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It's Knights of Cydonia from Marlay Park! Chris is on the harmonica for the intro! I've found out that the intro is the OST of the 'cowboy' movie (how fitting ;)) Once Upon A Time In The West. Really haunting theme song for a 'cowboy' movie I'll say!


I know you can't see this but this is the original track by Italian composer Ennio Morricone.



Anyone seen Dom as Gandalf? Heh heh heh...




:eek: Haunting, but nice, and rather Musey, no? :happy: Can imagine it being played on guitar :D




OH very beautiful art!! Mind if I link you?


I played Guitar Hero for the first time today. My cousin made me play KOC with the medium difficulty level. OMG Easy level also I'm already struggling like hell what more the medium mode! I managed to finish the song though, thankfully and didn't get boo-ed halfway through :LOL: Totally felt like a rockstar playing KOC! I was going through all the other songs - they use really really old songs like songs by The Who, Guns n Roses etc. I believe Muse and The Killers are the only two recent bands! It's so fun though, I can totally play Guitar Hero all day long!


You have GH? Coooooool :D Looks so friggin fun!!! :D

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^ u're good. so props to u..


V's HQ vids are already up on youtube, check out this person's channel.




ace quality of vids and i just love KoC with Chris harmonica intro. goosebumps! i find Matt jumping around is so brilliant! the audio in these vids .. OMG!!


Wah power lah the video!! Thanks for the link.


I played Guitar Hero for the first time today. My cousin made me play KOC with the medium difficulty level. OMG Easy level also I'm already struggling like hell what more the medium mode! I managed to finish the song though, thankfully and didn't get boo-ed halfway through :LOL: Totally felt like a rockstar playing KOC! I was going through all the other songs - they use really really old songs like songs by The Who, Guns n Roses etc. I believe Muse and The Killers are the only two recent bands! It's so fun though, I can totally play Guitar Hero all day long!


Have fun at the Pesta Malam Indonesia guys! Pray it doesnt rain when Hujan plays, like in Sunburst!


This might cause the green monster that is envy to unleash:





Grrrr, that's TWENTY TWO songs on the setlist! My friend Andy got lucky again and he managed to get his album booklet signed by them. A smashing picture of a skinny Ben Gibbord (he doesn't look too chubby anymore like in the music video clips!):




and a video to follow.




That looks like an amazing gig! If you have the time, do watch Andy's video of I Will Follow You Into The Dark. Totally gave me goosepimples watching it! The live version is so romantic. Wish they could've played in Malaysia instead :'(



Then again, nothing beats the envy that I feel for the people heading to the V 2008 Festival right now!


Edit: Oh and Nut, I love how your work's inspired my Muse! ;) Nicely done!


Edit #2: Miele, you mentioned you're currently working at Putrajaya? Had a chance to catch the spectacular fireworks display yet? :)


Nice! I always wanted to play that game! But damn PS3 is so expensive...

It's a good thing i'm not a fan of Death Cab or else i'll feel so lousy for not going for that gig! Thanks for your comment! I love to incorporate Muse into anything hahaha..


:eek: Haunting, but nice, and rather Musey, no? :happy: Can imagine it being played on guitar :D




OH very beautiful art!! Mind if I link you?




You have GH? Coooooool :D Looks so friggin fun!!! :D


Yah lah it's so Musey!! Reminded me why i love Muse so much.. Very haunting, theatrical and full of drama! Hahahaha... Oh go ahead and link me! Thanks!

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Nut, nice graphics :happy: didnt know you were so skilled! but then, i should have guessed it la, with all your 'happy birthday' pictures and all :D


haha i'm usually not really that patriotic, but we're in the eyes of the world now, I WANT MALAYSIA TO STAND OUT! and for good things, not for stupid silly things like PAS wanting to cancel Avril's gig because she's too 'sexy'. She's not sexy!!! wtf la. that PAS going all anti-sexy Avril made it to Perez Hilton's blog. damn malu la now. :noey:


Omg I totally forgot about DCFC's gig last week. I could have gone for it!!! I'm on my holidays now once again. :'( damn emo la now seriously. wuwuwu :( they played title & reg... thats my freakin ringtone T____T

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And yesterday me and my Aunty couldn't stop talking how bad does Lin Da looks(I mean his face, looks) just because he beat Malaysia :rolleyes::p:LOL:


i think he looks cute. i dunno why some people call him "budak nakal" tho! but imo he looks like one of the anime characters. i like his hair hehe..


haha i'm usually not really that patriotic, but we're in the eyes of the world now, I WANT MALAYSIA TO STAND OUT! and for good things, not for stupid silly things like PAS wanting to cancel Avril's gig because she's too 'sexy'. She's not sexy!!! wtf la. that PAS going all anti-sexy Avril made it to Perez Hilton's blog. damn malu la now. :noey:


oh yeah.. i can't believe how close minded those PAS people are. avril is sexy while pussycat dolls are here like a googilian times already? :rolleyes: i dunno why la.. they always forget that our country is multi-racial..


