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Squee hey guys!

I saw the dark knight on saturday!

It was amaazing :happy:

I'm seeing it again on friday at IMAX! :happy:

how are you all lately :)



Hi Sarah. Welcome back :D

Wow,...all of you already watch dark knight so fast :( I feel so left out.....


I'm doing good and just find out today that dancing is actually a very straineous activity. :rolleyes: And I'm having my car exam tomorrow :eek: ekk....


How about you? :happy:

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My interest in batman before all the hype is just so-so only. If I do watch it then great... If not then ma never mind lo. :p I do know everyone is very hyped up about it


Haha... The baloon is fun but sometimes it's a bit distracting :p You can beat da baloon around Yah.... lucky mak ciks


Hmm.... Muse is a bit into themself during concerts. I dunno is it because they are quite nervous in big crowds and shy :


in concert you aee suppose to connect with fans and say you love them (althought you don't)


zomg. i watched it for the second time today. you HAVE to watch it! GOGOGO!


haha distracting yes, but so what! its fun! :D if you're all the way at the front you wouldnt notice the balloons though. thats what happened to kak faz and co anyway. =)

yeah they're always nervous whenever they play in big crowds. of course lah! haha who wouldnt be? they do say they love us, and i'm sure they do... deep down somewhere, because if we arent fans, they're absolutely nothing. haha. if we're not fans, we wouldnt be posting here!!


Ohh.... and about breaking dawn.... Edward should get on with it and change her into a vampire already


lolol. we can only find out once the book gets released here... someday...... do you know when? :confused:


Forgot was I was going to say, can only remember the Bale-love Thanks to u Faz, heheh.


He's amazing in everything that he's done. I've had a weird crush on him since I was a little girl and he was playing an English schoolchild lost in Shanghai(?) in the Spielberg war movie Empire of the Sun (his first role I think).


Him and McAvoy, yum. Ok I'll stop now.


Aaah the Muse memories. I love all of your flashbacks ppl, keep em coming! I still remember thinking that I was going to die during KOC, what a way to go huh?


However in a weird way, due to how amazing the crowd, Muse and everything was overall, it was my privilege to feel that pain, it added to the 'experience'. I would so do it again, over and over.


Oh and now nak tiru u la Faz, ya 1000 doesnt such like much for a single Muse tix.


Mmm yes i found McAvoy to be extra yummy after i noticed he was in Atonement and Wanted.

he was waaaaay too hairy for my linking in Narnia though!


I watched Batman again today. Bale is OMG SUPER YUMMY. i finally noticed his erm.... hands, when he was driving that lambo... omg i couldnt stop grinning at myself hahaha. i love his slightly long yet short hair. its long enough to comb it back, but its still short. you know? i love that kind hair :happy:





it looks perfect to run your hands through :happy:



haha i wouldnt wanna be reminded of the experience that made me feel like i was gonna die! though, yeah i did feel pretty worried when all the crazy heavy moshing started during KOC, followed by Hysteria. my friend said, he saw this extremely scared look on my face :LOL: i knew how i contoured my face though, it felt more like a really ugly wincing look was on my face haha. something i hope noone else saw.

but thats not the point. :$ point is, er, yeah, during KOC, Hysteria, SMBH, the crowd was just CRAZY la! i couldnt take it anymore :( i wish i could though. so thats why.. my favourite muse moment would be when muse baru got on stage. before i almost died. haha. :happy:


Squee hey guys!

I saw the dark knight on saturday!

It was amaazing

I'm seeing it again on friday at IMAX!

how are you all lately


hello! i watched it for the second time today! its really better the second time you watch it, you notice things you didnt notice before! :eek: i know i sure did :D

how are you?


