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umm... well i've just found this thread. and i went through it and see that you guys already have a close knit relationship here

so, i'm just afraid that if i kinda kacau here or something

heheh :$


oh and i'm very shy :)


lol naw you dont have to be shy. we let lotsa outsiders into our so-called close knit circle all the time! :p


Cool Deb, fellow horsies! Er, what are the characteristics of a Horse person?


Aaah, that's great that u enjoyed Bangkok, I so feel like going back there! You have to go KSR next time, it''s one of the highlights, for sure.




Hi and welcome, dont worry, kacau = fun. :D


i have no idea how horse people are like. seriously. i dont even know what saggitariuses are like either. i'm very n00b when it comes to all this zodiac stuff. wow you and kak faz are 12 years older than me :eek:


you must go back there! haha i did most of my cny shopping there. damn worth it la seriously. all damn cheap :D yeah i think the next time i'm going there, it's not with my family. who knows, i might even be staying at KSR! are there lotsa B&B's there since its a backpackers place?

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am not emo! :mad:

haha, jk (the mad thing, wasn't joking bout the emo thingy :p )


how are you errrr..... nutcracker?

oh and maybe i can be the sugarplum princess! :D


I'm very good thank you! IF you can play Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy piece, then i'll let you be the sugar plum fairy! Auditions are now open, so try your best will you. :LOL:



lol naw you dont have to be shy. we let lotsa outsiders into our so-called close knit circle all the time! :p




i have no idea how horse people are like. seriously. i dont even know what saggitariuses are like either. i'm very n00b when it comes to all this zodiac stuff. wow you and kak faz are 12 years older than me :eek:


you must go back there! haha i did most of my cny shopping there. damn worth it la seriously. all damn cheap :D yeah i think the next time i'm going there, it's not with my family. who knows, i might even be staying at KSR! are there lotsa B&B's there since its a backpackers place?



I'm an Ox, next yr is my year rite! heh heh..


Maybe when you go to Bangkok the next time, it'll be for the Muse gig that they owed us! ;) What are B&B's?

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I'm an Ox, next yr is my year rite! heh heh..


Maybe when you go to Bangkok the next time, it'll be for the Muse gig that they owed us! ;) What are B&B's?


haha if you're turning 24 next year then yeah you're an Ox :D


lol i hope so! was the cancelled muse gig at Bangkok Hall? because i passed by that place when i was at Bangkok. B&B stands for bed and breakfast. it's like a super budget hotel that backpackers go to :D heehee

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yes, of course i did! i'd claw my insides out and kick myself all over and slit my wrists up to my armpits if i didn't!


they were..... ummmm......


i can't find any word to describe that night and the feeling *sigh*


*gets nostalgic all over again* ah, the awesomeness of it all...*sigh*




Maybe when you go to Bangkok the next time, it'll be for the Muse gig that they owed us! ;) What are B&B's?


*Still sighing* If only.........Please Mr Tom Kirk, dont forget Bangkok!.



lol i hope so! was the cancelled muse gig at Bangkok Hall? because i passed by that place when i was at Bangkok. B&B stands for bed and breakfast. it's like a super budget hotel that backpackers go to :D heehee


:LOL: Yeah it was supposed to be at Bangkok Hall, me n faz spent ages at that place for sheer nostalgia....even cilok all the gig posters heheh *reminisces*


KSR= cheap B&B heaven deb. :D


Oh and Deb: Sssssh about about me n Faz being old :$:LOL:


Still young at heart tho! *tak sedar diri mode: on*




On other news, who's going for Sunburst, (I know Faz is)? i may get to go since election is on the 8th. Let's all berkelah on the Padang lah. You guys think it'll be sold out or not?


Nutcracker u coming over tak? :p

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haha if you're turning 24 next year then yeah you're an Ox :D


lol i hope so! was the cancelled muse gig at Bangkok Hall? because i passed by that place when i was at Bangkok. B&B stands for bed and breakfast. it's like a super budget hotel that backpackers go to :D heehee


U make 24 sound so old!! :LOL:

i can't believe it's gona be so fast.

Thanks for the B&B explaination. That Suan Lum night bazaar area is cool rite! i like the nightlife vibe there.


