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it's almost 8pm. we were sitting right at the barrier while waiting for the concert to start! i wish i could turn back time..


Thanks, lady dementia.. i just got back from school and rushed straight to my computer! PMS all over again!! :LOL:


btw, incubus is scheduled to play at 1230 am at sunburst. wayyyyy past my bedtime. :stunned:


rite, i tried. but i just dunno how to use yousendit.

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lol good luck with that aye? haha at least you can hear the echo of Brandon Boyd's beautiful voice. :happy:


Haha it would be pretty sad though if i were to remain outside the whole time.

Happy Anniversary ppl!


Two of my faves:







Let it be remembered how awesome Muse were, and how incredible the night was! It was an amazing crowd, all of u sld be proud.


*eyes water in joyous memory* :LOL:


What were u guys doing this time last year? Ooh the anticipation was delicious, wasnt it? I was trying to hurry along my friend to get to Stadium Negara, we were at a hair salon :rolleyes:


Nut, what did u do for the Singaporean anniversary? Mosh by urself @ Fort Canning? :D


Nice vids there! i jus love Assassin and can never get tired of it. For the Fort Canning anniversary i didn't do anything! :p


During this time i was somewhere in the crowd standing alone, sms-ing Von lol. Then i heard Yeah Yeah Yeahs on the PA! And i thought, cool, Muse likes the YYYs.


But it's just amazing, 1 year after the gig and we're still here together posting on this thread. Awesome, guys.



haha nothing in particular.. just remembering times with my brother who came with me last year..

'wow last year at this time we were waiting for muse..' or 'right at this moment the show has just started!' and so on :LOL: couldn't help feeling a bit nostalgic.. how about you guys?




it's almost 8pm. we were sitting right at the barrier while waiting for the concert to start! i wish i could turn back time..


Thanks, lady dementia.. i just got back from school and rushed straight to my computer! PMS all over again!!


btw, incubus is scheduled to play at 1230 am at sunburst. wayyyyy past my bedtime. :stunned:


rite, i tried. but i just dunno how to use yousendit.



I didn't feel nostalgic until i came to this thread and was reminded it's the 1 year anniversary! :LOL:


Kak Faz please don give up heh heh...... Maybe someone else who has the video can help upload it?? *hint hint* @ Deb..

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Happy Anniversary everyone! Eventhough I'm usually just a lurker ;) I shall never forget the day I heard Sunburn live and of course the day Muse rocked our socks off!


Anyway, since Muse came by, we've been blessed with a string of gigs from several other bands. Switchfoot (♥) and Explosions in the Sky, most recently! Kudos to Muse for starting everything!


I saw the schedule for Sunburst too. (Odd - for some reason I typed Sunburn ;) ) Incubus at 12:30 - 1:30am. That should be interesting! :stunned: I wonder how I'm gonna get a ride back hmmm. I wish they would try to get Jimmy Eat World to drop by KL. They're headed to Japan for a gig on the 17th of March - surely these pineapple people could enlighten us by bringing JEW along? :-/

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Happy 1st anniversary y'all What a nite that was. Suffering major PMS all over again now. Haha. Ya'll have a great Monday.


its D-DAY!!! im having PMS attack all over again! im loving it! i wanna experience it all over again! happiest day of my life!


Happy Anniversary ppl!


Two of my faves:







Let it be remembered how awesome Muse were, and how incredible the night was! It was an amazing crowd, all of u sld be proud.


*eyes water in joyous memory*


What were u guys doing this time last year? Ooh the anticipation was delicious, wasnt it? I was trying to hurry along my friend to get to Stadium Negara, we were at a hair salon


Nut, what did u do for the Singaporean anniversary? Mosh by urself @ Fort Canning?


happy anniversary guys!! woah its been a year.. lets hope muse will stop by asia again sometime around this year :happy:




it's almost 8pm. we were sitting right at the barrier while waiting for the concert to start! i wish i could turn back time..


Thanks, lady dementia.. i just got back from school and rushed straight to my computer! PMS all over again!!


btw, incubus is scheduled to play at 1230 am at sunburst. wayyyyy past my bedtime.


rite, i tried. but i just dunno how to use yousendit.


Happy Anniversary guys! miele the video of TIRO seriously TRIGGERED the PMS man. i'm not kidding. Was the Malaysian crowd really that awesome that night? were WE so awesome that night? it's so hard to believe! i cant get over it.


oh shit la i'm supposed to be doing my Moral Studies assignment but i'm so distracted! roaoaoaaooaoar. wrong time to get PMS la seriously :(


lady dementia i LOVE your sig haha.


Haha it would be pretty sad though if i were to remain outside the whole time.



Nice vids there! i jus love Assassin and can never get tired of it. For the Fort Canning anniversary i didn't do anything! :p


During this time i was somewhere in the crowd standing alone, sms-ing Von lol. Then i heard Yeah Yeah Yeahs on the PA! And i thought, cool, Muse likes the YYYs.


But it's just amazing, 1 year after the gig and we're still here together posting on this thread. Awesome, guys.


