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i was quite confused about the "BLK A" clause in the tix.. was asking the agent, why BLK A ? bukan Zon A ke? :$


Thanks ann.. hope to see u in Bangkok.


Btw, peeps, weresodisco and i are planning to meet on the 25th (sunday) so all are invited especially u, Shannaz :D, adyla, miele, muse_music, deb ( think u'll still be bz wif ur spm ) and errr... nutcracker? heh.. wear ur colourful pants and shirts, we'll be taking a picture for DOM too!

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i was quite confused about the "BLK A" clause in the tix.. was asking the agent, why BLK A ? bukan Zon A ke? :$


Thanks ann.. hope to see u in Bangkok.


Btw, peeps, weresodisco and i are planning to meet on the 25th (sunday) so all are invited especially u, Shannaz :D, adyla, miele, muse_music, deb ( think u'll still be bz wif ur spm ) and errr... nutcracker? heh.. wear ur colourful pants and shirts, we'll be taking a picture for DOM too!


What? at KL?

You're gonna take a pic for Dommeh w/o me??


well, if you do meet him, send my love to him orite? :happy:

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i was quite confused about the "BLK A" clause in the tix.. was asking the agent, why BLK A ? bukan Zon A ke? :$


Thanks ann.. hope to see u in Bangkok.


Btw, peeps, weresodisco and i are planning to meet on the 25th (sunday) so all are invited especially u, Shannaz :D, adyla, miele, muse_music, deb ( think u'll still be bz wif ur spm ) and errr... nutcracker? heh.. wear ur colourful pants and shirts, we'll be taking a picture for DOM too!


Lol thanks but i doubt i can make it!


Wheh what a night, watching LP! Although seriously i admit, it wasn't really impressive, after having seen Muse live. And i love me camera.





What a way to end the gig! My fren on the left got BOTH the pick and the drumstick!! I've never seen a guy whose luck is ridiculously good.

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a photo of me and the tix?? nope. dont want to suffer eternal embarrassment again!


well, the tix look something like this..




just replace Live in Singapore to Live in Thailand hehe..


i haven't prepare anything yet for the bangkok trip... need to finish up a lot of work in school before the school hols. seriously miele, dont u think it's a bit early to tukar duit? man.. aren't we excited!! must be becoz of Fury..


hey nutcracker, LP is tomorrow eh?? share with us the details!!


aiya dont so shy laaa... lol you're not ugly or anything so dont worry!


anyway, aww i thought the tickets would have some fancy logo like the Malaysian tickets.. hehheh :D omg i cant believe they played Fury :'(



this tears wont stop until i get to see MUSE again!


YOU'RE NOT ALONE!!! :'(:'(:'(


i was quite confused about the "BLK A" clause in the tix.. was asking the agent, why BLK A ? bukan Zon A ke?


Thanks ann.. hope to see u in Bangkok.


Btw, peeps, weresodisco and i are planning to meet on the 25th (sunday) so all are invited especially u, Shannaz, adyla, miele, muse_music, deb ( think u'll still be bz wif ur spm ) and errr... nutcracker? heh.. wear ur colourful pants and shirts, we'll be taking a picture for DOM too!


oooh i'm up for it! but i shy la. lol i'm very quiet in real life, TRUST ME. very quiet ok. even vspirit said it herself haha. i wonder where she is now :erm:

yeah i will still be busy with my spm but the next paper after the 25th is on the 29th... stupid Accounts paper. :(


YAY PICTURE FOR DOM! :D:musesign: i wish there was a Dom sign.. haha.



nutcracker, that first pic of Chester reminded me a whole lot of Dom!! the shirt he was wearing looks a lot like the Spiderman suit print! my first thought was "SPIDERDOM? eh no wait, that's chester" haha. man you were so close to him :eek: what songs did they play? was there any audience interaction? tell us all about itt!!

damn your friend sure is lucky. hopefully you'll have that kinda luck for the muse gig too!


eh guys, what's the direct translation for 'mengembara' in English ar? i know its something like travelling or exploring... something like meneroka right? but what's the difference? IS there a difference? :confused: why am i caring?! BM is over! ahha.


but seriously though, what exactly is mengembara?