*gets nostalgic all over again* ah, the awesomeness of it all...*sigh*





*Still sighing* If only.........Please Mr Tom Kirk, dont forget Bangkok!.





:LOL: Yeah it was supposed to be at Bangkok Hall, me n faz spent ages at that place for sheer nostalgia....even cilok all the gig posters heheh *reminisces*


KSR= cheap B&B heaven deb. :D


Oh and Deb: Sssssh about about me n Faz being old :$:LOL:


Still young at heart tho! *tak sedar diri mode: on*




On other news, who's going for Sunburst, (I know Faz is)? i may get to go since election is on the 8th. Let's all berkelah on the Padang lah. You guys think it'll be sold out or not?


Nutcracker u coming over tak? :p



LOL you guys were DA BOMB for 'acquiring' the posters! No i can't go for the Sunburst Fest.. Wish i could be there! I think it has a chance of selling out since so many international acts are there. Just before this fest, in Sg we're having a mosaic fest where some of the artists in Sunburst are performing as well.

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lol which one is jose pasillas? the bassist? or drummer? i'm still contemplating on whether i should go or not. RM200 is a lot of money :erm: BUT I LOVE INCUBUS!


jose is the drummer. super cool la him. hmm... wait. i see a pattern here. it seems that i always fancy the drummers.:stunned:


hey come la.. think is the only chance to see incubus again. it seems they always come during our election time.


ummmmm..... hey there everyone!

*blushes* :$


hey! please do menyibuk here. we always love new comers. u're the same age as deb?


Maybe when you go to Bangkok the next time, it'll be for the Muse gig that they owed us!


Yeah.. they owe us a concert. if they do come again, miele and i are well prepared to stalk them. we already know how to go to the back entrance of bangkok hall and hopefully miele has learn enough thai to bribe the thai's pak cik guard there :D


btw i heard that helloween is coming to singapore but not KL?:mad:


Oh and Deb: Sssssh about about me n Faz being old :$:LOL:


Still young at heart tho! *tak sedar diri mode: on*


On other news, who's going for Sunburst, (I know Faz is)? i may get to go since election is on the 8th. Let's all berkelah on the Padang lah. You guys think it'll be sold out or not?


Nutcracker u coming over tak? :p


am not old! just mature.. heh heh.. ok la am OLD. see it this way la deb: Matt Bellamy is 12 years older than u! :eek: and he's a fellow horsey too! oooh.. not so lucky year for him too then. :p


yeah.. let's berkelah. bring a HUGE beach ball and sunblock! :cool:

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I'm very good thank you! IF you can play Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy piece, then i'll let you be the sugar plum fairy! Auditions are now open, so try your best will you. :LOL:


i can trot my way trough the auditions, but not with ballet!! am too chubbers to stand on my toe :)





hey! please do menyibuk here. we always love new comers. u're the same age as deb?


yeah i'm 17, going to be 18 this june =)

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Yeah it was supposed to be at Bangkok Hall, me n faz spent ages at that place for sheer nostalgia....even cilok all the gig posters heheh *reminisces*


KSR= cheap B&B heaven deb.


Oh and Deb: Sssssh about about me n Faz being old


Still young at heart tho! *tak sedar diri mode: on*


On other news, who's going for Sunburst, (I know Faz is)? i may get to go since election is on the 8th. Let's all berkelah on the Padang lah. You guys think it'll be sold out or not?


Nutcracker u coming over tak?


lol you guys arent old so dont worry! I wanna go to Sunburst! but if i can get a whole group of friends to go with, i'll definitely go... methinks. :erm:


Nutty doesnt have to go la. Singapore already has their own Incubus gig all for themselves! :'( *is very very green with envy*


U make 24 sound so old!!

i can't believe it's gona be so fast.

Thanks for the B&B explaination. That Suan Lum night bazaar area is cool rite! i like the nightlife vibe there.