It's the Olympic team actually bt im not complaining! Actually im going to support the obvious, and they don't have red on their colours!


omg hahahaha i didnt know there was an OLYMPIC team for football! :LOL: seriously this is huge news for me haha. Kaka didnt make it for the olympic team? he is well hot :p

Edited by mynameisdebbie
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zomg. i watched it for the second time today. you HAVE to watch it! GOGOGO!


haha distracting yes, but so what! its fun! :D if you're all the way at the front you wouldnt notice the balloons though. thats what happened to kak faz and co anyway. =)

yeah they're always nervous whenever they play in big crowds. of course lah! haha who wouldnt be? they do say they love us, and i'm sure they do... deep down somewhere, because if we arent fans, they're absolutely nothing. haha. if we're not fans, we wouldnt be posting here!!


:LOL: Wow.... It must be really good if you watch it for the second time after watching it for like a few days later. Hehe... Going to watch it this saturday if everything turns out well :rolleyes::D




lolol. we can only find out once the book gets released here... someday...... do you know when? :confused:


Err.... :erm: I'm not too sure either when will it be release in Malaysia. As soon as possible I hope



Mmm yes i found McAvoy to be extra yummy after i noticed he was in Atonement and Wanted.

he was waaaaay too hairy for my linking in Narnia though!


:LOL: Yah... McAvoy does stand out a lot in Attonement. He is quite attractive in that movie :eyebrows::rolleyes::LOL:



haha i wouldnt wanna be reminded of the experience that made me feel like i was gonna die! though, yeah i did feel pretty worried when all the crazy heavy moshing started during KOC, followed by Hysteria. my friend said, he saw this extremely scared look on my face :LOL: i knew how i contoured my face though, it felt more like a really ugly wincing look was on my face haha. something i hope noone else saw.

but thats not the point. :$ point is, er, yeah, during KOC, Hysteria, SMBH, the crowd was just CRAZY la! i couldnt take it anymore :( i wish i could though. so thats why.. my favourite muse moment would be when muse baru got on stage. before i almost died. haha. :happy:


Before you almost die? :eek: aww... poor you *pats and hug debie*

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have u seen muse play other rare song live.. such as endlessly... falling away with u ?? :erm: just found one.. endlessly.. :D


Go to Muselive and download...I love the Exeter bootleg. The crowd's very good as well.

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omgosh i wish i could multi quote..


after reading all the posts, i realised that i missed so much of the movie. :eek::stunned: damn my sakit perut at the time... u guys esp Liz , are very observant la.. i didnt notice a lot of the things that u guys mentioned. now i just can't wait to watch the movie again this sunday! oh deb, seriously i was like almost spit out my ice cream for that molten hot christain bale picture. woahhh damn hot la him . * leaves multiple smooch marks on monitor * for the first time in months i bought an entertainment magazine -- i only buy F1 mags-- coz mr bruce wayne was on the cover. gosh, he's just bloody panas la that man.. hehehe.. am on a super fan girly mode now! sorry..:$


mcavoy is mr tumnus rite? so yeah.. i agree with deb, he was pretty hairy in narnia haha.. i never really fancy him. but he does have a very sexy accent btw. lol.. oh anyways, is it true that there's a new x files movie? mulder and scully are back together? lol..


i am still sad that i didn't notice the balloons tau! :'( i was really looking forward for that coz in the hullabaloo dvd matt popped a couple of balloons juga kan? so i was hoping to see the same thing. but oh well, i was rite in front which was super cool already.. lol. sorry, i don't mean to be poyo..hehe..


did u guys noticed that deadstar sounds different this time around? my fav part has got to be chris's epic voice. but something sounds different. i just can't put my finger on it.


and speaking of football, anyone going to malaysia vs chelsea game? or was it last saturday?


i've see one awesome vid of endlessly @ wembley. it's one of my fav youtube vids.


Why i was on stage during the Hall Effect set ? because the band wanted to introduce me to the Colombian fans. they were amazed that i am traveling around the world to see Muse gigs :D


A huge thank to the Hall Effect, their management, their technicians for this great day. I was inside the Palacio at 02:OOPM; got the pass, could be backstage.


