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:LOL: I think either I'll sleep straight away or I'll much some maggi mee or munch some food as well :rolleyes::p:LOL:


Anyway, have to go now cause tomorrow have to work, or else wouldn't have enough of sleep. Night Debbie and Liz. Sweet dreams :D:happy:



I know Liz didn't post anything but she is lurking inside here lol:ninja:


:LOL: lol yeah i noticed Liz lurking here too :LOL:

g'nite! :)

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:LOL: Looks like quite a bunch of us haven't gone to the bed yet

Sigh, I hate that I don't get internet connection at my college anymore.. Well, actually I did it to myself because I know if I do have the internet with me in my room - I would be sleeping late and skipping classes. Not that I'm not sleeping late thesedays lol but it would've been worse!


Anyway, doesn't it suck that two of your closest friends are leaving for UK to further their studies? They get to be in the same country as Muse! but yeah, the more important part is that they most probably won't return for another 4 years or so. The worst part is that I'm actually in the midst of my exams right now. Crucial (ACCA) internal exams I have to add.. I hate that after my finals I'll only have about a week left to spend with them :(:( I'm already missing out on a few roadtrips. Sigh..!



miele, i get pretty star struck myself whenever i see any celebrity, big or small. i once saw JJ ((from hitz.fm) at IKEA with his wife and kids, i wanted to maybe ask for a pic or something but i was like.. damn shy. also i didnt wanna kacau him and his family day. once i also saw Joey G walking around in 1utama, and a few girls went up to him asking for photos! i wanted one so badly but i was just sooo scared la. i regretted not taking a pic with him because he's like so.. MIA now. even celebrity bloggers, i see them around, i wanna have a chat with them and maybe take a photo but i'm just too shy and scared to do it.


aiyo why la whyyy am i so timiiid.

I think it helps if you introduce yourself first and put your hand out for them to shake. It's actually pretty amazing with how people would respond and how tight their grips are when you shake their hands. A firm handshake from the other side says it all. Confident, friendly & warm :) You'll know then that you can really open up and talk about random stuff to them!


Joey G? My reporter friend says he's one of the nicest celebrities she's met, so cool and friendly. Oh Jason Lo is nice as well, forgot that I've seen him actually.



But when will we ever meet Muuuuuuse? (or meet them again for some lucky ppl).

Jason Lo! Did you get to talk to him? lol I have a looonng history with him :$ confession time? Well, back in 1998/1999 - that's a good 9 years back - I was highly obsessive of him. :chuckle: ok, obsessed might be too strong a word to use, maybe interested would be a better word? lol. I think it was his voice that I fell in love with. Wayyy back before he ... became, well Malaysianised (before the mahs and lahs came in..) The first time I heard him was when he was interviewed by John Boy, the old Hitz fm DJ. I believe he just returned from England then or something like that. Don't remember too much - but I do remember him talking about his new single Evening News and I think he sang an acoustic version of U2's With or Without You. Fast forward 2004, I would beg my sister to take me to Sunway on thursday nights for Latte @ 8. Seeing that it's a school night, of course, my parents were not keen on that. Nothing much happened then as he became the DJ of Hitz.fm. Then came 2006, I managed to attend his (free!) gig @ Laundry Bar, The Curve towards the end of the year. That was one of my highlights for the year. To hear him play Raining Tuesday and Evening News ... absolutely surreal. Okay, this is getting really long winded, huh? I'll just cut it short then. I managed to catch him live another time and early this year, I finally got to talk to him :) Well, he was with his wife, shopping most likely at The Curve. My friends managed to convince me to talk to him personally (at long last after NINE years!) So I intruded them, shyly :p His wife understood immediately though and she walked a few steps faster, giving me time to Jason. Hahahah. That was when I gathered enough courage to tell him how Days Without Dawn (his first album) had played a part in shaping how I support local music etc. I think he was more surprised that I was talking to him about his 1999 music. We didn't talk long though because his wife was waiting at a side and I felt bad. I think if she wasn't around I would've asked for a hug. :$:LOL: I was wearing a Germany t-shirt then (in support of Germany for Euro 2008) and he actually complimented on it XD Haha.. All in all, it was a nice experience :D


I really do hope we'll get a chance to meet Muse sooon!




Camera Obscura - it's going to be at a private, small venue, the ministers won't notice. So, no need to worry there. Explosions in the Sky was held at a small venue..


Anyways, I'll always prefer a small, intimate venue rather than a big stadium where u can only see a microdot of the band. (Oh OK, u can view the large screen, but it's not the same feeling)

A private gig is definitely better. Because chances of you taking a picture like this up close the stage is much higher! ;]




Ruums is definitely turning into a new prominent gig venue (though I believe it's more popular as a night club than... gig venue). It looks a tiny bit shabby on the outside, but it's really not too bad once you're in. The management definitely rocks though for getting EITS to play there :D

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Too many smileys..


:LOL: I think either I'll sleep straight away or I'll much some maggi mee or munch some food as well :rolleyes::p:LOL:


Anyway, have to go now cause tomorrow have to work, or else wouldn't have enough of sleep. Night Debbie and Liz. Sweet dreams :D:happy:



I know Liz didn't post anything but she is lurking inside here lol:ninja:


:LOL: lol yeah i noticed Liz lurking here too :LOL:

g'nite! :)


Lol, you guys <3. Actually the reason why it seems like I'm lurking is because I hit the reply button, but I never finish typing what I intend to post. I kinda drift(wood) off elsewhere for a moment (there are just tooo many things to catch up with when you're not online for a week!) and return about 30 minutes later to continue the post. Of course, 30 minutes later I would've forgot what I wanted to post.. haha, so I would refresh the thread again :p


Yeah, I definitely suffer from short attention span.