No i can't go for the Sunburst Fest.. Wish i could be there! I think it has a chance of selling out since so many international acts are there. Just before this fest, in Sg we're having a mosaic fest where some of the artists in Sunburst are performing as well.


nolah 24 isn't old! haha yeah i visited that Night Bazaar! cool place. all the stuff there is very repetitive though. and Chatuchak is like the bigger hotter afternoon version of Suan Lum!


gasp! so either the mosaic fest stole our acts, or we stole their acts, or we both convinced the acts to come! lolol.


jose is the drummer. super cool la him. hmm... wait. i see a pattern here. it seems that i always fancy the drummers.


hey come la.. think is the only chance to see incubus again. it seems they always come during our election time.


Yeah.. they owe us a concert. if they do come again, miele and i are well prepared to stalk them. we already know how to go to the back entrance of bangkok hall and hopefully miele has learn enough thai to bribe the thai's pak cik guard there


am not old! just mature.. heh heh.. ok la am OLD. see it this way la deb: Matt Bellamy is 12 years older than u! and he's a fellow horsey too! oooh.. not so lucky year for him too then.


yeah.. let's berkelah. bring a HUGE beach ball and sunblock! :cool:


oh yeah you're the same age as Matt! :eek: so secocok la you guys haha :LOL: ooh yeah the drummer is damn cool. saw him at the red rocks concert doing the whole drum solo thing. DAMN CANGGIH. i was like watching that in such pure awe man :eek::eek:


lol you and miele are both young at heart. and still young in real life! so dont worry lah ;)


yeah i'm 17, going to be 18 this june =)


ooh hello! i'm turning 18 this december... lol. cool, we're the same age. i'm assuming you didn't kena ns?


Hello! Not sure if anyone remembers me.


Can't wait for HAARP next month.


i remember you! haha hello! i know remember you can play lotsa instruments and you can sing in falsetto? something along those lines lah :p




oh and kak faz, i think i saw von the other day! not sure if it was her though. was too shy to approach her :$



and does anyone here watch The Amazing Race Asia? I was really rooting for the Philipino boys to win :(

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Hallo everybody. I've not been here 4 ages. Hope everyone's doing good ;) Dun really fancy Festivals, unless got bands that I'd like to see. I think Incubus, Funkadelic, The Roots, etc are pretty good acts, but not that big a fan. So, will give the Sunburst thingy a miss most probably.


Yeah, so what y'all doing to celebrate 25th Feb ya? Go Stadium Negara take pictures? Hehe.


Oh, for any Portishead fans out there (I'm one), they'll release their 1st new album in 10 years on April 28. Wohooo, can't wait!

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ooh hello! i'm turning 18 this december... lol. cool, we're the same age. i'm assuming you didn't kena ns?


nah i didn't get any plkn offers.. which, to me, is kinda bummer, cause i was kinda looking forward to go there, it seemes like soo much fun + the experience you get (minus the deaths and stuffs). i was thinking bout applying for it as a voulenteer, but it's only applicable for the 3rd series, the late-est one i think.... :( did you get any offer debbie?

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oh and what's this talk about sunburst eyh?

well, i have 2 tickets and i'm going!!!

yeah, I'M going... got no one to go with yet *sigh*


whose your other ticket for? did u get ur tix for free? go with me la .. if u want, that is. my friend and i are going solely for incubus tho.. so we're gonna go quite late.


oh yeah you're the same age as Matt! :eek: so secocok la you guys haha :LOL: ooh yeah the drummer is damn cool. saw him at the red rocks concert doing the whole drum solo thing. DAMN CANGGIH. i was like watching that in such pure awe man :eek::eek:


lol you and miele are both young at heart. and still young in real life! so dont worry lah ;)


oh and kak faz, i think i saw von the other day! not sure if it was her though. was too shy to approach her


and does anyone here watch The Amazing Race Asia? I was really rooting for the Philipino boys to win


lol i agree. very secocok la myself dengan matt. heh heh.. but with dom i think we're both like pinang dibelah dua. :D chewahh.. perasan pulak.


where did u see her? i don't keep in touch with her anymore. but i still have her number. :(


i like mark and rovilson too. they're so funny. it's a pity mark was very bad in geography! ( like myself) if not they would've won. but i was rooting for the malaysian girls to win the race again.


btw, what do you guys think of this whole HAARP ordeal? Using weapons to control ionization levels in the atmosphere in specific locations to destroy entire countries and enable mind control??




