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good musestalking idea there..;) i seriously hope they'll come out as well coz i dont think i would want to be a mental stalker to go wait outside their hotel just to get an autograph and some pix..i maybe obsessed wif muse but not that fanatic..but wat r the chances of 'em coming out?


pardon me, but i still dont get it. wat's the meaning of vandalising rock band? * scratches head*


i'm not really sure exactly, but i THINK they're calling autograph signing as vandalising because you're er... 'conteng-ing' on it, i'm assuming. hehheh. correct me if i'm wrong!


and yeah i really really want to wait outside.. after reading a bunch of posts from other people who have met them by waiting outside the tourbus area, they said that they will have to wait for about 2-3 maybe 4 hours after the gig... i'm up for it! as long as i'm not alone and err... hopefully the LRT and monorails still work 2-3 or 4 hours after the gig? hehheh :LOL:





hey how are all of you guys going to the gig? via public transport or you're gonna drive there or what?

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Hey thanks for the help! Doing assignments right now, just fifteen minutes away from CNY..


no problem at all, and hope u haf a very nice CNY celebration.. it's kinda sux to be doing assignments during the holidays, dont u think?


i really, really want to wait for 'em as well.. 2-3 hours should be bearable but if its up to 4 hours... i dunno, and i think u gonna miss the last LRT or monorail home, deb.


i'll be driving there, hopefully i can get there early.

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no problem at all, and hope u haf a very nice CNY celebration.. it's kinda sux to be doing assignments during the holidays, dont u think?


i really, really want to wait for 'em as well.. 2-3 hours should be bearable but if its up to 4 hours... i dunno, and i think u gonna miss the last LRT or monorail home, deb.


i'll be driving there, hopefully i can get there early.


yeah... 4 hours is a bit too much. and knowing myself, i'm quite impatient at times, so i'll probably stay for about 2-3 hours tops. thats IF i can stay. le sigh :(

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haha i didn't win the junk one. is it all the same? that is, are all junk tickets the RM83 one?


i won via the Sun and Tigermusic (the pesky write-me-a-slogan ones). between the two of us, i think we've pretty much got winning most, if not all, available contests covered. i entered four different ones, and got response from half that. not bad for a few days' work.


p/s: chances are the tee will have the dodgy Tiger logo printed on as well. but ah well, at least it's beer and not, say, tampon or something.

vspirit, you still have the tickets? I'm looking for the Pitt ticket, or the rock zone, just a SINGLE ticket for a friend of mine. can't bear with ebay, too EVOL !

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well i've just agreed to sell my RM83 ones to deb but do stay tuned, as i may have a single RM183 one available soon....wednesday, possibly. it's seated, tho, not standing...so you may not want it after all. ^^;;


...speaking of which...all the tix i have with me now are seated ones. so i don't think i'm the right person for you to turn to.


what's EVOL btw?


mikeadyla: there's a parking lot but i'm not too certain how big it is. one thing is for sure, though. the sooner you get there, the easier you'll find a spot.


deb: i wasn't planning on staying with or w/o the vandalized CD. i have plans...or rather, my system has plans to douse itself with no certain amount of booze somewhere after the show...

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it means instead of sticking around after the show, i'm going to go drown myself in alcohol after the show. yanno, to celebrate a good show? that sorta thing. i'll make a toast to it and everything, too. woo, just thinking about it is starting to give me the hiccups...


i'll probably stick around long enough for most of the cars to clear, though. it's what i usually do at the theaters, too, watching the credits roll while the crowd clears.


EDIT: don't let this declaration fool you, though. i'm not much of a drinker most times. give me an occasion or an excuse though...

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it means instead of sticking around after the show, i'm going to go drown myself in alcohol after the show. yanno, to celebrate a good show? that sorta thing. i'll make a toast to it and everything, too. woo, just thinking about it is starting to give me the hiccups...


i'll probably stick around long enough for most of the cars to clear, though. it's what i usually do at the theaters, too, watching the credits roll while the crowd clears.


EDIT: don't let this declaration fool you, though. i'm not much of a drinker most times. give me an occasion or an excuse though...


owhhhhhh... but dont you have work the next day? you wont wanna go to work with a hangover now, would you? :p hangovers caused by beer are the WORST - says my 27 year old brother. but hey, what do i know? i've never gotten drunk before :D

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hm. nothing a big drink of water won't fix before i go to bed. i've never really experience the full onslaught of a hangover before, truth be told. i've been told i'm a semi pass-out drunk (meaning: can be roused for a fixed amount of time, but only good for once) so when i get home, even if I have to wobble my way there, my body just about dying to, well, pass out, my mind will still be coherent enough to remind me to take a good, long drink in the kitchen before stumbling to bed (or passing out right there in the kitchen) if I don't want to have a head-on collision with a slegehammer the moment I come to the next day.


and i never had. i've had minor hangovers, yeah, due to miscalculating how much i should drink in my drunken stupor, but never bad enough to call in sick the next day. also, if i go beyond my limit, i puke out the excess before i pass out, so i guess that helps too...


that, and i don't work mondays.

