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Hello peeps!


And welcome newcomer to the board.:)


Faz and Deb, so sorry to hear, hope u guys can work out the plans somehow....


Liz, how fun la ur Spore adventure, watcha doin now? Sorry bout the really late reply, amidst all the Raya preparations I totally tak sedar ur sms.



More importantly: Selamat Hari Raya! Have an excellent one! Ampun dan Maaf etc to everyone, if I've said (typed?) the wrong thing, been offensive etc.

Edited by miele
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Hey guys! Nah I guess it looks like I wont be able to make it for Lifehouse :( i feel damn bummed okay. Buses are seriously damn booked, and its too last minute to plan a trip there now anyway haha. None of us (my friends and I) are that rich or free to have a super spontaneous trip to Singapore! hahaha. we need proper planning. :( so emo la, why la Lifehouse only announce their gig one week before it?!?! and why must their gig be during raya?? *wuwuwu* :'(


Liz I really appreciate you trying to help and all, but nalah, looks like i wont be going to Singapore at all, nevermind watching Lifehouse. wuwuwu :'(


Hey anordinarymiracle, welcome to the board! well, as far as I know, if you were in M'sia, the chances of you entering a club underage is pretty high ahha. But Singapore is know to be pretty strict about their rules, and even Nutcracker said that they'd check your ID even if you had grey hair! So maybe going in through the front entrance is out of the option...

Maybe you could sneak in the backdoor? hahaha. It happens in movies a lot! :$ sorry i'm not being very helpful haha.

Are you even a Muse fan? :p


Selamat Hari Raya Puasa guys! :D Have lotsa fun collecting er.... the Hari Raya version of Ang-Paos! :p

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LIZ!! F1 SG WAS DAMN AWESOME AND U GOT TO WATCH IT LIVE???????? OH THE ENVY!!!! I JUST HAVE TO TYPE IN CAPS FOR THAT! lucky u didn't call me coz i wasn't able to pick up the phone anyways. i was at the masjid la for terawih heh heh..:$ but thanks a lot for remembering! i can't wait for u to upload the vid.


but may i please call u during Lifehouse? esp if they play "Wash". i didn't get the tickets. i called earlier just for info. Nut is rite la.. it's raya. i can't go MIA during raya while my family is here. plus all the ziarah that we have to do.. if u ever get to meet Lifehouse at the airport --i pray that u will-- can u please say hi to Jason Wade for me? i love him la.. he writes music and lyrics that most of the time describe my feelings and emotions! oh man. gosh.. am just too emo rite now. sedihnyer tak dpt tengok Lifehouse!! i've been listening to my old battered Stanley Climbfall cassete and i just love ém even more. if i tak tahan, i mite just go there anyway. that's a big IF though.

The roar of the engines made me soooo happy, even if I went back on Monday itself, I would've been contented! Lol. Ok, no, if I left before LH I might've not regained back my life after what happened in the Philippines.


Wash <3 "All my life I've never found my place, until I felt the sunlight on my face, my sunshine"! Don't think they'll play that song though hmmm they've been playing more new songs recently, but here's hoping they would change the setlist! Unfortunately, due to the hurricane/ribut taufan at Taipei, their flight has been resceduled and everything. I mean, I seriously don't know when are the exact times anymore. Stopped by at Changi this afternoon, only to be greeted by a RETIMED arrival time for a flight coming in from Los Angeles. From 11:45am, now it's 2:40am the next day -__-


But yeah, whatever it is, I have to meet Lifehouse! I'll work something out...! And I'll tell them about fans from the neighbouring country!


Hey guys! :D


I'm sorry for butting in, but I chanced upon this forum while surfing on Google for Lifehouse's gig in Singapore!


Well, I'm from Singapore and I'm a HUGE Lifehouse fan! I was so stoked to find out that they're having a gig here on Saturday, but VERY unfortunately, I'm turning 17 only in November. So technically, I'm only 16 and well, the age limit for St. James Powerhouse does not allow me entry to the Lifehouse gig. I was wayyyy upset. Do any of you guys know if it's possible to sneak in? I don't know if I should try, though. I'm just a student and money is tight, so the $70 ticket will come straight out from my pocket. If they deny me entry, it'll go to waste. But at the same time, I'm a HUGE fan of theirs and really, really, really want to go for it. I mean, it's possibly one of my only chances to catch them here - and well, I guess it's foiled. :( *sobs* I tried all ways and means, and emailed the relevant people - Universal Music, Gate Crash, Sistic, Addicted Entertainment if there's anything they can do about it, but I guess my efforts are futile.