Muse Bogota 20/07/08 Dead Star


can you ever imagine being introduced on stage during an open act for a muse's gig?:eek::stunned: lucky guy!


ooh, but i can definitely imagine Matt and Dom introduce us; shannaz, adyla and myself as the lovely ladies who stalked 'em at KLIA.. :ninja:

Edited by crazy_mary
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Sorry for unrelated subject...



Travis will perform from 10.30 - 11.45 pm on Saturday

Are u going to stay in S'pore ? If yes, where ?

Can I also join u & yr sis in S'pore to go together to the gig? (I'll be coming alone, I'm female)

I haven't bought the tickets though, soon..



Still on?


Thanks !

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Err.... I'm not too sure either when will it be release in Malaysia. As soon as possible I hope


Before you almost die? aww... poor you *pats and hug debie*


its gonna be released here. i'm definitely sure about that.. i'm just not sure if the release date is gonna be the same as the rest of the world :erm:


aww thanks! haha.


have u seen muse play other rare song live.. such as endlessly... falling away with u ?? just found one.. endlessly..


Muse has never played Falling Away With You live before. apparently there's too many 'layers' in the music that they cant do live.


but now that they have Morgan to help them out with their music, i'm sure they'll be able to pull it off one way or another. i'm hoping for it anyway! its one of my favourite muse songs.. :D


i just realised that i have too many favourite muse songs. :stunned:


after reading all the posts, i realised that i missed so much of the movie. damn my sakit perut at the time... u guys esp Liz , are very observant la.. i didnt notice a lot of the things that u guys mentioned. now i just can't wait to watch the movie again this sunday! oh deb, seriously i was like almost spit out my ice cream for that molten hot christain bale picture. woahhh damn hot la him . * leaves multiple smooch marks on monitor * for the first time in months i bought an entertainment magazine -- i only buy F1 mags-- coz mr bruce wayne was on the cover. gosh, he's just bloody panas la that man.. hehehe.. am on a super fan girly mode now! sorry..


mcavoy is mr tumnus rite? so yeah.. i agree with deb, he was pretty hairy in narnia haha.. i never really fancy him. but he does have a very sexy accent btw. lol.. oh anyways, is it true that there's a new x files movie? mulder and scully are back together? lol..


i am still sad that i didn't notice the balloons tau! i was really looking forward for that coz in the hullabaloo dvd matt popped a couple of balloons juga kan? so i was hoping to see the same thing. but oh well, i was rite in front which was super cool already.. lol. sorry, i don't mean to be poyo..hehe..


did u guys noticed that deadstar sounds different this time around? my fav part has got to be chris's epic voice. but something sounds different. i just can't put my finger on it.


and speaking of football, anyone going to malaysia vs chelsea game? or was it last saturday?


i've see one awesome vid of endlessly @ wembley. it's one of my fav youtube vids.




can you ever imagine being introduced on stage during an open act for a muse's gig? lucky guy!


ooh, but i can definitely imagine Matt and Dom introduce us; shannaz, adyla and myself as the lovely ladies who stalked 'em at KLIA.. :ninja:


go watch the movie again kak faz! i think i'm gonna watch it one more time.. hahaha. making it a total of 3 times :LOL: i just cant get enough of it la lol.

LOL HE LOOKS DAMN HOT IN THAT PICTURE RIGHT? when i saw it i was like "WAH. I HAVE TO POST THIS." his hair is just sooo yummy in that picture :happy:

hahahahha i normally never buy the Galaxie magazine, but i bought one last month i think, because an article with Ben Barnes was in it :LOL: i looooove Ben Barnes! he is sooo hot, and he looks really young too. i'm surprised he's like... 9 years older than me :stunned:

LOL kak faz i love your fangirl side la. its damn funny!


yeah he was mr tumnus! too hairy for my liking though. and yes you're right, his accent is just lovely :happy: haha yeah murder and curry are joining forces once again! :D the movie is coming out next week i think. are you a big fan of the X Files?


yeah you were right in front :mad: dont complain. lol! :D kidding. haha. yeah the balloons were released towards the back. good la! at least the people at the back can get some action :D


yeah i noticed dead star sounds different. i couldnt really hear chris's loud bass tapping during the verse. and they added in the keyboard sound effects thing. i thought it was a bit too loud though. i'd rather hear the pumping bass than the keyboard sounds.


