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why hello pandorasboxers! :D you're always welcome to post here anytime. Happy Chinese New Year to you too.:happy: did you manage to catch Mogwai there last Friday?


Deb, am with you. i'll only buy Sunburst tix after they've announced the line-up.


Liz. it's awesome that you got to pass the letter to the band. the envelope you made was seriously beautiful! thanks to you they have something to remember us malaysians by! i hope they come again. is it too much to ask them to come for Sunburst too? :p and hey, maybe the soundscape guy remembered you from waiting for switchfoot at the airport! haha.. you never know. no pictures from the M&G? how was Stuart? was he talkative as well?


honestly, i didn't notice the lighting that much. perhaps we were too close to the stage to actually see the full lighting effects. i watched some singapore's gig vids and the lighting at Esplanande was fantastic. some people said that the attendance for KL's gig was depressing. not a lot of people came.. :(


Aida, thanks for the pictures. i have a video of batcat which i'm trying to upload on youtube.

dang it! Stuart was right of front of us.:stunned::happy: i adore him and his 14 thank you very much! i shall remember Mogwai's gig as the gig in which i almost tercekik strepsil haha...terkejut siot!! but it was a brilliant gig!! i am a fan now. they were freaking LOUD but good loud. and i love your new sigs! haha.. man, Butters and Mogwai withdrawals are too much for me to handle.


More Butters and Mogwai adoration.



compare and contrast Butterfingers' and Mogwai's stage haha.. since it's the holidays and i have time to spare.

Butter's stage at IB


too berselerak with all the wires..


Mogwai's stage at KL Convec


hmm... how many amps can you see?


i just realised i have Butters wearing baju melayu picture!



and yes, Emmet played the violin bit in Merdeka. he went to the back of the stage, asked us to continue singing while he grabbed a violin and played it! :happy:


Loko is one cool drummer i tell you. i thought i had a crappy seat when i was seating inches behind him on the first show. but it was so cool to see him play the drums. gotta love watching him shuffle ;) Loko padu!! :\mm/:


i apologize for a very giddy post. btw, PBS sounds like parti bersatu sabah eh?



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Wow. Happy Chinese New Year everyone! Can't believe i've got 2 days of P.H woohooo!


Nice pics Kak Faz and Aida! It must be awesome that you guys get to be so close to the stage and the guys are almost eye level eh...:)


Nice review by Liz too! It's always fun to read esp when we're not there.


If the line-up for Sunburst is worth going, then i'll definitely go! It's just a one day event right? I'll be like you guys and wait for the confirmed line-up as well. At RM146, it's so worth it even if there's only one power band.


Hey pandorasboxers! I'm from where you're from too and i always come here lol. So it'll be great to have another Muser from SG. :viking:

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Welcome, Pandorasboxers!


OMG? wait, how old will you be next year? 15? Dont normal people take their 'O' levels when they're 17? or was it 18. what the!


I will be 16 next year! It depends on what course you are in. Normal Academic/Technical - Take their O Levels at the end of the 5th year (final year) of Secondary education, Express/Special - At the end of the 4th year (final year) of Secondary education.

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Welcome, Pandorasboxers!




I will be 16 next year! It depends on what course you are in. Normal Academic/Technical - Take their O Levels at the end of the 5th year (final year) of Secondary education, Express/Special - At the end of the 4th year (final year) of Secondary education.


Hi! What school are you from?

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In a hurry so here goes *takes a deep breath*



1.To all Chinese Musers, hope u had a wonderful time. Sorry belated wish!




2.Butters: I owe some ppl here some photos and old CDs / cassettes (sorry Aida!love ur photos), so forgive my tardiness and view this instead:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz6B0ixVY6k. hah


And in spirit of PBS I will call Faz Maharani for a week from today :D.



3. Mogwai: loved it, even loved the ringing in my ear the next day. Loved Liz's review as well.



4.. Absolutely unconfirmed weird rumor of the week: my BFFs brother heard from some promoter friend that Radiohead may be coming to KL in the middle of this year.


That is all. Ta! *runs off to do work*

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4.. Absolutely unconfirmed weird rumor of the week: my BFFs brother heard from some promoter friend that Radiohead may be coming to KL in the middle of this year.


That is all. Ta! *runs off to do work*



LOL weird indeed. But, just in case; if they do come, please please please get me tickets cause I don't want to be left disappointed when tickets are sold out "within a few hours". :p

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My friend who works at gua.com (which may be the official podcast for Sunburst) says that Coldplay may come, i.e. in negotiations but not yet confirmed.