And if you guys are feeling especially kind/generous and are lucky enough to meet Lifehouse, would you guys get me an autograph? Haha. Nah, kidding, I don't wanna trouble anyone. Just have fun!


- Eunice

Hey Eunice, I'm pretty sure I know what you feel right now. So clooosee yet so far, right? Have you tried calling the venue to ask? Maybe if you had your elder brother/cousin or parents to come along with you as a chaperone, they might allow that. I really hope you do get to see them live eventually. Another proper "real" fan in the audience would be awesomeness! Sometimes I can't stand that people only love Lifehouse because they thought You & Me is such a nicee lovey dovey song. Keep us updated with your progress ya, of getting into the venue? :)


Maybe you could sneak in the backdoor? hahaha. It happens in movies a lot! :$ sorry i'm not being very helpful haha.

According to my friend in singapore, the backdoor IS the entrance for this venue! Lol.


Liz I really appreciate you trying to help and all, but nalah, looks like i wont be going to Singapore at all, nevermind watching Lifehouse. wuwuwu :'(

Sigh, my parents were not pleased at all actually when I told them about my extended stay here. I solemnly promise though, no more singapore after this! At least, til the end of the year...





Last but not least, SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!

Edited by guilt-stricken
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The roar of the engines made me soooo happy, even if I went back on Monday itself, I would've been contented! Lol. Ok, no, if I left before LH I might've not regained back my life after what happened in the Philippines.


Wash <3 "All my life I've never found my place, until I felt the sunlight on my face, my sunshine"! Don't think they'll play that song though hmmm they've been playing more new songs recently, but here's hoping they would change the setlist! Unfortunately, due to the hurricane/ribut taufan at Taipei, their flight has been resceduled and everything. I mean, I seriously don't know when are the exact times anymore. Stopped by at Changi this afternoon, only to be greeted by a RETIMED arrival time for a flight coming in from Los Angeles. From 11:45am, now it's 2:40am the next day -__-


But yeah, whatever it is, I have to meet Lifehouse! I'll work something out...! And I'll tell them about fans from the neighbouring country!



Hey Eunice, I'm pretty sure I know what you feel right now. So clooosee yet so far, right? Have you tried calling the venue to ask? Maybe if you had your elder brother/cousin or parents to come along with you as a chaperone, they might allow that. I really hope you do get to see them live eventually. Another proper "real" fan in the audience would be awesomeness! Sometimes I can't stand that people only love Lifehouse because they thought You & Me is such a nicee lovey dovey song. Keep us updated with your progress ya, of getting into the venue? :)



According to my friend in singapore, the backdoor IS the entrance for this venue! Lol.



Sigh, my parents were not pleased at all actually when I told them about my extended stay here. I solemnly promise though, no more singapore after this! At least, til the end of the year...





Last but not least, SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!


Hey good luck with meeting Lifehouse eh? Tell Jason Wade i said hi! :D and the rest of the band too, though i dunno their names :$ man i need to do more research. and tell them to keep up the good work at spreading the word of God! :happy:

Okay I checked them out on wikipedia, who one of the member's last name is Woolstenhulme!! THATS LIKE FRIGGIN WOLSTENHOLME!! i bet Woolstenhulme is like a german version of wolstenholme. like how Wang is the cantonese version of Wong, or something like that haha :LOL:


Btw, for the record, i really dont like the song 'You & Me'. brings back awful memories.. awful awful memories :noey:


Eh if the backdoor is the main entrance.. then the front door should be the backstage part right? hahaha maybe she could sneak in from there? :D


Cheer up you tak jadi pergi Lifehouse peeps :D


trying to. :p i'm gonna go karaoke with my friends tomorrow and maybe sing some Lifehouse songs ahahha :LOL: Muse songs too, of course. and some Incubus :happy:

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Just got back from the Ash gig!


Wow. Wow.


I'm just gonna write this in short right now coz I'm still rather... dazed. I can't believe today just happened and it went by like a breeze!


- Met up with L, a fellow Ash fan from Malaysia, and ate quick brunch.

