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lol sadly i didnt know who alan rickman was before Harry Potter. i wasnt much of a movie person back then... lol. yeah i thought chamber of secrets was really scary! with the black basilisk and all. i was actually scared :$ haha. i wonder how they're gonna make the Inferi look like in the next movie.




lol i only saw Saw 2... and i watched it on Astro so they censored all the super violent parts! which is good for me i suppose. i cant stand gore. i'm a big fat chicken.


but besides that, the gigantic humongous twist at the end was AWESOME!! :eek: seriously! now because of that i want to watch the whole trilogy, in censored version! :LOL:




yikes :stunned: if he took the picture in his phone... wont it er... 'haunt' his phone?


.... *takes a few steps back from muse_music*


Did ur bro go to the haunted house of Jln Bellamy or OCH? I'd love to see the pics too! Ur bro is real brave to go there with his friend only... What were they thinking, going to an abandoned place, with no one else around and it's all quiet and dark and peaceful, eh? Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh...





You should watch the original SAW as there's one guy that looks EXACTLY like Thom Yorke! No kidding!! And i think it's the best Saw. The movie that started it all...


And the phone will be haunted if it's not cleansed with air bunga. Tell ur bro, muse_music. I know, cuz i got a diploma in 'Spook stuff and how to be immune to it'.


it was OCH..yeah i guess he was bored...

hehehe...don't worry my bro had his phone changed..and its not because he took the pictures with it! :D



i think the quote from Black Cherry meant that the caterers were needed... not Dom. but still! caterers means that there's gonna be an event! an occasion to celebrate! most likely Matt's wedding. it IS confirmed that he's engaged to Gaia whereas for dom... not much news yet. lol. its about time Matt marries her anyway!


Nutcracker, to be honest i dont know what Thom Yorke really looks like. i have the impression that he looks like Ben from Lost. lol. i'm looking for DVDs for Saw now! dunno whether the DVD stores might sell such an old show like that or not though. worst comes to worst i'll just download it off the net :eek:


ibelieveinmuse, aww where are you exactly now til you're all homesick and stuff? :confused:



wait now i'm confused. is Muse gonna tour in Thailand before the ozzie/nz tour or after or none at all?


Dom? NO! Matt first..PLEASE!!!:p

Yep, Zep is Ben from Lost..

..not Thom Yorke!

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perhaps it is. i dunno how many BH&R albums have been sold here. but absolution did very well. so maybe that's the reason they came here... but really, touring suppose to help album sales eh? so in theory BH&R suppose to be selling more than absolution..


yeah la deb. so unfair.. some people got to watch 'em like countless times, but we here, just once?? :(




oohhhh... go all blacks!!! :D

sorry, cant help myself.

u should be very grateful for seeing them once. i havent and it burns! but i knw that i will one day :) hopefully...

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u should be very grateful for seeing them once. i havent and it burns! but i knw that i will one day :) hopefully...

haha i admire your optimism. :)


i dont think Album sales is an issue. they still came either way! i think the reason why they dont really come here (i got this from someone on the board) is that they broke even in funds. so maybe they dont want to risk losing any cash... or something like that.i dunno meh. most international artists come to SEA once and only once. its like a trend or something. a sucky trend either way! :mad:

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haha i admire your optimism. :)


i dont think Album sales is an issue. they still came either way! i think the reason why they dont really come here (i got this from someone on the board) is that they broke even in funds. so maybe they dont want to risk losing any cash... or something like that.i dunno meh. most international artists come to SEA once and only once. its like a trend or something. a sucky trend either way! :mad:

thanks for ur comment.


it is true that the concerts in Asia is only even; it was on q magazine or smth i think. BUT that doesnt necessarily mean that they're not gonna come here again in the future...rite? I mean the point of tourin in Asia is to spread their reputation and im pretty sure that it went far beyond well. So when they come again, there would be more attendees.


