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Here come the lyric... :eek:



Money-men mill about Monday morning

Another new nothing and never nearer

Assumed at the cost that it's currently costing

I don't dare dig any deeper down

I don't have the head-space


I don't understand all the figures and facts

It'll spin around till I start panic attacking

But there's one curve ball that states my soul

Let me live out life and I'll stay control


Take that away, I'll never get dressed

Money-men milling in Monday morning

I will go spend or I will raise warning

I'm nothing but me and mine, so


Yeah been gone

With who knows who

Doing God knows what

Don't turn it up

I'll return at any hour

Fuck all your law, fuck your power


Yeah been gone

With who knows who

Doing God knows what

Don't turn it up

I'll return at any hour

Fuck all your law, fuck your power


My name's magic and it's mud

I do bad things but I can't rob

They don't buy anything, they watch it, see

For their time is the commodity


The gap between art and artist grows

I never know why I ever wrote this prose

I write this rubbish but believe you me

I just never been keen on tasting redness


But put the orange suit on, shackle my ankles

I couldn't take that, I'd be fucking


Yeah been gone

With who knows who

Doing God knows what

Don't turn it up

I'll return at any hour

Fuck all your law, fuck your power


Yeah been gone

With who knows who

Doing God knows what

Don't turn it up

I'll return at any hour

Fuck all your law, fuck your power


I don't promote no violence but

If you all got carted off

Boys will be boys, toys'll get tossed

Bang me up, right and rough

I'm not a people-beater but

If that law gets made up


Show them the cross (?) and I'll take it on


I don't promote no violence but

If you all got carted off

Boys will be boys, toys'll get tossed

Bang me up, right and rough

I'm not a people-beater but

If that law gets made up


Show them the cross (?) and I'll take it on


Tell me what you want

Tell me what you want

Tell me what you want

Tell me what you want


Tell me what you want

Tell me what you want

Tell me what you want

Tell me what you want


Yeah been gone

With who knows who

Doing God knows what

Don't turn it up

I'll return at any hour

Fuck all your law, fuck your power


Yeah been gone

With who knows who

Doing God knows what

Don't turn it up

I'll return at any hour

Fuck all your law, fuck your power




*can't get what he said at ??? :p

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Muse play Marlay Park and the V Festival next week and as these will be their last shows in the UK and Ireland for a little while, we thought we'd run an extra special competition for those of you that are coming along. For each show there will be one winner who gets to bring along a friend. We will meet you at the show, give you some Muse goodies, take you for a tour backstage, let you go somewhere pretty special to watch the band for part of their set and, best of all, you'll get to meet the band after the show.

The winners of this awesome prize will be the first people to email us with the following:


Your name.

Your age.

Your phone number (preferably mobile).

Which gig you are coming to (this bit is important as the three winners will be the first people to email us for each gig, if you get your email in first, but don't tell us which gig you're coming to, then you won't win)!

Simple? Not quite... You see, we're not going to tell you which email address you need to send your entry to. You're going to need to work it out by solving the equation below. Good Luck!


(2/1 + 8/4 + . + @) - 8/1 = email address


Hint: think alternative medicines...


TSP: Please note, you need to have your own ticket for entry to the show and the prize doesn't include transport or accommodation. We will contact the winners by email and/or mobile and announce them on muse.mu on Monday 11th August.





Right heres the answer for you all:


So we're told in hint 2 to not forget hullaballoo which means it revolves around albums so then:


2/1 = Muscle Museum (2nd Track, First Album)

8/4 = Hysteria (8th Track, 4th Album)

8/1 = Uno (8th Track, 1st Album)


We are also told that the domain is @muse.mu so that removes '@' and the '.' from the equation.


Muscle Museum + Hysteria - Uno


And because we know muse.mu is in it, then we can see that they are contained within muscle museum so we remove those from the equation too.


Schleum + Hysteria - Uno


Uno = 1


If you remove one letter from either of schleum of hysteria you get 13 letters, 13 is the number of the x's.


If you remove 'U' you get schlemhysteria, which is an anagram of mystichealers(@muse.mu) which is an alternative medicine



Isk.. Got headache.. :stunned:

Edited by Kay-a
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It says there u have to have your own ticket. Hang ada ka Kay-a?


