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wooh Hello people!! Its been awhile since I posted eh? too long :( I have nothing to contribute to the current LOTR topic because I dont remember much of what I've watched :( But I personally think that a non-stop LOTR marathon might kill me :LOL: not because I hate it, but because... well, after 9 hours of nonstop tv, I'd be too lethargic to know what was going on! hahah.




Also, woohoo Star Trek is awesoooome! Sylar plays Spock so well with his matter-of-fact-ness and i'm-so-smart-whatever-comes-out-of-my-mouth-is-a-fact-even-if-i-were-to-say-that-pigs-can-fly-ness was very convincing :D and when they showed the Vulcan world imploding into a massive black hole.... WOAH, that was awesoooommeeee hahaha! \m/


I havent seen Angels & Demons yet though :( and I want to! i really really want to. but my exams are here (another reason why i dont post so much anymore) so i dont have the time! boohoo. but my next paper wont be for another 2 more weeks so maybe i'll catch it then. is it any good? :)


Also, WOOOOOH THE RESISTANCE!!! Sounds very anti-government :chuckle:

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Taureans rock! ;) Happy belated birthday Miele!


The Resistance has such a Terminator-ish sound to it. I LIKE! Also, United States of Eurasia?! That piece of orchestral score looks epic. How awesome is it that we are all a part of Eurasia? :D (that's if my understanding of Eurasia is correct lol) CANNOT. WAIT.



Liz, you are a real gig go-er. If you do go to UK to see Muse, remember to call me to tag along


Faramir is quite good looking honestly and I only start to notice him more after the extended version. And I notice him EVEN MORE after he acted as a side kick to Hugh Jackman in VanHelsing

Would be totally kick ass if we could all make it for Leeds/Reading festival 2010! (with Muse headlining ;) )


Yeaaaahh Van Helsing! He played such a dorky and adorable sidekick! I caught the movie yesterday on TV3 and I wonder if there'll be a Van Helsing sequel...

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Wow i just learnt that the new album name is The Resistance LOL!


Super exciting, and very Terminator sounding like what Liz said :D


This album is beginning to sound like a History lesson, with songs like United States Of Eurasia and the album title..


My guess is it's an 'alternate History of the world' concept album. (Star Trek has rubbed off on this subject)

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United States of Eurasia? hahaha that sounds awesome. Imagine if that were to really happen! Asia merging with Europe to form Eurasia. We'll be the most powerful country then! haha! Ah well, maybe they got so inspired by their Asian tour last year that they decided to dedicate their song to us indirectly :happy: I CANT WAIT OMG.


I finally watched Angels & Demons btw! Ewan McGregor, why do you look so good in that priest-dress! I feel like such a sinner for checking out a priest :LOL: and have any of you read the book yet? I was surprised at how much they stuck to it... until I realised that...



... they named a different guy as the new Pope! and they failed to mention how the Camerlengo was so pissed off when he found out that he was the pope's biological son or summat. and Robert Langdon was supposed to have waaay more fist-fighting scenes than that. Tom Hanks is getting old :noey: I dont get it though, if he can swim so many laps, why cant he fist-fight that assassin guy la? :(


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good to know that everyone's kickin'!

i've been sooooo busy with assignments and such, and it seems that A LOT has happened here!

it's very exciting that Muse's new album is well on its way and already had been named, The Resistance! and it does sounds very political-ish :LOL:

and United States Of Eurasia sounds epic! just look at the music sheet!

also, Star Trek was amazing and it does beat Star Wars by... well, a lot!! easily one of the best movies i've ever watched! Karl Urban from LOTR looked waaaaayyyy different, but waaaaaayyyy hotter ;)

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^ welcome back! :happy: How's uni treating you? Aside from assignments and all...




I finally watched Angels & Demons btw! Ewan McGregor, why do you look so good in that priest-dress! I feel like such a sinner for checking out a priest :LOL: and have any of you read the book yet? I was surprised at how much they stuck to it... until I realised that...



... they named a different guy as the new Pope! and they failed to mention how the Camerlengo was so pissed off when he found out that he was the pope's biological son or summat. and Robert Langdon was supposed to have waaay more fist-fighting scenes than that. Tom Hanks is getting old. I dont get it though, if he can swim so many laps, why cant he fist-fight that assassin guy la?