Scary la.


hey wat's up D7! u're back.


:stunned::unsure::unsure: <------- my reaction to that vid.



Hallo everybody. I've not been here 4 ages. Hope everyone's doing good ;) Dun really fancy Festivals, unless got bands that I'd like to see. I think Incubus, Funkadelic, The Roots, etc are pretty good acts, but not that big a fan. So, will give the Sunburst thingy a miss most probably.


Yeah, so what y'all doing to celebrate 25th Feb ya? Go Stadium Negara take pictures? Hehe.


Oh, for any Portishead fans out there (I'm one), they'll release their 1st new album in 10 years on April 28. Wohooo, can't wait!


hello there! hmmm .. 25th is a Monday. so i'll be working but i know what i'll be doing on the 24th

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whose your other ticket for? did u get ur tix for free? go with me la .. if u want, that is. my friend and i are going solely for incubus tho.. so we're gonna go quite late


nah, i bought both tickets for rm140 each, and i'm trying to get any my friends to go with me, but they didn't want to!! i'm soo disappointed, i wish i had friends who's into this kind of thing :(

my sister is going and i'm gonna go there with her, but not gonna hang around with her cause she's gonna be with her bf, and they'll be watching john legend most of the time :(

and i don't know what time i'll be there cause my sis is driving, and thanks for the offer, i'll think about it


but most of you guys here are going too right? i saw someone posted about having a 'picnic' there, so, why don't we just do it? :D

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btw, what do you guys think of this whole HAARP ordeal? Using weapons to control ionization levels in the atmosphere in specific locations to destroy entire countries and enable mind control??




Scary la. :eek:


i only watched the first 2 minutes of the vid, and then i got distracted.


seriously that man has a very VERY boring voice! but after hearing the part where he mentioned that "a country can be destroyed with the solar uv rays unhindered" and "we can use this to control the weather and use it for war" or something like that, it really scared me. :stunned: i'm still a child! i dont want to live in fear! so i stopped watching the video. haha.


nah i didn't get any plkn offers.. which, to me, is kinda bummer, cause i was kinda looking forward to go there, it seemes like soo much fun + the experience you get (minus the deaths and stuffs). i was thinking bout applying for it as a voulenteer, but it's only applicable for the 3rd series, the late-est one i think.... did you get any offer debbie?


nope i wasn't chosen. haha was very thankful for that :D why dont you volunteer then? i heard they give you allowances for volunteering too, or something like that. :)


lol i agree. very secocok la myself dengan matt. heh heh.. but with dom i think we're both like pinang dibelah dua. chewahh.. perasan pulak.


where did u see her? i don't keep in touch with her anymore. but i still have her number. :(


i like mark and rovilson too. they're so funny. it's a pity mark was very bad in geography! ( like myself) if not they would've won. but i was rooting for the malaysian girls to win the race again.


hello there! hmmm .. 25th is a Monday. so i'll be working but i know what i'll be doing on the 24th


hahaha and yet if matt or dom marries me, they'll be borderline paedophiles :( but if Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes can live with it, so can i! :D


i saw her at a Pan Mee restaurant at Uptown, Damansara Utama. i dont keep in touch with her either, though i still have her number and her msn :$ i once asked her why she stopped checking the board and she didnt answer my question. :erm:


yeah you could see marc's frustration when rovilson was struggling with the flags! and marc is reaaaaaaaaaally.... good looking :happy::eyebrows:

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Yeah.. they owe us a concert. if they do come again, miele and i are well prepared to stalk them. we already know how to go to the back entrance of bangkok hall and hopefully miele has learn enough thai to bribe the thai's pak cik guard there :D


btw i heard that helloween is coming to singapore but not KL?:mad:




am not old! just mature.. heh heh.. ok la am OLD. see it this way la deb: Matt Bellamy is 12 years older than u! :eek: and he's a fellow horsey too! oooh.. not so lucky year for him too then. :p


yeah.. let's berkelah. bring a HUGE beach ball and sunblock! :cool:


+1231311 million on all of the above.


Ok faz, kalau jadik I'll bring the tikar n food of course :D Anyone else nak join boleh ja,,,,


I'm looking forward to checking out all the tents, me love festivals!