So early bird prices up to the 8th of Feb right? Am contemplating hantam beli ja the tix without knowing the lineup. Hmm do I feel lucky, punk? :LOL::p


If jadi la, it would be so fun if can have a Muser meetup with u guys. Deb, we could actually manage to chat, or something :D




Nut, haha okay will do. It would be like fantasy world or something if Radiohead do come. Kat SG no rumours meh?



Take care u guys. I also hope the kids at school are treating a certain someone like the 'Maharani' she is ;)

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LOL weird indeed. But, just in case; if they do come, please please please get me tickets cause I don't want to be left disappointed when tickets are sold out "within a few hours". :p


weird rumor indeed! i thought of that too. if radiohead do come here, am sure we'll have to camp out to buy the tix or something like that. it'll be madness! :p Nut, it'll be so cool if u could come here for sunburst, yay!


My friend who works at gua.com (which may be the official podcast for Sunburst) says that Coldplay may come, i.e. in negotiations but not yet confirmed.


So early bird prices up to the 8th of Feb right? Am contemplating hantam beli ja the tix without knowing the lineup. Hmm do I feel lucky, punk? :LOL::p


If jadi la, it would be so fun if can have a Muser meetup with u guys. Deb, we could actually manage to chat, or something :D




Nut, haha okay will do. It would be like fantasy world or something if Radiohead do come. Kat SG no rumours meh?



Take care u guys. I also hope the kids at school are treating a certain someone like the 'Maharani' she is ;)


what? me? Maharani? aww shucks! :$:chuckle: i'd have to order my students to bow and kiss my ring --have to find a huge fake diamond ring for that-- every time they see me then haha... that might get me in trouble again tho. :stunned::LOL:


so coldplay is still not confirmed for sunburst? i think pineapple is quite bold in selling the tix without announcing the line up. i wonder if there's anyone who already bought their tix.. am gonna wait patiently till they announced the line-up, thank you very much.



thanks for that Butter's vid link. wow they're great actors as well! multi-talented betul la Butterfingers nih. Padu!! :D


next month is our 2 years anniversary! :eek: any plans peeps?

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i am..cant wait!


lol.... hopefully I can go thou. A lot of my collegues are applying for off on that month....



So anyone going for FOB? I'm not, heh.


btw, Thanks everyone for listening to my ranting. I love all of yous.

Also, I took the SPERS (School Placement Exercise for Returning Singaporeans) on the 2nd, and I got into the EXPRESS STREAM!!! WEEEHEEE!!!!!

Which also means my 'O' Levels is NEXT YEAR


Where is FOB holding their concert? in Singapore? because I don't see any advertisement in the newspaper :erm:


Hey thanks for the tip .Ooh is the parking near times square free? where exactly did you park? and thats the thing about taking monorail/LRT though, we're scared it might close early, or it'll be jam packed with people when the gig ends.


Yeah we thought of that, but we have no idea how to get to Std Merdeka, and we have no idea how to get to Std Negara FROM Std Merdeka :LOL: We're PJ people la, KL isnt our 'turf' :LOL: but maybe we could test drive around that area before the gig la. Thanks for the tip! :)


Yeah I'm going! I'm most like getting seated tickets, because, hey, its Jason Mraz. Hard to enjoy his very chill-out gig standing up IMHO. So I might as well just sit, relax, and enjoy his great relaxing music! *stretches* His voice is WONDERFUL when he sings live, he has so much talent :)

So yeah, probably RM68/88 tickets for me. Plus I'm saving up for Sunburst teehee.


Nah I'm not. Cant be arsed :p


OMG? wait, how old will you be next year? 15? Dont normal people take their 'O' levels when they're 17? or was it 18. what the!


playing... where? :eek:


Nah, you can walk to Stadium Negara from Std Merdeka. About 5 minutes walk. VI school is between the both of them :happy:


I'm going to get the seating tickets too cause a bit weird to be jumping around for Jason Mraz concert :p (and also cause it is cheaper and have the cheapest one 68 ringgit ^^, I sound like so cheapskate)lol


Nor I. heh...


woah.. so clever la you! :D




that's in singapore. why do great bands always come to singapore? :stunned: they should come here, we're more fun! :p




Deb. am not from KL either. Klang is further to KL than PJ weh.. haha. Std Negara is just next to Std Merdeka. you won't get lost punyer.


oh and btw,

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! please pm me if any of u would like to give me an ang pau :p:D


Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!!! Just came back from Kedah :D

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I proudly declare that the hiatus is over. Weee! Holidays are upon me!