OMG! i wanna be introduced on stage by Muse too! oh shit that guy is damn lucky. not to mention DAMN RICH. :'(


oh, on the topic of christian bale right...

what do you guys think about his arrest?


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LOONNG post ahead! (mostly Batman/Chrstian Bale related..lol sorry for that!)


Yeah I wanna see Daughtry!



eh? its a proper gig at OU? wtf? which part of OU? i thought it was like.. part of some festival thingie thingie. omg dont throw eggs! haha. thats horrible.


Throw eggs?!!! :LOL:


Lol, I'll tryy to refrain my friend from throwing eggs... But he's already asking me to boil these eggs. "Make it hard boiled eggs, Liz. That way it'll definitely hurt more! Maybe he can go lock himself in the trailer write a song about it after that." :LOL: I seriously don't know what my friend has against him...


I'm not sure if it's a proper gig Deb. But I understand that Sony Ericsson will be having a Traffic Jam Party of sorts that will feature Daughtry. It will be held in the car park area of OU this Saturday. I think you'll need invites for the gig though. I can't be bothered to look out for more information regarding this now.. Heh, but I think if you google 'traffic jam party daughtry' there might be something? ;)




and speaking of football, anyone going to malaysia vs chelsea game? or was it last saturday?

It'll be on the 29th of July. Next Tuesday. I WANT TO GOOOOO. Summore now they say Lampard's confirmed to join the Asian promo tour. But I'll be freaking broke what with SingFest on the 2nd of August. Sigh... Maybe I'll just go look for them in the airport/hotels or something ;] After all, I've seen them play once before against Newcastle :D Let's hope I can find time for it though...







Sorry for unrelated subject...



Travis will perform from 10.30 - 11.45 pm on Saturday

Are u going to stay in S'pore ? If yes, where ?

Can I also join u & yr sis in S'pore to go together to the gig? (I'll be coming alone, I'm female)

I haven't bought the tickets though, soon..



Still on?


Thanks !

Hullo! My sister and I will only be staying one night in Spore. We're taking the morning bus from KL on Saturday and we'll probably reach at about 12:30pm? We'll be spending Saturday night at her friend's place, I'm not sure where though. I'll ask her and get back to you?


Of course you can join me and my sis and we'll head together to the gig :] Although we'll only be around Fort Canning on Saturday. She wants to go shopping on Sunday *narrows eyes*. But I guess for her to join me in my Singapore trip is good enough. Heh. My sister just bought the tickets a few days back. Use your credit card (if you have any). I think you can get 10% off if you do!




its gonna be released here. i'm definitely sure about that.. i'm just not sure if the release date is gonna be the same as the rest of the world :erm:

I think it's the same. I saw a poster on the release date of Breaking Dawn in MPH (or was it Popular?) that day.


Speaking of vampires, after being influenced by my other friend that loves Edward Cullen, she managed to make me watch this anime called Vampire Knight. According to her, the basis of the story is a tiiinnyyy bit like Twilight so that certainly caught my attention. I decided to watch it eventhough I'm not too fond of ..animes. But anyway, hmmmm... there's a certain character in there that certainly reminds me of Edward. Heh.






man i NEED to watch this movie again! i didnt concentrate much on Bruce Wayne himself because i was too fixated by The Joker. apparently Bruce Wayne was topless for a bit? i dont freakin remember! THIS IS WRONG! i ALWAYS notice topless guys! especially if they are as sexy as Christian Bale. sigh. shame on me.


that guy from prison break? who? michael schofield? i didnt know this!


oh, i HATE batman's stupid raspy sore-throat voice lah. i hate it so much. its so stupid. i wish he'd just shut up sometimes when he's talking in long sentences in that voice. bring back Bruce Wayne's real voice!