I played Guitar Hero for the first time today. My cousin made me play KOC with the medium difficulty level. OMG Easy level also I'm already struggling like hell what more the medium mode! I managed to finish the song though, thankfully and didn't get boo-ed halfway through :LOL: Totally felt like a rockstar playing KOC! I was going through all the other songs - they use really really old songs like songs by The Who, Guns n Roses etc. I believe Muse and The Killers are the only two recent bands! It's so fun though, I can totally play Guitar Hero all day long!


Have fun at the Pesta Malam Indonesia guys! Pray it doesnt rain when Hujan plays, like in Sunburst!


This might cause the green monster that is envy to unleash:





Grrrr, that's TWENTY TWO songs on the setlist! My friend Andy got lucky again and he managed to get his album booklet signed by them. A smashing picture of a skinny Ben Gibbord (he doesn't look too chubby anymore like in the music video clips!):




and a video to follow.




That looks like an amazing gig! If you have the time, do watch Andy's video of I Will Follow You Into The Dark. Totally gave me goosepimples watching it! The live version is so romantic. Wish they could've played in Malaysia instead :'(



Then again, nothing beats the envy that I feel for the people heading to the V 2008 Festival right now!


Edit: Oh and Nut, I love how your work's inspired my Muse! ;) Nicely done!


Edit #2: Miele, you mentioned you're currently working at Putrajaya? Had a chance to catch the spectacular fireworks display yet? :)


i've always wanted to play guitar hero ever since i saw mike meyers playing it on american idol haha.. and to play KoC would deffo be great! did u make any of Matt's rock god guitar poses? i would love to do that if i have the chance to play guitar hero.. hehe


who is this Andy?!! i don't think i like him.. :phu::p he's ssoooo lucky!

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wah this vid pisses me off.


i dunno whats worse, the fact that they're mocking us like hell, or the fact that they're right about how narrow minded our govt is. :(


kak faz, you're right la, pcd is like damn sexy, practically wearing S&M underwear on stage, and yet they're here soo many times. damn stupid la seriously. sigh. i feel bad for my friend, she bought her avril tickets already and now she has to give em back :( she was really looking forward to it too.


on another note, i downloaded coldplay's viva la vida and i'm looooving it :happy:

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^ o really? so is the concert really cancelled? i can still see the concert's adverts on tv and papers today so i reckon the concert is still on.


well deb, it's not our govt who wanted to band Avril it's PAS. u know how PAS people are right? i mean even local singers aren't allowed to perform in Kelantan or wherever they govern which reminds me that PAS is ruling my area btw.. :eek::LOL:


i was seriously <---------------this close------------------> to post nasty comments on that youtube link. but i figured nah.. what's the point really. they're such close minded people who only see the faults of others and making fools of themselves. they didn't even get the facts right. i hate those people and i refuse to go down to their standards by leaving nasty comments. but seriously.. geram jugak la.:mad::mad:

Edited by crazy_mary
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As revealed a few months ago, Mark Beaumont, a popular journalist for NME, will be publishing his biography of Muse in October, entitled "Out of this world: The Story Of Muse".







From a Battle of the Bands in Devon to selling out the new Wembley Stadium, the story of Muse's stratospheric rise is one of rock's most fascinating and incendiary tales. This book features thousands of words of exclusive, previously unprinted interview transcripts taken between 1998 and 2007. It includes account of all four of their studio albums from Showbiz to Black Holes and Revelations. The biography follows their every step from 16 year old punk kids to Wembley Stadium, all their albums and their wild nights, theories and falsettos they experienced along the way.




Pages: 300

Released: 8th October 2008


*i'm waiting patiently for the book... :LOL:

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Trust me.. even i get shock reading the fact of my fav band.. :eek: *fainted* :LOL:


Klik Sini...


During the recording of Muse's third album, 2003's 'Absolution', Matt Bellamy became so stressed that he had recurring nightmares about being hung upside down and beaten on his feet.


Matt's Arachnophobia ??


Muse frotman Matt Bellamy is a keen scuba diver, and claims that on one excursion an instructor tried to kill him by only filling his oxygen tank halfway because he fancied Matt's girlfriend.





*Enjoy !!

Edited by Kay-a
Update !
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So many things....


Muse Book: Ditto Kay-A, since no new development for a long time, really looking forward to the book as well. Camna nak letak reminder ke hape kat sini ah? Or hang buleh remind aku nanti please? heheh. And thanks for the link!


Avril ban: Totally gave up already, but agree on eveything Faz said. Hope the performers all over the world keep thinking of the fans and keep coming here though. Otherwise susahla, have to save money and travel to Spore / Thailand all the time. Plus side: can go kacau Nutcracker, haha.


if they ban Camera Obscura as well, I will totally Molotov bomb somebody. (jk). I work for the government so I know what absollute tools some of the decision makers are :mad:


For fun (and to get away from all the above stupidity) , am thinking of doing the following:


a) Putrajaya fireworks competition. Who was it that asked me before, weresodisco?. It looks awesome, must go picnic and watch.


b) Butterfingers album launch @ Planet. I've bought the new album, Kembali, tis quite good. Got classic Malay pop / radiohead / Britrock / Matt's guita solo / effects influences. There's a keroncong / poprock? song called Merdeka which is awesome.......and timely I would say. When u listen to it u will immediately rasa nak balik kampung (or maybe it's just me).


c) Clone wars. Geek attack!