Haha, im just goin on and on tryin to sound rational and optimistic aint i.

And yes the trend is very unfair.

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i dont think Album sales is an issue. they still came either way! i think the reason why they dont really come here (i got this from someone on the board) is that they broke even in funds. so maybe they dont want to risk losing any cash... or something like that.i dunno meh. most international artists come to SEA once and only once. its like a trend or something. a sucky trend either way! :mad:


that is really sad to know. but i still admire them to even think and actually coming here at the height of their career. most bands or artists who came here are either unknown/new or old dinosaurs unlike singapore. but things have changed nowadays with gwen and justin??? but yeah that is the trend.. once and that's it.




thanks for ur comment.


it is true that the concerts in Asia is only even; it was on q magazine or smth i think. BUT that doesnt necessarily mean that they're not gonna come here again in the future...rite? I mean the point of tourin in Asia is to spread their reputation and im pretty sure that it went far beyond well. So when they come again, there would be more attendees.


Haha, im just goin on and on tryin to sound rational and optimistic aint i.

And yes the trend is very unfair.


i noe i should be thankful compared to u guys.. but once is never enough with muse. once u've seen 'em live u want more! lol.. u reeaaallly are one optimistic person!! kudos for that.


I guess buying 3 or 4 BH&R's won't hurt :happy:


Were the concerts sold out or any problems with teh lokal government?

I think thats the reason they never came to the PH last March :(


haha... i have 2 BH&R actually! :happy: there werent any probs with the government actually. just at the intial stage, when they thot muse is black metal :LOL: but the concert sold out in a month's time(??) i think. nobody thought that would happened u noe... to sell out like that.

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Muse really wanted to go here[PH] but they didn't. Guio told me its the British Council that made the decision for them not to come. No idea why. Maybe because of the country' southern problem...


that is really sad to know. but i still admire them to even think and actually coming here at the height of their career. most bands or artists who came here are either unknown/new or old dinosaurs unlike singapore. but things have changed nowadays with gwen and justin??? but yeah that is the trend.. once and that's it.



Really :eek: I tot we were the only country in the region that gets them. I keep seeing on the net "*insert famous artish* is in Singapore/Thailand/Malaysia" and here "The Village People has arrive" or "Get ready to sing YMCA" :noey:

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*gets headache from worrying when Muse'll come.*


Guys,I absolutely know what my new year wish is now.


And since we're speculating, I'm betting they come in February. Bangkok. Who wants some of this betting action? :D:LOL: No? Wanna bet on who gets married first then?


Anyone here a fan of Weezer? Check this out:




Woot new album!


Selamat berpuasa to all Muslims. :)

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Muse really wanted to go here[PH] but they didn't. Guio told me its the British Council that made the decision for them not to come. No idea why. Maybe because of the country' southern problem...


Really :eek: I tot we were the only country in the region that gets them. I keep seeing on the net "*insert famous artish* is in Singapore/Thailand/Malaysia" and here "The Village People has arrive" or "Get ready to sing YMCA" :noey:


british council?? seriously?? that's just plain weird.. philipines should be alrite yeah? there's no political turmoil or terrorist threats? it is weird that they stopped by indonesia and Malaysia that supposedly have link to those islamic terrorists thingy but not thai and phil... maybe matt was interested to check out whether those ridiculous accusations were true or not.. :D ok, sorry i digress..


meh.. we used to get those kinda acts and still is.. but now things are improving since Pak Lah is the PM.. dont get me wrong, things were so tight during Dr. M that's all. not to diss anyone here.. * ISA in mind* lol.. We love u Dr. M. hope u're recovering well. sorry, digress again. too political today.


And since we're speculating, I'm betting they come in February. Bangkok. Who wants some of this betting action? :D:LOL: No? Wanna bet on who gets married first then?


Anyone here a fan of Weezer? Check this out:




Woot new album!