He was topless in two scenes! It's impossible to miss. Lol. The first part was when he was stitching himself (ouch) and when he took that fitting black shirt off, I remember wailing, "OMG please don't put another shirt back onnn!" Might be a little tooo loud though because the guy sitting in front of me cleared his throat hahaha. That was also the first scene that has Bruce Wayne in it! Seriously la, I don't think there's enough Bruce parts :( But oh well. I guess we've had plenty of that in the first movie dy. The second part would be the swimming trunks scene XD When he jumped into the sea/ocean, usually people would be distracted by his well-tonned body but ehhh I was actually grinning myself silly because ... he had this black strap thing around his hands while he swam towards the aircraft. Wet!Handporn! *DIES*


Agent Mahone! The guy that hunted and wanted Michael dead in season 2!


Haha, I found his voice really awkward too. But I guess it's part of him being Batman and not wanting to be recognized or whatever.. I'll forgive him for that.. :LOL: I like starring at his thinn lips in every Batman scene. lol okay, this is getting too much, huh?



Who did he play in Pochahontas? :eek: no freakin way!

Thomas! John Smith's friend. That tiny guy with brown hair. He was the one that shot Pocahontas' supposed husband but then John Smith took the blame for killing that guy and told Thomas to run!


go watch the movie again kak faz! i think i'm gonna watch it one more time.. hahaha. making it a total of 3 times. i just cant get enough of it la lol.

LOL HE LOOKS DAMN HOT IN THAT PICTURE RIGHT? when i saw it i was like "WAH. I HAVE TO POST THIS." his hair is just sooo yummy in that picture :happy:

hahahahha i normally never buy the Galaxie magazine, but i bought one last month i think, because an article with Ben Barnes was in it . i looooove Ben Barnes! he is sooo hot, and he looks really young too. i'm surprised he's like... 9 years older than me

Hehe, that's the spirit! I managed to get my friend to watch it more than one time too. Lol. Eeee. Thank youuu for that picture! I would post a pic spam right now but gahhh... busyy :(


Ben Barnes! XD I wish I could still watch that interview of him with Jay Leno though. I can't find it in youtube anymore! :[



Forgot was I was going to say, can only remember the Bale-love :p Thanks to u Faz, heheh.


He's amazing in everything that he's done. I've had a weird crush on him since I was a little girl and he was playing an English schoolchild lost in Shanghai(?) in the Spielberg war movie Empire of the Sun (his first role I think).

Eeee. I loved Empire of the Sun! I've watched it multiple times now and I still can't believe how good he was eventhough he was only 13 then! Yup, it was in Shanghai during WW2. He definitely pulled off playing an annoying kid alongside John Malkovich. Lol. I believe my first introduction to Bale was in Little Women. TEDDYY <3 Wahhh. The teenager in me then fell in love with him immediately. But it wasn't until I found out about Christian Bale/Ewan McGregor/Jonathan Rhys-Myers being in a movie together that I began being a (serious) Balehead!



mcavoy is mr tumnus rite? so yeah.. i agree with deb, he was pretty hairy in narnia haha.. i never really fancy him. but he does have a very sexy accent btw. lol..

James McAvoy! Have you guys watched Penelope? He acts opposite Christina Ricci. He's brilliantly gorgeous in it! Anyway, I liked him in Narnia actually. That may be due to the fact that I've always had a soft spot for Mr. Tumnus though. Heh. But in Wanted, waahh damn chun what with all those guns in his hands. (Lol, hands again..)



oh, on the topic of christian bale right...

what do you guys think about his arrest?



I think it's absolutely far-fetched. All this negative press around him made me cringe and laugh at the same time, really. When you're bound to be that big Hollywood actor thing you'll definitely get sucked into the whole crazy gossip whirlwind. Seriously, have you seen how this guy professed his love to his wife and family?!


Bale's acceptance speech.