I didn't feel nostalgic until i came to this thread and was reminded it's the 1 year anniversary! :LOL:


Kak Faz please don give up heh heh...... Maybe someone else who has the video can help upload it?? *hint hint* @ Deb..


oh yeah i remember the yeah yeah yeah song! i was like singing along to it thinking "omg Muse and i have the same taste in music. i love the flaming lips! THIS IS SO MEANT TO BE!" lol :LOL:


It's sad Von isn't here with us though :( someone go convince her to come back! haha.


lol sorry i wish i could but i seriously have no time to do that. i dunno how long it'll take for it to upload. unless you can wait til the end of the week? my assignment will prolly be done by then. aye? :)


Happy Anniversary everyone! Eventhough I'm usually just a lurker ;) I shall never forget the day I heard Sunburn live and of course the day Muse rocked our socks off!


Anyway, since Muse came by, we've been blessed with a string of gigs from several other bands. Switchfoot (♥) and Explosions in the Sky, most recently! Kudos to Muse for starting everything!


I saw the schedule for Sunburst too. (Odd - for some reason I typed Sunburn ;) ) Incubus at 12:30 - 1:30am. That should be interesting! :stunned: I wonder how I'm gonna get a ride back hmmm. I wish they would try to get Jimmy Eat World to drop by KL. They're headed to Japan for a gig on the 17th of March - surely these pineapple people could enlighten us by bringing JEW along? :-/


Happy Anniversary! hello! welcome back! lol!


they should bring Maroon 5 too. they're dropping by Bangkok and Singapore but they're totally ignoring us. sigh.


seriously? 12.30 to 1.30am? that's crazy :stunned:

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Aaaw guys, lovely anniversary-related posts, I love it, very 'festive' :D


Deb, u've never seen that TIRO clip before? :stunned:

Yup we were that awesome, hence the intense PMS attacks even after a year gone by! :LOL::happy: It's great reading the youtube posts complimenting how great the crowd was as well.

*perasan mode still on*


See Muse, proof that the Malaysian crowd loves u! Please come back!




Oh, today is the 1-year anniversary of the famous KLIA trip and Matt-hugging activities! :D


Faz, if u want i can refresh the memories using photographic avidence of the event? *evils* :p

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Kak Faz please don give up heh heh...... Maybe someone else who has the video can help upload it?? *hint hint* @ Deb..


ok n00b question no 2. what shud i do from here? :unsure:


I saw the schedule for Sunburst too. (Odd - for some reason I typed Sunburn ;) ) Incubus at 12:30 - 1:30am. That should be interesting! :stunned: I wonder how I'm gonna get a ride back hmmm. I wish they would try to get Jimmy Eat World to drop by KL. They're headed to Japan for a gig on the 17th of March - surely these pineapple people could enlighten us by bringing JEW along? :-/


tell me about it. i hope i will still be awake by the time they're on stage.:stunned: my friend and i are thinking of selling our sunburst tickets and go to singapore to catch their gig there. but dunno sempat or not to come back to vote for the general election.



See Muse, proof that the Malaysian crowd loves u! Please come back!


Oh, today is the 1-year anniversary of the famous KLIA trip and Matt-hugging activities! :D


Faz, if u want i can refresh the memories using photographic avidence of the event? *evils* :p


i wish muse would read this thread too and see how we are still going crazy over their last concert.


my avy is what happened on the 26th! they went to KL Tower and KLCC and had a 'very nice dinner' according to Dom. :p:D


please, no, no, no, no, NO. don't do it.. don't go to the evil side. tak baik, dosa..:$:$

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lol, its not today! its tomorrow actually :D i think today is when the guys went to KLCC if im not making up any stories here :LOL: so tomorrow i will post another post reminding us all about the famous KLIA trip, lol! :happy:


Woops! haha, got a bit too excited there :$




i wish muse would read this thread too and see how we are still going crazy over their last concert.


my avy is what happened on the 26th! they went to KL Tower and KLCC and had a 'very nice dinner' according to Dom. :p:D


please, no, no, no, no, NO. don't do it.. don't go to the evil side. tak baik, dosa..:$:$




Heheheh. Baik cikgu, saya janji takkan nakal2 lagi...:D




faz, alamak, sure u not going to Sunburst? I'm so looking forward to hanging out with u and the rest sebenarnya......a treat after working so hard, and since no news about Bangkok.

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oh yeah i remember the yeah yeah yeah song! i was like singing along to it thinking "omg Muse and i have the same taste in music. i love the flaming lips! THIS IS SO MEANT TO BE!" lol :LOL:


It's sad Von isn't here with us though :( someone go convince her to come back! haha.


lol sorry i wish i could but i seriously have no time to do that. i dunno how long it'll take for it to upload. unless you can wait til the end of the week? my assignment will prolly be done by then. aye? :)


Haha great you listen to the YYYs too! I love Karen, i find her weird antics attractive, somehow. :p

YEah just where in the world is Von?


Don worry about the upload, hopefully K Faz can do it ;)... Thanks anyway!


ok n00b question no 2. what shud i do from here? :unsure:




tell me about it. i hope i will still be awake by the time they're on stage.:stunned: my friend and i are thinking of selling our sunburst tickets and go to singapore to catch their gig there.