Oh and thanks for the Mp3 link!




On other news, why lah the one of the main bands of my long lost teenage years have to play during Hari Raya?





However, this is even better:-




Omigod, please do come to Malaysia!





If u check out the Junk blogs there's some stuff about banning Avril's show. The bad publicity for Malaysia sucks, even if I dont really care if she gets banned or not. Pussycat Dolls bolehla pulak ya?

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Non-Muse related (sorry):


Hey Miele,


Thx for the info.


I checked out Camera Obscura - reminds me a lot of Belle & Sebastian

Maybe becos they are both from Scotland?

Anyways, I like their folksy-tune :-)


Ash - ah, those days circa 1996 ~ teenagers went gaga over Tim Wheeler

I actually liked their Free All Angels album (2001)

But I didn't check them out after that album (they had 2 more~according to Wiki)

And oh Charlotte is no longer with the band


Keep the info flowing ya Miele, thx!

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Non-Muse related (sorry):


Hey Miele,


Thx for the info.


I checked out Camera Obscura - reminds me a lot of Belle & Sebastian

Maybe becos they are both from Scotland?

Anyways, I like their folksy-tune :-)


Ash - ah, those days circa 1996 ~ teenagers went gaga over Tim Wheeler

I actually liked their Free All Angels album (2001)

But I didn't check them out after that album (they had 2 more~according to Wiki)

And oh Charlotte is no longer with the band


Keep the info flowing ya Miele, thx!


No probs :)



Aah I remember being in love with the "Oh Yeah' video, which was so hard to catch as didnt have MTV....and being ecstatic as a secret admirer dedicated "The Girl from Mars' to me.....:$:p



Also, didnt know Belle and Sebastian are from Scotland....thought they were American. And you're right, I think the myspace page states that the drummer (?) for B & S was a guest performer on one of their earlier albums.....


I really wish the show at Ruums comes through, my BFF would be ecstatic.



*falls over...






Exactly! Masa mula2 baca tuh, I was like, will my parents kill me If I went to Spore during Hari Raya? Still at the back of my mind now :D





On other (not so interesting) news, I'll be going to Bkt Kiara on Saturday for that Pesta Malam Indonesia thing.....Promised my sis already if she aced her Finals would belanja her to a gig of her choice....she got Dean's List wtf, hahaha. Thank god she didnt ask for Avril, fuh.


So, any of you guys yg planning nak pegi? At least if ada some sort of Muser meetup it'd be even more fun...

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It should have been longer When they say last song, I'm like so fast...... But at least we get to see them


Ohhh.... I see. Actually I can roughly see there is 2 people standing at the barrier area at the seating area so I just guess it might be you and miele You should have gone down to the rockzone. Since the ticket price for free seating is much more expensive, I think the security should have let you go down and there isn't that many people...


Berbanding Muse, PATD definitely talk more to their fans and there is eye contacts and stuff :happy


Hehe.... I think after we go for Muse concert... any other rock concert would never be as good as theirs... LOL


i wanted to go down but the security was so kerek la that day. there was this girl beside me kept asking her mom to go down with her but her mom wanted the comfort of the chair. it was so weird to see parents chaperoning their kids to the concerts. my parents would NEVER do such a thing when i was young. i always need to sneak out of the house to go for a gig.kids these days.. so manja la..:rolleyes:


oh man.. memang berbeza la.. muse and Panic. i read somewhere that Muse's concert is the BEST concert ever held in Malaysia and i agree 100% with the writer haha... it's not only Muse that made the concert awesome but the crowd was rocking too. oh man, i can never EVER get over it. lol


oh yeah my friend mentioned her to me too. its her first concert and she said "a girl fainted!" and i said "aiya that one normal la. better eat before you enter the stadium wei!"


haha i think the reason why the turnout was rather poor was becuase they didnt give us much notice! and they didnt publicise it much either. i'm sure if the Bangkok gig went through, the turnout would be poor, sorta like this one too. maybe thats why Muse cancelled the gig...

sorry to bring Bangkok up again. its like such a dark day. lol.