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man nutcracker, me thinks me loves thy camera too!! :D are u gonna bring it and snapping pix at bangkok? ur friend is soooooo lucky! hope i'll be getting dom's drumsticks in bangkok. what should i do? make a sign.. "Dom i want ur drumsticks!"??


i dont see mike shinoda tho...was he far from u? how many songs did they play?? did they have visuals as their stage backdrop like muse? did they play any fort minor songs? heh.. sorry, too many questions! and deb is rite, chaz's shirt has the same spiderdom's prints! :stunned: seriously, i still can't believe they skipped malaysia!! :mad:


debbie, please do come and join us too. weresodisco still need to pass u ur poster. no need to be shy! :) which reminds me we need to make a happy birthday sign for Dom.


hmmm.. mengembara is like going through a journey.. i think.


shannaz, good question. i forgot to ask weresodisco that. will confirm later.. or weresodisco, if u do come to this board, tell us where to meet. miele, hope u'll be in KL by then and muse_music dear, i dunno if i'll have the same 27th Feb luck.. but i'll a take a picture of dom for u this time around IF i do have the chance to meet him.;)

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I honestly do not know how many songs were played... but it seemed like 15 ish... it was an hour an a half.... The highlight for me was bleed it out lol, one of the 3 encore songs... There were some crowd interaction like chester going, "when i say OOoo oh! you go "oOOooo oh!"' something like that...:LOL: No they did not play any Fort Minor songs. I din know mike shinoda could play the piano. And there were a few piano interludes, much like the gigs of a certain band we all adore...hmmm... And they were selling the bootleg of the concert for 15 bucks! my friend's fren bought it so i'm gonna try ask her to burn heh heh,,, The visuals for the backdrop looks like a piece of huge cloth with little tiny dots that make up the light and videos. Quite cool! It was a good thing that everyone of the members walked from left to right of the stage from time to time, cept for Han and the drummer...


MAn i definitely will be bringing my cam into the Bangkok gig!!! I hope the pics will be of the same quality as these...

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ur friend is soooooo lucky! hope i'll be getting dom's drumsticks in bangkok. what should i do? make a sign.. "Dom i want ur drumsticks!"??


debbie, please do come and join us too. weresodisco still need to pass u ur poster. no need to be shy! :) which reminds me we need to make a happy birthday sign for Dom.



shannaz, good question. i forgot to ask weresodisco that. will confirm later.. or weresodisco, if u do come to this board, tell us where to meet. miele, hope u'll be in KL by then and muse_music dear, i dunno if i'll have the same 27th Feb luck.. but i'll a take a picture of dom for u this time around IF i do have the chance to meet him.;)



Faz, let's try and really get Dom's attention at the end of the show, eh? Untung2 dpt la drumstick tu! Or even better, a picture with him.


I really want to meet up with u guys on the 25th! The Dom bday project should be fun.Can we make it after 4pm please? I have to factor in timing of the bus trip from Butterworth, since I'm leaving that same day.Okay ka weresodisco?



MAn i definitely will be bringing my cam into the Bangkok gig!!! I hope the pics will be of the same quality as these...


Dude I think I'm in love with ur camera as well. Dont be scared if a strange woman suddenly tries to get into ur pics of the crowd in Bangkok, that'll be me :p


just joking, but it'd be nice if we can all hang together there.


Im so excited! 12 days to go!


It's hard to keep down expectations when the setlist in Australia seems to grow more awesome everytime.:



Take a bow


New Born

Butterflies and Hurricanes


Citizen Erased

Ruled by secrecy

Feeling Good





The Groove (instrumental)

Time Is Running Out

Stockholm Syndrome


Plug in Baby



from muselive.

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Faz, let's try and really get Dom's attention at the end of the show, eh? Untung2 dpt la drumstick tu! Or even better, a picture with him.