Oh and I ate a delicious supper just now. A slice of cheddar cheese + fried sausage on a bread. Microwaved. Yummm. I'm aware that's it's a lot more unhealthy compared to Debbie's ... cereal :stunned:;)


Anyway, good night :D Sucks that you have to work on a Sunday, Joelyn :-/

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to be honest, i sometimes act like as if i'm talking to muse in the mirror whenever i'm bored. like as if to practice for when i EVER meet them la :LOL: i always sound so confident and stuff. but i'm dead sure that if it really happens, i'll be like freakin nervous. i'm like that for interviews too, i rehearse in the mirror but in the real thing i screw it up. :( damn my stage fright! :mad:



:LOL: Don't worry you're not the only one! I always imagine myself talking to them..or sometimes when I'm in the car, then I imagine, and hope, that suddenly I see them just walking pass..then I would start screaming. or something. In my head, of course :$

ohh, all we can do is hope...:(



In other news,


HEY, my mum has Dom coloured pants! And she doesn't even know him! Like seriously, she's got all the colours, yellow, blue, green, purple, pink..cept fer Spider pants. :D


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Anyway, doesn't it suck that two of your closest friends are leaving for UK to further their studies? They get to be in the same country as Muse! but yeah, the more important part is that they most probably won't return for another 4 years or so. The worst part is that I'm actually in the midst of my exams right now. Crucial (ACCA) internal exams I have to add.. I hate that after my finals I'll only have about a week left to spend with them. I'm already missing out on a few roadtrips. Sigh..!


Omg yeah i know how you feel. Most of my close friends are leaving for Australia next year in like January, and in December i'll be having my STUDY BREAK for my exams on January! I wont be able to party so much as them since i have to get some major studying done as well :( and whats worse is that in 2 years, practically all my friends are leaving me to study overseas whereas i'm stuck here in Malaysia :( so yeah, i know how you feel. even just thinking about it makes me feel damn emo. Sigh.


I think it helps if you introduce yourself first and put your hand out for them to shake. It's actually pretty amazing with how people would respond and how tight their grips are when you shake their hands. A firm handshake from the other side says it all. Confident, friendly & warm You'll know then that you can really open up and talk about random stuff to them!


Jason Lo! Did you get to talk to him? lol I have a looonng history with him confession time? [long story]


A private gig is definitely better. Because chances of you taking a picture like this up close the stage is much higher! ;]




Ruums is definitely turning into a new prominent gig venue (though I believe it's more popular as a night club than... gig venue). It looks a tiny bit shabby on the outside, but it's really not too bad once you're in. The management definitely rocks though for getting EITS to play there :D


good point, with the hand shaking bit. but how do you introduce yourself? "hi i'm debbie, i'm a fan!" or what? lol. i thought of something more er... smooth, like, "hey, are you *insertnamehere*?. i'm debbie :D i'm a fan/i'm a huge fan/i love your music". then he'll probably say "oh thank you" and then i dunno what to say from then onwards. lol.


mm another good thing about small venues is that the chances of meeting the band is DAMN HIGH :D


Too many smileys..


Lol, you guys <3. Actually the reason why it seems like I'm lurking is because I hit the reply button, but I never finish typing what I intend to post. I kinda drift(wood) off elsewhere for a moment (there are just tooo many things to catch up with when you're not online for a week!) and return about 30 minutes later to continue the post. Of course, 30 minutes later I would've forgot what I wanted to post.. haha, so I would refresh the thread again


Yeah, I definitely suffer from short attention span.


Oh and I ate a delicious supper just now. A slice of cheddar cheese + fried sausage on a bread. Microwaved. Yummm. I'm aware that's it's a lot more unhealthy compared to Debbie's ... cereal


Anyway, good night :D Sucks that you have to work on a Sunday, Joelyn :-/


haha yeah that happens to me too, i open way too many tabs once i come online. i visit the board, check my emails, bloghop, all at the same time :LOL: then there's MSN also. equally as distracting haha. that why sometimes it takes me damn long to post a reply on here :p aww that sandwich sounds delicious. way better than my cereal, healthier or not, haha.


:LOL: Don't worry you're not the only one! I always imagine myself talking to them..or sometimes when I'm in the car, then I imagine, and hope, that suddenly I see them just walking pass..then I would start screaming. or something. In my head, of course :$

ohh, all we can do is hope...:(



In other news,


HEY, my mum has Dom coloured pants! And she doesn't even know him! Like seriously, she's got all the colours, yellow, blue, green, purple, pink..cept fer Spider pants. :D


haha good to know i'm not crazy then! or at least i'm not the only one thats crazy haha.

omg i'm seriously considering getting a pair. but my friends say they look too rempit or lala if i wear em :( *defeated*

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Just curious, Liz, how old were u when you liked Jason Lo's Evening News (I'm not going to mention the year)? 12?


Wow! U were already exposed to indie (at that time it was referred to as alternative) music so young! I was surpised you knew Ash. And Why Does It Always Rain on Me. You must be 15 then?


Haha...you might be revealing your age now by answering my question..

Edited by weresodisco
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haha good to know i'm not crazy then! or at least i'm not the only one thats crazy haha.

omg i'm seriously considering getting a pair. but my friends say they look too rempit or lala if i wear em :( *defeated*


:LOL: I think you should! :D




Btw, is there such thing as The Best of Muse cd??

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woah.. so many posts! :happy:


Liz! wow that's a good story. i can tell that Jason Lo was very impressed to have u as a fan.i need to remember to bring you along if we have another chance to stalk muse at the airport so that u can help us to start a better conversation with 'em haha..and i agree, the first thing u need to do when meeting someone that you're obsessed with is just to introduce yrself and shake their hands. that's what i did when i first saw Dom before asking a picture with him. he has or had a firm shake, nice and warm, while i was doing the 'malay' handshake.. u know the one where u bring yr hand to yr heart. lol..