:LOL: seriously, i can't imagine yr face saying that 'aiya..' la deb. but yeah.. i mean like so what, a girl fainted? only one. nothing la tuh..normal la for a rock concert eh? lol


omgosh i think i would love to watch muse with the same amount of people as panic's. well, not in KL la hopefully coz that may mean that they'll never come back coz of the poor turnout. in thailand perhaps.. coz am a bit greedy and i wanna have Muse all to myself!



I love how Muse did not interact with the crowd actually. They came to rock our socks off on stage and that's exactly what they did. I love it that way. Heh.


Speaking of interractions with the crowd, oh my goodness. Ian Watkins (Lostprophets' [sEXY] lead singer) is extremely arrogant. I still love him though because with hands like that, oh dear - it's impossible to hate! He totally made fun of the other acts playing for SingFest notably Alicia Keys. I think he said somewhere along the lines of, "She only had that one good song, no? Sorry love! But it's only my opinion." XD He can be very sarcastic too. A girl screamed "I LOVE YOUUU" and he replied, "I love you too! I don't think your mom would approve of me though" and I guess the girl said yes, she would approve but Ian replied bluntly by saying, "LIES! Sigh, it's too bad he had his hair ... curled up a bit though that night. It made him look ... like a girl. Lol. A pretty girl nonetheless. With very sexy hands! =p


Right right... anyway, I wanted to post this.


Have you guys seen Stephenie Meyer's playlist for Breaking Dawn?


That woman is so in love with Muse! Would you look at that... a whole string of Muse songs! I love that Incubus' Earth to Bella made it to that list too :happy:


i love that Muse did not interact with the audience much too. to me they're not sombong at all but more like the kinda band that wants to highlight their music, not much on their personality on stage. Pearl Jam does that a lot.


OMG i can't believe that Stephenie Meyer acknowledged Muse again in her new book -- i haven't read it yet but i got it already-- it was so great to see Muse printed there.


if muse won't come back.. i kill them..


dude, bite yr tongue! don't la say something like that..:(


No probs :)



Aah I remember being in love with the "Oh Yeah' video, which was so hard to catch as didnt have MTV....and being ecstatic as a secret admirer dedicated "The Girl from Mars' to me.....



Also, didnt know Belle and Sebastian are from Scotland....thought they were American. And you're right, I think the myspace page states that the drummer (?) for B & S was a guest performer on one of their earlier albums.....


I really wish the show at Ruums comes through, my BFF would be ecstatic.





Exactly! Masa mula2 baca tuh, I was like, will my parents kill me If I went to Spore during Hari Raya? Still at the back of my mind now





On other (not so interesting) news, I'll be going to Bkt Kiara on Saturday for that Pesta Malam Indonesia thing.....Promised my sis already if she aced her Finals would belanja her to a gig of her choice....she got Dean's List wtf, hahaha. Thank god she didnt ask for Avril, fuh.


So, any of you guys yg planning nak pegi? At least if ada some sort of Muser meetup it'd be even more fun...


going for a concert on hari raya? kerje giler tuh haha..


i feel like going la.. since it's the school holidays and my trip to terengganu is suddenly cancelled. sucks! but yeah.. tempting.:LOL:


Jealousy alert : Marlay Park thread. lasers and chris on harmonica? i hate muse.

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it's not only Muse that made the concert awesome but the crowd was rocking too. oh man, i can never EVER get over it. lol





i feel like going la.. since it's the school holidays and my trip to terengganu is suddenly cancelled. sucks! but yeah.. tempting.:LOL:


Jealousy alert : Marlay Park thread. lasers and chris on harmonica? i hate muse.


Yeah Faz, Muse + KL crowd = unforgettable awesomeness. Definitely one of the highlights of my adult life man. Here we are, 2 years on, still not sick of talking about it :LOL:


Come la Faz, lets go gigging! The tix quite cheap compared to the amount of bands performing......



is there anyone here going to Pesta Malam Indonesia tomorrow? :D


Shannaz, most def. I dont know have ur number tho'. If u want to meet up, ask Faz bout my number k. I'm working due to the damn Permatang Pauh by-election so will try and get there by 2pm.....It'd be awesome if u guys could come. Anyone else coming?




