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i was at the front and i didn't get to see the balloons at all nor kena any of their sweat tempias. betol la memang gross.. hahaha. like Nut, i always tell myself if i have the chance to watch muse again i would want to be seated and not worry about being crushed/trampled to death at the mosh pit. i would want to enjoy the visual side of their concert as well as better acoustic this time around after being right at front the last time. but then again, if i can go to singapore, i would still get the mosh pit tix ha!


pardon me for butting in. carry on with the BNO's discussion. :ninja: butting in sounds so wrong isn't it? lol

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Alright, so I'll just make a list of those confirmed going. (Just because I'm looking for a reason to procrastinate...) Sorry if I left anyone out. Please let me know and I'll edit this :)


CONFIRMED. :musesign::awesome:

Miele - Pen A

Nut - Pen A

Lya - Terrace

Debbie - Balc


Almost confirmed (In the midst of getting the tix? ;) )




Grace (GraySea)



Unfortunately sitting this one out :(










Not being in the mosh pit isn't the last thing in the world... Sometimes it could be a good thing too. I totally agree that being all the way up front wouldn't be the best spot for acoustics. You'll only hear the raw sound coming out from the amps in front of you which has not gone through the process of blending together with the drums/bass etc. Having said all that though ... I think I would still rather pick mosh pit over anything :LOL: It's just that feeling of realizing everyone cheering for Muse isn't all that different from you after all, despite coming from varying demographic backgrounds. Oh sorry I'm just confusing things...


Oh Nut, been meaning to ask you this... you were seated at the terrace for Coldplay right? Did anyone walk up front to the barriers to stand or everyone just sat down quietly according to their tix?

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Liz good job compiling the list :D For Coldplay we terrace people didn't stand at the barrier. We stood at where we were supposed to sit like obedient schoolboys unfortunately :LOL:. There were people standing at the barrier however, and these people got screwed by either Sistic or Indoor Stadium.. I'm not sure. Because they bought tickets to 2 rows that didn't exist on that day. Weird right. So they stood at the barrier. Don't know if others from the seats joined them though... I had the urge to stand at the barrier but the whole office were with me so I decided against it.:(


So it seems we have a common understanding of the pros and cons of the ticket you might buy / already bought.


Don't know if you guys know about

one of Muse's unreleased B-sides entitled 'Soaked'. Beautiful B-side track. Hate to say this but Adam Lambert did a pretty good job covering it.:eyebrows:
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As many times as I've seen the cover of Adam Lambert's For Your Entertainment, it still makes me :LOL: I just keep thinking about the Iggy Pop/David Bowie/Velvet Goldmine days ;) Trying to put that aside though, as much as I think Adam did not do a horrible job covering Muse, I just can't take that guy seriously, unfortunately. He's talented, fo sho, but all this excessive publicity surrounding the recent AMAs, I think is unnecessary for him. It's kinda over shadowing his real talent, which is aplenty but now... I don't know, it's just funny for me because I find the whole shenanigan ridiculous.


2 rows that didn't exist... Hmmm, well, I guess sistic would do anything to cater for the demand! During the Oasis show, a lot of people stood near the barriers and my sister who was seated nicely in the first row got really pissed lol scolded them and in the end they sat on the floor :LOL: I hope I can stand near the barriers during the Killers (which is half sold out already btw).. coz I'm just not used standing in one position... I guess we'll see how things turn out in the end!

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aww u guys are so sweet for making me feel better abt the terrace seats. hahah but seeing muse live, no matter how far i am from them, is already a dream come true. im sure in yrs to come theres more concerts to attend & i'll make sure i am so near d stage that i get tempias of even dom's sweat. hahah :p


cant wait for the concert, n hopefully meeting everyone. hopefully nothing goes wrong :)

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haha my only consolation for getting BALCONY seats is that... I .. can... see... EVERYTHING!!!! Like as if I have a bird's eye view or everything haha. If I had to choose though, without having money to worry about, I'd pick the moshy moshy tickets. No doubt about that. Then I'll tag along with you guys so that I can hopefully get to the front with you guys since you all are so 'talented' like that haha! Seriously man, its like a skill you need to be able to get to the front. A skill I dont have, because no matter how many gigs i've been to, I've never been to the front before. Not once. :'( But really though, the reason why people love to stand is becuase of the whole experience of just letting loose, shouting, screaming and singing with the band you love with people who love the band as much as you do that makes the moshpitt so worthwhile. at least, thats what its like for me anyway. the pushing and sweating is just a huge downer.


but never mind! I get to see the big giant balloons (do they still use that? haha) and I get to watch Matt Chris and Dom prance around from afar and I can see the crowd shifting and moving as everyone forms a giant mosh pitt (remember the KL gig? KOC? that was insane!!) and I can see all the lights and actually listen to the band. ^_^


One question though, do people actually stand in their seats? Especially on the balcony.. would it be dangerous if I were to stand? haha. Because I definitely still want to jump and shout and woohoo at Muse :) and I know during Jason Mraz, NOBODY stood up at my seated area. I wanted to stand up, and I stood up for awhile but noone else stood up (not even my friends) so I felt awkward and went back to sit :( tak syok la. Grooaaar.