Totally made me go awwwwwww when he mentioned about his wife being his Wonder Woman! Oh and the nipples/batsuit thing :LOL:


Anyway, I have to say that I am not going to fully believe all these allegations made against him. I don't really buy that whole "Bale being absolutely depressed over Heath's death" thing. Sure I understand they were co-stars in two movies but I just never felt Bale beginning to quote "crack" unquote after Heath's departure. (Or maybe I'm just not a Heath Ledger fan in general...) I can't be 100% right on this but I felt Christian had more of a "friend/buddy" connection with Hugh Jackman (The Prestige!) compared to Heath... Hmm.


Also, the sudden influx of his daughter's pictures circulating the internet must be troubling for a person that hates the media revolving his family! For Christian's sake, I just hope this bowls over quickly and that he'll be able to get through with it. Hopefully he doesn't excuse himself from interviews again and disappear out of thin air like he usually did back when he went around promoting Steven Spielberg's Empire of the Sun! (then again he was only a young boy then. haha)


I think it's only the strain of promoting The Dark Knight as well portraying John Connor.. I trust that he would do the right thing to overcome this though!

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Wow... really really long post. i'm not even gonna bother quoting it because it'll make my post long haha.


thanks for the info about Daughtry's 'gig' yeah? :)

Vampire Knight eh? how is the anime like?

according to Perez Hilton, there's gonna be a movie, and a new TV series that are rather vampire related.



its like as if everything seems to be related to vampires now! :LOL:


Oh yeah I notice his thin lips too!! they look so yummy! so kiss-able. i dont like lips that are like too pouty. i like em thin on my men :LOL: dom's lips are pretty thin too. :happy: *swoons*


aww i didnt see Prison Break season 2 :( only season 1. but i saw lotsa ads for season 2.. so the dude at the bank looked REALLY familiar!


omg he was thomas? i totally did not know this! :eek: this is so cool! he starred it one of my favourite movies as a child... this is so awesome haha. okay well he didnt really 'star' in it but hey, he was in it! thats good enough for me :D

i want pic spam.. hahaha. yeah they took the video off! this so so sad :(


apparently there are some sneak peeks of Twilight on the Penelope DVD... but thats all i know of Penelope :LOL: i'll imdb it. i dunno if its the same penelope though!



looks pretty interesting :happy:


i honestly dunno what to believe, when it comes to him assaulting his mum and sister, verbally or not. and i'm not really affected by it la. when it all comes down to it, what we hear from all these celebrity gossip places are just rumours.

but it gets pretty interesting (not to mention juicy!) at times though :chuckle:


i'm pretty sure he did have a nice friendship with Heath... maybe he'd feel a bit down that someone he worked with just died so suddenly. i know i would! there were lotsa batman-joker scenes what. they have lotsa time to bond :D


that acceptance speech was just lovely la :happy: i went "awwwwwwww" too. he's so sweet. and i actually forgot all about the nipples thing until he mentioned it :LOL:





btw, check this out!!! i think this is so cool.


its a bit old though. but i dont care! :D

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Wow.... All the reply is so long :rolleyes: LOL



To Debbie:

I think they in MPH and popular, they did put the date of the book getting release in Malaysia on the breaking dawn poster



To guilt stricken:

:LOL: Your friend is really keen on throwing eggs on Chris Daughtry huh? :LOL: Just make sure both of you don't get caught :rolleyes::p:LOL:

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Ahh cool cool :happy:

I've been very tired haha..you?

I've been alright!

cant waaait!

IMAX tomorrow



Hi Sarah. Welcome back :D

Wow,...all of you already watch dark knight so fast :( I feel so left out.....


I'm doing good and just find out today that dancing is actually a very straineous activity. :rolleyes: And I'm having my car exam tomorrow :eek: ekk....


How about you? :happy:

Awww! you must see it, it's brilliant!

Oooh, cheerleading is strenuous, i miss it though :LOL:!

im good though :)

hello! i watched it for the second time today! its really better the second time you watch it, you notice things you didnt notice before! :eek: i know i sure did :D

how are you?


Oooh, im soooooo excited!

besides the guy i like is gunna be there

hook in sair! ^^

i hope so!