Anyone care to join me on any of the above? :LOL:




Pesta Malam Indonesia 2 was fun, tiring, unintentionally hilarious and interesting all atthe same time. Better venue than the first one but the crowd was better last time. I liked that they had local bands on though, but the technical problems were just sad....


There was a gobsmacked :eek: moment when Ariel Peterpan went topless though :LOL: Dude worked out! But after Brandon Boyd, everyone else would be an anti-climax.





Oh I forgot, there was a weird and boring minor celebrity moment as well:


After the show I was totally drained (been on election duty since 7am then straight to the gig) and was absolutely starving, so headed to Murni's at SS (?) for really late dinner. When we arrived my sister said something like, "Sheila on 7 is here, why didnt u guys tell me, bla3x". I thought she was joking and was only intent on the food (this happens a lot). So I ignored her and terus makan at the roadside.


half an hour and several roti canais later, I was trying not to puke into the drain from being too full, heheh, when suddenly there was a photo line being formed and this skinny dude in a striped tee suddenly stood beside me.


Photo op with Duta SO7 and the rest of the band rupanya! i was jumping around to their performance earlier and still I didnt recognise him, blur punya pasal. Didnt even say anything like, "good show. etc", when they were so friendly and entertaining. Just smiled and asked Adam (the bassist?) about his diarrhea, can u believe it? They were the ones making conversation, saying "Sampai jumpa" and stuff. I was so menyesal for being silent afterwards (which is so unlike me), especially since I quite like Eros, their main creative force.


What's the point of this long and boring story? Being someone who never meets celebrities in any shape and form, minor or otherwise, I now have new found respect for u guys who got to meet Muse. If it was Matt, Dom and Chris yang tengah makan kat Murni, and suddenly they were talking to me, I would just collapse into the longkang from the shock of it all. How do you know what to say to them and not turn out into a complete fool? Or be menyesal from all the things u could have said?


So two years after the event, I want to tabik u guys who got to meet Muse at KLIA and could actually talk like human beings. Lol.



P.S- so sorry for posting the above crap, heheh, I'm bored. By way of apology I present to you a link to these lucky peeps experiences who got to hang out with Muse recently:



Edited by miele
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As revealed a few months ago, Mark Beaumont, a popular journalist for NME, will be publishing his biography of Muse in October, entitled "Out of this world: The Story Of Muse".








Pages: 300

Released: 8th October 2008


*i'm waiting patiently for the book... :LOL:


wow.. typical. why only focus on matt? i wonder if the book will be available here..


Trust me.. even i get shock reading the fact of my fav band.. :eek: *fainted* :LOL:


Klik Sini...


Matt's Arachnophobia ??





*Enjoy !!


ace! thanks.. this is up on muselive too i think eh? alamak, now am a trully obsessed muse fan la after knowing all those 30 things hahaa.. matt has a lucky belt aww how sweet.


So many things....


Muse Book: Ditto Kay-A, since no new development for a long time, really looking forward to the book as well. Camna nak letak reminder ke hape kat sini ah? Or hang buleh remind aku nanti please? heheh. And thanks for the link!


Avril ban: Totally gave up already, but agree on eveything Faz said. Hope the performers all over the world keep thinking of the fans and keep coming here though. Otherwise susahla, have to save money and travel to Spore / Thailand all the time. Plus side: can go kacau Nutcracker, haha.


if they ban Camera Obscura as well, I will totally Molotov bomb somebody. (jk). I work for the government so I know what absollute tools some of the decision makers are :mad:


For fun (and to get away from all the above stupidity) , am thinking of doing the following:


a) Putrajaya fireworks competition. Who was it that asked me before, weresodisco?. It looks awesome, must go picnic and watch.


b) Butterfingers album launch @ Planet. I've bought the new album, Kembali, tis quite good. Got classic Malay pop / radiohead / Britrock / Matt's guita solo / effects influences. There's a keroncong / poprock? song called Merdeka which is awesome.......and timely I would say. When u listen to it u will immediately rasa nak balik kampung (or maybe it's just me).


c) Clone wars. Geek attack!



Anyone care to join me on any of the above? :LOL:




Pesta Malam Indonesia 2 was fun, tiring, unintentionally hilarious and interesting all atthe same time. Better venue than the first one but the crowd was better last time. I liked that they had local bands on though, but the technical problems were just sad....


There was a gobsmacked :eek: moment when Ariel Peterpan went topless though :LOL: Dude worked out! But after Brandon Boyd, everyone else would be an anti-climax.