Ewan totally rocked that priest-robe/cassock right?! :D the only problem I had was Ewan's accent. "God's awh-sum powahhhs!" :awesome: I couldn't understand if he was trying to sound American or British with a twang of Italian...? I found out later that they made him an Irish priest instead of an Italian one.. no wonder it confused me. Or maybe I'm just too used to his Scottish one.. heh.



and yes, I was disappointed that they did not reveal how the old pope was supposed to be Carmerlengo's father :pope: and also the lack of skin action from Ewan :( If I remember correctly, the Carmerlengo in the book went stark naked atop the church or something...before lighting himself with fire? that would've been fun to watch :chuckle: they also killed the Hassassin in such a shallow way. Car bomb, seriously? How could Robert and Vittoria just let him off like that in the tower scene?! there are a lot of characters that they omitted too - Vittoria's adopted father... CERN's top CEO... then again though, I guess you shouldn't expect too much from the book to be transferred in the movie. I'm generally OK with the final outcome... :)


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Now i feel like watching Star-Trek lol. good promo there, Nut!



Wait. he's on Star Trek? oh i seriously need to watch Star-Trek now.. lol. I really like him in LOTR. i hope he still has long hair just like in LOTR..


i agree. we want a preview or some sort. twitter pictures are just enough! wow,yeah.. it's almost the end of the first decade in the new millenium. btw, have u downloaded Coldplay live album?



i did that too! haha.. if i couldn't finish a certain stage, i asked my brother to play it for me cause i wanted to see those videos. i really like playing Gandalf and Legolas. damn power those two.. Legolas > Frodo lol..


yeah la. great boss eh? he should buy him a "world's best boss" shirt or mug for that boss of his.


hehe.. Good choice of words.


Eye candies ftw! lol..


Oh Ewan is gorgeous! *swooons*


Already watch Star Trek yesterday! It's really a good movie :D It got me hooked up to it since it started. Too bad they only show Kirk's mum once. I wonder what happen to her :erm:


Preview from Muse?! Hehe.... I'm afaird all of us will get hooked up to that bit of preview we are so addicted to it :facepalm: better wait for everything to come out together =P


Haha.... Yeah, watching Legolas fight is cool because he always look so serious and his aim is so chun. XD Haha... Now you said it, I just remembered. Eowmer did act in it. He is the guy Kirk sat beside when he just joined the Starfleet. At that time I still recognise him because of his mustache and all but after he become the doctor, I can't recognise him already =P Frodo= Pippin= cute XD



Aiya when are there going to be more awesome gigs this year? I miss hanging out with u guys / or actually getting to meet Joelyn, hahah.



C'mon Muse! Announce the bloody album tour already. Damn lazybums



Liz, Dr McCoy = Eomer of Rohan = Karl Urban. But my fave will always be Aragorn son of Arathorn, the returning king :rolleyes: Also, it is dangerous to mention Mr Mortensen to me for fear of mind-melting/ obsession breakdown .... Faz has been a victim of my non-stop chattering about Viggo. I have been awaiting 'the Road;' since last year when principal shooting was done




It will be nice to meet you too, Miele XD

:LOL: You seems to be an avid fan of Mortensen. He is very heroic and it seems like a lot of people love him :D


Taureans rock! ;)

The Resistance has such a Terminator-ish sound to it. I LIKE! Also, United States of Eurasia?! That piece of orchestral score looks epic. How awesome is it that we are all a part of Eurasia? :D (that's if my understanding of Eurasia is correct lol) CANNOT. WAIT.



Would be totally kick ass if we could all make it for Leeds/Reading festival 2010! (with Muse headlining ;) )


Yeaaaahh Van Helsing! He played such a dorky and adorable sidekick! I caught the movie yesterday on TV3 and I wonder if there'll be a Van Helsing sequel...


Nice! So the United State of Eurasia is the symphonic monster? Cool


:LOL: It would be cool and we can be giggly and mosh around (although I'm quite scared of moshing :stunned:) Hehe....


Haha.... He look so cute and definitely dorky(but still cute....) in Van Helsing. I keep on annoying my bro by saying how cute Van Helsing sidekick is XP



United States of Eurasia? hahaha that sounds awesome. Imagine if that were to really happen! Asia merging with Europe to form Eurasia. We'll be the most powerful country then! haha! Ah well, maybe they got so inspired by their Asian tour last year that they decided to dedicate their song to us indirectly :happy: I CANT WAIT OMG.