- Felt like we were in a treasure hunt trying to find the real entrance to Fort Canning Park.

- I believe we reached there around 1pm. Crazy early or what? lol. We were the only two fans roaming around the area freely while the others were busy setting up the Singapore Beer Festival.

- Decided to work on banner after that. Felt like kindergarten kids, sitting on the floor with crayons working on our art. The banner reads: "GIRLs FROM MARS KL <3 ASH" :D I drew a tiny Ash phoenix at the bottom of the banner :happy:

- At about 2pm or so, we realized that ASH is actually ON STAGE! Well, we were actually at the Fort Canning building or whatever it's called but luckily we managed to spy them from a distance. We packed our crayons and ran downhill to the stage area.

- Hardly anyone was around so we waited for them to come down the stage.


- L told them we came all the way from Malaysia. Tim replied sayin, "Oh you guys must be hardcore!" :LOL: I was so so stunned la, I'm sorry I just stammered at him saying stupid things like "Thank you for coming" and "Hello how are you". I didn't even get to talk to him about the process of writing A Life Less Ordinary, what they thought of Ewan McGregor's same titled movie, why don't they play in KL...etc. I swear I had it all practised out in my head but wtf, when three Irish blokes stand in front of your eyes, rolling out their perfect Irish accents - your tongue just refuses to work :(

- So yeah, I took a pic with them then, introduced myself and shook hands - all that formal stuff la. They were rushed away to a nearby tent though after that to do an interview.

- Went to a different tent nearby to get shade and continued working on our banner. (some tv reporter came by and forced us to be fangirly waving our banner around -__- I hope it doesn't appear online anytime soon)

- Just our luck! They did their soundcheck after the interviews!

- Practically sat through the WHOLE of their soundcheck. SO so so so awesome. They were just chilling and playing, me and L just stared at them silly. Picture this. A huge venue that fits at least a thousand people and more, but at that very afternoon, they were only playing for TWO fans <3

- Some songs they played: a tiny tiny bit of Cantina Band, You Can't Have It All, Wildsurf & Twilight of the Innocents. When Tim told the rest of the band, "Let's do Twilight!" my brain practically stopped for a moment lol.

- I wanted them to sign a few stuff actually including this paper carved phoenix thing that I drew like 5 years back. So after their soundcheck, as they were leaving the stage, we approached them once again.

- Tim "Oh wow, very cool art. Nicely done, mate!" XD zomg he complimented and singed for me! Talked to them for a bit.

- We didn't want to bother them any longer after that, so we left and went to look for the queue outside the area.

- At 4pm, we were the only two people in line. Quite sad la, only about 6 fans in total up til about 6pm.

- Wait we did and finally gates were open at about 7:20pm!

- Opening act, Fishtank was a bore. Although the guitarist wore a Ben & Jerry's shirt so I cheered for him :LOL:

- Ash entered the stage with plenty of drama.

- They came, and totally rocked!



Here's the setlist, with my little comments on it:


1. Meltdown - "I think I think my head is gonna explode!!" waaahh. syiok!

2. You Can't Have It All

3. A Life Less Ordinary - !!!!!!!:D

4. Shining Light - Called Miele at this time ;]

5. Kung Fu - SO glad they played this!

6. Renegade Cavalcade - Singing along to this with hundreds of people along together with you is really quite spawsome.

7. Orpheus - MAJOR <3

8. Goldfinger

9. Walking Barefoot - I think I wanted to die then because they played like almost all the songs I wanted them to play dy.

10. Ichiban - super spunky new track!

11. Jack Names The Planet

12. Blacklisted

13. Oh Yeah - !


15. Twilight of the Innocents - A proper Ash fan will have to listen to this song live. It is the penultimate of everything Ash. Rick's drumming skills here are vunderbah! Mark's bass line thumps like no end, the strings here are just to fall in love with - last but not least, Tim is just ... so convincing when he says, "I'm still breathing, my heart's still beating" eventhough it felt like he has gone through HELL but at the end of the day, you're just still breathing with a beating heart!




16. Lose Control (I thinkkk)

17. Wildsurf

18. Angel Interceptor

19. Burn, Baby, Burn!



Ok sorry, that didn't turn out short at all! Wish you guys were there :(


Will post pictures and videos when I get back! (But I think like next weekend only I'll be able to do it - I'm heading straight back to college on Monday. Huhu.)