Wha wha what! you wana come here to catch Incubus? :D

Poor miele, if you're really going. Miele must be disappointed now..



For yousendit, i've pm'ed you the details... good luck!

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faz, alamak, sure u not going to Sunburst? I'm so looking forward to hanging out with u and the rest sebenarnya......a treat after working so hard, and since no news about Bangkok.


miss out on watching incubus at my home soil? not a good idea kan? heh heh.. am not going to singapore la.. my mom would kill me kalau tak gi mengundi. :LOL: dengar citer tix for sunburst is now selling at RM100..:stunned: anyone knows if this is for real?


Don worry about the upload, hopefully K Faz can do it ;)... Thanks anyway!


Wha wha what! you wana come here to catch Incubus? :D

Poor miele, if you're really going. Miele must be disappointed now..



For yousendit, i've pm'ed you the details... good luck!


yeah..hopefully i can do it. seriously feels like a technologically challenged person rite now heh..


ayooooooooooooooo.... shannaz, why so cruel??? :$:$:p:LOL:


u should've posted this picture and spare me the eternal embarrassment again. :LOL: plus, Dom looks more adorable here.



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miss out on watching incubus at my home soil? not a good idea kan? heh heh.. am not going to singapore la.. my mom would kill me kalau tak gi mengundi. dengar citer tix for sunburst is now selling at RM100..:stunned: anyone knows if this is for real?




yeah..hopefully i can do it. seriously feels like a technologically challenged person rite now heh..


ayooooooooooooooo.... shannaz, why so cruel??? :$:$:p:LOL:


u should've posted this picture and spare me the eternal embarrassment again. :LOL: plus, Dom looks more adorable here.




hey happy anniversary guys! and happy er... backstreet boys gig. i'm so emo that i couldnt make it for the gig la seriously. my parents arent even noticing that i'm giving them the sort of silent treatment! :'( so. gay.


what they're seriously selling it for RM100?? i want!! i've decided that since i missed bsb, i MUST go for sunburst. dont care. i MUST go. lol.


aww dom. :happy: he looks somewhat dazed by whatever he's looking at. he probably saw someone wearing yellow pants or something :LOL:

Matt and Shannaz actually look quite... couple-like in the pic :eek:

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hey happy anniversary guys! and happy er... backstreet boys gig. i'm so emo that i couldnt make it for the gig la seriously. my parents arent even noticing that i'm giving them the sort of silent treatment! :'( so. gay.


what they're seriously selling it for RM100?? i want!! i've decided that since i missed bsb, i MUST go for sunburst. dont care. i MUST go. lol.


aww dom. :happy: he looks somewhat dazed by whatever he's looking at. he probably saw someone wearing yellow pants or something :LOL:

Matt and Shannaz actually look quite... couple-like in the pic :eek:


OMG! :eek: couple-like?! *dies*


anyway debbie, BSB was awesome last nite! i didnt expect them to give a good show but they surprised me! :D i definitely felt like i was 15 again last nite! :LOL: the best part was of course when they sing all their old numbers in a medley and they changed the music arrangement that it didnt sound to boy band-ish, lol! it was kinda funky and cool, LOVE it!

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Matt and Shannaz actually look quite... couple-like in the pic :eek:


Noo, omigod Deb what have u done, we wont hear the end of this. Someone's going to be so 'kembang' :LOL::p


Faz, u look good la in the photo, why la so shy? :)


Great, so that's one more person confirmed for Sunburst, eh? Looking forward to it! Siapa lagi nak pegi?

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what they're seriously selling it for RM100?? i want!! i've decided that since i missed bsb, i MUST go for sunburst. dont care. i MUST go. lol.


aww dom. :happy: he looks somewhat dazed by whatever he's looking at. he probably saw someone wearing yellow pants or something

Matt and Shannaz actually look quite... couple-like in the pic


u can get to buy the tix for RM100 if u know anyone who works for pineapple concerts, deb. yeah la.. u must go. come la let's all go and wear our muse shirts heh...


fyi, he was looking at me!! :$:p



OMG! u are so right! i guess that pic is like the closest thing i can get to be 'with' him!


ay.. don't start ar.. my picture with dom lagi 'couple-like'.. :rolleyes::LOL:


Noo, omigod Deb what have u done, we wont hear the end of this. Someone's going to be so 'kembang' :LOL::p


Faz, u look good la in the photo, why la so shy? :)


Great, so that's one more person confirmed for Sunburst, eh? Looking forward to it! Siapa lagi nak pegi?


shannaz must be over the moon rite, now! :LOL: i know i would..


No la.. i look like Dom's school teacher or something. nasib baik tak pakai name tag. :$:$


hey melwhoops, happy belated anniversary!

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hey melwhoops, happy belated anniversary!



oh that reminds me..




i was so bummed i wasn't able to do that on the 25th

streamyx was all screwed up

my internet at home isn't working for more than a week now! (currently using my cousin's internet at her house)


oh and did the guys won the brit awards?


and what's this thing about wembley screenings at the cinema?!!?!?!?!

oooooooooooooooohhhh i hope they'll show em in malaysia too....


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