Oh I forgot, there was a weird and boring minor celebrity moment as well:


After the show I was totally drained (been on election duty since 7am then straight to the gig) and was absolutely starving, so headed to Murni's at SS (?) for really late dinner. When we arrived my sister said something like, "Sheila on 7 is here, why didnt u guys tell me, bla3x". I thought she was joking and was only intent on the food (this happens a lot). So I ignored her and terus makan at the roadside.


half an hour and several roti canais later, I was trying not to puke into the drain from being too full, heheh, when suddenly there was a photo line being formed and this skinny dude in a striped tee suddenly stood beside me.


Photo op with Duta SO7 and the rest of the band rupanya! i was jumping around to their performance earlier and still I didnt recognise him, blur punya pasal. Didnt even say anything like, "good show. etc", when they were so friendly and entertaining. Just smiled and asked Adam (the bassist?) about his diarrhea, can u believe it? They were the ones making conversation, saying "Sampai jumpa" and stuff. I was so menyesal for being silent afterwards (which is so unlike me), especially since I quite like Eros, their main creative force.


What's the point of this long and boring story? Being someone who never meets celebrities in any shape and form, minor or otherwise, I now have new found respect for u guys who got to meet Muse. If it was Matt, Dom and Chris yang tengah makan kat Murni, and suddenly they were talking to me, I would just collapse into the longkang from the shock of it all. How do you know what to say to them and not turn out into a complete fool? Or be menyesal from all the things u could have said?


So two years after the event, I want to tabik u guys who got to meet Muse at KLIA and could actually talk like human beings. Lol.



P.S- so sorry for posting the above crap, heheh, I'm bored. By way of apology I present to you a link to these lucky peeps experiences who got to hang out with Muse recently:




:LOL: man, i should've went! so lucky la u got to meet SO7's Duta. i mean i don't listen to a lot of indonesian band but Duta is awesome. i can't even imagine how u look being star-struck like that haha... to me u always look like u are a very confident person. something that i really need to work on.. heh


it wasn't easy meeting muse either u know. i was talking too fast and that made Dom confused. i talk fast when am nervous.. hehe


jeles giler with that V contest winners. forgive me but Chris looks like Jacob to me in that Fozzie?? Bear tshirt. i have to agree with the writer.. they really are a friendly bunch of rockstars even when they were tired.


ahhh i love fireworks..

Edited by crazy_mary
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^ o really? so is the concert really cancelled? i can still see the concert's adverts on tv and papers today so i reckon the concert is still on.


well deb, it's not our govt who wanted to band Avril it's PAS. u know how PAS people are right? i mean even local singers aren't allowed to perform in Kelantan or wherever they govern which reminds me that PAS is ruling my area btw.. :eek::LOL:


i was seriously <---------------this close------------------> to post nasty comments on that youtube link. but i figured nah.. what's the point really. they're such close minded people who only see the faults of others and making fools of themselves. they didn't even get the facts right. i hate those people and i refuse to go down to their standards by leaving nasty comments. but seriously.. geram jugak la.:mad::mad:




well her gig is still on.


i know its PAS, but the govt still banned her in the end right? even if PAS was the one who initiated it? or am i wrong? i'm actually not really sure but this is how i saw it la.

no offence to PAS but i really pity the states they took over. lol. they have like no freedom whatsoever :(


i posted a few comments... :$ about how these young turks are damn condescending to us. then i couldnt find that comment. i dunno whether they deleted it or not.


So many things....


Muse Book: Ditto Kay-A, since no new development for a long time, really looking forward to the book as well. Camna nak letak reminder ke hape kat sini ah? Or hang buleh remind aku nanti please? heheh. And thanks for the link!


Avril ban: Totally gave up already, but agree on eveything Faz said. Hope the performers all over the world keep thinking of the fans and keep coming here though. Otherwise susahla, have to save money and travel to Spore / Thailand all the time. Plus side: can go kacau Nutcracker, haha.


if they ban Camera Obscura as well, I will totally Molotov bomb somebody. (jk). I work for the government so I know what absollute tools some of the decision makers are :mad:


For fun (and to get away from all the above stupidity) , am thinking of doing the following:


a) Putrajaya fireworks competition. Who was it that asked me before, weresodisco?. It looks awesome, must go picnic and watch.


b) Butterfingers album launch @ Planet. I've bought the new album, Kembali, tis quite good. Got classic Malay pop / radiohead / Britrock / Matt's guita solo / effects influences. There's a keroncong / poprock? song called Merdeka which is awesome.......and timely I would say. When u listen to it u will immediately rasa nak balik kampung (or maybe it's just me).


c) Clone wars. Geek attack!



Anyone care to join me on any of the above? :LOL:




Pesta Malam Indonesia 2 was fun, tiring, unintentionally hilarious and interesting all atthe same time. Better venue than the first one but the crowd was better last time. I liked that they had local bands on though, but the technical problems were just sad....


There was a gobsmacked :eek: moment when Ariel Peterpan went topless though :LOL: Dude worked out! But after Brandon Boyd, everyone else would be an anti-climax.