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Who sits in a Muse gig?!?!?!?! If

was played, I don't think I'd care what anyone else thinks if I stood up haha. Gotta rock out to that opening riff! I don't think you'll have to worry about people sitting or standing really. Just... see how things work out, I suppose. You could try walking up to the barriers at the balcony and stand there, if the people in the first row don't mind.


KOC was really insane. Went in fully prepared though, after that experience for Megalomaniac during Incubus' opening number. The trick is to go in with a group of friends and stand near couples cuddled closely together (if you don't mind their PDA). Even with proper preparations however, sometimes a circle pit can just happen out of the blue - evident during New Found Glory's Singfest gig. Brrr... I still get shivers thinking about it now. If you're in the mosh pit though, really, what's the fun if you don't join the crowd to jump and push a little? ;)


Anyway, I think the Killers and Andrew Bird will be the first time I would be seated (if you don't count that KL Linkin Park concert so many years ago), should be great fun observing everything and getting good acoustics :yesey:

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I was going to say that ooh, when you're far back at Andrew Bird's concert the acoustics would be dead amazing but then I realised that oh, Esplanade Concert Hall is entirely seating. :facepalm::LOL: When I went to see Stars almost everybody just stood up in the seats anyways (which was good because I would have felt awkward being the only one) and I saw some pictures from DCFC where everybody stood up too...so you'd probably have to stand at Andrew Bird depending where you're at if you want a clear view.


Hmm, James Yorkston will be playing a gig in London when I'm there, and I think I get back to Singapore in time to see Cat Power. :eek: Oh, and +/- are playing when I'm there. But they'll be at Home Club, damn strict security in Singapore! :(

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Who sits in a Muse gig?!?!?!?! If
was played, I don't think I'd care what anyone else thinks if I stood up haha. Gotta rock out to that opening riff! I don't think you'll have to worry about people sitting or standing really. Just... see how things work out, I suppose. You could try walking up to the barriers at the balcony and stand there, if the people in the first row don't mind.


KOC was really insane. Went in fully prepared though, after that experience for Megalomaniac during Incubus' opening number. The trick is to go in with a group of friends and stand near couples cuddled closely together (if you don't mind their PDA). Even with proper preparations however, sometimes a circle pit can just happen out of the blue - evident during New Found Glory's Singfest gig. Brrr... I still get shivers thinking about it now. If you're in the mosh pit though, really, what's the fun if you don't join the crowd to jump and push a little? ;)


Anyway, I think the Killers and Andrew Bird will be the first time I would be seated (if you don't count that KL Linkin Park concert so many years ago), should be great fun observing everything and getting good acoustics :yesey:


Wow how epic was that riff!! ahaha, you could hear the crowd going "tudududududuudu dudududuudud" to the riff. I ALSO WANT. Seriously I hope to God and the Universe and everything that is Almighty that Muse play MK Ultra in Singapore. I MUST see that song live before I die.. ughhhhh and this, Liz, is why you must go for Muse!!!


I wasnt prepared for that KOC nightmare at all tbh. I mean, i expected pushing but not from all directions! and I remember seeing a couple at the front with me at Muse, I dont mind the PDA haha, people dont usually pda in gigs compared to clubs. (ugh, people grinding and snogging their faces off in clubs are so.. unattractive lol) I remember at Muse, i could see the guys like trying their best to push the crowd back to protect their girls haha. to no avail though :(


actually im waiting for my ptptn..argghh..

guys do you think that at the end of this year the tix will still be available? :(


Well considering its already December.. its technically the end of the year right? :D I think worse comes to worst, by the end of December, the good tickets might all be gone leaving us with the 'far away' tickets. But thats like.. worst case senario la :) dont give up hope though! just get your ptptn and straight away get tickets haha :p

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I was going to say that ooh, when you're far back at Andrew Bird's concert the acoustics would be dead amazing but then I realised that oh, Esplanade Concert Hall is entirely seating. :facepalm::LOL: When I went to see Stars almost everybody just stood up in the seats anyways (which was good because I would have felt awkward being the only one) and I saw some pictures from DCFC where everybody stood up too...so you'd probably have to stand at Andrew Bird depending where you're at if you want a clear view.