I'm good , you :)

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To Debbie:

I think they in MPH and popular, they did put the date of the book getting release in Malaysia on the breaking dawn poster



To guilt stricken:

:LOL: Your friend is really keen on throwing eggs on Chris Daughtry huh? :LOL: Just make sure both of you don't get caught :rolleyes::p:LOL:


oh really?? haha thats great :D i'll definitely buy it ASAP. woohoo! *semangat*


Oooh, im soooooo excited!

besides the guy i like is gunna be there

hook in sair! ^^

i hope so!

I'm good , you :)


oooh you're going on a date? :happy: on imax too! that must be brilliant.


i'm good! my sister just came back from Melbourne. she brought back lotsa chocolates and whatnot haha. and she bought me a top from SUPRE! :happy:

she said she was gonna watch TDK (again) on IMAX but then decided to watch it here instead. what sucks is that apparently, here, we dont have the Imax film for TDK! we only have the normal non-imax film. boohoo :(

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oooh you're going on a date? :happy: on imax too! that must be brilliant.


i'm good! my sister just came back from Melbourne. she brought back lotsa chocolates and whatnot haha. and she bought me a top from SUPRE! :happy:

she said she was gonna watch TDK (again) on IMAX but then decided to watch it here instead. what sucks is that apparently, here, we dont have the Imax film for TDK! we only have the normal non-imax film. boohoo :(


I wish it was a date haha! :LOL:

I'm going with a group of friends.

Hopefully I'll sit next to him and score a cuddle :chuckle!

Oh no!

That sucks!

I love IMAX films :(

oooh, what sort of top? i got a really cool scarf from there. though the pattern reminds me of david jones logo hahahaa [a company]

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I wish it was a date haha! :LOL:

I'm going with a group of friends.

Hopefully I'll sit next to him and score a cuddle :chuckle!

Oh no!

That sucks!

I love IMAX films :(

oooh, what sort of top? i got a really cool scarf from there. though the pattern reminds me of david jones logo hahahaa [a company]

ooh group outings. nice. does he know you've watched this movie before? you could act all scared during the shocking parts :LOL: then he can put his arm around you and comfort you :chuckle


i've never watched anything on IMAX before. i dont know why they dont have the freakin dark knight on imax. ITS THE THE DARK KNIGHT FFS! its MADE for imax :'(


its a t shirt (those tight ones) with a huuuge picture of a girl in aviators on it. :happy: it looks really cool. *is happy*

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I've been alright!

cant waaait!

IMAX tomorrow




Awww! you must see it, it's brilliant!

Oooh, cheerleading is strenuous, i miss it though :LOL:!

im good though :)



:eek: IMAX as in 3D?!!! :eek::eek: That is soo freaking good!!!!!


:LOL:Actually I'm went into dancing class(hip hop) for about 45 minutes and I almost died at the last few minutes :stunned::rolleyes: Haha.... Looks like I have been pigging/lazy for the last few months :p


:LOL: I am going to see it tommorow night :D and tomorrow is my convocation :D After tommorow I can discuss and read all the spoilers about dark knight :rolleyes::p:LOL:

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oh really?? haha thats great :D i'll definitely buy it ASAP. woohoo! *semangat*


Found out the date!!!! :D Today me and my best friend went to hang out and watch movie and we found out that breaking dawn is going to release in Malaysia on 4 Aug :rolleyes: She already book the book so she could collect it on 4 Aug :chuckle

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Found out the date!!!! :D Today me and my best friend went to hang out and watch movie and we found out that breaking dawn is going to release in Malaysia on 4 Aug :rolleyes: She already book the book so she could collect it on 4 Aug :chuckle


omg! i wanna book the book too! but i wont be going to MPH anytime soon... argh :mad: did she have to pay a deposit or something?


:LOL: Nice avie




yay thanks haha :D



on a muse-related note.

I JUST HEARD KNIGHTS OF CYDONIA ON TRAXX.FM WTF! so shcoking to hear the whole KOC on radio man :LOL:

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