Joelyn, i saw a number of racist comments while i was reading through the comments on tht youtube link which is really sad imo. some really hurtful and embarrassing things, really. :mad:


deb, i know! the tix to avril's concert are expensive. that's why i said i might go. my friend and i plan to get the cheapest tix on the day of the concert itself. however, if the cheapest tix are sold out or suddenly we feel so kedekut to spend money on avril, we'll just lepak outside the std buying shirts or stickers from those illegal vendors while listening to avril's performance. i'll probably go and "visit" std negara while i am there as well just for old time sake.. haha.


nonoor, talking about dom's pants, i saw a picture of David Archuleta wearing Dom's lime greem pants for one of his photoshoot. so tak sesuai on him coz only Dom can rock that pants! haha.. and yes, there is a best of muse cd but cetak rompak one la.. muse never released a best of cd before.


all these talks about food are really making me hungry.. but i hate eating late at night unless there's a football match to watch.




i never practice talking to muse in front of the mirror before! haha.. but i do talk to the mirror to rehearse a speech or to practice being an mc. i remember falling on stage during an assembly once .. fuhh malu giler! :$haha..



peeps, tomorrow is our anniversary! we had forgotten about it for the past few months.:noey:

Edited by crazy_mary
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HEY, my mum has Dom coloured pants! And she doesn't even know him! Like seriously, she's got all the colours, yellow, blue, green, purple, pink..cept fer Spider pants. :D

How cool is your mom?! :D


I saw a Spidey outfit once (for kids) and I was sooo tempted to buy it for my nephew just so I could picture him as Dom for a moment... I ended up getting the Batman outfit for him though in the end =p




Omg yeah i know how you feel. Most of my close friends are leaving for Australia next year in like January, and in December i'll be having my STUDY BREAK for my exams on January! I wont be able to party so much as them since i have to get some major studying done as well.and whats worse is that in 2 years, practically all my friends are leaving me to study overseas whereas i'm stuck here in Malaysia :( so yeah, i know how you feel. even just thinking about it makes me feel damn emo. Sigh.

My friends are leaving in September - that's hardly a month away. A few already left for Australia. :( You should party with them now Deb. Go on roadtrips! Unless you have less adventurous friends, then you might opt for a Nintendo Wii party instead ;] I don't think there's enough time left for me and my friends to go travelling together. Sigh.


Will you be heading out of Malaysia to further your studies though once you finish A-Levels?




Liz! wow that's a good story. i can tell that Jason Lo was very impressed to have u as a fan.i need to remember to bring you along if we have another chance to stalk muse at the airport so that u can help us to start a better conversation with 'em haha..and i agree, the first thing u need to do when meeting someone that you're obsessed with is just to introduce yrself and shake their hands. that's what i did when i first saw Dom before asking a picture with him. he has or had a firm shake, nice and warm, while i was doing the 'malay' handshake.. u know the one where u bring yr hand to yr heart. lol..


good point, with the hand shaking bit. but how do you introduce yourself? "hi i'm debbie, i'm a fan!" or what? lol. i thought of something more er... smooth, like, "hey, are you *insertnamehere*?. i'm debbie i'm a fan/i'm a huge fan/i love your music". then he'll probably say "oh thank you" and then i dunno what to say from then onwards. lol.

Lol, I doubt I left much of an impression though - I'm sure he has other people coming up to him to say that too. I hear Latte @ 8 is back again! I would definitely love to head to Sunway's Starbucks one of these Fridays to see how he's doing. On a random note, did I mention I saw him at the Muse concert last year?!


I think "Hi, My name's Debbie" would be sufficient. :LOL: Wait for the reply then. Actually, I would get all toungue tied too by this time. Which is why usually I would write a long-ass letter thanking them first and pass said letter to them when I meet them :] That way, you get to say what you want, without really saying anything! Haha.


Off topic: Faz, did you watch the Valencia F1 Grand Prix today? I was so torn between that, the Olympics closing ceremony and rhythmic gymnastics!







Just curious, Liz, how old were u when you liked Jason Lo's Evening News (I'm not going to mention the year)? 12?


Wow! U were already exposed to indie (at that time it was referred to as alternative) music so young! I was surpised you knew Ash. And Why Does It Always Rain on Me. You must be 15 then?


Haha...you might be revealing your age now by answering my question..

Aida! :happy: Lol, I think growing up with musically inclined sisters helped a lot. My eldest sister was very much into Oasis/Blur and that whole BritRock thing going on in the late 90s. She was the one that introduced me to Ewan McGregor at the tender age of ... 9 Lol. (the sister that you met @ SingFest is my third sister heh) The first time I heard of Ash was because they were featured in the soundtrack to Ewan's movie (alongside Cameron Diaz) in A Life Less Ordinary. I absolutely LOVE that song. Still do right now. A Life Less Ordinary also happens to be the first song Charlotte Heatherly played in. She was like a role model to me then. Lol. I was pretty heartbroken to hear that Charlotte now has gone her seperate ways from Ash. Doesn't stop me from loving their stuff though. I think when Free All Angels came out in 2001, at that time I could only afford a cassette of that album. It's not in the best of conditions now, I believe it's the most overplayed/used cassette that I have. Haha. So yeahh, it would definitely mean something to me to be able to catch Ash live in Singapore this October! I really wish I would be able to find some way to be there. If only it wasn't on Raya :( Then I could drag a few of my friends along, and you guys might be there too!


I was hardly 17 when Why Does It Always Rain On Me was released! To hear it live after going through the turbulence of being 17... sigh. We've definitely come a long way huh? ;] Speaking of which, I was wondering if you could pretty please upload or send the videos that you took during that Travis show? I would love to hear the opening speech to each song. Heh. :]





peeps, tomorrow is our anniversary! we had forgotten about it for the past few months.:noey:

It's past 12 now, so ...


Happy 18th month anniversaryyyy!!!

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Selamat Ulangtahun Konsert Muse!



woah.. so many posts! :happy:


Liz! wow that's a good story. i can tell that Jason Lo was very impressed to have u as a fan.i need to remember to bring you along if we have another chance to stalk muse at the airport so that u can help us to start a better conversation with 'em haha..and i agree, the first thing u need to do when meeting someone that you're obsessed with is just to introduce yrself and shake their hands. that's what i did when i first saw Dom before asking a picture with him. he has or had a firm shake, nice and warm, while i was doing the 'malay' handshake.. u know the one where u bring yr hand to yr heart. lol..





i never practice talking to muse in front of the mirror before! haha.. but i do talk to the mirror to rehearse a speech or to practice being an mc. i remember falling on stage during an assembly once .. fuhh malu giler! :$haha..




Woah thanks everyone for sharing your 'meet the celebrity' tips / experiences, I'll try and remember when we get to meet Muse :p The malay handshake thing is such a cool thing to do Faz. Mesti Dom ingat it's some special gesture on your part, trying to keep him in your heart :D


Liz (guilt?) especially, that was a really good read. It feels really good doesnt it, being able to tell some artist u admire that u like their work? Not so commonla, sure u made Jason Lo feel pretty special that day.