Oh I forgot, there was a weird and boring minor celebrity moment as well:


After the show I was totally drained (been on election duty since 7am then straight to the gig) and was absolutely starving, so headed to Murni's at SS (?) for really late dinner. When we arrived my sister said something like, "Sheila on 7 is here, why didnt u guys tell me, bla3x". I thought she was joking and was only intent on the food (this happens a lot). So I ignored her and terus makan at the roadside.


half an hour and several roti canais later, I was trying not to puke into the drain from being too full, heheh, when suddenly there was a photo line being formed and this skinny dude in a striped tee suddenly stood beside me.


Photo op with Duta SO7 and the rest of the band rupanya! i was jumping around to their performance earlier and still I didnt recognise him, blur punya pasal. Didnt even say anything like, "good show. etc", when they were so friendly and entertaining. Just smiled and asked Adam (the bassist?) about his diarrhea, can u believe it? They were the ones making conversation, saying "Sampai jumpa" and stuff. I was so menyesal for being silent afterwards (which is so unlike me), especially since I quite like Eros, their main creative force.


What's the point of this long and boring story? Being someone who never meets celebrities in any shape and form, minor or otherwise, I now have new found respect for u guys who got to meet Muse. If it was Matt, Dom and Chris yang tengah makan kat Murni, and suddenly they were talking to me, I would just collapse into the longkang from the shock of it all. How do you know what to say to them and not turn out into a complete fool? Or be menyesal from all the things u could have said?


So two years after the event, I want to tabik u guys who got to meet Muse at KLIA and could actually talk like human beings. Lol.



P.S- so sorry for posting the above crap, heheh, I'm bored. By way of apology I present to you a link to these lucky peeps experiences who got to hang out with Muse recently:




man i'd love to get that book. i hope they sell it here :happy:


and that 30 facts about Muse was really cool :D


miele, i get pretty star struck myself whenever i see any celebrity, big or small. i once saw JJ ((from hitz.fm) at IKEA with his wife and kids, i wanted to maybe ask for a pic or something but i was like.. damn shy. also i didnt wanna kacau him and his family day. once i also saw Joey G walking around in 1utama, and a few girls went up to him asking for photos! i wanted one so badly but i was just sooo scared la. i regretted not taking a pic with him because he's like so.. MIA now. :( even celebrity bloggers, i see them around, i wanna have a chat with them and maybe take a photo but i'm just too shy and scared to do it.


aiyo why la whyyy am i so timiiid. :mad:


wow it sounds like they had so much fun hanging out with muse! damn jealous. seriously. matt's shirt is so bright :LOL:

Edited by mynameisdebbie
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So many things....



:LOL: man, i should've went! so lucky la u got to meet SO7's Duta. i mean i don't listen to a lot of indonesian band but Duta is awesome. i can't even imagine how u look being star-struck like that haha... to me u always look like u are a very confident person. something that i really need to work on.. heh


it wasn't easy meeting muse either u know. i was talking too fast and that made Dom confused. i talk fast when am nervous.. hehe


jeles giler with that V contest winners. forgive me but Chris looks like Jacob to me in that Fozzie?? Bear tshirt. i have to agree with the writer.. they really are a friendly bunch of rockstars even when they were tired.


ahhh i love fireworks..


Aaaw it would have been even more fun if u were there. Duta talks a lot onstage, and that friendly guy vibe carries offstage as well. Which is why I regret not having a chat when he stood beside me :$ . And Eros was smiling a lot (at my idiot face?).


Whaddayamean confident Faz? Haha if we had managed to catch Muse @ Suvarnabumi airport you would've seen me dribble like a fool :LOL:


Wait, your fast talk had Dom confused? The same Dom who has to listen to supersonic Matt everyday? Wow! :D


And you confident gila what, being able to teach those kids with authority everyday. I really respect what teachers do la.They would just ignore me and make noise or something. The only times I've seen you become a bit quiet were maybe your 'sopan' times :LOL:




well her gig is still on.


i know its PAS, but the govt still banned her in the end right? even if PAS was the one who initiated it? or am i wrong? i'm actually not really sure but this is how i saw it la.

no offence to PAS but i really pity the states they took over. lol. they have like no freedom whatsoever :(


i posted a few comments... :$ about how these young turks are damn condescending to us. then i couldnt find that comment. i dunno whether they deleted it or not.




man i'd love to get that book. i hope they sell it here :happy:


and that 30 facts about Muse was really cool :D


miele, i get pretty star struck myself whenever i see any celebrity, big or small. i once saw JJ ((from hitz.fm) at IKEA with his wife and kids, i wanted to maybe ask for a pic or something but i was like.. damn shy. also i didnt wanna kacau him and his family day. once i also saw Joey G walking around in 1utama, and a few girls went up to him asking for photos! i wanted one so badly but i was just sooo scared la. i regretted not taking a pic with him because he's like so.. MIA now. :( even celebrity bloggers, i see them around, i wanna have a chat with them and maybe take a photo but i'm just too shy and scared to do it.


aiyo why la whyyy am i so timiiid. :mad:


wow it sounds like they had so much fun hanging out with muse! damn jealous. seriously. matt's shirt is so bright :LOL:


Good for u Deb, posting that comment. It's the principle that counts.


