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awww. miele, it's nice that Singapore Library reminds u of me. it kinda shows how nerdy i am eh? to go visit a country because of it's library haha..


Happy birthday Debbie! wah Nut, Dom love Debbie? :wtf: ceh... Jealous nih.. :mad::LOL:


so we're talking about favourite lozenges now? lol i love strepsils the honey flavoured one. eh chop strepsils are lozenges right? lol fisherman's friends are too pedas la..


Liz, u should watch the movie again. look at matthew's hands and how subtle he is haha.. how was the wedding?


Joelyn, am sure u received my sms. so when would you like to meet up for that souvenir? sorry i couldn't get you a more unique one coz it was raining all the time so it was quite difficult to go around the town. we were quite worried it was gonna flood. but monsoon cup was a blast! lol..


Hi Hysterical_fan101. hope you'll have a great time here and singapore. don't forget to bring a raincoat coz it's the monsoon (rainy) season here.


Salam Aidil Adha everyone. :happy:


another random note, i love the killers and archuleta new cds! lol

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Wah. My internet is damn slow. Its really getting on my nerves so I cant properly multi-quote everyone, but I wanna say thanks for wishing me guyysss! :D hahaah, I thought noone would've remembered :$ thanks a lot yeah. I really appreciate it :happy: and Nut OMG I LOVE THAT PICTURE LOL THANK YOU THANK YOU HAHA.



Liz wow good job at spotting the Cullen crests, really. I would've thought that they're just accessories :chuckle: I'd definitely look out for it WHEN (not if) I watch Twilight again. I realised that the first time I watched it, i was like super bitter because the first part was damn potong-stim for me. but now I'm gonna try to watch it again with an open mind... :D and no high expectations. hmmm.

What's No Black Tie? :unsure:



My favourite losenge would be Strepsils, the honey and lemon flavoured one :D its so nice!! yeah I agree with kak faz, fisherman's friend is abit too hot la. which is a bit ironic since its supposed to be cooling and minty fresh~



Okay I just started reading The Picture of Dorian Gray (got it as a birthday present teehee!) and OMG, their English is seriously damn 'power'. My narrow vocabulary cant take it :noey:


I'm only halfway through the second chapter and I already dislike Lord Henry. I thought he was supposed to be a good nice guy! he seems to be a bad influence to dear Dorian Gray, who sounds like a blonde guy with blue eyes in the book, whereas Ben Barnes has dark eyes with black hair, hmm


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Enjoy !!!


that's not reeaaaly from Tom Kirk right?


Liz wow good job at spotting the Cullen crests, really. I would've thought that they're just accessories :chuckle: I'd definitely look out for it WHEN (not if) I watch Twilight again. I realised that the first time I watched it, i was like super bitter because the first part was damn potong-stim for me. but now I'm gonna try to watch it again with an open mind... :D and no high expectations. hmmm.

What's No Black Tie? :unsure:



My favourite losenge would be Strepsils, the honey and lemon flavoured one :D its so nice!! yeah I agree with kak faz, fisherman's friend is abit too hot la. which is a bit ironic since its supposed to be cooling and minty fresh~



Okay I just started reading The Picture of Dorian Gray (got it as a birthday present teehee!) and OMG, their English is seriously damn 'power'. My narrow vocabulary cant take it :noey:


I'm only halfway through the second chapter and I already dislike Lord Henry. I thought he was supposed to be a good nice guy! he seems to be a bad influence to dear Dorian Gray, who sounds like a blonde guy with blue eyes in the book, whereas Ben Barnes has dark eyes with black hair, hmm


after watching Twilight again, i noticed the Cullen Crest! lol.. the movie turns out to be better the second time. i was excited about the baseball scene more than anything else! lol..




well, i haven't finished it, only got to the 3rd chapter and yeah.. Dorian is supposed to be a blond guy! i can't help to sense a "gay" vibe when Basil was telling Lord Henry about Dorian hahaha...




hey, Deb. care to tell us about that Muse live on MTV thingy? i was already asleep!


another random note. sorry, am really into random things these days! haha...


so i checked out Sunburst's facebook, and they mentioned that NIN is interested to come here :eek: can u guys ever imagine Trent-super-sexy-Reznor here in KL?! i thought my days listening to NIN are over but if they do come waaaaahhhhhhh... i think i'll die for 2 minutes! lol



i don't understand why he needs to gauge how many people like NIN. it's NIN!!! they're HUGE. they've been around for ages! how can there not be a massive cult following the band here in this country?! there should be! lol.. sorry. terover la pulak. but oh boy. i do hope they'll come here! but dunno bole lepas all those proses penapisan from our govt or not eh?

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Faz, not putting too high hopes for NIN tho...betul ke? Ya Trent is good looking, haih I shudn't talk about that heh


Ya lah cool poster by Nut there, happy belated bday Deb!