Thank u for the cool photo, u were at EITS? How was it? Damn la miss that one, when cool gigs are scarce and all.....


And you're a fellow Ash fan! All the stuff u wrote made me feel so nostalgic, but :happy:


mm yeah thats true, about teachers having to be very confident. i cant imagine being a teacher man, talking in front of so many people. stage fright like mad only :LOL: i do presentation also damn scared la haha.


aww, yeah Joey G looks like a really nice guy :D and he's married too! lucky wife of his. i've never actually seen Jason Lo before. hmm.


hopefully, the next time they tour here! :D



Ah Deb dont worry about that stage fright thing, a lot of people have it. I still do feel like puking my guts before each big court case, but with frequent practice it takes a bit of the edge off, and you feel better along the way. The fear helps your concentration, definitely!


Haha and about stage fright ia have a fun story about Joey G. Last Saturday I was at this Levi's 501 launch thingy, and who else but Joey G was the emcee! I was right upfront bcoz my reporter friend had to take event photos. Joey G was trying to warm up the crowd when he dropped all of his notes / cue cards on the runway in front of me. I actually picked them up and told him to relax :LOL:


The cool thing is all the stories about him being friendly is really true, during one of the breaks he came from backstage, tapped me shoulder and thanked me for my help :happy: But again it was revert to 'idiot-mode' time because I forgot to take a photo with hi,. D'oh! I blame his gorgeousness for the forgetfulness :$




well, talking fast (yup, faster that matt bellamy) and mumbling i guess. lucky shannaz and adyla were there to translate what i was saying. lol..



i predict that we'll be meeting muse again sooon. heh heh




On that note, I pray for Faz's prediction / Nostradamus skillz.


Actually there's another embarassing story (full of stories today). Last night I actually dreamt that Muse comfirmed an intimate charity show in KL! It was u (Faz) who texted me to go check out the Muse boards bout the gig. I remember being ecstatic in the dream :LOL:, and then waking up at 5 am being so dissappointed by the real world :$

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nonoor, talking about dom's pants, i saw a picture of David Archuleta wearing Dom's lime greem pants for one of his photoshoot. so tak sesuai on him coz only Dom can rock that pants! haha.. and yes, there is a best of muse cd but cetak rompak one la.. muse never released a best of cd before.


Ahh I knew it...thanks!

How cool is your mom?! :D


I saw a Spidey outfit once (for kids) and I was sooo tempted to buy it for my nephew just so I could picture him as Dom for a moment... I ended up getting the Batman outfit for him though in the end =p


Very! :LOL:

Everytime I see a kid wearing that costume, I'd be thinking "Spider-Dom, Spider-Dom..." :D

Selamat Ulangtahun Konsert Muse!

Haha and about stage fright ia have a fun story about Joey G. Last Saturday I was at this Levi's 501 launch thingy, and who else but Joey G was the emcee! I was right upfront bcoz my reporter friend had to take event photos. Joey G was trying to warm up the crowd when he dropped all of his notes / cue cards on the runway in front of me. I actually picked them up and told him to relax :LOL:


The cool thing is all the stories about him being friendly is really true, during one of the breaks he came from backstage, tapped me shoulder and thanked me for my help :happy: But again it was revert to 'idiot-mode' time because I forgot to take a photo with hi,. D'oh! I blame his gorgeousness for the forgetfulness :$


Actually there's another embarassing story (full of stories today). Last night I actually dreamt that Muse comfirmed an intimate charity show in KL! It was u (Faz) who texted me to go check out the Muse boards bout the gig. I remember being ecstatic in the dream :LOL:, and then waking up at 5 am being so dissappointed by the real world :$


Hahaha, wow!


Ahh, dreams...:stunned:

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Happy anniversary guys!

has it been 18 months already? :eek::eek:


Lol, I doubt I left much of an impression though - I'm sure he has other people coming up to him to say that too. I hear Latte @ 8 is back again! I would definitely love to head to Sunway's Starbucks one of these Fridays to see how he's doing. On a random note, did I mention I saw him at the Muse concert last year?!


I think "Hi, My name's Debbie" would be sufficient. :LOL: Wait for the reply then. Actually, I would get all toungue tied too by this time. Which is why usually I would write a long-ass letter thanking them first and pass said letter to them when I meet them :] That way, you get to say what you want, without really saying anything! Haha.


Off topic: Faz, did you watch the Valencia F1 Grand Prix today? I was so torn between that, the Olympics closing ceremony and rhythmic gymnastics!


It's past 12 now, so ...


Happy 18th month anniversaryyyy!!!


yeah Latte@8 is back! my friend saw an episode where Jason Lo interviewed Butterfingers recently. but i've never watched that show before. i saw him at Muse concert too! hahaa.. and Radhi with his baju melayu, as well as some others which i just can't remember now after 18 long months!


a letter is a great idea Liz! did u give SF a letter when u met 'em? i only remember seeing yr sign and thot man i should've done the same when i was waiting for Muse's arrival at KLIA. i'll definitely remember that if there's another chance of seeing 'em ever again.


i didn't! well, i was out with a friend. i didn't even watch the closing ceremony.. there's just too many things going on around me right now that i got easily distracted. i haven't watched any of arsenal's game yet.. and it sucks that they lost to Fulham. :(


Selamat Ulangtahun Konsert Muse!