P.S- yeah I kept shouting when Rovilson got the flags all wrong, (even when i rooting for the girls). I guess bcoz I'm a geography nerd and couldnt understand how he could get the Singapore flag wrong :LOL: But so happy for the girls, they were good competitors and damn entertaininng, with the strong Malaysian slang as well.

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nah, i bought both tickets for rm140 each, and i'm trying to get any my friends to go with me, but they didn't want to!! i'm soo disappointed, i wish i had friends who's into this kind of thing

my sister is going and i'm gonna go there with her, but not gonna hang around with her cause she's gonna be with her bf, and they'll be watching john legend most of the time

and i don't know what time i'll be there cause my sis is driving, and thanks for the offer, i'll think about it


but most of you guys here are going too right? i saw someone posted about having a 'picnic' there, so, why don't we just do it?


i bought the tix for RM140 too. don't think i would spend RM200 to see incubus for 75 minutes in a festival. i don't fancy festivals much. i agree with miele's idea of having a picnic there.


hahaha and yet if matt or dom marries me, they'll be borderline paedophiles but if Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes can live with it, so can i!


i saw her at a Pan Mee restaurant at Uptown, Damansara Utama. i dont keep in touch with her either, though i still have her number and her msn i once asked her why she stopped checking the board and she didnt answer my question. :erm:


yeah you could see marc's frustration when rovilson was struggling with the flags! and marc is reaaaaaaaaaally.... good looking :happy::eyebrows:


lol, nah.. people will be fine with the idea of dom or matt marrying u. age is just a number. i'll definitely be crashing ur wedding if that really happens! :p:LOL:


i remember she mentioned that she was going to japan in July last year. maybe that was the reason? it would be cool if she still comes here. she's the first muser i've ever met and i still remember both of us listening to muse with her ipod while waiting to buy our muse tickets at sg wang! aah... the memories! :(


i got mark and rovilson mixed up there. heh.. i like the bald one la.. rovilson right? coz he's so funny! and yes, mark is very good looking.




This is probably the most revealing piece of information about world events EVER. Muslims especially should take note of this.


dude, that scared the hell out of me! i only watched like the 40 seconds of it coz the music gave me goosebumps! :supersad:


+1231311 million on all of the above.


Ok faz, kalau jadik I'll bring the tikar n food of course :D Anyone else nak join boleh ja,,,,


I'm looking forward to checking out all the tents, me love festivals!


P.S- yeah I kept shouting when Rovilson got the flags all wrong, (even when i rooting for the girls). I guess bcoz I'm a geography nerd and couldnt understand how he could get the Singapore flag wrong :LOL: But so happy for the girls, they were good competitors and damn entertaininng, with the strong Malaysian slang as well.


set! but outside food is not allowed la.. so we'll have to find a way to smuggle some food!

now am really excited to berkelah at Bkt Kiara.:D:party:


i agree! those girls have strong malaysian slang even though they look like mat salleh!

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+1231311 million on all of the above.


Ok faz, kalau jadik I'll bring the tikar n food of course :D Anyone else nak join boleh ja,,,,


I'm looking forward to checking out all the tents, me love festivals!


P.S- yeah I kept shouting when Rovilson got the flags all wrong, (even when i rooting for the girls). I guess bcoz I'm a geography nerd and couldnt understand how he could get the Singapore flag wrong :LOL: But so happy for the girls, they were good competitors and damn entertaininng, with the strong Malaysian slang as well.


haha really? i wasn't sure how the singapore flag looked like! i thought the philipino flag he was carrying first was actually the singapore flag. haha. :$ i suck at geography. even for the malaysian states man. i always confuse melaka with n9.


lol yeah the girls' accents were REALLY malaysian. so funny la, hearing it on tv.


i bought the tix for RM140 too. don't think i would spend RM200 to see incubus for 75 minutes in a festival. i don't fancy festivals much. i agree with miele's idea of having a picnic there.