Nut, thx for the Manics review link...although not really a review, but I appreciate the effort! Have u & frens finalized your trip to KL?

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Stephenie made an appearance as one of the customers at the diner's I believe. Hahaha my cousin said there were these bunch of girls sitting behind him and they totally ooh-ed and aahhhh-ed every single time Robert came on screen. When they finished the movie they completely gushed over it. I know I just cringed a lot - for the movie, not the girls =[




oh and Selamat Hari Raya Haji everyone!


Yay for public holidays =D


Opps, :rolleyes: looks like I didn't notice her there :$:p Hehe.... The movie wasn't too bad for me thou.... Mabe cause I read all the spoilers in here and expecting it to be really bad. Hmmm.... But still knowing there is a Muse song in the baseball scene really make me want to watch it :p:rolleyes::LOL: In the cinema I'm in, the girls beside and behind me keep on gushing(ok, not all the time but once in a while) saying he is so cute when they see Edward... Lol :chuckle:




awww. miele, it's nice that Singapore Library reminds u of me. it kinda shows how nerdy i am eh? to go visit a country because of it's library haha..


Happy birthday Debbie! wah Nut, Dom love Debbie? :wtf: ceh... Jealous nih..


so we're talking about favourite lozenges now? lol i love strepsils the honey flavoured one. eh chop strepsils are lozenges right? lol fisherman's friends are too pedas la..


Liz, u should watch the movie again. look at matthew's hands and how subtle he is haha.. how was the wedding?


Joelyn, am sure u received my sms. so when would you like to meet up for that souvenir? sorry i couldn't get you a more unique one coz it was raining all the time so it was quite difficult to go around the town. we were quite worried it was gonna flood. but monsoon cup was a blast! lol..


Hi Hysterical_fan101. hope you'll have a great time here and singapore. don't forget to bring a raincoat coz it's the monsoon (rainy) season here.


Salam Aidil Adha everyone.


another random note, i love the killers and archuleta new cds! lol


Fisherman's friend is abit pedas for me too. :erm: Dunno why.....


Hehe.... Yay!!!! Thank you so much >.< :D:D:D

Nah, don't worry. What you get for me is more than good enough :D:D I'm so gratuful to you ^^ Thank you so much Faz. Lol... Glad you enjoy the monsoon cup thou :happy: How did you watch the race from the beach btw?


Hehe.... and erm.... when are you free?

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Kak Faz: I though u liked Matt more lol! Wah NIN. I haven't hear their songs but im sure they're great. I used to listen to Manson tho ... :pirate:


Deb: Its no secret that you like Dom so yeah hahaha. Gad u liked it.


Liz: Thanks for the Stars song! Its pretty good, tho the lyrics a bit like emo hee hee!


Aida: No problem abt that article, too bad i cant find other better ones...:( And we're not set on the holiday trip yet! :mad: Have to wait for my frens to confirm... Hope it wont get cancelled...

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Nut, u don't know me at all..:noey::( have i not embarrassed myself enough going all fan-girly on Dom here numerous times before? :$:LOL:


Faz, not putting too high hopes for NIN tho...betul ke? Ya Trent is good looking, haih I shudn't talk about that heh


Ya lah cool poster by Nut there, happy belated bday Deb!


Nut, thx for the Manics review link...although not really a review, but I appreciate the effort! Have u & frens finalized your trip to KL?


oh come on Aida. come be fan girly with me about Trent Reznor! :p:LOL:

yeah.. don't want to be so hopeful but they are touring Oz and Nz in Feb-March next year. i heard rumours that PJ supposed to be headlining the festival too y'know. i hate rumours but it seems now am the one spreading 'em hehe.. maybe i should start one about Muse playing for Sunburst.


Opps, :rolleyes: looks like I didn't notice her there Hehe.... The movie wasn't too bad for me thou.... Mabe cause I read all the spoilers in here and expecting it to be really bad. Hmmm.... But still knowing there is a Muse song in the baseball scene really make me want to watch it In the cinema I'm in, the girls beside and behind me keep on gushing(ok, not all the time but once in a while) saying he is so cute when they see Edward...






Fisherman's friend is abit pedas for me too. :erm: Dunno why.....


Hehe.... Yay!!!! Thank you so much >.<

Nah, don't worry. What you get for me is more than good enough :D:D I'm so gratuful to you ^^ Thank you so much Faz. Lol... Glad you enjoy the monsoon cup thou :happy: How did you watch the race from the beach btw?


Hehe.... and erm.... when are you free?


you're most welcome. :D i watched it from this marina bay (can't remember what's it called) in Pulau Duyong. it was quite near to the sea, could see the boats clearly from there but not the people on them obviously.but they had this huge screen there showing the live telecast on astro so it was quite exciting for me but not for my sister who didn't understand sailing that much haha.. but yeah, fun stuff! :D


i dunno when am free really.. lol. perhaps next weekend? or perhaps we should organize a pwoper meet up with the others.. anyone? :)

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how was the wedding?