Woah thanks everyone for sharing your 'meet the celebrity' tips / experiences, I'll try and remember when we get to meet Muse :p The malay handshake thing is such a cool thing to do Faz. Mesti Dom ingat it's some special gesture on your part, trying to keep him in your heart :D



Haha and about stage fright ia have a fun story about Joey G. Last Saturday I was at this Levi's 501 launch thingy, and who else but Joey G was the emcee! I was right upfront bcoz my reporter friend had to take event photos. Joey G was trying to warm up the crowd when he dropped all of his notes / cue cards on the runway in front of me. I actually picked them up and told him to relax :LOL:


The cool thing is all the stories about him being friendly is really true, during one of the breaks he came from backstage, tapped me shoulder and thanked me for my help :happy: But again it was revert to 'idiot-mode' time because I forgot to take a photo with hi,. D'oh! I blame his gorgeousness for the forgetfulness :$



Actually there's another embarassing story (full of stories today). Last night I actually dreamt that Muse comfirmed an intimate charity show in KL! It was u (Faz) who texted me to go check out the Muse boards bout the gig. I remember being ecstatic in the dream :LOL:, and then waking up at 5 am being so dissappointed by the real world :$


oh yeah.. Dom has my heart and i need it back! so dramatic la pulak haha.. he was so friendly and charming. i kept apologizing for disturbing him but he was always reassuring me that i was not bothering him at all even though i took a picture with him twice and took another close snap of him for Deb. oh gosh, i love you Dom haha.. *in fangirly mode*


wow miele, that was awesome and i agree that Joey G is super friendly. i remember when he was interviewing me, he tried speaking in Malay to comfort me on stage. it was so cute when he said "jgn malu" haha.. but man, i would be clueless if he tapped on my shoulder like that too!


well, u know what org tua2 said about dreaming before subuh rite? there's a huge chance that the dream may come true! haha..


Ahh I knew it...thanks!


yr most welcome! :happy:

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Btw, is there such thing as The Best of Muse cd??


Yeah like what kak faz said, its not official. someone probably just compiled a cd and put up the torrent online. its not a proper official warner released muse cd. they're still too young to produce a 'best of' album! :LOL:


Liz! wow that's a good story. i can tell that Jason Lo was very impressed to have u as a fan.i need to remember to bring you along if we have another chance to stalk muse at the airport so that u can help us to start a better conversation with 'em haha..and i agree, the first thing u need to do when meeting someone that you're obsessed with is just to introduce yrself and shake their hands. that's what i did when i first saw Dom before asking a picture with him. he has or had a firm shake, nice and warm, while i was doing the 'malay' handshake.. u know the one where u bring yr hand to yr heart. lol..


deb, i know! the tix to avril's concert are expensive. that's why i said i might go. my friend and i plan to get the cheapest tix on the day of the concert itself. however, if the cheapest tix are sold out or suddenly we feel so kedekut to spend money on avril, we'll just lepak outside the std buying shirts or stickers from those illegal vendors while listening to avril's performance. i'll probably go and "visit" std negara while i am there as well just for old time sake.. haha.


Aww i wish i could shake Dom's hand (because that would mean i get to TOUCH IT HOHOOHHO) :eek: i dont think i'd be able to give him a firm handshake though. i've been known to have really weak hands haha. wanna squeeze something also so hard :$ but i shall try! :p aww Dom must've thought you're putting him next to your heart or something like what miele said.


aww i wanna visit std negara too! lol just to feel a bit nostalgic again, and try and absorb muse's gig's essence. or whatever that's left of it anyway. i dunno if i wanna spend so much cash on avril la. i dont like her new songs at all. i just like her older emo deep stuff, before she was all pink and blonde. dunno if i should go.. dunno if i should go. sigh.


My friends are leaving in September - that's hardly a month away. A few already left for Australia. You should party with them now Deb. Go on roadtrips! Unless you have less adventurous friends, then you might opt for a Nintendo Wii party instead ;] I don't think there's enough time left for me and my friends to go travelling together. Sigh.


Will you be heading out of Malaysia to further your studies though once you finish A-Levels?


yikes. aww i'm so sorry :( you better party your ass off with them once your exams are over. take lotsa pictures and make a collage or something haha.


omg. do you read my blog or something? i was just at my friend's house warming party, he has a new wii and we were playing it practically all night! my right arm still hurts a bit from all the batting i've been doing (baseball lol) :p roadtrips are gonna be quite hard what with all the petrol prices and whatnot. we've talked about going to penang to eat our hearts out, and maybe to KL to have a glamourous night or something, even if all we do is just window shop and ACT like as if we're rich. my friend even suggested we practice our fake british accents :LOL:


Nah i wont. i'll be staying back in M'sia. probably gonna study in Monash, though i heard its like damn kao expensive. not sure where i'm gonna study yet, but i'm definitely not going overseas la. i've never thought about NUS though. is NUS cheap? i hope Nut is reading this! lol.


Lol, I doubt I left much of an impression though - I'm sure he has other people coming up to him to say that too. I hear Latte @ 8 is back again! I would definitely love to head to Sunway's Starbucks one of these Fridays to see how he's doing. On a random note, did I mention I saw him at the Muse concert last year?!


I think "Hi, My name's Debbie" would be sufficient. Wait for the reply then. Actually, I would get all toungue tied too by this time. Which is why usually I would write a long-ass letter thanking them first and pass said letter to them when I meet them :] That way, you get to say what you want, without really saying anything! Haha.


aww i remember once i saw Latte @ 8 once at sunway pyramid, and Adam C was there. i had the huuuuugest crush on him last time, and once he was at my friend's sister's birthday party, but i didnt have the guts to talk to him. plus he was pretty busy talking to his back then girlfriend, who was a celebrity blogger i am a fan of as well. talk about double star struck :LOL:


I can imagine the conversation right now..

"hi my name is debbie :D"

"hey i'm dom/matt/chris/brandon/whatever"

"nice to meet you *shakes hand* i love your music"

"you too. thanks :D"

........ *crickets chirping*


haha. maybe i could just ask a normal 'how are you'. that letter is a real smart idea though, really intimate in a way.


Ah Deb dont worry about that stage fright thing, a lot of people have it. I still do feel like puking my guts before each big court case, but with frequent practice it takes a bit of the edge off, and you feel better along the way. The fear helps your concentration, definitely!


