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Matt's "good-lookingness" can catch you unawares sometimes....I have this photo of his that is just amaaazing (too lazy to upload), now I understand what Shahnaz meant all this while :LOL:. Sorry for the PMTness, heh. But Chris is still the manliest of the lot.


This is a nice photo of all three as well:




i have to agree, matt is good looking. his eyes... gah.. *falls into a dreamy state* lol

like deb, i was first so taken with matt. that's always the case, i guess. the frontman always gets the most attention. think the FOB is the only band i now where the bassist gets more attention than the front man..but yeah..somehow after a while , i found dom to be the most attractive. heh heh... the fact that he was sooo charming, very laid back and nice especially when asking for a picture for deb, really makes u falls head over heels over dom :D. yeah..chris is the most good looking actually.. and so manly. heh.. oh god, hopefullly there's no people will be angry at us discussing about their good looks. :LOL:


hey, i've read that interview. hillarious!!



And yesh, thats his sis... BH&R is dedicated to here[penultimate page of the booklet] [that's the only pic I can find]

If your wondering what Tom Kirk looks like:



Dom can get married but it won't be succsessful unless he knows that person "inside and out" :LOL:




I think I was the one who mentioned marriage... But I was sure I placed Matt at that sentence :p I have no idea when it became Dom :LOL:


omg, didn't actually noticed the dedication part till now. thanks for that..


yeah it was u who started all this who's the next to be married thing!! :LOL: u might actually started a rumour u noe. lol.

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i noticed the dedication! :D i was wondering "Who's Helen? They have the same last name.. must be his wife. :erm:"


but then i asked my friend and he told me that Helen was actually Tom Kirk's sister and that she died in a car crash or something... dont really remember.

i think he made a charity after her or on her behalf or something. not too sure about that. perhaps someone could shed some light upon it? :)

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Yes it is true. She was an actress and died on boxing day. Her parents organize the charity.Here's the site: http://thehelenfoundation.org.uk/


And here's an article about the album's dedication:




British band MUSE's chart-topping album is dedicated to a close friend who was killed in a car accident last Christmas (05). Actress HELEN KIRK died when the car she was driving swerved into the path of another vehicle on 26 December 2005. The band - who had all known Kirk since childhood - were devastated and included an inscription on LP BLACK HOLES + REVELATIONS, reading, "In memory of Helen Kirk 1981 - 2005. Kirk's mother ANNE says, "The boys in Muse knew Helen well. She was a friend of all three right from when she was a little girl, through school and beyond. "We didn't even know about the dedication on the album until after it reached number one. It is lovely to think that her name is on all those albums winging their way off around the world."




Also, as sum of u mite know the sell-out eden project that was held bak in devon went to the helen kirk charity. Here's some info: http://www.bbc.co.uk/devon/content/articles/2006/08/23/muse_eden_06_review_feature.shtml

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Hello back atcha! No problem, make yourself at home 'neighbour'.


Have wanted to go to the Phils for years, maybe if Muse come over, eh? Been to Bali and Bangkok (thanks Air Asia!) ,got a huge kick out of sewing each country's tiny flag on my backpack. Here's hoping for Manila next.So tell us, what's it like there. A lot of the touristy places (tiny islands etc) look so beeyootiful.


On the other hand, since it's Visit Malaysia year, why don't you guys come over? Even better, for a Muse concert!


Yes I'm an idealist, why do you ask?


okay will shut up now :D.

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wow ann_chun, thanks a lot for all the info. think i first heard about the helen foundation during the mass singing in trafalgar...think roger kirk was there too rite? and he did mention about the helen foundation ?


and hello illuminatist! woot! please do join our discussion. make this thread as international as possible so that muse will want to come back to malaysia again! and of course, do a proper SEA tour.. i love ur sig btw.. wish i could make one with dom's pics. lol


u guys' optimism is really infectious la.. see... i too now really believe they mite be coming here again. it's all ur fault miele!! :p why u have to be so idealistic? haha...