I have so many things planned this time round. Who could forget the Singapore trip last semester? Has it really been a quarter of the year since then? Wow. Best thing to do would be to sit at home and rot :D Can't hardly wait for that. Right now though, lots of cookie-baking to do! (well I only help out, I'm the one who would usually put the pineapple jam tarts in the cupcake paper thing lol)


Ah, and what a great way to start my hols or "lepaskan exam geram" as Miele would put it ;) Mogwai came and totally startled me. Oh btw guys, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to talk to you properly after the show! I was about to go up to Love Me Butch's Meng (he was in the crowd!) to ask him which band he would bring in the next time round - but then I heard about the queueing up for a chance to meet the band so I went straight there, with my letter in hand :] I'll come to that letter part eventually but first the gig itself.


The lights. The colour. The shadows. The music. It all fits so - as cliche as this may sound - perfectly. I have to say Mogwai possibly has a sound to every shade of colour. When the music unites together you don't just get a blend of white but a rainbow of sound! Yes, a rainbow despite having the music that you hear being extremely dark and mysterious, and also at times almost boisterous. This is possibly the first time ever in a gig that I can't tell which instrument played on stage is making which distinct noise that I hear. Why, usually I could pay close attention to only the bass line for a period of time before moving on to the lead guitars for example. On Wednesday night however, try as I may, my attention couldn't just focus on one distinct instrument but instead I get everything in full force.


Truly, a night with a wide range of volume and sounds along with the countless (and adorable) "thank you very much" that we got. The band plays with such confidence and total concentration on their fellow band mates. For the music that they make, it would certainly require a lot of patience with your fellow band members to make it work and sound like what we experienced that night. My friend commented that they do not look like they were too into their songs like Explosions in the Sky, but instead they seemed really comfortable being on stage - drinking booze every once in awhile.


Speaking of alcohol, LOL the guys seemed really tipsy after the gig/during the meet&greet session. Kudos to the KLCC & Soundscape management for making an effort to have things run smoothly during the M&G! I managed to head up to the VIP lounge rooms in the first floor to have a chance to pass them the letter I wrote! (I got really bored of studying the night before - so I made an envelope that I'm particularly proud of for them along with the letter) No one else gave the guys something to take back so they were quite surprised to receive the letter. Then again, they were very talkative, extremely approachable and easily amused. I blame it on the alcohol lol. John Cummings was particularly hilarious. He was drinking orange juice and some vodka - to which he blames about the funny faces that he makes in pictures and apologized accordingly for it. At this point I chipped in "aww, but we love that you're making funny faces!" He was quiet for awhile before breaking into a huuuge smile saying, "Shucks, you just made me blush" in a verrry Scottish accent and looked away shyly and you know how Ewan McGregor's accent would make my knees go weak so... after that my friend kinda had to push me a bit so I would keep the line moving hahaha! I told the drummer that I love his choice of clothes (Mickey Mouse lol!), and then I gave the letter to the bassist, Dominic because he seemed rather quiet. Boy, was I wrong, as soon as he saw the envelope, he became quite talkative. As I was leaving the autograph area, I saw that he was attempting to open the letter. I asked him to read it on his flight to Singapore or something, but no, he was figuring a way out to open it without tearing the envelope there and then... lol how embarrassing. Good thing my friend quickly walked me out of the room after that because I wasn't sure if I could face looking at their reactions while reading the horribly written letter.


Despite the euphoria I was feeling after the concert and meeting them, I managed to thank all of them for coming to Malaysia, and I talked to the Soundscape guy as well to thank him for bringing Explosions AND Mogwai! He saw that I was holding a letter and asked why I didn't meet up with them at the airport. Lol. Does my face have a "I stalk bands in airport" stamped on it or something?! I guess Mogwai was lucky I had exams that day.


What an experience, and to be sure it would be one that would be difficult to overcome, in terms of lights and quality of sound.


My ears are still ringing! <3


Woa, sorry for the wall of text...


Oh and Debbie, I'm sorry I didn't read your PM til today :[ the seated Jason Mraz tickets soudn rather appealing to me lol. I'll see what I can scrape from CNY haha! What movie were you watching that day?