Haha and about stage fright ia have a fun story about Joey G. Last Saturday I was at this Levi's 501 launch thingy, and who else but Joey G was the emcee! I was right upfront bcoz my reporter friend had to take event photos. Joey G was trying to warm up the crowd when he dropped all of his notes / cue cards on the runway in front of me. I actually picked them up and told him to relax


The cool thing is all the stories about him being friendly is really true, during one of the breaks he came from backstage, tapped me shoulder and thanked me for my help :happy: But again it was revert to 'idiot-mode' time because I forgot to take a photo with hi,. D'oh! I blame his gorgeousness for the forgetfulness


haha yeah, this is the reason why i wish a levels gave us more presentations to do. i know i'd hate it, and i'd be sick to my stomach with nerves, but its actually for my own good! i'm gonna have to do lotsa presentations in the future, and i cant afford to get nervous and stuff. :( lol


aww thats so nice of him to come up to you and say thanks! :) i wish i can meet him again sometime soon. i dont see him on Channel V that much anymore :confused: i wonder what he's up to these days. *stalk*


kidding about the stalking bit :p


yeah Latte@8 is back! my friend saw an episode where Jason Lo interviewed Butterfingers recently. but i've never watched that show before. i saw him at Muse concert too! hahaa.. and Radhi with his baju melayu, as well as some others which i just can't remember now after 18 long months!


oh yeah.. Dom has my heart and i need it back! so dramatic la pulak haha.. he was so friendly and charming. i kept apologizing for disturbing him but he was always reassuring me that i was not bothering him at all even though i took a picture with him twice and took another close snap of him for Deb. oh gosh, i love you Dom haha.. *in fangirly mode*


wow miele, that was awesome and i agree that Joey G is super friendly. i remember when he was interviewing me, he tried speaking in Malay to comfort me on stage. it was so cute when he said "jgn malu" haha.. but man, i would be clueless if he tapped on my shoulder like that too!


Yeah i remember seeing jason lo too! some people went up to him to take pictures with him, but i was too up front to do anything. :) and also, i was too shy. haha.


aww dom <3


wait, he was interviewing you? how come! for what! where! do tell!

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Thank u for the cool photo, u were at EITS? How was it? Damn la miss that one, when cool gigs are scarce and all.....


And you're a fellow Ash fan! All the stuff u wrote made me feel so nostalgic, but :happy:

Watching EITS play was probably the most intense experience I've ever had. Four guys on stage, playing nothing but your average looking equipments - the music that comes out through the amplifiers however, were simply ... outstanding/amazing/wonderful/every other positive adjective that I could think of. When they left the stage, I believe all our mouths were all left open. We were just in awe!


The guitar pedals, the tambourines, the different guitar distortions, the bass slapping, the guitar-heart-thumping, the cymbals bashing. Everything just seemed like it fell into place extremely well. EITS are clearly capable of crescendos and diminuendos at every level. There comes a moment in during the show that I'm sure every one of us in that room experienced. I found myself closing my eyes... savouring the moment and taking a photographic snapshot of that musical melody. Yes, I say the melody and not the stage or anything. The music was that intense that you could almost see every moment and heartbeat of it.


Just watch this video of

and I'm sure you can see what I mean!


One drawback though. The cheering and screamings in the middle of songs :mad::(




I have 5 days left to really decide whether I'll be heading to Singapore. What should I tell my parents without them being upset that I'm going to Singapore again for a concert? :( Why can't Ash play in Malaysia. They played in Thailand and Singapore last time, leaving out Malaysia. I'm sure Tim doesn't wear ... sexy clothes. Though I can't guarantee that he won't leave a few girls weak in their knees...



Haha and about stage fright ia have a fun story about Joey G. Last Saturday I was at this Levi's 501 launch thingy, and who else but Joey G was the emcee! I was right upfront bcoz my reporter friend had to take event photos. Joey G was trying to warm up the crowd when he dropped all of his notes / cue cards on the runway in front of me. I actually picked them up and told him to relax


The cool thing is all the stories about him being friendly is really true, during one of the breaks he came from backstage, tapped me shoulder and thanked me for my help :happy: But again it was revert to 'idiot-mode' time because I forgot to take a photo with hi,. D'oh! I blame his gorgeousness for the forgetfulness

Your reporter friend sounds like he/she can get you backstage passes to certain events! That's awesome! :D (I wish I had a friend like that.. lol) Joey G seems like a really humble person. How nice of him to acknowledge and thank you! I've taken a group picture with him once... My friends and him. Never really talked. Though I'm not sure where that photo is now. Lol. I think it was during that F1 roadshow event at KL Plaza (Faz - you were there and you won something right? lol)



Actually there's another embarassing story (full of stories today). Last night I actually dreamt that Muse comfirmed an intimate charity show in KL! It was u (Faz) who texted me to go check out the Muse boards bout the gig. I remember being ecstatic in the dream, and then waking up at 5 am being so dissappointed by the real world

Lol awww, that happened to me a few times too. Only it happened more frequently when we celebrated our first month anniversary. I would force myself to go back to sleep again in hopes that I would dream through the concert. Lol, I always wake up before the gig starts. I just wanna listen to Muse live again damnit! Even my dreams can't do that for me :(



I can imagine the conversation right now..

"hi my name is debbie :D"

"hey i'm dom/matt/chris/brandon/whatever"

"nice to meet you *shakes hand* i love your music"

"you too. thanks :D"

........ *crickets chirping*


haha. maybe i could just ask a normal 'how are you'. that letter is a real smart idea though, really intimate in a way.

I think there are only two things that a fan would usually say to the person they admire a lot when they first meet.

1) Thank them repetitively.

2) Apologize repetitively.







a letter is a great idea Liz! did u give SF a letter when u met 'em? i only remember seeing yr sign and thot man i should've done the same when i was waiting for Muse's arrival at KLIA. i'll definitely remember that if there's another chance of seeing 'em ever again.


i didn't! well, i was out with a friend. i didn't even watch the closing ceremony.. there's just too many things going on around me right now that i got easily distracted. i haven't watched any of arsenal's game yet.. and it sucks that they lost to Fulham.

Lol, my friends would sometimes replay that Switchfoot special featured on 8tv on their computers and they would laugh that it's actually me. There was one part where I actually hit my head with my hands and went "aiyai yaii" :$


I brought posters, CDs, a marker pen, banners, a camera and a letter to KLIA when I met Switchfoot... My friend later told me I went so well prepared - almost overboard and I wasn't even sure if I would meet them! Wasn't it nerve-wrecking to wait for Muse to come out through the arrival halls? I was actually supposed to go with my sister, but her boss called up that morning and asked her to go to work :-/ So as you can imagine, my hands were extremely full when I met them! They had to help me carry a few things when I wanted to take a certain thing out from my backpack... So embarrassing :$ If only I brought an acoustic guitar along.. Lol, then I could ask Jon (lead singer) to do a mini show for me (He's well known to play for the fans after shows) while they were waiting for the van to arrive!