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u guys' optimism is really infectious la.. see... i too now really believe they mite be coming here again. it's all ur fault miele!! :pwhy u have to be so idealistic? haha...


Follow through

Make your dreams come true

Don't give up the fight

You will be alright

'Cause there's no one like you in the universe


Blame Matt's lyrics, eh? He sings what's in my heart. :)


Random girly question: How to train oneself to eat less? I eat loads all the time, that's the problem. Thank God for puasa, but me tummy's growling by 11 o'clock, at Court especially. How ar? Trying to lose a few kgs as well. :(

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Hello back atcha! No problem, make yourself at home 'neighbour'.


Have wanted to go to the Phils for years, maybe if Muse come over, eh? Been to Bali and Bangkok (thanks Air Asia!) ,got a huge kick out of sewing each country's tiny flag on my backpack. Here's hoping for Manila next.So tell us, what's it like there. A lot of the touristy places (tiny islands etc) look so beeyootiful.


On the other hand, since it's Visit Malaysia year, why don't you guys come over? Even better, for a Muse concert!


Yes I'm an idealist, why do you ask?


okay will shut up now :D.


Thanks a lot, this will be my 2nd home on International thread ;)


We have loads of old churches here, some fine beaches and good food. I would love to go to your country but not now maybe when Muse is heading over there. Idealistic is fine especially for Muse.


and hello illuminatist! woot! please do join our discussion. make this thread as international as possible so that muse will want to come back to malaysia again! and of course, do a proper SEA tour.. i love ur sig btw.. wish i could make one with dom's pics. lol


u guys' optimism is really infectious la.. see... i too now really believe they mite be coming here again. it's all ur fault miele!! :p why u have to be so idealistic? haha...


Thanks for the comment. I have some avas of dom still trying to make more and matt too. but atm I'm busy with downloading live performances of the boys.


Random girly question: How to train oneself to eat less? I eat loads all the time, that's the problem. Thank God for puasa, but me tummy's growling by 11 o'clock, at Court especially. How ar? Trying to lose a few kgs as well. :(


Tough question. I am not the right person to answer this since I LOVE FOOD. I am gaining weight I think everyday. :LOL:

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Ladies are always talking about looks! What happened to beauty is inside, not outside?


ANyway anyone fancy going to the LP gig in Nov? Im going.. my frens 'psycho-ed' me to buy the standing tix at SGD148. AARRGH!!





:LOL: caught us there, just a bit of fun tho'. Wait, in what universe do guys not focus on looks? Please point me in that direction and maybe things won't be so shallow on this thread, heheh.


Actually desppite the drooling it's personality (or in Muse's case, talent and personality) that counts. If not they'd just be any guy on the street really.


About LP, er no not going, saving up for better bands :).

:LOL: bout you getting psycho-ed! Not to rub it in but compare the ticket price to Muse's and damn..........Ok I'll shut up now, sorry. You have a great time nevertheless la k.:)

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Random girly question: How to train oneself to eat less? I eat loads all the time, that's the problem. Thank God for puasa, but me tummy's growling by 11 o'clock, at Court especially. How ar? Trying to lose a few kgs as well. :(


man, i have just the opposite problem... how to gain weight la??? i've tried almost everything.. vitamins, eat and then straight to sleep (only gave me stomachache.. not the weight gaining.. :( ). Dunno why, very difficult for me to put on weight.


to answer ur que miele, puasa all the time haha.. it's all in the mind. that's what dr phil and oprah said. u're eating too much coz psychologically u're trying to forget things that worrying u.. lol. dunno can pakai or not that theory..




For you crazy_mary, just a preview ;)


OMG!!!! :eek::eek: thanks!!! * loves * Can i use it as my sig? can i? can i? lol seriously love the drum god one!


Ladies are always talking about looks! What happened to beauty is inside, not outside?


ANyway anyone fancy going to the LP gig in Nov? Im going.. my frens 'psycho-ed' me to buy the standing tix at SGD148. AARRGH!!