I am incapable of spending any more for concert tickets, so guys, please please make sure you head to Thailand if you can to catch Ash! Plus Manic too!!


My sister's most likely going for Manic's gig @ Singapore in Nov!

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trying to. :p i'm gonna go karaoke with my friends tomorrow and maybe sing some Lifehouse songs ahahha :LOL: Muse songs too, of course. and some Incubus :happy:


Have fun!!


OMG LIZ SO LUCKY LAH!!! I'm not a huge Ash fan, I only know 1 song - Polaris which I love love love so much...

imagine if Muse came, and all of us were at the venue and nobody else..WOW

waiting for the pics!!

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The roar of the engines made me soooo happy, even if I went back on Monday itself, I would've been contented! Lol. Ok, no, if I left before LH I might've not regained back my life after what happened in the Philippines.


Wash <3 "All my life I've never found my place, until I felt the sunlight on my face, my sunshine"! Don't think they'll play that song though hmmm they've been playing more new songs recently, but here's hoping they would change the setlist! Unfortunately, due to the hurricane/ribut taufan at Taipei, their flight has been resceduled and everything. I mean, I seriously don't know when are the exact times anymore. Stopped by at Changi this afternoon, only to be greeted by a RETIMED arrival time for a flight coming in from Los Angeles. From 11:45am, now it's 2:40am the next day -__-


But yeah, whatever it is, I have to meet Lifehouse! I'll work something out...! And I'll tell them about fans from the neighbouring country!



Hey Eunice, I'm pretty sure I know what you feel right now. So clooosee yet so far, right? Have you tried calling the venue to ask? Maybe if you had your elder brother/cousin or parents to come along with you as a chaperone, they might allow that. I really hope you do get to see them live eventually. Another proper "real" fan in the audience would be awesomeness! Sometimes I can't stand that people only love Lifehouse because they thought You & Me is such a nicee lovey dovey song. Keep us updated with your progress ya, of getting into the venue? :)



According to my friend in singapore, the backdoor IS the entrance for this venue! Lol.



Sigh, my parents were not pleased at all actually when I told them about my extended stay here. I solemnly promise though, no more singapore after this! At least, til the end of the year...




Last but not least, SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!


Hey guilt-stricken (sorry, I don't know your name:( ) and everyone else on this forum!


Thank you for your replies! This Lifehouse fan needed some real serious comforting, and you guys made me feel much better :happy: Well, it's now a day before the gig, and I guess I've sort of given up hope that I'll be able to get into the venue :( I did all that I could, emailed all the relevant people about it, and also called up the venue, but nothing came through. When I called up St. James Powerhouse to ask about it, they kept reinstating that the club is only open to people aged 18 and older even though I asked if I could bring an elder friend along. Well, I don't know why they're so inflexible. My friend went for The Click Five's private showcase at Ministry of Sound last year - bless them, they allowed under-18s to enter until 9pm when club rules apply. Why can't they just bend those rules a little? :( I guess the event organisers didn't think Lifehouse would be of such a huge demand here, and hence the small venue - oohhh, they're so wrong. Well, guys, do you think I should go to the airport to see if I catch a glimpse of them there (I don't know when they're arriving, though) or wait outside St. James (I kinda doubt they'll even step out of St. James)?


Yes, I agree! Everyone seems to know only "You and Me". Most of my friends have only heard this song of theirs, which is such a pity because Lifehouse has so many other great songs. Although, admittedly, I was introduced to Lifehouse when a friend of mine told me about "You and Me" - but I've since moved on, haha :D Yeah, and I agree about the deal about those "un-real" fans being in the audience and all. But from what I know, many of those going genuinely like their music, so, yay for you guys attending the gig! You're all gonna have an awesome time hearing Jason Wade crooning, haha.


I'm still contemplating as to what I should do tomorrow. I don't think I should get tix, though, because my parents will be really angry if I wasted 70 bucks on a ticket and can't get into the venue. Maybe I should just wait forlornly outside the venue. Haha. I hope you have an awesome time at the gig and you'll get to meet Lifehouse! I really, really hope you get to meet them! ;) Please tell us how the gig goes and if possible, post some pictures and videos from the concert :D I wonder which songs they'd play on Saturday - which songs do you hope to hear?