I finally watched Angels & Demons btw! Ewan McGregor, why do you look so good in that priest-dress! I feel like such a sinner for checking out a priest and have any of you read the book yet? I was surprised at how much they stuck to it... until I realised that...


Problems with reading books to watching their movies, you will keep on saying how different it is from the book and sort of keeps you from enjoying the movie so much.... Like Harry Potter, Confession of the Shopaholic(yes, I read that book) Hopefully Evan McGregor can pull my attention enough :)



Ohhhh..... I can't wait for Terminator, Ice Age and Transformers XDDDDD

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Ewan totally rocked that priest-robe/cassock right?! :D the only problem I had was Ewan's accent. "God's awh-sum powahhhs!" :awesome: I couldn't understand if he was trying to sound American or British with a twang of Italian...? I found out later that they made him an Irish priest instead of an Italian one.. no wonder it confused me. Or maybe I'm just too used to his Scottish one.. heh.




Can't wait for Transformers too!!


Hey if you guys ever have a meet-up in Singapore, I might be able to make it! :happy:

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Ewan totally rocked that priest-robe/cassock right?! the only problem I had was Ewan's accent. "God's awh-sum powahhhs!" :awesome: I couldn't understand if he was trying to sound American or British with a twang of Italian...? I found out later that they made him an Irish priest instead of an Italian one.. no wonder it confused me. Or maybe I'm just too used to his Scottish one.. heh.



and yes, I was disappointed that they did not reveal how the old pope was supposed to be Carmerlengo's father :pope: and also the lack of skin action from Ewan :( If I remember correctly, the Carmerlengo in the book went stark naked atop the church or something...before lighting himself with fire? that would've been fun to watch :chuckle: they also killed the Hassassin in such a shallow way. Car bomb, seriously? How could Robert and Vittoria just let him off like that in the tower scene?! there are a lot of characters that they omitted too - Vittoria's adopted father... CERN's top CEO... then again though, I guess you shouldn't expect too much from the book to be transferred in the movie. I'm generally OK with the final outcome...


haha I actually forgot that the Camerlengo was Italian. and I forgot that Ewan was originally scottish too! i thought he was irish since he spoke with an irish accent :LOL: then i remembered the quilt pictures! ah well, he was still very shmexy. and not too long after watching the movie, i saw a men's magazine with Ewan on the cover! i flipped inside and saw like an 8 page spread on him. those pictures were DIVIIIINE :awesome: If only it was a women's magazine. I'd buy it in a heartbeat :chuckle:



eh ya hor I actually forgot about the whole self-killing stark-naked part. its been awhile since I last read A&D! Yeah I was a bit taken aback by the car bomb... thinking "EH, that's not supposed to happen!", there arent enough action scenes la. its supposed to be an action movie kan? and yeah.. i vaguely remember Vittoria's adopted father. but I keep getting confused with Sophie Neveau (sp?)'s grandfather instead. I just remember during the eyeball part, i thought "what the, so fast reach here already?". I felt like I was watching the Discovery Channel during the first few minutes :chuckle:


eh you know what i just realised. i forgot about a lot of minor details in the book haha.



Problems with reading books to watching their movies, you will keep on saying how different it is from the book and sort of keeps you from enjoying the movie so much.... Like Harry Potter, Confession of the Shopaholic(yes, I read that book) Hopefully Evan McGregor can pull my attention enough :)



Ohhhh..... I can't wait for Terminator, Ice Age and Transformers XDDDDD


haha yeah, the books are always better than the movies. though I have to admit, its very rare, where I've actually read the book first before watching the movie! :LOL: I was always the one didnt read the book, or only read the book after watching the movie. so yeah, with that being said i wasnt THAT disappointed la. i still enjoyed the movie :) so go watch it! :D


Happy Birthday NOOR!


OMG ur 15! I remember when i was 15, it was 9 years ago!




Dude your photoshop skills are WIKID. \nn/



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haha I actually forgot that the Camerlengo was Italian. and I forgot that Ewan was originally scottish too! i thought he was irish since he spoke with an irish accent :LOL: then i remembered the quilt pictures! ah well, he was still very shmexy. and not too long after watching the movie, i saw a men's magazine with Ewan on the cover! i flipped inside and saw like an 8 page spread on him. those pictures were DIVIIIINE :awesome: If only it was a women's magazine. I'd buy it in a heartbeat :chuckle:


Dude your photoshop skills are WIKID. \nn/


I would have bought it anyways. :LOL:


Agreed, I can't use Photoshop at alll. You can see some of Absolution at the bottom of one of the squares though, hehe.