Anyone has any idea where Matt got his white skulls t-shirt?




i dont fancy that shirt. 'tis fugly lol.


hey, we dont talk too much about their looks. only ocassionally. :p see, that's the advantage of liking a band like muse. we love 'em both for talent and good looks!


i wish, wish, wish, wish, wish i can go... but it's bloody spm. :mad: wow.. why the tix so expensive man?

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man, i have just the opposite problem... how to gain weight la??? i've tried almost everything.. vitamins, eat and then straight to sleep (only gave me stomachache.. not the weight gaining.. :( ). Dunno why, very difficult for me to put on weight.


Wow woman, let's switch metabolisms then :LOL:. :$ The thing is I used to be fit, an athlete and all. I blame law school, :$ and lack of self-control.


I read somewhere that Charlize Theron and Rene Zellweger used these tricks to gain weight: Thick protein milkshakes, loads of donuts/carbs/sugar stuff, eat late then sleep.


Dont eat spicy food, that promotes metabolism. And I think u know that if u sleep right after spicy food (like after buka puasa, heheh) u get stomachache.


Maybe you're just a very active person and burn calories a lot eh? Schoolteaching must be damn hard, wa tabik sama lu....



Er, on Muse stuff, when's the Wembley etc DVD coming out eh? *too lazy to check* :D



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For you crazy_mary, just a preview


hoh... :eek: lovely. absolutely lovely :D i like the heart-shapes one!


Ladies are always talking about looks! What happened to beauty is inside, not outside?


ANyway anyone fancy going to the LP gig in Nov? Im going.. my frens 'psycho-ed' me to buy the standing tix at SGD148. AARRGH!!


Anyone has any idea where Matt got his white skulls t-shirt?




OH. OH. OMG. I REMEMBER READING SOMEWHERE ON THE BOARD ABOUT HIS SHIRT. I JUST FORGOT! AAAH. now i'm so annoyed. i hate it when i know i know something, but i just cant remember it. its at the tip of my tongue! argghhh :mad:


Wow woman, let's switch metabolisms then :LOL:. :$ The thing is I used to be fit, an athlete and all. I blame law school, :$ and lack of self-control.


I read somewhere that Charlize Theron and Rene Zellweger used these tricks to gain weight: Thick protein milkshakes, loads of donuts/carbs/sugar stuff, eat late then sleep.


Dont eat spicy food, that promotes metabolism. And I think u know that if u sleep right after spicy food (like after buka puasa, heheh) u get stomachache.


Maybe you're just a very active person and burn calories a lot eh? Schoolteaching must be damn hard, wa tabik sama lu....



Er, on Muse stuff, when's the Wembley etc DVD coming out eh? *too lazy to check* :D




what? really? i eat spicy food all the time but i'm still gaining weight! i'm not that skinny girl i used to know anymore. lol. plus, Prom is coming, i have to get in shape! i'm such a slob sometimes, eating junk food constantly. meh.



anyway, Trials are over! woooot! *jumps around* *throws confetti in the air*

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:LOL: caught us there, just a bit of fun tho'. Wait, in what universe do guys not focus on looks? Please point me in that direction and maybe things won't be so shallow on this thread, heheh.


Actually desppite the drooling it's personality (or in Muse's case, talent and personality) that counts. If not they'd just be any guy on the street really.


About LP, er no not going, saving up for better bands :).

:LOL: bout you getting psycho-ed! Not to rub it in but compare the ticket price to Muse's and damn..........Ok I'll shut up now, sorry. You have a great time nevertheless la k.:)


LP is much more expensive this time cuz it's at the indoor stadium, so it's gona be much grander. The place where Coldplay and Oasis made their debut. When Muse came here i wished it was the indoor stadium instead but oh well..


i dont fancy that shirt. 'tis fugly lol.


hey, we dont talk too much about their looks. only ocassionally. :p see, that's the advantage of liking a band like muse. we love 'em both for talent and good looks!


i wish, wish, wish, wish, wish i can go... but it's bloody spm. :mad: wow.. why the tix so expensive man?


I actually think the tee shirt is one very unique one. It looks sooo nice. :supertong


hoh... :eek: lovely. absolutely lovely :D i like the heart-shapes one!