Nut, I cant view the thing so help a blind woman and tell me bout the awesomeness please?



On other news, who else saw Lee Chong Wei win yesterday? I was shouting at the tv when the Korean came back in the 2nd set :$:rolleyes:

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Hey guys sorry to butt in, but have you all checked this out??



WTH is that INTRO!!! Now that's what i call EPIC.


OH.MY.GAWD. :eek:

EPIC indeed.


On other news, who else saw Lee Chong Wei win yesterday? I was shouting at the tv when the Korean came back in the 2nd set :$:rolleyes:



He is so awesome. and fast. and super.

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Nut, I cant view the thing so help a blind woman and tell me bout the awesomeness please?


It's Knights of Cydonia from Marlay Park! Chris is on the harmonica for the intro! I've found out that the intro is the OST of the 'cowboy' movie (how fitting ;)) Once Upon A Time In The West. Really haunting theme song for a 'cowboy' movie I'll say!


I know you can't see this but this is the original track by Italian composer Ennio Morricone.



Anyone seen Dom as Gandalf? Heh heh heh...



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:LOL: seriously, i can't imagine yr face saying that 'aiya..' la deb. but yeah.. i mean like so what, a girl fainted? only one. nothing la tuh..normal la for a rock concert eh? lol


omgosh i think i would love to watch muse with the same amount of people as panic's. well, not in KL la hopefully coz that may mean that they'll never come back coz of the poor turnout. in thailand perhaps.. coz am a bit greedy and i wanna have Muse all to myself!


Lol i say 'aiya' all the time! along with 'aiyoh' and 'aiseh' and 'eh!' and stuff :LOL: exactly girls faint all the time! do guys faint to? :eek: i think they do, if the moshing is too much and if they didnt eat. so remember kids! dont forget to eat before you gig! :D


yeah despite the small turn out, the gig will be much more 'intimate' that way. so nice! better way to bond with the band la. we just want Muse to ourselves :LOL:



Nut, that vid was epic!! omg that harmonica solo thingy was very haunting, indeed.



I was watching our dear ol' Lee Chong Wei last night too! man, the way he stretches out his legs in all directions just to hit the shuttlecock... wow, damn determined la he. damn dedicated :happy:


woohooo cant wait for finals this Sunday! China, despite you being my native race/country and all, JOO GOIN' DAYOOOWWWNNN!! :p

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Yeah Faz, Muse + KL crowd = unforgettable awesomeness. Definitely one of the highlights of my adult life man. Here we are, 2 years on, still not sick of talking about it :LOL:


Come la Faz, lets go gigging! The tix quite cheap compared to the amount of bands performing......


On other news, who else saw Lee Chong Wei win yesterday? I was shouting at the tv when the Korean came back in the 2nd set


omg miele am so SORRY that i could not make it. i mean PJ and Bkt Kiara is so freaking near and i was aching to go dang it! so sorry.. ya! :(


i didn't watch it! i was watching federer vs blake and when Roger lost i completely forgot about Chong Wei's game. ayooooo....


It's Knights of Cydonia from Marlay Park! Chris is on the harmonica for the intro! I've found out that the intro is the OST of the 'cowboy' movie (how fitting ;)) Once Upon A Time In The West. Really haunting theme song for a 'cowboy' movie I'll say!


I know you can't see this but this is the original track by Italian composer Ennio Morricone.



Anyone seen Dom as Gandalf? Heh heh heh...




yeah!! the intro-- the man with the harmonica, as it's called-- was epic man. no wonder la it sound so familiar.. muse always surprise their fans. lucky Irish! wonder what other surprises we'll see from V. * is green with envy*


LOL.. gotta love Dom. i thought he was Santa! :LOL::D


wow Nut, nice blog! very creative la u..


Lol i say 'aiya' all the time! along with 'aiyoh' and 'aiseh' and 'eh!' and stuff :LOL: exactly girls faint all the time! do guys faint to? :eek: i think they do, if the moshing is too much and if they didnt eat. so remember kids! dont forget to eat before you gig! :D


yeah despite the small turn out, the gig will be much more 'intimate' that way. so nice! better way to bond with the band la. we just want Muse to ourselves :LOL:



Nut, that vid was epic!! omg that harmonica solo thingy was very haunting, indeed.