Eventful! You know how fussy the Chinese can get when it comes to traditional wedding tea ceremony and all that nonsense. Lol. It was one of the longest day ever. My hair was curled for the wedding dinner and I think I tore my contacts. How can one even do that? Haha. My sister seemed really happy though and we engaged a professional photographer to capture the event so hopefully the pictures would turn out ok! Also, hurray for an extra bedroom in the house! :D








Enjoy !!!

Wee! Thanks for that.




I love that Christmas is upon us. And the warehouse sales. Good heavens. There's a Converse sale somewhere in PJ and I wish someone would tell me the directions there because I'm really not familiar with PJ :(


Liz wow good job at spotting the Cullen crests, really. I would've thought that they're just accessories :chuckle: I'd definitely look out for it WHEN (not if) I watch Twilight again. I realised that the first time I watched it, i was like super bitter because the first part was damn potong-stim for me. but now I'm gonna try to watch it again with an open mind... :D and no high expectations. hmmm.


What's No Black Tie? :unsure:



My favourite losenge would be Strepsils, the honey and lemon flavoured one :D its so nice!! yeah I agree with kak faz, fisherman's friend is abit too hot la. which is a bit ironic since its supposed to be cooling and minty fresh~



Okay I just started reading The Picture of Dorian Gray (got it as a birthday present teehee!) and OMG, their English is seriously damn 'power'. My narrow vocabulary cant take it :noey:


I'm only halfway through the second chapter and I already dislike Lord Henry. I thought he was supposed to be a good nice guy! he seems to be a bad influence to dear Dorian Gray, who sounds like a blonde guy with blue eyes in the book, whereas Ben Barnes has dark eyes with black hair, hmm


I'm actually pretty disappointed with how the whole Twilight thing has turned out. I dunno but it's really getting on my nerves how people are looking down at girls who read the book and the feminist in me can't help but retort back.




No Black Tie is behind Hotel Istana/somewhere near Bukit Bintang. They hold pretty good gigs there usually but I suppose the more well known place for that now would be at Laundry. Heh.




Fisherman's Friend = pedas? Noooo... lol the lemon flavoured one is extremely smoothing. I live by it and at every concert, you'll definitely see me carrying my lemon flavoured Fisherman's Friend around lol. My friends say I have an addiction to the lozenges but I beg to differ. There's no harm in taking it when you feel a sorethroat coming right? or after you finish dinner, or when you're watching a movie, or before you go up for a presentation, or when you're trying not to fall asleep for a lecture ....






Like you, I really didn't quite like Lord Henry's character too but wahh I can't help but picture Colin Firth in that character and everytime I do I can't help but think how awesome he would play that part heh. and perhaps a little too much regarding Ben Barnes & Colin Firth Dorian & Henry's close relationship XD XD :p





Liz: Thanks for the Stars song! Its pretty good, tho the lyrics a bit like emo hee hee!

Glad you liked it :) My sister is still waiting patiently to see whether my finals will clash with Jan 7th. If it doesn't ... I might just find myself back in Singapore agian :O





Miele, my friend mentioned Bangkok Rock festival has been postponed to the last week in February! Nothing's been confirmed yet but I heard that Manic/Hoobastank/As I Lay Dying will be in the same line up again. No news from the Ash camp but I guess the organizers will definitely try to get them to play!

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you're most welcome. i watched it from this marina bay (can't remember what's it called) in Pulau Duyong. it was quite near to the sea, could see the boats clearly from there but not the people on them obviously.but they had this huge screen there showing the live telecast on astro so it was quite exciting for me but not for my sister who didn't understand sailing that much haha.. but yeah, fun stuff!


i dunno when am free really.. lol. perhaps next weekend? or perhaps we should organize a pwoper meet up with the others.. anyone? :)


Wow.... Nice. Honestly I don't really know much about sailing but I think I'll get caught up with the excitement and cheers of the crowd around me :D


Hehe.... Thank you so much. :kiss::kiss: Hmmm.... I can't make it on the weekend. Only thursday and friday. And good mexican retaurant that is near lrt or monorail? :erm:


Eventful! You know how fussy the Chinese can get when it comes to traditional wedding tea ceremony and all that nonsense. Lol. It was one of the longest day ever. My hair was curled for the wedding dinner and I think I tore my contacts. How can one even do that? Haha. My sister seemed really happy though and we engaged a professional photographer to capture the event so hopefully the pictures would turn out ok! Also, hurray for an extra bedroom in the house!


Wee! Thanks for that.