U timid? Donno la Deb. my first impression of you is sweet and shy ;)



Joey G? My reporter friend says he's one of the nicest celebrities she's met, so cool and friendly. Oh Jason Lo is nice as well, forgot that I've seen him actually.



But when will we ever meet Muuuuuuse? (or meet them again for some lucky ppl).

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Camera Obscura - it's going to be at a private, small venue, the ministers won't notice. So, no need to worry there. Explosions in the Sky was held at a small venue..


Anyways, I'll always prefer a small, intimate venue rather than a big stadium where u can only see a microdot of the band. (Oh OK, u can view the large screen, but it's not the same feeling)


Miele, your suggestions for activities sounds fun, but :

- Fireworks finale clash with Olympics closing ceremony

- Butterfingers showcase - aiyoh why start so late at 10pm? Also I need to check out their songs first. But I'm sure they are good :-)


Funny that Debbie should mention she just downloaded Viva La Vida, I just did that too! (before she mentioned it lah ;-p). It's darker. It's good. Worth to buy the CD, of course! (Coldplay won't read this I'm sure, or they'll know 2 people just downloaded their album FOC ;-p)

Edited by weresodisco
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Wait, your fast talk had Dom confused? The same Dom who has to listen to supersonic Matt everyday? Wow! :D


And you confident gila what, being able to teach those kids with authority everyday. I really respect what teachers do la.They would just ignore me and make noise or something. The only times I've seen you become a bit quiet were maybe your 'sopan' times :LOL:


Good for u Deb, posting that comment. It's the principle that counts.


U timid? Donno la Deb. my first impression of you is sweet and shy ;)


Joey G? My reporter friend says he's one of the nicest celebrities she's met, so cool and friendly. Oh Jason Lo is nice as well, forgot that I've seen him actually.


But when will we ever meet Muuuuuuse? (or meet them again for some lucky ppl).


mm yeah thats true, about teachers having to be very confident. i cant imagine being a teacher man, talking in front of so many people. stage fright like mad only :LOL: i do presentation also damn scared la haha.


haha okay maybe not timid, but i'm actually quite shy. i remember in the first official muser meetup, it was just me, my friend (i dragged him to come because i was scared, haha), von (vspirit) and patricia (coffeejunkie), it was pretty awkward at first. :$ von and patricia were friendly and stuff, i was just shy. haha. i hope i'm not so shy anymore! :D


aww, yeah Joey G looks like a really nice guy :D and he's married too! lucky wife of his. i've never actually seen Jason Lo before. hmm.


hopefully, the next time they tour here! :D


Funny that Debbie should mention she just downloaded Viva La Vida, I just did that too! (before she mentioned it lah ;-p). It's darker. It's good. Worth to buy the CD, of course! (Coldplay won't read this I'm sure, or they'll know 2 people just downloaded their album FOC ;-p)


I've been downloading a lot of albums lately *guilty*. albums are so expensive la :'(

yeah its much darker right? i love how different they've become. they're not so.. boring anymore :ninja: their album sounds really experimental though. but it sounds good so oh well :p


i've downloaded death cab's last 3 albums, Transatlanticism, Plans and Narrow Stairs (Narrow Stairs came with a virus too :mad:, thank God for AVG), so far my favourite is Transatlanticism :happy: i've downloaded panic's latest album Pretty Odd too, but i havent given it a listen yet.



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i've always wanted to play guitar hero ever since i saw mike meyers playing it on american idol haha.. and to play KoC would deffo be great! did u make any of Matt's rock god guitar poses? i would love to do that if i have the chance to play guitar hero.. hehe


Mike wasn't playing Guitar Hero, he was playing SITAR Hero!! :LOL:


As revealed a few months ago, Mark Beaumont, a popular journalist for NME, will be publishing his biography of Muse in October, entitled "Out of this world: The Story Of Muse".











Pages: 300

Released: 8th October 2008


*i'm waiting patiently for the book... :LOL:


Wow, cool! Wait we shall...

Can't they put Dom and Chris on the cover as well...I mean it IS about MUSE...:rolleyes:




standing just a few feet behind Morgan and are told to be quiet as it might frighten Morgan before he goes on, we obey.

ahh, such lucky people :happy:


Trust me.. even i get shock reading the fact of my fav band.. :eek: *fainted* :LOL:


Klik Sini...

:LOL: Very interesting...thanks!


miele, i get pretty star struck myself whenever i see any celebrity, big or small. i once saw JJ ((from hitz.fm) at IKEA with his wife and kids, i wanted to maybe ask for a pic or something but i was like.. damn shy. also i didnt wanna kacau him and his family day. once i also saw Joey G walking around in 1utama, and a few girls went up to him asking for photos! i wanted one so badly but i was just sooo scared la. i regretted not taking a pic with him because he's like so.. MIA now. :( even celebrity bloggers, i see them around, i wanna have a chat with them and maybe take a photo but i'm just too shy and scared to do it.


aiyo why la whyyy am i so timiiid. :mad:


Lol, Deb, I hope you don't get all scared and shy if you happen to bump into Muse!