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Hey there, sorry to barge into your conversation like this :) , but i have this situation and i kinda just want to get it out :LOL:


Let's see, I initially wanted to get a Rockzone tix for myself, but found out several days too late, that it's sold out (and the ones left apparently, were the free seating ones)... just as I was about to bawled my eyes out, I got an email from Junk saying that I've won a pair of the free seating tix (the RM 53 ones). Um, needless to say, I'm like, :eek: , (this being the first time I've actually won something, but yeah, now that it's come to this...I'm considering either to sell the other ticket, or (this probably sounds a little scary...but i have to try) "force" someone or anyone to go with me in return for it being free of charge :D (I'm from Cheras, by the way, so it'll be great to have someone to talk to on the way to the concert itself)


So, yeah, any takers? It's alright if no one wants to, just asking... Oh and that meet-up thingee, is it still on this coming Saturday? 'Cause I might be...thinking of... showing up :p


P/S: Hi everyone :LOL: I've been lurking around for quite sometime, just didn't bother to register and post anything, it's great to see so many Malaysian MUSE fans here ;)

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well there /is/ the buzz, and it's worth all the misery after. by which of course, when you're actually experiencing said misery, will make your opinion differ vastly but not enough to leave a long-lasting impression.


EDIT: no, no, don't think. do. not kidding. haha, anyway, if you're gonna show and are sure about it, by all means put your name on the list. 'cos like i said, if i don't get at least four/five-ish names by 23:59 on the 20th, the whole thing will be considered as called off due to lack of interest and it's every man for himself on the 25th. (tho i suppose, if all you want is reinforcements, you actually don't need to show up for the gathering cos you could try making friends with the people in front and behind you, but if you are as interested as I am to meet other self-professed MUSE fans, then by all means show, and be decided about it by placing your name on the list--please?).


EDIT2: oh, almost forgot. congratulations for the win. =D

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Ok, count me in!


I'd just like to have friends to talk to and maybe talk about stuffs I should be aware of when attending concerts (this is officially my first one YAY ME!!! :D)


If there's no taker to my aforementioned offer, I'll force my best friend to come with...tho' technically the only reason she's been refusing me is because both of us (we go to the same uni, taking the same course :) ) have exams starting on the 26th :p (But I'm gonna study this entire week, so at least attending MUSE's concert won't directly jeopardized my future, and even if my future was jeopardized it's not MUSE's fault, it's my lecturer's fault!!! :LOL:)


Um... oh yeah, and I'm kinda a newly MUSE-obsessed fan, so, if you don't mind doing most of the talking when we meet, yeah... I'm SOOOOO there :happy:

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What do you guys think of the Muse management/crew setting up the fabulous screens that displays all the spankingly majestic images and video clips during gigs like NEC Birmingham and the recent Aussie tour for this upcoming KL show? I hope they will consider this, as it's an indoor venue, and it would be so fitting to have it. And i'm a huge fan of the artwork as well.

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what's EVOL btw?



Evol as in evil, typo.

Does anyone ever bought the tee's from the Muse Online Store ?


I really want the stripe shirt :( , but then, it costs hell lot of money.


and Vspirit,can you hold the 183 ticket for me first, have to ask my friend, but then, which seat is it ? if it is too back behind, i think i hafta pass.


& do you think the songs that Muse we'll be playing be the same as the S'pore Gig?.

6 days leeeft! I'm so excited, wait, aren't we ALL ?

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What do you guys think of the Muse management/crew setting up the fabulous screens that displays all the spankingly majestic images and video clips during gigs like NEC Birmingham and the recent Aussie tour for this upcoming KL show? I hope they will consider this, as it's an indoor venue, and it would be so fitting to have it. And i'm a huge fan of the artwork as well.


i do hope they'll haf that here too coz as u said, it's an indoor concert so hopefully they'll put up all those screens and visual erm...effects thingy, dunno wat 'em called. i seriously love the images and screens at reading.. plus, this one company is supposed to be responsible with the lightings for the concert ( was mentioned in the concert add in the newspaper but cant remember wat's the name) so i'm hoping for some visual art shows as well..or some fireworks or something...


i want the stripe shirt as well xzedorax, but its bloody expensive to buy on the net. heard from vspirit that there was a merchandise booth at the concert in s'pore, i'm sure there'll be one here on the day of the concert as well, hopefully i'll get a chance to buy it then!


EDIT: microcuts? seriously? i dont like that song.. i just hope that the setlist will be different from the s'pore's .

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i want the stripe shirt as well xzedorax, but its bloody expensive to buy on the net. heard from vspirit that there was a merchandise booth at the concert in s'pore, i'm sure there'll be one here on the day of the concert as well, hopefully i'll get a chance to buy it then!


I KNOW! & hopefully those that'll sell on the concert day itself won't be looking as ridiculous and too pricey as it can be. :LOL: and Vspirit , how was the tshirt that sold at the s'pore gigs? any pictures of it ?


anyway, those anyone have any extra tickets? hopefully the pitt or the rock zone ticket! just one onlyy.

email me ok ? extrasugar@gmail.com

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i'ma only going to retrieve it from the muddy banks of Grey on wednesday, so i dunno how far back is it yet. actually, i probably won't be able to tell even with the numbers in front of me cos I dunno what the seat numbering is like in Std. Negara.


and i'm just gonna put up a notice here on wednesday (probably) for that one and get whoever is interested to PM me and help me to decide by saying whatever, like I did for the RM83 ones.


a member called pirate49 posted this link here. the price for that pit ticket doesn't seem to have gone up much since it was first put up, and seeing as it's ending in 3 days, why not try bidding for this one? you can wait til the last day and well, i'm sure you know the wily ways of winning an online auction so you can probably figure out what to do for yourself. can't be that evil if you manage to win this one without paying too high a difference.


and the shirt you speak of can be seen right here.


and thumbs up for coffeejunkie86 for signing on~~what about the rest of ye?

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