I'm actually pretty disappointed with how the whole Twilight thing has turned out. I dunno but it's really getting on my nerves how people are looking down at girls who read the book and the feminist in me can't help but retort back.



Fisherman's Friend = pedas? Noooo... lol the lemon flavoured one is extremely smoothing. I live by it and at every concert, you'll definitely see me carrying my lemon flavoured Fisherman's Friend around lol. My friends say I have an addiction to the lozenges but I beg to differ. There's no harm in taking it when you feel a sorethroat coming right? or after you finish dinner, or when you're watching a movie, or before you go up for a presentation, or when you're trying not to fall asleep for a lecture ....





Haha... But all the fuss and traditions is part of the fun :rolleyes::p I dunno... Maybe I just the type of girl who likes suasana meriah. hehe... =D You curl your hair?? Wow... Can I see how it looks like? *gives puppy eyes* =P and I never realise you wore contact lens when I saw you that day :stunned: lol... but then I'm wearing contacts as well :ninja:


twlight is actually quite a good book to read. It's more of a girl book than guys but that doesn't mean that we are sissy girl, childish or anything. So it's kinda unfair that people look down on us just because the book is not their cup of tea :indiff:


Oh.... and talking about twlight, I've just remember something that I saw. Remember in twlight movie, Edward played Bella's lulaby on the piano right? Instantly, I saw the brand name of the piano kawai during that scene. Is kawai a very popular piano brand or because Matt usually use that brand? :erm:



Lol.... So far most of the fisherman's friend losenges that's Ihave eaten before is a bit too pedas for me. Haha....

when you feel a sorethroat coming right? or after you finish dinner, or when you're watching a movie, or before you go up for a presentation, or when you're trying not to fall asleep for a lecture ....


That does not sound like an addiction to me :rolleyes::p

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Shoot. Now I really feel like going.


Thanks for the link! I think I'll probably try to bang my way there using that map :LOL: What time do you plan to go?


Thing is, I'm also going to the PC Fair and I have a Swedish meatball date at IKEA a little later. haha :S I wonder how I'm gonna fit all that in a day! :(


aiseh .. should've checked the board before i went to the warehouse sale. would've been nice to see you again Liz.


i only went coz my bro forced me to go there with him but i got myself a pair of dom's silver converse! haha.. nah. joking only. there were not many stocks left when i got there. all the good shoes were gone! isk! but really cheap la things there. a pair of shoes for only RM39.90. really perfect for a cheapskate like me lol.


you're one busy lady!


Wow.... Nice. Honestly I don't really know much about sailing but I think I'll get caught up with the excitement and cheers of the crowd around me :D


Hehe.... Thank you so much. :kiss::kiss: Hmmm.... I can't make it on the weekend. Only thursday and friday. And good mexican retaurant that is near lrt or monorail? :erm:




Haha... But all the fuss and traditions is part of the fun :rolleyes::p I dunno... Maybe I just the type of girl who likes suasana meriah. hehe... =D You curl your hair?? Wow... Can I see how it looks like? *gives puppy eyes* =P and I never realise you wore contact lens when I saw you that day :stunned: lol... but then I'm wearing contacts as well :ninja:


twlight is actually quite a good book to read. It's more of a girl book than guys but that doesn't mean that we are sissy girl, childish or anything. So it's kinda unfair that people look down on us just because the book is not their cup of tea :indiff:


Oh.... and talking about twlight, I've just remember something that I saw. Remember in twlight movie, Edward played Bella's lulaby on the piano right? Instantly, I saw the brand name of the piano kawai during that scene. Is kawai a very popular piano brand or because Matt usually use that brand? :erm:



Lol.... So far most of the fisherman's friend losenges that's Ihave eaten before is a bit too pedas for me. Haha....


That does not sound like an addiction to me :rolleyes::p


am free this week. so perhaps we can meet up on friday la ek? eh, where to find a mexican restaurant la? lol


forgive me but i do feel like Twilight is a very cheesy and teensy type of novel, not that i have anything against these type of books anyways cause i do enjoy reading them haha... but Meyer has certainly romanticized and domesticated the vampires! she made them vegetarians! :stunned:

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aiseh .. should've checked the board before i went to the warehouse sale. would've been nice to see you again Liz.


i only went coz my bro forced me to go there with him but i got myself a pair of dom's silver converse! haha.. nah. joking only. there were not many stocks left when i got there. all the good shoes were gone! isk! but really cheap la things there. a pair of shoes for only RM39.90. really perfect for a cheapskate like me lol.


you're one busy lady!


am free this week. so perhaps we can meet up on friday la ek? eh, where to find a mexican restaurant la? lol


forgive me but i do feel like Twilight is a very cheesy and teensy type of novel, not that i have anything against these type of books anyways cause i do enjoy reading them haha... but Meyer has certainly romanticized and domesticated the vampires! she made them vegetarians! :stunned:



I believe most Malaysian are a bit cheapskate :rolleyes::p:LOL: I usually buy things that are on sale or something except when it comes to food :p


Yay!!!:D Oh ya, I just remembered. You are a school teacher right? So you are having holidays right now :LOL: Hmmm..... What do you feel like having anyway? I'm sure KL City has one just dunno whether I can afford it or not XP


:LOL: Those Cullens are not exactly vegetarian :chuckle:, they just eat stinking herbivors.... :p:LOL: but then from the way Stephanie Meyers pottrays the vampire, everything about them is a fatal attraction to the human. From looks, voice, strength, speed and marble hard skin. If a human in there do meet a vampire on a hunt, I doubt there is no way they can fight it off. Unless you use a nuclear bomb :stunned:

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hey am like that too! haha... am very picky when i go shopping for clothes or any other things except for food! i don't mind spending a lot for good food. lol..


yup, yup. i am a cikgu and it is the school holidays now. but i have a lot of things to do yeah.. like watching tv, listening to the radio, youtubing david archuleta, read some books, washing my hair and of course the most important thing i haven't finished my muse dvds marathon yet. fuh penat betul. boy, holiday really sucks!:rolleyes::p:LOL:


check your pm! cause i think i will send u one rite after this lol.


noted. they're not vegetarians tho that's what they call themselves haha...but still, are they supposed to be that Romantic? sometimes it's just too sappy.


weird question. is a dracula and a vampire the same thing? seriously. :stunned:

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Hey Kak Faz, i believe Dracula is actually known as Count Dracula, which was the name of a vampire! So Dracula was a vampire. Hope I'm not wrong though lol.


One trivia that is oh-so-not-your-concern: I've always re-named my thumb drives and hand phone memory card and laptop 'Dracula' lol.:chaplin:

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Allo everyone!


A few things:


1. Liz thanks for giving me the update about Bangkok Rock. But doubtful tho'.


2. Who's in for RTW? Wanna meet up? I'm really looking forward to Butterfingers.


3. Nut is ur KL trip still on?. Hehe sorry no pressure or anything, just curious.



P.S- Bram Stoker's Dracula was supposedly the first vampire, I think.

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ahah! mystery solved. thanks Nut and miele. Nut, are u a fan of dracula? why would u name yr thumby dracula? :stunned:


Bram Stoker's Dracula is a title of a book rite or was it a movie?


haiiiih...oh yeah.. as you can sense from all these questions, i am bored. just finished my muse dvds marathon and now am watching kl vids on youtube! damn you holidays! :mad::p


for Deb, Liz and all those who love Incubus. a very witty holiday wish from Brandon. :happy:

Hello my fine, feathered friends. I trust the Holidays are treating you all well and that our recent bouts with good news in the world of Politics haven't stirred your cynicism too much but instead gotten you all in the hopeful spirit of giving and brotherly love! I am writing you today to bring word from that strange island in the sea called Incubus.


We are currently pooling our collective ideas, knocking the dust off of the gears, and reconvening in Los Angeles this month to create and compile what will be our newest offering into the world of illegal downloading! In short, we are releasing our first Greatest Hits album. Yes, we know that that officially means we are not a new band anymore, and that we are in fact getting old. If Incubus were a character in a famous Vladimir Nabokov novel, we would play the role of the creepy, aging Father figure: obsessed with our new wife's teenage daughter and hell bent on winning her over with trifles and sweet talk. Or, better yet, if Incubus were one of the Harry Potter novels, we'd be the one where Harry finally makes out with Cho Chang! A few significant novels into the unfolding plot, but leaving the reader with a sneaking suspicion that the best has yet to come. Scratch that Nabokov reference, it's borderline inappropriate. The Harry Potter one hit the nail on the head!


It looks as if the Greatest Hits will have a few new tracks on it and that it will be ready to steal around Spring of 2009! So in the interim, have a wonderful Holiday season! Remember that it's the thought that counts and not how much you spend. Hugs are better than drugs and they're cheaper! Making love is far healthier than waging war, and it's certainly more fun. Anyone who claims to have all the answers is most deserving of skeptical inquiry. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Unless that fish is contaminated with Mercury. Then you just screwed that guy. Change your underwear at least twice a week, chew your food thoroughly, wipe front to back, measure twice and cut once, leaves of three, let 'em be! Leave of four... you get the idea. Lastly, a warm and sincere thank you to all of you who have been onboard with us for so long. Sharing our music with you has been a privileged occasion! And I thank all of you on behalf of this band. Here's to another year of art, music, travel and discovery. All our love. Take care of yourselves and each other out there.


Happy Holidays,



greatest hits huh? :stunned:

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Oh i have the silly theory that these thumb drives are made to suck information out of anywhere. It's so weird but i love naming them that way. Not that i know the story of Dracula.