I don't know how I would react if I saw them..just hope I don't just stare with my mouth wide open as they pass by..coz that's how I always pictured it :LOL:

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well her gig is still on.


i know its PAS, but the govt still banned her in the end right? even if PAS was the one who initiated it? or am i wrong? i'm actually not really sure but this is how i saw it la.

no offence to PAS but i really pity the states they took over. lol. they have like no freedom whatsoever :(


i posted a few comments... :$ about how these young turks are damn condescending to us. then i couldnt find that comment. i dunno whether they deleted it or not.


i might be going to catch avril's concert all becoz of this controversy haha.. see how sexy she is on stage. :rolleyes:


i don't want to badmouth PAS but seriously they're painting a bad picture about islam man. Religion is a huge part of my life, the core of my being but to be that religious and so close minded is just.. i dunno, how do i phrase this? bad? there are good things that we can learn from PAS but at times, they're just too "restrictive"? man, i need to learn new vocabs.


well, good on u. that's a good comment. better than the racist remarks. i can't believe how much hatred some people have for certain groups of people in this country. i would rather be a hippie right now. y'know love everyone, be merry, hug a tree and smoke weed haha.. am sorry, forget the smoke weed part. i watched too much adam sandler's movies..


Aaaw it would have been even more fun if u were there. Duta talks a lot onstage, and that friendly guy vibe carries offstage as well. Which is why I regret not having a chat when he stood beside me :$ . And Eros was smiling a lot (at my idiot face?).


Wait, your fast talk had Dom confused? The same Dom who has to listen to supersonic Matt everyday? Wow! :D


And you confident gila what, being able to teach those kids with authority everyday. I really respect what teachers do la.They would just ignore me and make noise or something. The only times I've seen you become a bit quiet were maybe your 'sopan' times :LOL:


But when will we ever meet Muuuuuuse? (or meet them again for some lucky ppl).


aahh good to know that they're friendly people and i can't ever imagine yr face at the time! but i would love to see u drooling haha..


well, talking fast (yup, faster that matt bellamy) and mumbling i guess. lucky shannaz and adyla were there to translate what i was saying. lol..


sopan times? haha.. i wonder when was that.. my students do make noise in class becoz i encourage 'em to do so haha..i hate teaching a "dead" class. u know the one where the teacher does all the talking coz i might be syok sendiri at the front and they may not understand a thing.


i predict that we'll be meeting muse again sooon. heh heh



Camera Obscura - it's going to be at a private, small venue, the ministers won't notice. So, no need to worry there. Explosions in the Sky was held at a small venue..


Anyways, I'll always prefer a small, intimate venue rather than a big stadium where u can only see a microdot of the band. (Oh OK, u can view the large screen, but it's not the same feeling)


it'll be at Ruums KL eh? i agree. small, intimate gigs are always great. plus, u get to see the band up close and not much moshing, pushing and shoving. well, that depends on the band playing tho.



Mike wasn't playing Guitar Hero, he was playing SITAR Hero!! :LOL:



Wow, cool! Wait we shall...

Can't they put Dom and Chris on the cover as well...I mean it IS about MUSE...:rolleyes:



Lol, Deb, I hope you don't get all scared and shy if you happen to bump into Muse!

I don't know how I would react if I saw them..just hope I don't just stare with my mouth wide open as they pass by..coz that's how I always pictured it :LOL:


:LOL: oh yeah, my bad. haha... but it was hillarious!


exactly. there should be Dom and Chris pictures too!

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Hi everyone. Lazy to multiquote so I'll just type the things out here.


Lol... Yay! I was so happy when I heard on the radio that they didn't ban Avril's concert already. And they SHOULD NOT ban a concert when it is like a week or 2 away. :mad: And Avril is sexy as in she is attractive but not the slutty way. Stupid pas


And Debbie, I do agree with crazy_mary on the part where it's pas punya pasal because although pas is not the rulling party in this country but then they do have quite high power now and the pressure on the rulling party is quite high I believe. It is not easy sometimes for the goverment to totally not care about what the opposition party wants.


And yeah, I really don't like some people who are so prejudice and racist that they assume or judge them once they hear what race they are from. I'm like WTH?! You don't even know them yet and not eveyone is like that. Every race has their own goodness and weakness. No one or race is perfect If like that then that means they are God then and not humans cause humans are never perfect.

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Lol, Deb, I hope you don't get all scared and shy if you happen to bump into Muse!