Sunburst's RM143 early bird tickets are on sale from now til Feb 8th :) I wonder if Kaiser could squeeze March 21st for a Sunburst appearance!


:LOL: The meet and greet sounds really fun for you. Haha.... Looks away shyly? Is he really that shy? Lol.... I'm sure it's cute to look at:rolleyes::chuckle: I doubt he(the bassist) could open the envolope without tearing it but with ur friend pulling you off, I bet he will quickly open the envolope :p without tearing it apart la.


What did you write in the envolope anyway? :ninja: I am a busy body :$ lol


:LOL: Most probably when you talk to the soundscrape guy, it sounds like you are quite experienced. :p Nah, don't take it as an offence. Take it as a compliment lo ;) Hehe.... Too bad we haven't met Muse from close up yet :p:LOL:


Happy Chinese New Year, Liz:D

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Hello Malaysians! Happy Chinese New Year! I'm Singaporean but the Singapore thread is dead...don't mind if I crash the Malaysian party!


Haha.... It's ok and you are welcome. Nut here is a Singaporean as well :happy:


why hello pandorasboxers! :D you're always welcome to post here anytime. Happy Chinese New Year to you too.:happy: did you manage to catch Mogwai there last Friday?


Deb, am with you. i'll only buy Sunburst tix after they've announced the line-up.


Liz. it's awesome that you got to pass the letter to the band. the envelope you made was seriously beautiful! thanks to you they have something to remember us malaysians by! i hope they come again. is it too much to ask them to come for Sunburst too? :p and hey, maybe the soundscape guy remembered you from waiting for switchfoot at the airport! haha.. you never know. no pictures from the M&G? how was Stuart? was he talkative as well?


honestly, i didn't notice the lighting that much. perhaps we were too close to the stage to actually see the full lighting effects. i watched some singapore's gig vids and the lighting at Esplanande was fantastic. some people said that the attendance for KL's gig was depressing. not a lot of people came.. :(


Aida, thanks for the pictures. i have a video of batcat which i'm trying to upload on youtube.

dang it! Stuart was right of front of us.:stunned::happy: i adore him and his 14 thank you very much! i shall remember Mogwai's gig as the gig in which i almost tercekik strepsil haha...terkejut siot!! but it was a brilliant gig!! i am a fan now. they were freaking LOUD but good loud. and i love your new sigs! haha.. man, Butters and Mogwai withdrawals are too much for me to handle.



:LOL:Almost tercekik your strepsils?! :LOL: Poor you but it sounded so funny and cute when you said that :chuckle: Thank you and happy cny to you too :D





Welcome, Pandorasboxers!




I will be 16 next year! It depends on what course you are in. Normal Academic/Technical - Take their O Levels at the end of the 5th year (final year) of Secondary education, Express/Special - At the end of the 4th year (final year) of Secondary education.


Gong Hei Fatt Choi.

Wor mei you angpau kei ni wor.... :(:p

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:LOL: The meet and greet sounds really fun for you. Haha.... Looks away shyly? Is he really that shy? Lol.... I'm sure it's cute to look at:rolleyes::chuckle: I doubt he(the bassist) could open the envolope without tearing it but with ur friend pulling you off, I bet he will quickly open the envolope :p without tearing it apart la.


What did you write in the envolope anyway? :ninja: I am a busy body :$ lol


:LOL: Most probably when you talk to the soundscrape guy, it sounds like you are quite experienced. :p Nah, don't take it as an offence. Take it as a compliment lo ;) Hehe.... Too bad we haven't met Muse from close up yet :p:LOL:


Happy Chinese New Year, Liz:D

Lol I didn't get much pics from the M&G, but the letter was basically thanking them for coming all the way from Scotland to Malaysia! I also wrote and asked them to talk to their counterparts, Idlewild/Snow Patrol, about Malaysia so these other bands would play here too.. Haha! :D


I regret not getting the soundscape guy's number or something. Only his name! Meh.




Anywayyy, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! :] I had a pretty eventful start to the year I have to say. Long story, maybe I'll talk to you guys about it during Sunburst. Hehe.