OH. OH. OMG. I REMEMBER READING SOMEWHERE ON THE BOARD ABOUT HIS SHIRT. I JUST FORGOT! AAAH. now i'm so annoyed. i hate it when i know i know something, but i just cant remember it. its at the tip of my tongue! argghhh :mad:


anyway, Trials are over! woooot! *jumps around* *throws confetti in the air*



Forgive me for asking too late. I know tat shirt has been around since forever! And congrats about your trials! Birds flying high, you know i feel. Sun in the sky, you know how i feel... (cuz of the confetti):LOL:

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man, i have just the opposite problem... how to gain weight la??? i've tried almost everything.. vitamins, eat and then straight to sleep (only gave me stomachache.. not the weight gaining.. :( ). Dunno why, very difficult for me to put on weight.


to answer ur que miele, puasa all the time haha.. it's all in the mind. that's what dr phil and oprah said. u're eating too much coz psychologically u're trying to forget things that worrying u.. lol. dunno can pakai or not that theory..


OMG!!!! :eek::eek: thanks!!! * loves * Can i use it as my sig? can i? can i? lol seriously love the drum god one!


Can we change metabolism? lol You're like my sister she eats a lot, sleeps a lot still not gaining weight. Hmmmm sometimes I eat because I am stressed out, it's my therapy. Is that good or bad?


Sure you can. Glad you like it.


i dont fancy that shirt. 'tis fugly lol.


hey, we dont talk too much about their looks. only ocassionally. :p see, that's the advantage of liking a band like muse. we love 'em both for talent and good looks!


i wish, wish, wish, wish, wish i can go... but it's bloody spm. :mad: wow.. why the tix so expensive man?


I like that shirt. It's white yet the designs are skulls hahaha.


Agree, we rarely talk about their looks, ha! good thing these boys are very talented or else all of us would look like teenies just drooling at their faces instead of appreciating their music. Just thankful that Muse are good looking and very much talented.


hoh... :eek: lovely. absolutely lovely :D i like the heart-shapes one!


OH. OH. OMG. I REMEMBER READING SOMEWHERE ON THE BOARD ABOUT HIS SHIRT. I JUST FORGOT! AAAH. now i'm so annoyed. i hate it when i know i know something, but i just cant remember it. its at the tip of my tongue! argghhh :mad:



what? really? i eat spicy food all the time but i'm still gaining weight! i'm not that skinny girl i used to know anymore. lol. plus, Prom is coming, i have to get in shape! i'm such a slob sometimes, eating junk food constantly. meh.



anyway, Trials are over! woooot! *jumps around* *throws confetti in the air*


Thanks for the comment.


I love junk food, such a sucker for potato chips.

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I missed allot :LOL:


Hello back atcha! No problem, make yourself at home 'neighbour'.


Have wanted to go to the Phils for years, maybe if Muse come over, eh? Been to Bali and Bangkok (thanks Air Asia!) ,got a huge kick out of sewing each country's tiny flag on my backpack. Here's hoping for Manila next.So tell us, what's it like there. A lot of the touristy places (tiny islands etc) look so beeyootiful.


On the other hand, since it's Visit Malaysia year, why don't you guys come over? Even better, for a Muse concert!


Yes I'm an idealist, why do you ask?


okay will shut up now :D.

Well. like Illuminatist said, lots o' churches. Capital's filled with Neo-Gothic architecture but current buildings are modern. EVERY square kilometer has at least 1 mall! and well... you never been to Manila if you haven't seen Intramuros and the sunset in front of Rizal Park :)


For provinces: Their is a place called "hundred islands" the deepness is about 1-4 feet[so you can walk from one island to another] and you can rent one of the islands for a few days all to your self and company[rather cheap than other places I visited to] :happy:


Other than that, Usual caves, tribes that believe in everything around them as a God[which are very kind people to say the least] festivals for every month, mountains, trees, beaches, sun, water and other things that you can do and find.