Hmm, James Yorkston will be playing a gig in London when I'm there, and I think I get back to Singapore in time to see Cat Power. :eek: Oh, and +/- are playing when I'm there. But they'll be at Home Club, damn strict security in Singapore! :(

Oooh if it's convenient for you, you should definitely drop by James Yorkston's gig :happy:


No chance you can make it for Andrew Bird too? :( I'm not sure how the crowd will be for Andrew. I got the foyer stall seats, towards the right of the hall. I hope the person next to me can tolerate my obsession with hands... :LOL: I can't wait to watch his crazy violin skills!!



Wow how epic was that riff!! ahaha, you could hear the crowd going "tudududududuudu dudududuudud" to the riff. I ALSO WANT. Seriously I hope to God and the Universe and everything that is Almighty that Muse play MK Ultra in Singapore. I MUST see that song live before I die.. ughhhhh and this, Liz, is why you must go for Muse!!!

:( I don't know if my mid terms will be then. I know it's Muse and I would buy the tix in a heartbeat but and I'm already skipping 3 days the week before, in hopes that any one of my papers won't fall on those dates. My current procrastination run doesn't spell well for my exams coming up soon too - it's like I'm not even trying. I don't know why lah. How's your sister doing btw? She's taking ACCA too yeah?


Perhaps HK would be a slightly better choice? It's on a weekend and the standing tix, despite being HK$580 after converting, will only come up to about RM255 max. Now, how much does an air ticket there cost... Edit: RM700 for return tickets, apparently. Not feasible.




@Nawkaz I don't know if there's any other way to get the tix apart from Sistic. Is there an authorized agent there in Sarawak? You could try your luck in forums... sometimes people would sell their tix there because they can't make it. Hope it all goes well for you!

Edited by guilt-stricken
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Oooh if it's convenient for you, you should definitely drop by James Yorkston's gig :happy:


No chance you can make it for Andrew Bird too? :( I'm not sure how the crowd will be for Andrew. I got the foyer stall seats, towards the right of the hall. I hope the person next to me can tolerate my obsession with hands... :LOL: I can't wait to watch his crazy violin skills!!


:yesey: I hope I can make it, I'd love to see him live. Have you got his new album yet?

Ahh, how I wish. :'( Unfortunately not, he's playing about a week and a half after I go back to Bali. :chuckle: Hopefully the person next to you will be as crazy as you. :p Eee I know, so talented right? I'd love to see them for myself, have fun. :)

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i saw got ppl sell 3 tix at other forum..its the Pen B ticket..i thought he can sell cheaper because he cant make it on 3rd feb..but he said he sell for rm400 per ticket! aiyoo..tickets not even sold out yet he already wanna sell that price.. :mad:

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OMG you should watch UD live from RAH. Chris' voice is so SEXEY. And I'm a guy goddamit!:D Their best performance of that song I've seen. Such an awesome song.


Noor with option 1, you'd have to take a cab to get you to the JB immigration and that would be like S$30 IF I'm not mistaken. And the cab station is not so much of a walking distance from the Indoor Stadium. You'd have to take a cab from the Indoor Stadium most prob.


Can't watch vids atm, but :LOL: Must be awssum!




Noor, I don't think it'd be wise to take Option 1 because you'll keep your mom up waiting and she'll be worried should the gig go on for any longer than 1am, which is pretty likely seeing that rockstars are hardly punctual... If you're travelling alone, it's not too safe as well. If I did go to Singapore again for Muse (which I might, hvn't cut it off completely from my mind yet...) I don't think I would mind staying up with you at some 24 hour cafe/comfy place all through morning coz really, I'm used to that anyway lol. :happy: It'll be safer for you then to travel once it's about 6-7am perhaps because let's face it, I doubt after a Muse concert neither of us would be able to SLEEP! Haha, we'd be smiling to ourselves constantly all night long :LOL: If they did play MK Ultra (I hope they do!!), I lagi cannot sleep. It'd probably be ringing in my ears for ages!


Undisclosed Desires... it's such a good make out song lah, seriously :LOL: I wasn't really aware of the video too until last week when I stumbled upon the link on youtube. Those wires dangling and twirling around look dangerous haha. RAH!!! Literally. Lol. Aww, it's a keytarrr! Thanks for the link Nut that was beautifulllll. Really tempting me to forgo all studies and focus only on attending gigs. Arrrgh.


If you decide on Option 2, no problem la, can hang together2. Like Liz said, can stay up an bask in the afterglow of Muse's awesomeness. Or if you want to stay at the betelbox hostel where were staying also can. I understand the value of your mom's peace of mind :)


2012: Haha, give me some of that Indian dude's calmness in the face of a coming tsunami anytime. That scene should actually be :

"What friend la you, promise no keep. Thanks for nothing man."