I really want to meet up with u guys on the 25th! The Dom bday project should be fun.Can we make it after 4pm please? I have to factor in timing of the bus trip from Butterworth, since I'm leaving that same day.Okay ka weresodisco?




Dude I think I'm in love with ur camera as well. Dont be scared if a strange woman suddenly tries to get into ur pics of the crowd in Bangkok, that'll be me :p


just joking, but it'd be nice if we can all hang together there.


Im so excited! 12 days to go!


It's hard to keep down expectations when the setlist in Australia seems to grow more awesome everytime.:


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omg... why didn't they come to malaysia!! :'( i love this picture. he smiles a lot on stage.. he looks like he has lost some weight and no baseball hat!! awww.... i love LP now. lol i would seiously trade MCR for LP anytime man. oh speaking of mcr, my friend sms me the ticket picture lol.


it looks more attractive then the muse in thailand tix! :stunned: think we pay more attention to ticket details and design in malaysia.


Faz, let's try and really get Dom's attention at the end of the show, eh? Untung2 dpt la drumstick tu! Or even better, a picture with him.


I really want to meet up with u guys on the 25th! The Dom bday project should be fun.Can we make it after 4pm please? I have to factor in timing of the bus trip from Butterworth, since I'm leaving that same day.Okay ka weresodisco?


Dude I think I'm in love with ur camera as well. Dont be scared if a strange woman suddenly tries to get into ur pics of the crowd in Bangkok, that'll be me :p


just joking, but it'd be nice if we can all hang together there.


Im so excited! 12 days to go!


It's hard to keep down expectations when the setlist in Australia seems to grow more awesome everytime.:


i'll be quite embarassed if i do have a chance to meet 'em again. i stalked 'em in KL, now am gonna stalk 'em in Bangkok??:noey: lol..


don't think we'll have the same setlist as the ozs coz it's muse's first gig in bangkok. perhaps they don't noe wat to expect and hence a very safe and normal setlist. oh but i dream for rule for secrecy... i slept listening to it last nite! :happy:

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i'll be quite embarassed if i do have a chance to meet 'em again. i stalked 'em in KL, now am gonna stalk 'em in Bangkok??:noey: lol..


don't think we'll have the same setlist as the ozs coz it's muse's first gig in bangkok. perhaps they don't noe wat to expect and hence a very safe and normal setlist. oh but i dream for rule for secrecy... i slept listening to it last nite! :happy:


Ala, boleh la faz....in support of a fellow insane Muser :D


I really sincerely hope you're wrong, that Muse will go "what the heck" and just bust out the rare songs all over the place! As u said, it's a dream though.


But then that'd be a bonus, them coming back to SEA is good enough for me. Thanks Muse! :LOL:


Guys, are we on for the meetup in KL? should I go look for the colourful Dom-alike pants now? The deadline for the Dom bday project is the 1st of Dec.


What if we're appointedto give the end product to Dom in Bangkok, Faz? heheh.

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Ala, boleh la faz....in support of a fellow insane Muser :D


I really sincerely hope you're wrong, that Muse will go "what the heck" and just bust out the rare songs all over the place! As u said, it's a dream though.


But then that'd be a bonus, them coming back to SEA is good enough for me. Thanks Muse! :LOL:


Guys, are we on for the meetup in KL? should I go look for the colourful Dom-alike pants now? The deadline for the Dom bday project is the 1st of Dec.


What if we're appointedto give the end product to Dom in Bangkok, Faz? heheh.

If the meet-up is in KL... i dont think i can go la. too far for someone who cant drive yet. plus i still have my exams. 1Utama is the nearest for me! eh no wait, Cetrepoint lagi nearer, but 1U will suffice la. :D plus i might wanna get MCR tickets.


kak faz, where did you get your MCR ticks? or where did your friend get hers?