Of all SEA I want to visit is Malaysia[not kissing ass here :LOL:] I feel as if its one of the most cultural places I can go and have a fun time. If I manage to visit Malaysia in the future, can you guys/gals give me a tour and of course to the concert :LOL:



Can staying on the couch all day and watch TV help?

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hey! first day of Ramadhan! and im not fasting, lol!


*High 5's Shahnaz* :LOL: 1st day of 'cuti' as well. I just secretly ate at the office, hehe.


Well. like Illuminatist said, lots o' churches. Capital's filled with Neo-Gothic architecture but current buildings are modern. EVERY square kilometer has at least 1 mall! and well... you never been to Manila if you haven't seen Intramuros and the sunset in front of Rizal Park


For provinces: Their is a place called "hundred islands" the deepness is about 1-4 feet[so you can walk from one island to another] and you can rent one of the islands for a few days all to your self and company[rather cheap than other places I visited to]


Other than that, Usual caves, tribes that believe in everything around them as a God[which are very kind people to say the least] festivals for every month, mountains, trees, beaches, sun, water and other things that you can do and find.


Woah *gets dizzy and damn excited imagining everything* I wanna go now!


Another fascinating thing is the similarity of some words in Tagalog to Malay. Like 'salamat' and 'ako' (correct me if i'm wrong). Me language buff yeah.


Of all SEA I want to visit is Malaysia[not kissing ass here ] I feel as if its one of the most cultural places I can go and have a fun time. If I manage to visit Malaysia in the future, can you guys/gals give me a tour and of course to the concert


Aaaw thanks *feels proud*. Even if you ass-kiss, it's perfectly okay :LOL: Love of my country aside, I can honestly and objectively say that it's the best place you can go for the sheer variety of cultures. just awesome mish-mash of interesting things. But then this opinion is courtesy of Discovery channel: Travel and Living :p


If there's a concert here again, you are so invited dude. no problem at all :D


thanks for the puasa wishes (hehe). Selamat posa everyone!

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:noey::p to shannaz & miele... lol. awal2 lagi tak posa. heh.. there's a huge possibility of u both to raya early as well eh? heh..


LP is much more expensive this time cuz it's at the indoor stadium, so it's gona be much grander. The place where Coldplay and Oasis made their debut. When Muse came here i wished it was the indoor stadium instead but oh well..


omg, i can only imagine something like muse in std negara now... meh, i wanna go, i wanna go.:( how the hell did they skip malaysia man? maybe the know most of their fans here are sitting for spm ker??


Can we change metabolism? lol You're like my sister she eats a lot, sleeps a lot still not gaining weight. Hmmmm sometimes I eat because I am stressed out, it's my therapy. Is that good or bad?


Sure you can. Glad you like it.


haha.. guess am quite lucky la then. but i've been trying to go beyond 50 kg for the past few years. doctors always told me i'm underweight, which is not a good thing really.

hopefully i'll gain during the fasting month, what with all the bazaar ramadan and kuihs.. gawd.. sedapnyer..


thanks!! check out my sig eh?? :D:D


Of all SEA I want to visit is Malaysia[not kissing ass here :LOL:] I feel as if its one of the most cultural places I can go and have a fun time. If I manage to visit Malaysia in the future, can you guys/gals give me a tour and of course to the concert :LOL:



Can staying on the couch all day and watch TV help?


hey.. i can be ur tour guide as well! FOC hehe... maybe miele can take u to penang and i'll give a tour of selangor and KL .


helping to loose weight u mean??


did anyone felt the earthquake this morning?

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I've always wanted to go to Bali or Singapore or Thailand.. but never got around to it. heh. i dont really travel much, see. hehe. plus its pretty expensive to go to Singapore since the exchange rate there is like twice the Malaysian Ringgit, plus my dad isnt really that free and my mum hates travelling. :( so boohoo.


Ok i'm merely following orders from my headmistress when i say this

"eh ladies! cannot makan during puasa ok! must puasa! unless its that time of the month or you are pregnant. i'm not sure about the former but i'm sure none of you are pregnant, so puasa ok! respect your culture and religion and all :p"

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