So heyyyyy, does anyone remember Kevin B!??!?! He used to run this radio rock show back in the old Wow FM days... I was so depressed when he disappeared for like 5 years or so. But now... I FOUND HIM!!! HE'S ON EVERY WEEKDAY - 1AM TIL 4AM, on Capital FM 88.9!!!!! Gah, I miss his sarcasm and quirkiness! Right now, he's playing songs with names attached to it. Adrianne - The Calling, Iris - Goo Goo Dolls, Stacy's Mom - Fountains of Wayne, Jeremy - Pearl Jam etc. I remember hearing Lifehouse's Spin for the first time ever on his show back in 2002. Wow. 7 years ago. Good God, I missed him!


Anyone planning to head to Sunburst's launch party @ Pavilion, 9pm next Friday? They'll be announcing the official lineup then!

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Hi! What school are you from?


Been studying in JB for 5 years, I'll be getting posted to a school in S'pore this coming Wednesday. :D


Where is FOB holding their concert? in Singapore? because I don't see any advertisement in the newspaper :erm:


Gong Hei Fatt Choi.

Wor mei you angpau kei ni wor.... :(:


http://www.mtvasia.com/News/200812/16017192.html :D



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Gong Hei Fatt Choi.

Wor mei you angpau kei ni wor.... :(:p


i wonder what that means? you don't have angpau something. something? i used to understand cantonese a bit when i was in college but i kinda forgot about it as i grow older. but i still remember this magical sentence "chee so hai pinto arr?" :p:chuckle:


So heyyyyy, does anyone remember Kevin B!??!?! He used to run this radio rock show back in the old Wow FM days... I was so depressed when he disappeared for like 5 years or so. But now... I FOUND HIM!!! HE'S ON EVERY WEEKDAY - 1AM TIL 4AM, on Capital FM 88.9!!!!! Gah, I miss his sarcasm and quirkiness! Right now, he's playing songs with names attached to it. Adrianne - The Calling, Iris - Goo Goo Dolls, Stacy's Mom - Fountains of Wayne, Jeremy - Pearl Jam etc. I remember hearing Lifehouse's Spin for the first time ever on his show back in 2002. Wow. 7 years ago. Good God, I missed him!


Kevin B! oh yeah, i still remember him. so there's dj now on FM88.9. the last time i was listening to that station there were only songs. good songs tho but mostly American songs and sometimes Suede was played. oh wow Jeremy? Stacy's Mom? those songs are like from "my era" la.. haha..i wonder if they'll play jars of clay or gin blossoms.


Been studying in JB for 5 years, I'll be getting posted to a school in S'pore this coming Wednesday. :D


so you're moving to singapore? :stunned:




in the spirit of Australian Open. come now, Roger!!!! :D

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i wonder what that means? you don't have angpau something. something? i used to understand cantonese a bit when i was in college but i kinda forgot about it as i grow older. but i still remember this magical sentence "chee so hai pinto arr?" :p:chuckle:


She said "Happy Chinese New Year. I don't have an angbao to give to you." in...Hokkien I think? I only speak Mandarin but that sentence is almost exactly the same.

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Lol I didn't get much pics from the M&G, but the letter was basically thanking them for coming all the way from Scotland to Malaysia! I also wrote and asked them to talk to their counterparts, Idlewild/Snow Patrol, about Malaysia so these other bands would play here too.. Haha!


I regret not getting the soundscape guy's number or something. Only his name! Meh.




Anywayyy, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! :] I had a pretty eventful start to the year I have to say. Long story, maybe I'll talk to you guys about it during Sunburst. Hehe.


So heyyyyy, does anyone remember Kevin B!??!?! He used to run this radio rock show back in the old Wow FM days... I was so depressed when he disappeared for like 5 years or so. But now... I FOUND HIM!!! HE'S ON EVERY WEEKDAY - 1AM TIL 4AM, on Capital FM 88.9!!!!! Gah, I miss his sarcasm and quirkiness! Right now, he's playing songs with names attached to it. Adrianne - The Calling, Iris - Goo Goo Dolls, Stacy's Mom - Fountains of Wayne, Jeremy - Pearl Jam etc. I remember hearing Lifehouse's Spin for the first time ever on his show back in 2002. Wow. 7 years ago. Good God, I missed him!


Anyone planning to head to Sunburst's launch party @ Pavilion, 9pm next Friday? They'll be announcing the official lineup then!


