, do you?


I have in the past but not for a long time and don't remember the rules.


I won't get to King's Cross until 8-ish so I won't be at Gatwick 'til after 9 I suspect.

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So.. us Nord lot. Shall we try get a tram into Bern centre then and see what we can do from there?


Anyone have any idea how much the trams are?


Edit: Sorry, scrap that, if we get a train to Bern centre it wouldn't matter :facepalm:


The Tram is not that expensive. You can also buy your train ticket incl. "Cityzuschlag". That's CHF 5.00. Then you don't need to buy an extra tram ticket

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That look he gives the camera at the end? That is the look of a man thinking, "I only wanted to play music and get some action."


I saw all that happening from the balcony above!:D:D


Tomorrow :stunned:

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