Yipes. I haven't been following football very often too.. Anyway, I'm not sure if it was just me, but I found myself flipping to the closing ceremony more than I did for the Valencia race. Which is really awkward because I rarely allow myself to miss an F1 GP. Maybe I'm just getting a bit ... tired with the front runners...



aww i wanna visit std negara too! lol just to feel a bit nostalgic again, and try and absorb muse's gig's essence. or whatever that's left of it anyway. i dunno if i wanna spend so much cash on avril la. i dont like her new songs at all. i just like her older emo deep stuff, before she was all pink and blonde. dunno if i should go.. dunno if i should go. sigh.

Oh dear. Now I feel like dropping by std negara on Friday.



omg. do you read my blog or something? i was just at my friend's house warming party, he has a new wii and we were playing it practically all night! my right arm still hurts a bit from all the batting i've been doing (baseball lol) :p roadtrips are gonna be quite hard what with all the petrol prices and whatnot. we've talked about going to penang to eat our hearts out, and maybe to KL to have a glamourous night or something, even if all we do is just window shop and ACT like as if we're rich. my friend even suggested we practice our fake british accents :LOL:

Lol I've read your blog once, but not recently. I should start a blog and add you to my blogroll. Heh. Just very good timing I suppose. Haha. I love playing wii! That's how I get to pretend to be Matt and rock out to KOC for Guitar Hero XD

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Did anyone read the interview with Zach (of RATM) on the StarTwo today? I had no idea he was doing a side project :eek:


And speaking of the StarTwo, i was flipping through the pages when i stumbled upon the R.AGE section. they briefly mentioned that Dream Interview winner Tan Kel Vin had the chance to interview Brendon Urie of PATD. SO LUCKY. :'( and whats worse is that i actually know Tan Kel Vin! he's in my church ffs :LOL:


This was his er... report, on the interview. lucky bastard :mad: *bitter*




So cute la this Brendon Urie.. i can just imagine him bopping up and down in his seat while answering his questions.

Man.. if I were given a chance to interview Muse.... omg la. I'd probably equip myself with a voice recorder or even a video camera just to savour the moment. :happy: and i'd also prepare a series of questions for them! like "what on earth is a Plug-In Baby?" and "did Dom really cheat on Jessica?" and "How do you feel about the Pornogenic Threads on the board?" and "Do you even visit the board at all?'... to name a few :$

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Lol....lazy to read all and I don't think I have the money for it


I'm in the cc :ninja:


Wow.... even just because it's on 25th, you all also celebrated the aniversary ar? :LOL: then we'll have a lot of aniverasery celebration every year :chuckle:


I miss you all so much and :kiss:


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aww i wanna visit std negara too! lol just to feel a bit nostalgic again, and try and absorb muse's gig's essence. or whatever that's left of it anyway. i dunno if i wanna spend so much cash on avril la. i dont like her new songs at all. i just like her older emo deep stuff, before she was all pink and blonde. dunno if i should go.. dunno if i should go. sigh.



Nah i wont. i'll be staying back in M'sia. probably gonna study in Monash, though i heard its like damn kao expensive. not sure where i'm gonna study yet, but i'm definitely not going overseas la. i've never thought about NUS though. is NUS cheap? i hope Nut is reading this! lol.



wait, he was interviewing you? how come! for what! where! do tell!


i dunno why i love Std Negara. :D yeah.. so expensive la her tickets. dunno la worth it or not. but i can't help to feel a bit interested to check her out after all the controversy. apparently PAS is not happy that the concert is still on and now they're planning to have a demonstration at the std. :rolleyes: i think i'll be recording the demonstration rather than the concert tomorrow haha..


i wish i have the same freedom in choosing what and where i want to study when i was yr age. it seriously is nice to have that.


haha.. yeah. at Bkt Bintang when i went there for a meet and greet with kimi. i think i've mentioned this before. he was the host together with marion and they had a quiz about kimi. so being a kimi freak at the time i knew a lot of info about him-- the rest of the audience seemed reluctant to answer the questions-- and i went up the stage to answer their question. as Liz mentioned, i won a prize for that haha..but before he gave the prize he asked me a few questions and forced me to cheer for kimi..


I have 5 days left to really decide whether I'll be heading to Singapore. What should I tell my parents without them being upset that I'm going to Singapore again for a concert? Why can't Ash play in Malaysia. They played in Thailand and Singapore last time, leaving out Malaysia. I'm sure Tim doesn't wear ... sexy clothes. Though I can't guarantee that he won't leave a few girls weak in their knees...



Lol, my friends would sometimes replay that Switchfoot special featured on 8tv on their computers and they would laugh that it's actually me. There was one part where I actually hit my head with my hands and went "aiyai yaii"


I brought posters, CDs, a marker pen, banners, a camera and a letter to KLIA when I met Switchfoot... My friend later told me I went so well prepared - almost overboard and I wasn't even sure if I would meet them! Wasn't it nerve-wrecking to wait for Muse to come out through the arrival halls? I was actually supposed to go with my sister, but her boss called up that morning and asked her to go to work :-/ So as you can imagine, my hands were extremely full when I met them! They had to help me carry a few things when I wanted to take a certain thing out from my backpack... So embarrassing If only I brought an acoustic guitar along.. Lol, then I could ask Jon (lead singer) to do a mini show for me (He's well known to play for the fans after shows) while they were waiting for the van to arrive!


Yipes. I haven't been following football very often too.. Anyway, I'm not sure if it was just me, but I found myself flipping to the closing ceremony more than I did for the Valencia race. Which is really awkward because I rarely allow myself to miss an F1 GP. Maybe I'm just getting a bit ... tired with the front runners...


you're going to see Ash too? oh wow jelez giler. i know Korndamned is going. i agree! why can't they come to KL too? but after the world famous avril controversy some international musicians might be scared to ever come to our country la..:(:mad:


i should've been more prepared like u! haha.. but i wasn't sure that i would get to meet muse when they arrived, that was why i didn't bring anything for them. it wasn't nerve-wrecking waiting for them. i was so excited that i kept hugging my friend so many times and at one point i was shivering bcoz it was too cold --or maybe becoz i was too nervous. SF sounds so cute holding yr things like that.. and imagine Jon if did a mini show for u. :eek: wooh ..sure pengsan punyer haha..