Brandon must be high on you-know-what when he wrote that! I'm sure of it!



Miele I'm not sure lah whether my friends set ke or just full of hot air! lol.

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Haha... But all the fuss and traditions is part of the fun :rolleyes::p I dunno... Maybe I just the type of girl who likes suasana meriah. hehe... =D You curl your hair?? Wow... Can I see how it looks like? *gives puppy eyes* =P and I never realise you wore contact lens when I saw you that day :stunned: lol... but then I'm wearing contacts as well


Oh.... and talking about twlight, I've just remember something that I saw. Remember in twlight movie, Edward played Bella's lulaby on the piano right? Instantly, I saw the brand name of the piano kawai during that scene. Is kawai a very popular piano brand or because Matt usually use that brand? :erm:

The day I met you I wasn't wearing contact lens actually :LOL:. I don't do contacts usually to be honest. I'm a dork and I like my pair of specs =p though I've never tried putting on contacts during concerts, I'm guessing it's a lot easier to rock out and jump... haha. The thing is I have like super sensitive eyes (even my optomotrist mentioned that) so any foreign substance or object in my eye is practically a suicidal mission. I'll have to exercise a LOT of restrain power to stop myself from scratching or tearing my contacts. Haha.


Kawai is indeed a pretty popular (and good) piano brand. I remember when I went for my practical piano exam the examiner was using a Kawai piano too and I thought of Matt. Haha. Inspired me to play a lot better I guess hahaha!



aiseh .. should've checked the board before i went to the warehouse sale. would've been nice to see you again Liz.


i only went coz my bro forced me to go there with him but i got myself a pair of dom's silver converse! haha.. nah. joking only. there were not many stocks left when i got there. all the good shoes were gone! isk! but really cheap la things there. a pair of shoes for only RM39.90. really perfect for a cheapskate like me lol.

I left PC Fair/KLCC at 3pm that day, huhu it was raining so heavily it was impossible for me to make it in time for the Converse Warehouse sale in PJ by 6pm (I usually take forever to decide which shoe to pick) :( I'm so glad you found a perfect pair of shoes though lol. Take a picture and show us your new concert shoes! :]


Ended up drowning my sorrows in One Utama's Tower Records. (After eating Swedish Meatballs, that is!) Omg they have this 70% discount section where CDs there are a real bargain! I bought a Graham Coxon CD for less than RM15 for my sister's christmas present. Haha. Cheapskate. They also had a 30% storewide discount so I thought the time spent in there turned out to be fruitful. Although it certainly made me a lot poorer.


But it's Christmas!




Btw, I talked to the Tower Records store owner regarding Stanley Climbfall (my friend's also looking for that album!) but he said that if I wanted him to place an order, it would come up to a total of about RM75!!! Nonsensical.



Allo everyone!


A few things:


1. Liz thanks for giving me the update about Bangkok Rock. But doubtful tho'.


2. Who's in for RTW? Wanna meet up? I'm really looking forward to Butterfingers.


3. Nut is ur KL trip still on?. Hehe sorry no pressure or anything, just curious.

Two things:

1) If Bangkok Rock indeed falls on the last week of February, I can actually consider going because I no longer have wedding duties to attend to or any papers to take at that time! Perhaps only my internship (which....I haven't completed the application forms yet :eek::( ) which might be in jeopardy because I was already planning to take leave for the first week of April due to stalking F1 driver duties. Haha!

2) AirAsia is offering FREE SEATS to Bangkok right now if you travel in Feb 2009.


Sigh, I'll be too occupied this time of the year :( Sorry guys, but do have fun in RTW!!! Take videos! :]




LOL omg, love the Lolita reference. Brandon Boyd is my hero <3

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ahah! mystery solved. thanks Nut and miele. Nut, are u a fan of dracula? why would u name yr thumby dracula? :stunned:


Bram Stoker's Dracula is a title of a book rite or was it a movie?


haiiiih...oh yeah.. as you can sense from all these questions, i am bored. just finished my muse dvds marathon and now am watching kl vids on youtube! damn you holidays! :mad::p


for Deb, Liz and all those who love Incubus. a very witty holiday wish from Brandon. :happy:



greatest hits huh? :stunned:



Bram Stoker: book on which the film was based loosely upon. Created the Van Helsing character, in the film played by Sir Anthony Hopkins!


ITA with Nut, Brandon was most definitely high when he wrote that. Great reading though :LOL:


Ideas on when you're bored:


1.Check out the fav film thread, very2 good, usually obscure films listed out by Jase the threadmaker. Rent em and watch.


Go to the planetarium. Hehe I've always wanted to do this, since having watched (James Dean's) Rebel without a cause.