lol, nah.. people will be fine with the idea of dom or matt marrying u. age is just a number. i'll definitely be crashing ur wedding if that really happens! :p:LOL:


i remember she mentioned that she was going to japan in July last year. maybe that was the reason? it would be cool if she still comes here. she's the first muser i've ever met and i still remember both of us listening to muse with her ipod while waiting to buy our muse tickets at sg wang! aah... the memories! :(


i got mark and rovilson mixed up there. heh.. i like the bald one la.. rovilson right? coz he's so funny! and yes, mark is very good looking.




dude, that scared the hell out of me! i only watched like the 40 seconds of it coz the music gave me goosebumps! :supersad:




set! but outside food is not allowed la.. so we'll have to find a way to smuggle some food!

now am really excited to berkelah at Bkt Kiara.


i agree! those girls have strong malaysian slang even though they look like mat salleh!


eh i want tickets for RM140 too! lol Mel can you sell to me? you have an extra one right? :p I feel damn tak syok for spending 200 on a few minutes of incubus only la :(


lol i doubt matt or dom would wanna marry me! haha i'm way too young for them. but maybe in 5 years... the age difference wont seem like such a huge deal! ehheh :D lol why crash when you're invited?? haha!


oh no wonder la, i heard her speaking japanese to her friends during lunch. yeah she, nutracker, you and i were like the first few people who posted in this thread before so many others joined us. so sad that she had to leave us so suddenly :(


yeah the bald one is rovilson. he's really funny haha. i love them la. they're very amusing, no matter how lame their jokes are =)


yeah the girls are mixed. they're eurasian! my sister knows them so yeah.. they're vince chong's sisters. aha. got huge resemblance man.

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i bought the tix for RM140 too. don't think i would spend RM200 to see incubus for 75 minutes in a festival. i don't fancy festivals much. i agree with miele's idea of having a picnic there.


set! but outside food is not allowed la.. so we'll have to find a way to smuggle some food!

now am really excited to berkelah at Bkt Kiara.:D:party:


i agree! those girls have strong malaysian slang even though they look like mat salleh!


Good2. But I missed the promotion period so have to fork out 200 la pulak. *Sigh* but still wanna go, so....



lol yeah the girls' accents were REALLY malaysian. so funny la, hearing it on tv.


eh i want tickets for RM140 too! lol Mel can you sell to me? you have an extra one right? :p I feel damn tak syok for spending 200 on a few minutes of incubus only la :(


yeah the bald one is rovilson. he's really funny haha. i love them la. they're very amusing, no matter how lame their jokes are =)


yeah the girls are mixed. they're eurasian! my sister knows them so yeah.. they're vince chong's sisters. aha. got huge resemblance man.


The black haired girl, Pamela? she damn cun man.


+1 on all the above. yeah anyone alse have extra tix bought at a discounted price? As if. :rolleyes::(








On other news: gah, if only there was a promotion for penang, ni for Singapore only la:-


Travel Package to watch Sunburst KL '08 courtesy of Go Holiday Air Asia


inclusive of:


- 2 (two) return air tickets SIN-KUL-SIN


- 1 (one) night accommodation


• Meet & Greet with the artists at Sunburst KL '08


• Limited Sunburst KL ’08 Merchandise




:LOL: Nutcracker?

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eh i want tickets for RM140 too! lol Mel can you sell to me? you have an extra one right? :p I feel damn tak syok for spending 200 on a few minutes of incubus only la :(


lol i doubt matt or dom would wanna marry me! haha i'm way too young for them. but maybe in 5 years... the age difference wont seem like such a huge deal! ehheh :D lol why crash when you're invited?? haha!


oh no wonder la, i heard her speaking japanese to her friends during lunch. yeah she, nutracker, you and i were like the first few people who posted in this thread before so many others joined us. so sad that she had to leave us so suddenly :(


yeah the bald one is rovilson. he's really funny haha. i love them la. they're very amusing, no matter how lame their jokes are =)


yeah the girls are mixed. they're eurasian! my sister knows them so yeah.. they're vince chong's sisters. aha. got huge resemblance man.


sure u wanna invite me ar? i might kidnap dom from the wedding and bring him to a mosque to marry me instead! hahaha.. okay, that's kinda 'over' a bit la plak..


maybe she's not into muse anymore but i sure do love all of her videos! we were definitely the first few ones, but it's always nice for others to join us. :)


their jokes are kinda lame at times, but i was so hooked to the show because of them. i also like the pink goth couple from the american version. can't believe that they were actually super nice people.


really? i didn't know they're vince chong's sisters! the AF dude rite?