:LOL: NIce! But it's kinda thoughtful of you to write a letter thanking them :D I'm sure they would want to come again after reading your letter. Hehe... at least you know that soundscrape guy's name and which company he's working in ;] So not that hard to find him next time if you want to =P


The launch is at 9pm? Wow.... isn't it kinda late? I thought at least about 8 pm




Been studying in JB for 5 years, I'll be getting posted to a school in S'pore this coming Wednesday.


http://www.mtvasia.com/News/200812/16017192.html :D




So you won't be staying in Malaysia anymore?


:LOL: You do know how to read chinese. Sorry la dear but like what Debbie say, only married people give angpau's. :p


i wonder what that means? you don't have angpau something. something? i used to understand cantonese a bit when i was in college but i kinda forgot about it as i grow older. but i still remember this magical sentence "chee so hai pinto arr?" :p:chuckle:



Kevin B! oh yeah, i still remember him. so there's dj now on FM88.9. the last time i was listening to that station there were only songs. good songs tho but mostly American songs and sometimes Suede was played. oh wow Jeremy? Stacy's Mom? those songs are like from "my era" la.. haha..i wonder if they'll play jars of clay or gin blossoms.


so you're moving to singapore? :stunned:



in the spirit of Australian Open. come now, Roger!!!! :D


What I actually mean is Gong Xi Fa Chai, sorry but I got no angpau to give :p Erm.... Faz, are you saying some chinese bad word? :stunned: Lol....



She said "Happy Chinese New Year. I don't have an angbao to give to you." in...Hokkien I think? I only speak Mandarin but that sentence is almost exactly the same.


:LOL: It's mandrin la my dear but i think the structur is in hokkien la :p

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What I actually mean is Gong Xi Fa Chai, sorry but I got no angpau to give :p Erm.... Faz, are you saying some chinese bad word? :stunned: Lol....


what the heck? no.. :LOL: i didn't mean to swear haha. i was trying to say where is the freaking toilet?:$:LOL:


sorry for butchering the language. :$


No wonder. :LOL: The only thing I know how to say in Hokkien is.....Hokkien mee. :LOL::facepalm:


Hokkien mee sounds so nice but mee rebus is more delicious!

Edited by crazy_mary
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so you're moving to singapore? :stunned:


So you won't be staying in Malaysia anymore?


:LOL: You do know how to read chinese. Sorry la dear but like what Debbie say, only married people give angpau's. :p


No, I'll still be staying here (in JB...and here in the boards too...) :D


Wo ge yi chiang hua yi! Yi dian dian only. :LOL: I get the tones wrong all the time!



Pandorasboxers and Nut,


:D I chose schools around the Northern part, 'coz I'll be commuting to school :eek: Heheh.

First choice : Marsiling Sec :p

Basically my parents have had it with the attitudes of the teachers and so on and so forth. And so have I. So I decided to take the SPERS exam. We weren't so serious that time, but after we got the results, and we've chosen the schools...I'm so ready to leave the shit hole I'm studying in :happy:


what the heck? no.. :LOL: i didn't mean to swear haha. i was trying to say where is the freaking toilet?:$:LOL:


sorry for butchering the language. :$


Hokkien mee sounds so nice but mee rebus is more delicious!






Auntie Faz, Nut, Liz, Tee, Joelyn, I haz PM-ed yous.

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Liz & Faz, thanks for telling about Capital fm….I didn’t know its existence yikes!

They play Suede? Cool !


I’ve checked out the station, & they were playing Indie 101 – today specifically on American Indie History Special – so they played REM, Pearl Jam, Pavement, Jeff Buckley, Lemonheads etc… ah reminds me of the 90s ! ;)


Also, glad that everyone enjoyed their CNY celebrations/ holidays :happy:

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No, I'll still be staying here (in JB...and here in the boards too...) :D


Wo ge yi chiang hua yi! Yi dian dian only. :LOL: I get the tones wrong all the time!



Pandorasboxers and Nut,


:D I chose schools around the Northern part, 'coz I'll be commuting to school :eek: Heheh.

First choice : Marsiling Sec :p

Basically my parents have had it with the attitudes of the teachers and so on and so forth. And so have I. So I decided to take the SPERS exam. We weren't so serious that time, but after we got the results, and we've chosen the schools...I'm so ready to leave the shit hole I'm studying in :happy:








Auntie Faz, Nut, Liz, Tee, Joelyn, I haz PM-ed yous.


Oh! I was hoping you'd attend my alma mater - Bukit Panjang Government High! Quite a number of Malaysians there...Hope you'll have fun in Marsiling Sec! By the way my name is Hidayah.;)

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