I was watching our dear ol' Lee Chong Wei last night too! man, the way he stretches out his legs in all directions just to hit the shuttlecock... wow, damn determined la he. damn dedicated :happy:


woohooo cant wait for finals this Sunday! China, despite you being my native race/country and all, JOO GOIN' DAYOOOWWWNNN!! :p


ok now i feel so unmalaysian la.. haha. i should've watched that game!


haha.. way to go deb. very patriotic la u today! :LOL:



woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo holidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


+132456377757.. :D

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Nut, that vid was epic!! omg that harmonica solo thingy was very haunting, indeed.



I was watching our dear ol' Lee Chong Wei last night too! man, the way he stretches out his legs in all directions just to hit the shuttlecock... wow, damn determined la he. damn dedicated :happy:


woohooo cant wait for finals this Sunday! China, despite you being my native race/country and all, JOO GOIN' DAYOOOWWWNNN!! :p


Yah first when i heard it i though, " OMG Muse playing a new song already?! I LOVE IT!! But it turned out to be, as Kak Faz mentioned, the Man With the Harmonica!


Wah very patriotic indeed!! I just can't feel the same for most of our athletes. It's a shame, really. But really, they're like 'imports' so... Im not really feeling it, kno' wha' i mean?



yeah!! the intro-- the man with the harmonica, as it's called-- was epic man. no wonder la it sound so familiar.. muse always surprise their fans. lucky Irish! wonder what other surprises we'll see from V. * is green with envy*


LOL.. gotta love Dom. i thought he was Santa! :LOL::D


wow Nut, nice blog! very creative la u..




ok now i feel so unmalaysian la.. haha. i should've watched that game!


haha.. way to go deb. very patriotic la u today! :LOL:



Yeah i can't wait for V goodies too!! Hopefully more surprises...

LOL it never occured to me that he looked like Santa in that pic! :LOL:

Thanks for the comment yah! Really appreciate it!

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I played Guitar Hero for the first time today. My cousin made me play KOC with the medium difficulty level. OMG Easy level also I'm already struggling like hell what more the medium mode! I managed to finish the song though, thankfully and didn't get boo-ed halfway through :LOL: Totally felt like a rockstar playing KOC! I was going through all the other songs - they use really really old songs like songs by The Who, Guns n Roses etc. I believe Muse and The Killers are the only two recent bands! It's so fun though, I can totally play Guitar Hero all day long!


Have fun at the Pesta Malam Indonesia guys! Pray it doesnt rain when Hujan plays, like in Sunburst!


This might cause the green monster that is envy to unleash:





Grrrr, that's TWENTY TWO songs on the setlist! My friend Andy got lucky again and he managed to get his album booklet signed by them. A smashing picture of a skinny Ben Gibbord (he doesn't look too chubby anymore like in the music video clips!):




and a video to follow.




That looks like an amazing gig! If you have the time, do watch Andy's video of I Will Follow You Into The Dark. Totally gave me goosepimples watching it! The live version is so romantic. Wish they could've played in Malaysia instead :'(



Then again, nothing beats the envy that I feel for the people heading to the V 2008 Festival right now!


Edit: Oh and Nut, I love how your work's inspired my Muse! ;) Nicely done!


Edit #2: Miele, you mentioned you're currently working at Putrajaya? Had a chance to catch the spectacular fireworks display yet? :)

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Muse play Marlay Park and the V Festival next week and as these will be their last shows in the UK and Ireland for a little while, we thought we'd run an extra special competition for those of you that are coming along. For each show there will be one winner who gets to bring along a friend. We will meet you at the show, give you some Muse goodies, take you for a tour backstage, let you go somewhere pretty special to watch the band for part of their set and, best of all, you'll get to meet the band after the show.

The winners of this awesome prize will be the first people to email us with the following:


Your name.

Your age.

Your phone number (preferably mobile).