Oh i have the silly theory that these thumb drives are made to suck information out of anywhere. It's so weird but i love naming them that way. Not that i know the story of Dracula.

Brandon must be high on you-know-what when he wrote that! I'm sure of it!



Miele I'm not sure lah whether my friends set ke or just full of hot air! lol.


Haha interesting way of putting it la Nut, info sucking devices indeed.


No prob, I'll just go ahead with other plans. But if u do decide to come kira bonus la tuh.



Kawai is indeed a pretty popular (and good) piano brand. I remember when I went for my practical piano exam the examiner was using a Kawai piano too and I thought of Matt. Haha. Inspired me to play a lot better I guess hahaha!



Ended up drowning my sorrows in One Utama's Tower Records. (After eating Swedish Meatballs, that is!) Omg they have this 70% discount section where CDs there are a real bargain! I bought a Graham Coxon CD for less than RM15 for my sister's christmas present. Haha. Cheapskate. They also had a 30% storewide discount so I thought the time spent in there turned out to be fruitful. Although it certainly made me a lot poorer.


But it's Christmas!





Two things:

1) If Bangkok Rock indeed falls on the last week of February, I can actually consider going because I no longer have wedding duties to attend to or any papers to take at that time! Perhaps only my internship (which....I haven't completed the application forms yet :eek::( ) which might be in jeopardy because I was already planning to take leave for the first week of April due to stalking F1 driver duties. Haha!

2) AirAsia is offering FREE SEATS to Bangkok right now if you travel in Feb 2009.


Sigh, I'll be too occupied this time of the year :( Sorry guys, but do have fun in RTW!!! Take videos! :]




LOL omg, love the Lolita reference. Brandon Boyd is my hero <3



Waah can play piano also, so talented la u :p



Thanks for the Tower sales tip, oh no there goes my salary....



Bangkok: no dont tempt me.....



Videos of RTW? I'm still learning, so crap la with technology. :$

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after watching Twilight again, i noticed the Cullen Crest! lol.. the movie turns out to be better the second time. i was excited about the baseball scene more than anything else! lol..




well, i haven't finished it, only got to the 3rd chapter and yeah.. Dorian is supposed to be a blond guy! i can't help to sense a "gay" vibe when Basil was telling Lord Henry about Dorian hahaha...




hey, Deb. care to tell us about that Muse live on MTV thingy? i was already asleep!


Eh yeah I was watching it for the second time yesterday when you texted me, thats why I didnt reply.. haha sorry ya :$ yeah its much MUCH better 2nd time 'round, when i dont have such high expectations for it and stuff. also, I noticed the cullen crests too! haha. but only on Jasper, Edward, Alice and Emmett. didnt notice it for the others. hmm :erm:



yeah there are actually a LOT of gay elements in the book. I think its mostly because Oscar Wilde was gay himself



Nah its nothing much la.. haha. Just an hour of Muse's live gig at Shepard's Bush :D




sorry for being late, i wasn't online for quite a while on here, heehee


Thank youuu! :happy:


Eventful! You know how fussy the Chinese can get when it comes to traditional wedding tea ceremony and all that nonsense. Lol. It was one of the longest day ever. My hair was curled for the wedding dinner and I think I tore my contacts. How can one even do that? Haha. My sister seemed really happy though and we engaged a professional photographer to capture the event so hopefully the pictures would turn out ok! Also, hurray for an extra bedroom in the house!


I'm actually pretty disappointed with how the whole Twilight thing has turned out. I dunno but it's really getting on my nerves how people are looking down at girls who read the book and the feminist in me can't help but retort back.


No Black Tie is behind Hotel Istana/somewhere near Bukit Bintang. They hold pretty good gigs there usually but I suppose the more well known place for that now would be at Laundry. Heh.


Fisherman's Friend = pedas? Noooo... lol the lemon flavoured one is extremely smoothing. I live by it and at every concert, you'll definitely see me carrying my lemon flavoured Fisherman's Friend around lol. My friends say I have an addiction to the lozenges but I beg to differ. There's no harm in taking it when you feel a sorethroat coming right? or after you finish dinner, or when you're watching a movie, or before you go up for a presentation, or when you're trying not to fall asleep for a lecture ....


Like you, I really didn't quite like Lord Henry's character too but wahh I can't help but picture Colin Firth in that character and everytime I do I can't help but think how awesome he would play that part heh. and perhaps a little too much regarding Ben Barnes & Colin Firth Dorian & Henry's close relationship XD XD


whoa, TORE your contacts? :stunned: the most I ever did was er... well, sorta chipped it. because i took it out with my long nails once, instead of my fingers, and it was all dry and fragile so yeah.. it chipped off. hurt like a b*tch when i tried to wear it again :( I wear contacts every day btw :D my power increased and I'm too lazy to get my lenses changed for my glasses, so i HAVE to wear my contacts when i go to class, or else i wont be able to see the whiteboard!