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Lifehouse's featured on Singapore's paper "Today", today! :LOL:

I scanned it in, so view it here! :)

Just thought I'd share it with you guys. Seeing this article sort of made me feel upset all over again. They're such talented and awesome guys, I'm really disappointed I can't go watch them tomorrow! But it's nice they'll have you true fans in the audience. They said they'll be playing a little from each record, so, wow! How cool is that :happy:

Edited by anordinarymiracle
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Hey Eunice,


I haven't read your reply yet, but I just came here to let you know that Lifehouse will be playing at this Nokia event @ Red-Dot Museum. I talked to the security guard, event starts 6pm and they'll most likely enter from the cargo arrival area. I will be there to try to see if I can weave my way past the "private event". I guess if not, then I'll just hang around to listen to their session through the walls or something lol. I left my sg contact number in the earlier pages so at least you'll know where to find me? :]


After all, I've traveled so far to Singapore already right?!


P/S: Come say hi aight if you see a totally lost girl with a backpack. Lol.

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First off, so so sorry to hijack this thread over with my trip to Singapore...


OMG LIZ SO LUCKY LAH!!! I'm not a huge Ash fan, I only know 1 song - Polaris which I love love love so much...

imagine if Muse came, and all of us were at the venue and nobody else..WOW

waiting for the pics!!


Teaser pictures from the soundcheck:


Taken by L, I've yet to upload mine. It'll take forever methinks. Sigh. But L's pictures are good enough I believe!





Rick & Tim doing their thing ;]









More to come, hopefully!



Day 6 in Singapore.

As I am typing this, I am typing with a hand that has shook the hands of Jason freakin' Wade. THE Jason that wrote and inspired so many of us through his songs! Yes, my dear friends, I MET LIFEHOUSE!!!


It was a four hour wait for them - only to meet them for about 4 minutes or less. I can't complain too much I suppose, I was lucky enough to be even SEEING them right in front of my eyes. This, for sure - when they stand right in front of you and as you put your hand out to greet them - it's just .... so fucking surreal. I am bloody glad I managed to hand them the storybook + letter I prepared for them - that was my main priority and since I got that done, I am happy enough as it is already! Managed to squeeze in a picture with Bryce & Ben <3


I just felt SO numb when they were rushed off inside the venue. I just froze and watched them walk away. Didn't even say bye or thanks or whatever. Lol.


It was an abrupt meeting, for sure - I hope we get a better chance of talking to these guys tmrw! I can't waitttt!!!

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First off, so so sorry to hijack this thread over with my trip to Singapore...




Teaser pictures from the soundcheck:


Taken by L, I've yet to upload mine. It'll take forever methinks. Sigh. But L's pictures are good enough I believe!





Rick & Tim doing their thing ;]









More to come, hopefully!



Day 6 in Singapore.

As I am typing this, I am typing with a hand that has shook the hands of Jason freakin' Wade. THE Jason that wrote and inspired so many of us through his songs! Yes, my dear friends, I MET LIFEHOUSE!!!


It was a four hour wait for them - only to meet them for about 4 minutes or less. I can't complain too much I suppose, I was lucky enough to be even SEEING them right in front of my eyes. This, for sure - when they stand right in front of you and as you put your hand out to greet them - it's just .... so fucking surreal. I am bloody glad I managed to hand them the storybook + letter I prepared for them - that was my main priority and since I got that done, I am happy enough as it is already! Managed to squeeze in a picture with Bryce & Ben <3


I just felt SO numb when they were rushed off inside the venue. I just froze and watched them walk away. Didn't even say bye or thanks or whatever. Lol.


It was an abrupt meeting, for sure - I hope we get a better chance of talking to these guys tmrw! I can't waitttt!!!


OMG, Liz, you MET LIFEHOUSE! JASON! OMG. OMG. OMG. *spazzes out* OMG!!!

But you deserved to meet them, 'cause you wait for them for such a longgg time! I'm so sorry I couldn't go, my parents just weren't being so reasonable and were their usual protective selves. It was, according to them, "too late, and you're going alone to a place you're not familar with". But I'm freaking 16, omg! But I'm so happy you got to meet them!!! :D I remember waiting for four hours too (my friends dragged me along) for the Heroes' cast appearance in Singapore, and wow, that was not even worth it 'cause you could hardly see them what with the hundreds and hundreds of people there.