Good2. But I missed the promotion period so have to fork out 200 la pulak. *Sigh* but still wanna go, so....




The black haired girl, Pamela? she damn cun man.


+1 on all the above. yeah anyone alse have extra tix bought at a discounted price? As if. :rolleyes::(




On other news: gah, if only there was a promotion for penang, ni for Singapore only la:-


Travel Package to watch Sunburst KL '08 courtesy of Go Holiday Air Asia


inclusive of:


- 2 (two) return air tickets SIN-KUL-SIN


- 1 (one) night accommodation


Meet & Greet with the artists at Sunburst KL '08

• Limited Sunburst KL ’08 Merchandise




:LOL: Nutcracker?


find a friend who's a digi customer. u'll get 15% discount for the tix!



what's this meet & greeat with the artist thing?? i want that! :eek:


on other news, i saw incubus live at fort canning park ad just now on AXN. i thought it was an add for a concert in KL but it was singapore. damn it.:(:mad:

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The black haired girl, Pamela? she damn cun man.


+1 on all the above. yeah anyone alse have extra tix bought at a discounted price? As if. :rolleyes::(


On other news: gah, if only there was a promotion for penang, ni for Singapore only la:-


Travel Package to watch Sunburst KL '08 courtesy of Go Holiday Air Asia


inclusive of:


- 2 (two) return air tickets SIN-KUL-SIN


- 1 (one) night accommodation


• Meet & Greet with the artists at Sunburst KL '08


• Limited Sunburst KL ’08 Merchandise




:LOL: Nutcracker?


OMG I WANT. i wanna meet brandon boyd i wanna meet brandon boyd i wanna meet brandon boyd! :eek:


the black hair one who always drives is vanessa, the brown haired one is pam. but yeah vanessa is really pretty. pam looks more like her brother vince. hehheh.


sure u wanna invite me ar? i might kidnap dom from the wedding and bring him to a mosque to marry me instead! hahaha.. okay, that's kinda 'over' a bit la plak..


maybe she's not into muse anymore but i sure do love all of her videos! we were definitely the first few ones, but it's always nice for others to join us. :)


their jokes are kinda lame at times, but i was so hooked to the show because of them. i also like the pink goth couple from the american version. can't believe that they were actually super nice people.


really? i didn't know they're vince chong's sisters! the AF dude rite?


find a friend who's a digi customer. u'll get 15% discount for the tix!


what's this meet & greeat with the artist thing?? i want that! :eek:


on other news, i saw incubus live at fort canning park ad just now on AXN. i thought it was an add for a concert in KL but it was singapore. damn it.:(:mad:


hahahaha if you kidnap him, i'll er.. er.... spike your drink! :p what videos are you talking about?


yeah the AF dude. i think pam looks a lot like him! you didn't notice? it was on the newspaper summore, when The Star was introducing all the teams. apparently Marc and Rovilson are models and Natasha and Paula are VJs for a music channel in Thailand. or something like that. lol.


i find the goth couple in the american version very weird la. but weird in a funny way. their names are damn unique, and i saw this one scene where the dude was scolding his girlfriend, he was like "vyxin! stop the car vyxin!" or something like that, dunno la the way he said it, i thought it was really funny. but then again i'm memang quite weird so it doesnt matter haha. :$


i didn't see no ad... how was the ad like? when's the fort canning gig ar?

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eh i want tickets for RM140 too! lol Mel can you sell to me? you have an extra one right? :p I feel damn tak syok for spending 200 on a few minutes of incubus only la :(


i don't know yet debbie. cause i'm still trying to get one of my friends to go with me, or else i'll be going alone! i'll sell them to you if none of my friends are going. are you going alone too? why don't we all just go together in a big happy group of :musesign: and music lover :D and, of course, have a picnic there! hahaha.



set! but outside food is not allowed la.. so we'll have to find a way to smuggle some food!

now am really excited to berkelah at Bkt Kiara.:D:party:


oooooooo my mum is an expert at smuggling food into venues :D hahah!

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