*Hang up, hug child, kiss wife, dissappears in gigantic wave *


Oh, you guys are THE BEST! Really, thanks so so much. Will discuss some more when I've confirmed my decision. Tix don't seem to be selling out fast at all... which is a good thing :D

EEEH, I just find it so difficult to believe that I might be looking at Matt and Dom and Chris and Tom and Morgan in front of me, alive and kicking and playing music. LIVE. This band which I've been so engrossed in since I was 12, and suddenly I get to see them... like FWWWOOAAAHHH. I'd be all sorts of Spongebob.


well, i want to be near d stage coz im hoping to get some souvenir.. or maybe get like some tempias of their sweat. hahahah gosh i sound so gross :facepalm: but yeah.. i just found out im kind of a fan of rise against (my bro was so offended when i told him ive never even heard that name). been listening to them in my bro's car. so thats a bonus for me right? muse, rise against, watching a concert without the risk of getting trampled alive.. yeap im happy :D


Not gross at all! If I kena their sweat I wouldn't shower ever. OR or or I could like, keep whatever trace of their sweat in a bottle or a container. :stunned:


haha my only consolation for getting BALCONY seats is that... I .. can... see... EVERYTHING!!!! Like as if I have a bird's eye view or everything haha. If I had to choose though, without having money to worry about, I'd pick the moshy moshy tickets. No doubt about that. Then I'll tag along with you guys so that I can hopefully get to the front with you guys since you all are so 'talented' like that haha! Seriously man, its like a skill you need to be able to get to the front. A skill I dont have, because no matter how many gigs i've been to, I've never been to the front before. Not once. :'( But really though, the reason why people love to stand is becuase of the whole experience of just letting loose, shouting, screaming and singing with the band you love with people who love the band as much as you do that makes the moshpitt so worthwhile. at least, thats what its like for me anyway. the pushing and sweating is just a huge downer.


but never mind! I get to see the big giant balloons (do they still use that? haha) and I get to watch Matt Chris and Dom prance around from afar and I can see the crowd shifting and moving as everyone forms a giant mosh pitt (remember the KL gig? KOC? that was insane!!) and I can see all the lights and actually listen to the band. ^_^


One question though, do people actually stand in their seats? Especially on the balcony.. would it be dangerous if I were to stand? haha. Because I definitely still want to jump and shout and woohoo at Muse :) and I know during Jason Mraz, NOBODY stood up at my seated area. I wanted to stand up, and I stood up for awhile but noone else stood up (not even my friends) so I felt awkward and went back to sit :( tak syok la. Grooaaar.


Ohh, it's going to be awesome for you! Maybe for my 2nd Muse gig (:p) I'll get balcony seats, then I'll be able to immerse myself in the music! But for now, I need to experience being in a mosh pit, like what I see in concert videos!


About the Jazon Mraz gig, that sucks. I've had such experiences... I wish people were more sporting!

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I like how Muse are playing LONG setlists every night nowadays! Last gig of their European tour yesterday in Italy was:


We Are the Universe (intro music)


1. Uprising

2. Resistance

3. New Born + Headup riff

4. Map of the Problematique

5. Supermassive Black Hole


7. Interlude + Hysteria

8. Butterflies and Hurricanes

9. Nishe

10. United States of Eurasia

11. Sunburn

12. Guiding Light

13. Helsinki Jam

14. Undisclosed Desires

15. Starlight

16. Plug In Baby

17. Time Is Running Out

18. Unnatural Selection


19. Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)

20. Stockholm Syndrome

21. Man with a Harmonica intro + Knights of Cydonia

Seriously, one show to die for. 21 freaking songs and the return of B&H!!!!! :cabasa:

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I like how Muse are playing LONG setlists every night nowadays! Last gig of their European tour yesterday in Italy was:


We Are the Universe (intro music)


1. Uprising

2. Resistance

3. New Born + Headup riff

4. Map of the Problematique

5. Supermassive Black Hole


7. Interlude + Hysteria

8. Butterflies and Hurricanes 9. Nishe

10. United States of Eurasia

11. Sunburn

12. Guiding Light

13. Helsinki Jam

14. Undisclosed Desires

15. Starlight

16. Plug In Baby

17. Time Is Running Out

18. Unnatural Selection


19. Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)

20. Stockholm Syndrome

21. Man with a Harmonica intro + Knights of Cydonia

Seriously, one show to die for. 21 freaking songs and the return of B&H!!!!! :cabasa:



I want!!!! Can die one.




helo, i'm new here..


i bought PEN B tick for BIG NIGHT OUT 2010 already..anybody from malaysia join this concert???


hello cipan, hehe. yeah am going, probably there'll be quite a few of us. Bought Pen A though. Nak join lepak kat sana?

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CONFIRMED. :musesign::awesome:

Miele - Pen A

Nut - Pen A

Lya - Terrace

Debbie - Balc


Almost confirmed (In the midst of getting the tix? ;) )




Grace (GraySea)



ni ha list org yg dah beli ticket/nak beli ticket. tatau la kalau ada updates tak. rasanya u je yg baru join.. tak la ramai sangat actually, but good enuff :)

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