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good eye there, Tee. :D and i saw the magazine too! Ewan is truly divine there.


i agree. Nut has some awesome photoshop skills! You should create an artwork for The Resistance, Nut. there are some cool ones at the fan artwork thread.


HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY Noooooooooor! :kiss::D


ahhhhh.. 'tis the HOLIDAYS!! :dance:

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Thank you for the wishes, I LOVE YOUS!!! :kiss:

That is AWESOME, Nut!! It made go :D I see A Rush of Blood TTH WEEEEE


Ewan: He's taking a dump! In a can!

LOL The Island. Ewan <3



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They should've used those lush pictures of Ewan for a women's magazine la. They'll get more sales that way :p hahaha.


So nice, you guys have holidays :( I on the other hand, have EXAMS. IN 2 WEEKS. And I have never procrastinated more. sigh!


On the other hand, I saw Terminator Salvation last night.


Oh. My. God. Seriously. I didnt know what to expect, and I was so blown away! throughout the whole movie my mouth was half open :eek: it really kept me on the edge of my seat. So thrilling, so absorbing, so friggin GOOD. I think it might be better than Star Trek :eek: and the terminator theme was so.. epic la. I felt shivers, seriously.


Also, watch out for Kyle Reese! Its the same actor who plays Chekov in Star Trek! :happy:

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So nice, you guys have holidays :( I on the other hand, have EXAMS. IN 2 WEEKS. And I have never procrastinated more. sigh!


On the other hand, I saw Terminator Salvation last night.


Oh. My. God. Seriously. I didnt know what to expect, and I was so blown away! throughout the whole movie my mouth was half open :eek: it really kept me on the edge of my seat. So thrilling, so absorbing, so friggin GOOD. I think it might be better than Star Trek :eek: and the terminator theme was so.. epic la. I felt shivers, seriously.


Also, watch out for Kyle Reese! Its the same actor who plays Chekov in Star Trek! :happy:


hey, good luck on your upcoming exams!


i've seen terminator salvation too. it was awesome! but not as amazing and awesome as Star Trek though. but hey, that's just my own opinion, and maybe because i'm such a huge fan of science and space and everything in between that made Star Trek very, very appealing to me :D


and i did noticed Anton Yelchin! and, oh my goodness, i've fallen in love! he was sooo cute and adorable and funny in Star Trek, but then in Terminator, he was more manly and became hot all of a sudden :eyebrows: that actually made me squeal in delight whenever his scene came up :$:p:D

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Thanks guys, photoshop and stuff is what i like to do! :D





Thanks to Kak Faz for the idea!


Deb good luck for your exams. It feels like you always have exams lol.


I can't wait to watch Salvation for its effects and robots (not hot guys)!


Mel I'm a sci-fi geek too!! hahaha. Do you read sci-fi books? I love this author called Arthur C. Clarke. He died recently at a very old age though.


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I can't wait to watch Salvation for its effects and robots (not hot guys)!

Lol, I certainly watch movies for the wrong reasons then. :LOL::p:happy:


You know what would make a really cool album cover for The Resistance?


A worn out coat/jacket with a red cloth tied around the sleeve of it. You cannot get your hands on the album until you've earned it. Now that's what I call Terminator inspired ;)

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hot guys make movies more interesting to watch. i see no harm in that..:p


woah Nut, go and post yr artwork at the fan artwork thread la. you've created a pretty interesting one there.


so many birthdays lately! meriah betul..:D



Have a great one.:D


Deb, good luck for yr exam. i need to watch Terminator too!

Edited by crazy_mary
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WAH T4 was awesome!!! AND is Moon Bloodgood hot or wat!! You guys, go out, and find John Connor!


Liz: Lol with that^ said i guess ur not entirely wrong watching movies for that reason..


Tee: Thanks! It was partly inspired by Star Trek and I made it seemed like the light

from behind the text is making it become a sillhoette(sp?!). Like the idea was there's

a light(some divine backup) behind the cause for whatever the resistance is up to(i just made that up)


Kak Faz: I already put it in the muselive forum so i think i've done enough sharing lol..


And since it's T4 fever and Mel's Birthday..




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