Which gig you are coming to (this bit is important as the three winners will be the first people to email us for each gig, if you get your email in first, but don't tell us which gig you're coming to, then you won't win)!

Simple? Not quite... You see, we're not going to tell you which email address you need to send your entry to. You're going to need to work it out by solving the equation below. Good Luck!


(2/1 + 8/4 + . + @) - 8/1 = email address


Hint: think alternative medicines...


TSP: Please note, you need to have your own ticket for entry to the show and the prize doesn't include transport or accommodation. We will contact the winners by email and/or mobile and announce them on muse.mu on Monday 11th August.





Right heres the answer for you all:


So we're told in hint 2 to not forget hullaballoo which means it revolves around albums so then:


2/1 = Muscle Museum (2nd Track, First Album)

8/4 = Hysteria (8th Track, 4th Album)

8/1 = Uno (8th Track, 1st Album)


We are also told that the domain is @muse.mu so that removes '@' and the '.' from the equation.


Muscle Museum + Hysteria - Uno


And because we know muse.mu is in it, then we can see that they are contained within muscle museum so we remove those from the equation too.


Schleum + Hysteria - Uno


Uno = 1


If you remove one letter from either of schleum of hysteria you get 13 letters, 13 is the number of the x's.


If you remove 'U' you get schlemhysteria, which is an anagram of mystichealers(@muse.mu) which is an alternative medicine



Isk.. Got headache.. :stunned:



:eek: Wow.... you actually go around to figure it out?!!! :eek: I can really salute you and you deserve an A for your work :happy:

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i wanted to go down but the security was so kerek la that day. there was this girl beside me kept asking her mom to go down with her but her mom wanted the comfort of the chair. it was so weird to see parents chaperoning their kids to the concerts. my parents would NEVER do such a thing when i was young. i always need to sneak out of the house to go for a gig.kids these days.. so manja la..:rolleyes:


oh man.. memang berbeza la.. muse and Panic. i read somewhere that Muse's concert is the BEST concert ever held in Malaysia and i agree 100% with the writer haha... it's not only Muse that made the concert awesome but the crowd was rocking too. oh man, i can never EVER get over it. lol


Lol.... Security can be pain in the ass sometimes :indiff: You should shoot them kau kau and say that there is not that many people down there and the ticket price for free seating is much more expensive then free standing :mad:


:LOL: Yah, it is weird to see some parents in some rock concert :rolleyes::LOL: But then parents are much more protective these days and sometimes if that child is going alone and is only 10 or 12 years old, I don't think it is that suitable for them to go alone :erm::D

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^ u're good. so props to u..


V's HQ vids are already up on youtube, check out this person's channel.




ace quality of vids and i just love KoC with Chris harmonica intro. goosebumps! i find Matt jumping around is so brilliant! the audio in these vids .. OMG!!


Nice one :D At least can see Muse in this and since when Chris knows how to play harmonica?! :eek:

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Lol i say 'aiya' all the time! along with 'aiyoh' and 'aiseh' and 'eh!' and stuff exactly girls faint all the time! do guys faint to? i think they do, if the moshing is too much and if they didnt eat. so remember kids! dont forget to eat before you gig!


yeah despite the small turn out, the gig will be much more 'intimate' that way. so nice! better way to bond with the band la. we just want Muse to ourselves :LOL:



Nut, that vid was epic!! omg that harmonica solo thingy was very haunting, indeed.



I was watching our dear ol' Lee Chong Wei last night too! man, the way he stretches out his legs in all directions just to hit the shuttlecock... wow, damn determined la he. damn dedicated :happy:


woohooo cant wait for finals this Sunday! China, despite you being my native race/country and all, JOO GOIN' DAYOOOWWWNNN!! :p



:LOL::LOL: Yeah, China is going down!! :p Awwww.... Lee Chong Wei lost yesterday :(:(:( but i think he is too nervous and most probably got too much pressure. At least he try he best to do everything and got a silver for Malaysia!!! :D Go Malaysia!! :musesign: *imagine the words on the sign is Malaysia =P *



And yesterday me and my Aunty couldn't stop talking how bad does Lin Da looks(I mean his face, looks) just because he beat Malaysia :rolleyes::p:LOL:

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