Selamat berpuasa to all Muslims. :)


woot!!! new album??? been so loong. selamat berpuasa to u too!! hopefully berdoa nak nengok muse time bulan posa lebih mustajab !! lol




I'll bet that Morgan is getting married HAHAHA! Didn't see that coming, aye?


Anyway Linkin Park and Megadeth and Heaven & Hell are coming here (singapore). I think Muse will come this way again, and then go to the countries they missed the last tour.



LOL isnt morgan already married?? i'll go with tom kirk getting married first or matt?? :unsure: not even gonna try thinking about dom getting married. :(


Linkin Park?? :eek::eek::eek:* dies*


EDIT: just checked LP's website. thailand, singpore, hong kong and seoul... why no malaysia?? we're very near to thailand n spore!! gah.. Monza..

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LOL isnt morgan already married?? i'll go with tom kirk getting married first or matt?? :unsure: not even gonna try thinking about dom getting married. :(


Linkin Park?? :eek::eek::eek:* dies*


EDIT: just checked LP's website. thailand, singpore, hong kong and seoul... why no malaysia?? we're very near to thailand n spore!! gah.. Monza..


You guys had LP already! So did us actually.. I didn't go actually. SO this time i have to. Not really a fan but they're ok...


Kirk's gf passed away sometime ago rite... I think. People have to get married, someday. And i hope it's Dom soon HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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british council?? seriously?? that's just plain weird.. philipines should be alrite yeah? there's no political turmoil or terrorist threats? it is weird that they stopped by indonesia and Malaysia that supposedly have link to those islamic terrorists thingy but not thai and phil... maybe matt was interested to check out whether those ridiculous accusations were true or not.. :D ok, sorry i digress..


Well the southern Philippines in a turmoil last year, last 6-3 months ago and now. Last year due to an Al-Quad member guy was spotted and has a Filipino wife. Second was kidnapping of an Italian priest[and numerous other foreigners, I think we were in teh no travel list in UK, Italy and Germany cause of that] and be-heading of 12 Philippine Marines thus causing, as our president stated "an all out war against Islamic Radicallist in the country' south" :noey: and we had a peace pack that almost lasted a year and it was going well :(


The capital, northern and central: the usual crimes from cellphone snatching to car smuggling to international identity theft.


Kirk's gf passed away sometime ago rite... I think. People have to get married, someday. And i hope it's Dom soon HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


That was his sister. Helen I think. Yes... but guys who are engaged gets married first... I think... But there is no denying that Dom will get married :yesey:

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Well the southern Philippines in a turmoil last year, last 6-3 months ago and now. Last year due to an Al-Quad member guy was spotted and has a Filipino wife. Second was kidnapping of an Italian priest[and numerous other foreigners, I think we were in teh no travel list in UK, Italy and Germany cause of that] and be-heading of 12 Philippine Marines thus causing, as our president stated "an all out war against Islamic Radicallist in the country' south" :noey: and we had a peace pack that almost lasted a year and it was going well :(


The capital, northern and central: the usual crimes from cellphone snatching to car smuggling to international identity theft.




That was his sister. Helen I think. Yes... but guys who are engaged gets married first... I think... But there is no denying that Dom will get married :yesey:



Wow times were bad in PH eh.. Sounds like Mexico. And Muse did perform there. They had maximum security with them everywhere they went.


Oh it was his sis eh? Poor guy... High chance it'll be Matt first then. :)

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i really love this thread.. it's becoming 'international' lately..:happy:


How was the Abbey rd show?

betul la kan.. after terawih better doa extra for muse. heh.. i missed starlight! :( coz was actually driving home at the time when my student called to tell me muse was on tv. but yeah.. just like the one on microcuts. the one where dom looked massively cute.. but then again, he always look cute :happy: so rajin la u, sunday also wanna go to the office.


You guys had LP already! So did us actually.. I didn't go actually. SO this time i have to. Not really a fan but they're ok...