Did you receive my messages and all? I'm sorry if I didn't turn up, my parents were being difficult, arghh. I hope we can meet up tomorrow or something! ;)

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^ Hey! I did get your msges but it was a little late though. That number's my cousin's number btw lol but you can still contact me through that! My dear, I can't meet up for lunch tmrw I think - I'll be queuing up! Lol unless we take away our food and camp at St. James. I think you should just be around that area and wait with the rest of us even if you can't enter the venue :( At least you might get to listen to the soundcheck though! I'll be meeting up with a Filipino fan tmrw at about 12pm. I pray hope that's not too late or anything! Any idea what time other fans are headed towards the venue? Do you have a friend that'll be going? Tickets are sold out btw!


and yeah. JASON. BRYCE. RICK. BEN!!!! I can understand though with your parents. They only want you to be safe! Where are you staying btw? Four hours is nothing compared to the 8 hours I put in for Ash the day before. :LOL:

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Just got back from the Ash gig!


Wow. Wow.


I'm just gonna write this in short right now coz I'm still rather... dazed. I can't believe today just happened and it went by like a breeze!


- Met up with L, a fellow Ash fan from Malaysia, and ate quick brunch.

- Felt like we were in a treasure hunt trying to find the real entrance to Fort Canning Park.

- I believe we reached there around 1pm. Crazy early or what? lol. We were the only two fans roaming around the area freely while the others were busy setting up the Singapore Beer Festival.

- Decided to work on banner after that. Felt like kindergarten kids, sitting on the floor with crayons working on our art. The banner reads: "GIRLs FROM MARS KL <3 ASH" :D I drew a tiny Ash phoenix at the bottom of the banner :happy:

- At about 2pm or so, we realized that ASH is actually ON STAGE! Well, we were actually at the Fort Canning building or whatever it's called but luckily we managed to spy them from a distance. We packed our crayons and ran downhill to the stage area.

- Hardly anyone was around so we waited for them to come down the stage.


- L told them we came all the way from Malaysia. Tim replied sayin, "Oh you guys must be hardcore!" :LOL: I was so so stunned la, I'm sorry I just stammered at him saying stupid things like "Thank you for coming" and "Hello how are you". I didn't even get to talk to him about the process of writing A Life Less Ordinary, what they thought of Ewan McGregor's same titled movie, why don't they play in KL...etc. I swear I had it all practised out in my head but wtf, when three Irish blokes stand in front of your eyes, rolling out their perfect Irish accents - your tongue just refuses to work :(

- So yeah, I took a pic with them then, introduced myself and shook hands - all that formal stuff la. They were rushed away to a nearby tent though after that to do an interview.

- Went to a different tent nearby to get shade and continued working on our banner. (some tv reporter came by and forced us to be fangirly waving our banner around -__- I hope it doesn't appear online anytime soon)

- Just our luck! They did their soundcheck after the interviews!

- Practically sat through the WHOLE of their soundcheck. SO so so so awesome. They were just chilling and playing, me and L just stared at them silly. Picture this. A huge venue that fits at least a thousand people and more, but at that very afternoon, they were only playing for TWO fans <3

- Some songs they played: a tiny tiny bit of Cantina Band, You Can't Have It All, Wildsurf & Twilight of the Innocents. When Tim told the rest of the band, "Let's do Twilight!" my brain practically stopped for a moment lol.

- I wanted them to sign a few stuff actually including this paper carved phoenix thing that I drew like 5 years back. So after their soundcheck, as they were leaving the stage, we approached them once again.

- Tim "Oh wow, very cool art. Nicely done, mate!" XD zomg he complimented and singed for me! Talked to them for a bit.

- We didn't want to bother them any longer after that, so we left and went to look for the queue outside the area.

- At 4pm, we were the only two people in line. Quite sad la, only about 6 fans in total up til about 6pm.

- Wait we did and finally gates were open at about 7:20pm!

- Opening act, Fishtank was a bore. Although the guitarist wore a Ben & Jerry's shirt so I cheered for him :LOL:

- Ash entered the stage with plenty of drama.

- They came, and totally rocked!