Oh my sister actually goes to No Black Tie too. cool :D but aiya.. Laundry... very noisy la that place. and its always so full and crowded! So hard to find a seat there. and the drinks are SUPER expensive. I mean, RM18 for a small glass of JD+coke? total rip-off la :(


Haha yeah Colin Firth can definietely play his character well, what with his posh accent and all. But I hate Lord Henry's 'theories' la, its like the total opposite of what I think is 'right' all my life. I feel like hitting him because he's teaching Dorian all the wrong things! :mad:




Okay lah, lazy to multiquote already. lol. Liz thanks for the Tower Records sale thingy update, haha, I definitely need that if i want to cut down my budget for this year's Christmas shopping. I spent WAY too much last year already :'(


Kak Faz, eh I got that email from Incubus too! :happy: felt super super happy to read Brandon's fatherly advice, haha, he sounded a bit like a hippy... which therefore might prove Nut's comment right. We all know what he's been smoking when he typed that eh? ;) either that or he's memang that quirky in real life, idono. :erm::chuckle:

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Oh i have the silly theory that these thumb drives are made to suck information out of anywhere. It's so weird but i love naming them that way. Not that i know the story of Dracula.

Brandon must be high on you-know-what when he wrote that! I'm sure of it!


ooooh interesting theory. i so get the pun. lol


no.no. how can he be high when he said hugs are better than drugs? drunk? maybe but definitely not high :p


I left PC Fair/KLCC at 3pm that day, huhu it was raining so heavily it was impossible for me to make it in time for the Converse Warehouse sale in PJ by 6pm (I usually take forever to decide which shoe to pick) :( I'm so glad you found a perfect pair of shoes though lol. Take a picture and show us your new concert shoes! :]


Ended up drowning my sorrows in One Utama's Tower Records. (After eating Swedish Meatballs, that is!) Omg they have this 70% discount section where CDs there are a real bargain! I bought a Graham Coxon CD for less than RM15 for my sister's christmas present. Haha. Cheapskate. They also had a 30% storewide discount so I thought the time spent in there turned out to be fruitful. Although it certainly made me a lot poorer.


But it's Christmas!




Btw, I talked to the Tower Records store owner regarding Stanley Climbfall (my friend's also looking for that album!) but he said that if I wanted him to place an order, it would come up to a total of about RM75!!! Nonsensical.




Two things:

1) If Bangkok Rock indeed falls on the last week of February, I can actually consider going because I no longer have wedding duties to attend to or any papers to take at that time! Perhaps only my internship (which....I haven't completed the application forms yet :eek::( ) which might be in jeopardy because I was already planning to take leave for the first week of April due to stalking F1 driver duties. Haha!

2) AirAsia is offering FREE SEATS to Bangkok right now if you travel in Feb 2009.


nah.. malu la to show my very cheap pair of shoes haha..


nice. thanks for the Tower sale info. RM75 for Stanley? adoi.. it is absurd la. maybe because they have to make a special order for it. but thanks anyway for asking.


Oooooooohh niiiiiiiiiiiiiice.can i join you and your friends stalking the F1 drivers?:D


Bram Stoker: book on which the film was based loosely upon. Created the Van Helsing character, in the film played by Sir Anthony Hopkins!


ITA with Nut, Brandon was most definitely high when he wrote that. Great reading though :LOL:


Ideas on when you're bored:


1.Check out the fav film thread, very2 good, usually obscure films listed out by Jase the threadmaker. Rent em and watch.


Go to the planetarium. Hehe I've always wanted to do this, since having watched (James Dean's) Rebel without a cause.


Sir Anthony Hopkins! he's one very scary looking man. i can definitely imagine him with a black cape, heavily powdered face and fangs. but i don't think he looked like that in the movie? :unsure: lol..


i've been to the planetarium. twice. i didn't enjoy it that much. maybe because they were both rombongan sekolah haha..


Eh yeah I was watching it for the second time yesterday when you texted me, thats why I didnt reply.. haha sorry ya :$ yeah its much MUCH better 2nd time 'round, when i dont have such high expectations for it and stuff. also, I noticed the cullen crests too! haha. but only on Jasper, Edward, Alice and Emmett. didnt notice it for the others. hmm :erm:



yeah there are actually a LOT of gay elements in the book. I think its mostly because Oscar Wilde was gay himself



Nah its nothing much la.. haha. Just an hour of Muse's live gig at Shepard's Bush :D


did you noticed that Esme was also wearing the crest as her necklace?



yes. he's gay. that novel was supposedly the reason of his downfall as a writer. he critized a lot of people esp the ones in the canon in that novel.



i love Shepard's Bush and dave deli's shepherd's pie.

Edited by crazy_mary
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