Kirk's gf passed away sometime ago rite... I think. People have to get married, someday. And i hope it's Dom soon HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


it's unfair!!!!!!!!!!!! :p we need 'em to come again here tooo.. chaz promised to come here... can't believe he lied to us. :mad:


yeah, ok la... it might be Dom.



Well the southern Philippines in a turmoil last year, last 6-3 months ago and now. Last year due to an Al-Quad member guy was spotted and has a Filipino wife. Second was kidnapping of an Italian priest[and numerous other foreigners, I think we were in teh no travel list in UK, Italy and Germany cause of that] and be-heading of 12 Philippine Marines thus causing, as our president stated "an all out war against Islamic Radicallist in the country' south" :noey: and we had a peace pack that almost lasted a year and it was going well :(


The capital, northern and central: the usual crimes from cellphone snatching to car smuggling to international identity theft.




That was his sister. Helen I think. Yes... but guys who are engaged gets married first... I think... But there is no denying that Dom will get married :yesey:


man, i seriously need to read the newspaper more. that's just awful.. now i feel so lucky to be a malaysian. but yeah nuts is rite, they did play in mexico. so there's always hope for 'em to come to phil..


aww... tom kirk's sis died?? and why suddenly everybody wants dom to be married soon? lol

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wow... i missed... a lot :stunned:


no Dom's not gonna get married! not yet anyway! noo! he cant!! :'( eh, what makes you think ANYONE is gettting married anyway? huh? huh? nobody mentioned a wedding! did they? :eek: i want proof. lol.


is it just me, or did Matt look extremely... good looking in the Live at Abbey Road show? :$ Dom was good looking too! i noticed him too haha.

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is it just me, or did Matt look extremely... good looking in the Live at Abbey Road show? Dom was good looking too! i noticed him too haha.


Matt's "good-lookingness" can catch you unawares sometimes....I have this photo of his that is just amaaazing (too lazy to upload), now I understand what Shahnaz meant all this while :LOL:. Sorry for the PMTness, heh. But Chris is still the manliest of the lot.


This is a nice photo of all three as well:



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Matt's "good-lookingness" can catch you unawares sometimes....I have this photo of his that is just amaaazing (too lazy to upload), now I understand what Shahnaz meant all this while :LOL:. Sorry for the PMTness, heh. But Chris is still the manliest of the lot.


This is a nice photo of all three as well:



:eek: I wanna read about them facing the mag's "latest fiendish interrogation technique"!!! :eek: :eek:


lol I don't know whether I've mentioned it here before, but i used to be a very very PMT-ish girl, but then i realised how ferret-looking Matt can look, whereas Dom was... well, Dom. :$ hehe. Chris was always too manly for me. yeah, you heard me! too manly. :ninja:

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Yeah... this seems more "international" :LOL:



man, i seriously need to read the newspaper more. that's just awful.. now i feel so lucky to be a malaysian. but yeah nuts is rite, they did play in mexico. so there's always hope for 'em to come to phil..


aww... tom kirk's sis died?? and why suddenly everybody wants dom to be married soon? lol


The days here are back to the way they were. Everyone [expect them government officials :p] is lade back, easygoing and carefree. Just the way I want people here to be :happy:




And yesh, thats his sis... BH&R is dedicated to here[penultimate page of the booklet] [that's the only pic I can find]

If your wondering what Tom Kirk looks like:



Dom can get married but it won't be succsessful unless he knows that person "inside and out" :LOL:




I think I was the one who mentioned marriage... But I was sure I placed Matt at that sentence :p I have no idea when it became Dom :LOL:

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Dom can get married but it won't be succsessful unless he knows that person "inside and out" :LOL:




I think I was the one who mentioned marriage... But I was sure I placed Matt at that sentence :p I have no idea when it became Dom :LOL:


Dom or Matt, either one will do, as long as they're married to me. Not picky, really. :p


On a more serious note: very touching, the dedication to Helen Kirk in the album.

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