Here's the setlist, with my little comments on it:


1. Meltdown - "I think I think my head is gonna explode!!" waaahh. syiok!

2. You Can't Have It All

3. A Life Less Ordinary - !!!!!!!:D

4. Shining Light - Called Miele at this time ;]

5. Kung Fu - SO glad they played this!

6. Renegade Cavalcade - Singing along to this with hundreds of people along together with you is really quite spawsome.

7. Orpheus - MAJOR <3

8. Goldfinger

9. Walking Barefoot - I think I wanted to die then because they played like almost all the songs I wanted them to play dy.

10. Ichiban - super spunky new track!

11. Jack Names The Planet

12. Blacklisted

13. Oh Yeah - !


15. Twilight of the Innocents - A proper Ash fan will have to listen to this song live. It is the penultimate of everything Ash. Rick's drumming skills here are vunderbah! Mark's bass line thumps like no end, the strings here are just to fall in love with - last but not least, Tim is just ... so convincing when he says, "I'm still breathing, my heart's still beating" eventhough it felt like he has gone through HELL but at the end of the day, you're just still breathing with a beating heart!




16. Lose Control (I thinkkk)

17. Wildsurf

18. Angel Interceptor

19. Burn, Baby, Burn!



Ok sorry, that didn't turn out short at all! Wish you guys were there :(


Will post pictures and videos when I get back! (But I think like next weekend only I'll be able to do it - I'm heading straight back to college on Monday. Huhu.)


I am incapable of spending any more for concert tickets, so guys, please please make sure you head to Thailand if you can to catch Ash! Plus Manic too!!


My sister's most likely going for Manic's gig @ Singapore in Nov!


So lucky!!!!!!!!!!:happy:

(I am real happy for you...It was thrilling reading this post...and yeh it broke my heart...dammit..we should've gone to Singapore:'( arghhh..work!)


*sobs.. is so envious!


First off, so so sorry to hijack this thread over with my trip to Singapore...




Teaser pictures from the soundcheck:


Taken by L, I've yet to upload mine. It'll take forever methinks. Sigh. But L's pictures are good enough I believe!











More to come, hopefully!





OMGGGGG...saves those pics..if you would permit me anyway:p

Cool pics dear!:yesey::happy:

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^ Hey! I did get your msges but it was a little late though. That number's my cousin's number btw lol but you can still contact me through that! My dear, I can't meet up for lunch tmrw I think - I'll be queuing up! Lol unless we take away our food and camp at St. James. I think you should just be around that area and wait with the rest of us even if you can't enter the venue :( At least you might get to listen to the soundcheck though! I'll be meeting up with a Filipino fan tmrw at about 12pm. I pray hope that's not too late or anything! Any idea what time other fans are headed towards the venue? Do you have a friend that'll be going? Tickets are sold out btw!


and yeah. JASON. BRYCE. RICK. BEN!!!! I can understand though with your parents. They only want you to be safe! Where are you staying btw? Four hours is nothing compared to the 8 hours I put in for Ash the day before. :LOL:


Liz, I'll try my best to turn up at St. James tomorrow and camp out at the venue with you guys! That would certainly take a whole ton of pleading and begging with my parents, haha. They're very strict, and they don't like me being such a crazy fangirl and all, haha. :LOL: But I'll try my very best! They're gonna kill me, but I hope I survive that. Haha. I think 12pm should be early enough! I mean, LH fans aren't those crazy tweens and many are adults, so I wouldn't expect too many to turn up extra early. Haha. None of my friends are going - we're disadvantaged by the lame club rules and age limits - but I do know of some fellow Lifehouse fans over at the Lifehouse boards who're going. Not sure what time, but I think they're going to meet up before the gig as well! And wow, tickets are sold out? I'm so happy for the guys. Awesome! I hope that'll increase the chances of them coming back for another gig at a larger venue!!! I don't know if I'll be able to go in the end, but if you by any chance meet any of the following people: Fahdillah, Celine, Venetia, Pho Ton, Alvin, Wai Siang or Liting, tell them Eunice (from Facebook) said hi! I met them on Facebook, and they're all so niceee. You guys are all so nice people! :D *hugs*


WOW! 8 hours for Ash?! You're one truest, bluest fan there. I salute you! Haha.Actually, I have never attended any gig/concert before, so I was kinda hoping Lifehouse's would be my first, but, well, I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I wouldn't mind camping out at my venues if my parents are okay with it. Haha. :)


Hmmm, so lunch won't be possible? I'll try to beg my parents, but if I can't, how about breakfast and all? I live in Queenstown (West/Central area), and it'd be nice if we could still meet up! ;)

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So lucky!!!!!!!!!!:happy:

(I am real happy for you...It was thrilling reading this post...and yeh it broke my heart...dammit..we should've gone to Singapore:'( arghhh..work!)