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If the meet-up is in KL... i dont think i can go la. too far for someone who cant drive yet. plus i still have my exams. 1Utama is the nearest for me! eh no wait, Cetrepoint lagi nearer, but 1U will suffice la. :D plus i might wanna get MCR tickets.


kak faz, where did you get your MCR ticks? or where did your friend get hers?


Deb, I said KL as in anywhere in the Klang Valley, since i'll be travelling all the way from Penang. :D no transport as well.


1Utama is not LRT accessible, slight problem here .Oh s'ok I'll take cab / bus.


Actually details for the meetup not confirmed yet, right?

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meet-up: weresodisco suggested 1U but am not sure if the place is accessible ( in terms of parking space) after 4 pm? any suggestions deb? miele, if it's too difficult for u, i'll be able to fetch u la if u want coz i'll be coming from ampang and may be sending my friend home to cheras first. that is if u'll be arriving in pudu?


my friend bought the tix in sg wang on that discount day. i didn't go so i asked her to send me a picture of the ticket. heh..


and i do hope that am wrong and muse will decide to play a very interesting setlist for us in bangkok! :happy:

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boleh la i think.. u will be arriving at pudu eh? dunno la about the timing. i was hoping for an evening meet up as well or before noon meet up coz i have to go to a wedding!


btw, u gave me a heart attack with that thread u've just started! :stunned:


Alamak, sorry sesangat for the scare. I was panicking and behaved like an idiot :$. I thought the question mark after the title would make it not so 'scary'.


thanks for the ride btw. When I get the bus tix and ETA will sms u.


On other news, enjoy MCR ppl!

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Deb, I said KL as in anywhere in the Klang Valley, since i'll be travelling all the way from Penang. :D no transport as well.


oh lol! my bad my bad. i thought you meant KL like.. town with the KL towers and all that haha.


meet-up: weresodisco suggested 1U but am not sure if the place is accessible ( in terms of parking space) after 4 pm? any suggestions deb? miele, if it's too difficult for u, i'll be able to fetch u la if u want coz i'll be coming from ampang and may be sending my friend home to cheras first. that is if u'll be arriving in pudu?


my friend bought the tix in sg wang on that discount day. i didn't go so i asked her to send me a picture of the ticket. heh..


and i do hope that am wrong and muse will decide to play a very interesting setlist for us in bangkok! :happy:


actually i think parking would be easy at about 4pm! once its 5 or 6 onwards, THEN it'll get bad due to the dinner rush and stuff. in the morning, there's lotsa ample parking. at noon though, i'm not too sure. but i'm sure you can find a place wan la, there're lotsa spaces available now. in the new wing AND old wing. you could park at central park too!


oh cheh.. lol i thought you juuuust bought it.


i hope muse decides to play a very interesting setlist for bangkok too! :D

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Alamak, sorry sesangat for the scare. I was panicking and behaved like an idiot :$. I thought the question mark after the title would make it not so 'scary'.


thanks for the ride btw. When I get the bus tix and ETA will sms u.


On other news, enjoy MCR ppl!


seriously, it would be better if the gig don't sell out, it'll be safer really.. and we get to have muse alllll to ourselves. :p but i doubt the setlist will as awesome as the ozs.


oh lol! my bad my bad. i thought you meant KL like.. town with the KL towers and all that haha.




actually i think parking would be easy at about 4pm! once its 5 or 6 onwards, THEN it'll get bad due to the dinner rush and stuff. in the morning, there's lotsa ample parking. at noon though, i'm not too sure. but i'm sure you can find a place wan la, there're lotsa spaces available now. in the new wing AND old wing. you could park at central park too!


oh cheh.. lol i thought you juuuust bought it.


i hope muse decides to play a very interesting setlist for bangkok too! :D


ok la then. 1U it is, tho i don't actually know how to get there. heh.. have to ask shannaz first if it's ok with her. i wonder if adyla would like to join us..


Hope to see u then. Good luck with the studying Deb.


P.S- who has the best / reasonably good camera for the Dom project thinngy?


err... weresodisco? so, who's gonna make the happy birthday, dom sign?

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