F1 has gotten a bit boring now. i can't stand hamilton.. the only exciting thing recently was kimi ran over one of his mechanics during his pit stop. he rarely does that isn't it?


Did anyone read the interview with Zach (of RATM) on the StarTwo today? I had no idea he was doing a side project :eek:


And speaking of the StarTwo, i was flipping through the pages when i stumbled upon the R.AGE section. they briefly mentioned that Dream Interview winner Tan Kel Vin had the chance to interview Brendon Urie of PATD. SO LUCKY.and whats worse is that i actually know Tan Kel Vin! he's in my church ffs


This was his er... report, on the interview. lucky bastard *bitter*




So cute la this Brendon Urie.. i can just imagine him bopping up and down in his seat while answering his questions.

Man.. if I were given a chance to interview Muse.... omg la. I'd probably equip myself with a voice recorder or even a video camera just to savour the moment. :happy: and i'd also prepare a series of questions for them! like "what on earth is a Plug-In Baby?" and "did Dom really cheat on Jessica?" and "How do you feel about the Pornogenic Threads on the board?" and "Do you even visit the board at all?'... to name a few


there was? oh man i need to read newspapers more often.


is he the same age as you are deb? and yeah la.. Brendon seemed so cute and friendly. LOL.. i wouldn't ask dom about jessica now haha.. i couldn't imagine interviewing muse.. omg. i'd probably just sit there and get tongue-tied and would be in a very fan-girlish mode going like "omgosh i can't believe it's you guys!" the objects of obsession are finally in front of me and waiting for me to ask some intelligent questions while i hyperventilating. :D



Wow.... even just because it's on 25th, you all also celebrated the aniversary ar? then we'll have a lot of aniverasery celebration every year


I miss you all so much and



lol.. 12 Muse live in KL anniversaries in a year. :musesign:


.. there's answer about ur plug in baby...


LOL.. i've watched that one. i love it when matt was leaning like that and he can't remember what PIB is about. lol..


oh wow.. sorry for the long post!

Edited by crazy_mary
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Nah i wont. i'll be staying back in M'sia. probably gonna study in Monash, though i heard its like damn kao expensive. not sure where i'm gonna study yet, but i'm definitely not going overseas la. i've never thought about NUS though. is NUS cheap? i hope Nut is reading this! lol.




Hey sorry for the late reply! For int'l students it's pretty steep, you can take a look at this https://share.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/ug/UGTuitionCurrent.pdf

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And speaking of the StarTwo, i was flipping through the pages when i stumbled upon the R.AGE section. they briefly mentioned that Dream Interview winner Tan Kel Vin had the chance to interview Brendon Urie of PATD. SO LUCKY. :'( and whats worse is that i actually know Tan Kel Vin! he's in my church ffs :LOL:

this Tan Kel Vin guy sounds reaaaally familiar....! but why did he have to wear that tux t-shirt shirt? *cringee* lol.





Hmmm.. I stumbled upon this just now.


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Aiyo, my speakers arent working. Its weird because it was working perfectly fine the last time i used the comp.. like 2 days ago. sigh i hate using a shared computer :shifty: so i cant watch Kay-A's vid. what did Matt say? :supersad:


i dunno why i love Std Negara. yeah.. so expensive la her tickets. dunno la worth it or not. but i can't help to feel a bit interested to check her out after all the controversy. apparently PAS is not happy that the concert is still on and now they're planning to have a demonstration at the std. :rolleyes: i think i'll be recording the demonstration rather than the concert tomorrow haha..


i wish i have the same freedom in choosing what and where i want to study when i was yr age. it seriously is nice to have that.


haha.. yeah. at Bkt Bintang when i went there for a meet and greet with kimi. i think i've mentioned this before. he was the host together with marion and they had a quiz about kimi. so being a kimi freak at the time i knew a lot of info about him-- the rest of the audience seemed reluctant to answer the questions-- and i went up the stage to answer their question. as Liz mentioned, i won a prize for that haha..but before he gave the prize he asked me a few questions and forced me to cheer for kimi..


there was? oh man i need to read newspapers more often.


is he the same age as you are deb? and yeah la.. Brendon seemed so cute and friendly. LOL.. i wouldn't ask dom about jessica now haha.. i couldn't imagine interviewing muse.. omg. i'd probably just sit there and get tongue-tied and would be in a very fan-girlish mode going like "omgosh i can't believe it's you guys!" the objects of obsession are finally in front of me and waiting for me to ask some intelligent questions while i hyperventilating.


Lol isnt her gig tonight? well it should be pretty obvious that i'm not going then since i'm online right now. let me know if they really do a demonstration! :LOL:


you mean you couldnt choose where you wanted to study? :(


fuyoh... yeah he's really sweet isnt he? :happy: what did you win btw? did you get to meet kimi or something? haha.


Nah Kel Vin is one year younger than me. so lucky :'( haha yeah maybe asking dom about jessica might be a biiiit too kepo :$ maybe i'll ask him off-air. haha. aiya i'm sure you'll do fine :D if you can talk to them normally (despite talking a bit too fast) at the airport, you sure can talk to them normally on an interview wan la! lol i'll probably just... grin to myself the whole way and act like a bafoon :LOL:


Hey sorry for the late reply! For int'l students it's pretty steep, you can take a look at this https://share.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/ug/UGTuitionCurrent.pdf


woooo thanks for that. Its pretty expensive :( but i have some relatives over at Johor! maybe i could tumpang their house or something haha.


this Tan Kel Vin guy sounds reaaaally familiar....! but why did he have to wear that tux t-shirt shirt? *cringee* lol.


Hmmm.. I stumbled upon this just now.



familiar? really? :confused: how you know him? i quite like his shirt actually :$ i'm seriously gonna bombard him with questions once i see him at church tomorrow. haha.


so many posts lah in this thread..very hard to keep up...:)


lol you dont have to read all the posts :)

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