*sobs.. is so envious!


OMGGGGG...saves those pics..if you would permit me anyway:p

Cool pics dear!:yesey::happy:

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it :happy:


The pics are from my friend, but I'm sure she doesn't mind as long as you give her credit for it ;]




Liz, I'll try my best to turn up at St. James tomorrow and camp out at the venue with you guys! That would certainly take a whole ton of pleading and begging with my parents, haha. They're very strict, and they don't like me being such a crazy fangirl and all, haha. :LOL: But I'll try my very best! They're gonna kill me, but I hope I survive that. Haha. I think 12pm should be early enough! I mean, LH fans aren't those crazy tweens and many are adults, so I wouldn't expect too many to turn up extra early. Haha. None of my friends are going - we're disadvantaged by the lame club rules and age limits - but I do know of some fellow Lifehouse fans over at the Lifehouse boards who're going. Not sure what time, but I think they're going to meet up before the gig as well! And wow, tickets are sold out? I'm so happy for the guys. Awesome! I hope that'll increase the chances of them coming back for another gig at a larger venue!!! I don't know if I'll be able to go in the end, but if you by any chance meet any of the following people: Fahdillah, Celine, Venetia, Pho Ton, Alvin, Wai Siang or Liting, tell them Eunice (from Facebook) said hi! I met them on Facebook, and they're all so niceee. You guys are all so nice people! :D *hugs*


WOW! 8 hours for Ash?! You're one truest, bluest fan there. I salute you! Haha.Actually, I have never attended any gig/concert before, so I was kinda hoping Lifehouse's would be my first, but, well, I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I wouldn't mind camping out at my venues if my parents are okay with it. Haha. :)


Hmmm, so lunch won't be possible? I'll try to beg my parents, but if I can't, how about breakfast and all? I live in Queenstown (West/Central area), and it'd be nice if we could still meet up! ;)

Wow, now I feel like showing up at 10am just to be safe. Lol but I doubt I can wake up in time. I only had about 3 hours of sleep last night. Huhu. Oooh, Qstwn. I'll be taking the train from Clementi actually. It looks like I'll be passing by Queenstown. I'll try to meet up with you at the station? My voice isn't at its very best now though so I apologize beforehand first if I appear to be quiet. I'm only conserving and saving it for the LH show, you see? ;)


I'll have a look out for those people on Facebook but I have to say that I'm currently pretty much occupied because I have about 8 friends coming down to Singapore from Malaysia tmrw. I'll bring cloth and crayons though, you could perhaps help us out with making the banner ;]


We could grab something to eat from Vivo?

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Interrupting the normal program to say: Liz u are awesome! Your call made my year babe, thank you for a zillion years and with everlasting love! :D



Zomg Manics! And Ash again? must. check. schedule.


Aida u going? Haha this qsn will be asked time and time again.

Edited by miele
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woah... i dunno how to describe how jealous i am la.. but Liz, congrats mate. enjoy Lifehouse tonight! it's great that u met 'em at the airport. was jason nice? i hope u'll be recording some songs from the concert. :D


Hello Eunice! if i were u i'll definitely be joining Liz at St James Club today.

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Yes, Liz is super awesome!

The soundchecks pics are super awesome!


Miele, I want to go. I prefer the Manics Spore gig (no need to book flights).

Just FYI I checked return flight Bangkok cheapest is RM 445 (inc tax)

Accommodation quite cheap tho - can get RM 26 pppn (with attached bathroom)


Need to check my schedule too on Monday. Will come back to u

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ala bestnyer reading about u guys planning to go see manic or ash in Nov. i wish i could tag along!


Liz, thank you, thank you, thank you, thanks a lot for the call. :kiss:

i wonder how much yr cellphone's bill is gonna be. but u rock mate haha... i couldn't make out what song it was tho. please, post some pictures!! please, please.

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