I don't know how I would react if I saw them..just hope I don't just stare with my mouth wide open as they pass by..coz that's how I always pictured it :LOL:



to be honest, i sometimes act like as if i'm talking to muse in the mirror whenever i'm bored. like as if to practice for when i EVER meet them la :LOL: i always sound so confident and stuff. but i'm dead sure that if it really happens, i'll be like freakin nervous. i'm like that for interviews too, i rehearse in the mirror but in the real thing i screw it up. :( damn my stage fright! :mad:



i might be going to catch avril's concert all becoz of this controversy haha.. see how sexy she is on stage. :rolleyes:


i don't want to badmouth PAS but seriously they're painting a bad picture about islam man. Religion is a huge part of my life, the core of my being but to be that religious and so close minded is just.. i dunno, how do i phrase this? bad? there are good things that we can learn from PAS but at times, they're just too "restrictive"? man, i need to learn new vocabs.


well, good on u. that's a good comment. better than the racist remarks. i can't believe how much hatred some people have for certain groups of people in this country. i would rather be a hippie right now. y'know love everyone, be merry, hug a tree and smoke weed haha.. am sorry, forget the smoke weed part. i watched too much adam sandler's movies..


lol seriously? but her tickets are all so expensive! no money la.. :(


to be honest, yeah they are. thanks to them, i have this huge impression that PAS are very... conservative. they stick true to their religion, and i respect them for that, but at the same time they wont open an ear for other alternatives as well! thats where i dont respect them in, no offence la. its like they cant seem to be reasoned with whenever someone protests against their requests. and we're not an islamic country, we're a multiracial country, its just our main religion thats islam. they have to remember that.


lol i can join you and be a hippie too :D but i'll skip the weed. i dont wanna kill my braincells too :p


Hi everyone. Lazy to multiquote so I'll just type the things out here.


Lol... Yay! I was so happy when I heard on the radio that they didn't ban Avril's concert already. And they SHOULD NOT ban a concert when it is like a week or 2 away. :mad: And Avril is sexy as in she is attractive but not the slutty way. Stupid pas


And Debbie, I do agree with crazy_mary on the part where it's pas punya pasal because although pas is not the rulling party in this country but then they do have quite high power now and the pressure on the rulling party is quite high I believe. It is not easy sometimes for the goverment to totally not care about what the opposition party wants.


And yeah, I really don't like some people who are so prejudice and racist that they assume or judge them once they hear what race they are from. I'm like WTH?! You don't even know them yet and not eveyone is like that. Every race has their own goodness and weakness. No one or race is perfect If like that then that means they are God then and not humans cause humans are never perfect.


yeah it would be really disrespectful and irresponsible to cancel her gig when its only 2 weeks away. but at the same time, it gives her gig great publicity la. see even kak faz, a grunge rocker, wants to go for her gig :LOL: its all a conspiracy i tell ya!


no offence to pas, but i hate the fact that they have more ruling power now :( i dont want our cineplexes to be divided into men and women's cineplexes!


maybe i didnt visit the video at the right time, but were people making racist comments? i thought everyone was just dissing the m'sian government? noone seems to be seeing how much of a mockery these young turks and turning us into :confused:

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to be honest, i sometimes act like as if i'm talking to muse in the mirror whenever i'm bored. like as if to practice for when i EVER meet them la :LOL: i always sound so confident and stuff. but i'm dead sure that if it really happens, i'll be like freakin nervous. i'm like that for interviews too, i rehearse in the mirror but in the real thing i screw it up. :( damn my stage fright! :mad:





lol seriously? but her tickets are all so expensive! no money la.. :(


to be honest, yeah they are. thanks to them, i have this huge impression that PAS are very... conservative. they stick true to their religion, and i respect them for that, but at the same time they wont open an ear for other alternatives as well! thats where i dont respect them in, no offence la. its like they cant seem to be reasoned with whenever someone protests against their requests. and we're not an islamic country, we're a multiracial country, its just our main religion thats islam. they have to remember that.


lol i can join you and be a hippie too :D but i'll skip the weed. i dont wanna kill my braincells too :p




yeah it would be really disrespectful and irresponsible to cancel her gig when its only 2 weeks away. but at the same time, it gives her gig great publicity la. see even kak faz, a grunge rocker, wants to go for her gig :LOL: its all a conspiracy i tell ya!


no offence to pas, but i hate the fact that they have more ruling power now :( i dont want our cineplexes to be divided into men and women's cineplexes!


maybe i didnt visit the video at the right time, but were people making racist comments? i thought everyone was just dissing the m'sian government? noone seems to be seeing how much of a mockery these young turks and turning us into :confused:


:yesey: It is but then it is bringing a bad name somehow to our country isn't it because of that... :unsure:


Me too!!


Opps, I thought we were making some comments on racistism :$ But there are a bunch of people like that and it's annoying me to hell :mad:

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haha i SHOULD be going off to bed soon, but my friend is making me listen to this band's myspace, and im eating cereal now :p so yeah. wooooh cereal for supper!


:LOL: I think either I'll sleep straight away or I'll much some maggi mee or munch some food as well :rolleyes::p:LOL:


Anyway, have to go now cause tomorrow have to work, or else wouldn't have enough of sleep. Night Debbie and Liz. Sweet dreams :D:happy:



I know Liz didn't post anything but she is lurking inside here lol:ninja:

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