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u should've seen the galaxy people's faces when i first arrived, they were looking at me up and down.. sure hell, thinking " wat? org mcm ni pun bole minat muse ker??":LOL: i'm so embarrsed rite now. :$

eh, sucks to be them, then. dunno a good thing when they see one. you sure it's not all just in your mind tho? you're one of the most self-depreciating person i know, you know? give youself some credit sometimes.


either way, i think you look rad, babe~ and i'm not saying that just to be nice. it really is a cool dose of local tradition you've provided there.



k. faz! we were both from work! lol! Matt actually thought i work at KLIA! n i was wearing my tag too n he was like 'whats this'? while holding my tag! :LOL: he's so damn CUTE!!! im loving my tag now! LOL!

what? you mean to tell me that you don't work there? o.O cos that's what i kinda thought too, when I saw those pictures of you...



actually, he kind of said maybe next year, as i recall! And didn't all three of us made him promise and he said I promise? (Or am I just going crazy now?)

I hope Matt really means it when he says they might be coming back next year. Cannot wait!.

actually, this could mean a lot of things, one of them being a personal trip. this time next year, it would be the aptly-called in-between albums period, which is basically a much-deserved time off from a year and a half's worth of hard touring. he DID say in an interview once that he plans on backpacking to several places once the tour is over. so...yeah. a concert is nice and all, and while the chances aren't exactly 0%, rationally speaking, what are the possibilities, really? however, if he likes our country enough to want to visit it on a personal basis when there's more time and leisure on his hands (there's lots to see eastwards), that's good, too. maybe he'll bring some friends and family along, eh? this is a good place for family trips, so maybe wolstenholme will bring his as well. expose the wife and kids to some real sun and tropical beaches, you know? xD


hahaha and you guys are all so cute. i'm not just glad you got to meet MUSE, i'm glad MUSE got to meet you, as well. ^___^

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jannah ana? ur sister? is she from TESL uitm? coz if she is, then i've met her before from debate.


Ana, the one and only. Debater galore and aspiring musician. You should check out her YouTube page, under the name Ana Raffali :)


She was at the frontline, and managed to stay put till the end of the show.:D

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HOHHHH :eek: actually i did think of that, i sent crazy_mary an sms saying "omg can i speak to them? O.O" but hotlink was being a bitch so she received that sms after they left. WHICH IS SUCH A TERRIBLE THING!! omg imagine what would happen if she got the sms on time and she called me and i got to speak to Dom, and then i could ask him to pass the phone to Matt and Chris and Tom or something... oh man oh man i could cry :eek: i seriously could.


lol i'm not entirely a Dom fan you know! i like Matt as much too! sure i make jokes about him looking like a ferret/bird/meerkat but he's still good looking :LOL: oh man if you told him about me, and i was just doing my own stuff at home and suddenly i got a phone call and its MATT!


lol thanks again for that, crazy_mary ;) man ALL THREE OF YOU are making me crazy!! *feels left out* my exams are in a week and i cant stop PMSing.


i still feel bad bout that text message thing deb, the airport always haf bad network u noe.. and pliss u dont haf to thank me, the pix was lousy and i was really bumped that all my cellphones pix are blurry.. there mite b something wrong wif the lense. u haf the same phone rite? r ur pix ok?




and btw after meeting all of them, i must say dom stood out the most!!! and i'm loving that orange belt with that banana shirt!!


god, i swear he was looking at me, coz i was so dissappointed that my phone's memory stick was full at that time!! yeah.. i noe... perasan


"anak, anak.. dah, sudah la tu.. pegi mengaji. maghrib dah dekat."

cucu jawab : "ala nenek tu zaman mude lagi teruk. pegi tengok muse lagi tu."




eh, sucks to be them, then. dunno a good thing when they see one. you sure it's not all just in your mind tho? you're one of the most self-depreciating person i know, you know? give youself some credit sometimes.


either way, i think you look rad, babe~ and i'm not saying that just to be nice. it really is a cool dose of local tradition you've provided there.


i wasnt being paranoid vspirit. they seriously were looking at me that way.. i'm not embarrassed about the baju kurung, i was kinda proud of it u noe.. but just hate to c my face at a VERY public space...:$


i dont think they'll b coming back. do u think they will? if they do come back to the SEA region they mite be going to the areas where they didnt go.. u noe like u mentioned, manila n bangkok.. but if they do.. i'll definitely be a stalker again.. :D


saw some pix when they arrived at taiwan, cant believe that they were greeted wif more fans than here in KLIA... and they were smiling more than here.. perhaps their arrival there was mentioned in a radio station or s'thing like that.. i just dont understand why hitz.fm didnt mention anything about their arrival.. coz they did when incubus arrived here..

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That lucky girl is my sister Ana.


She said ever so sweetly to one of the roadies "Please sir can I have the setlist?" :)


Hi Ana & Jannah & all Muse fans,


Thanx for letting me take the setlist pix! I'm the girl wearing green. The guy wif me is my bro.


Actually, I'm a casual listener of Muse.. I listen to a lot of obscure/ not-so-radio-friendly stuff...quite pleased that most of the band's playlist - tracks played on the sound system while waiting for the band to show up were songs I know of / heard before.


I decided to catch Muse as I've heard that they are really great live. How true it is! So so true!! The white balloons, I didn't know about that, until during the gig itself. And the band played the set effortlessly although their ongoing tour could have easily burned them out, but no..they were clearly enjoying themselves as much as we do! I couldn't get enough of them!! I absolutely love Matt's piano playing..flawless ! I love rockers who not only plays the guitar, but other instruments as well.


This is only my 2nd experience being at a rock gig. The first one was Suede's 1999 gig in S'pore (which the KL gig was cancelled at the very last minute, they say due to a band member's health reason). Sadly, the band has disbanded. Anyway, I thought Suede's singer (Brett Anderson) looks a lot like Matt, including the nose, and being skinny, but only very tall (6 ft ... VS how tall is Matt?)


I'm still fuzzy with the gig experience..still wanting more. So this craving brought me to this forum. How I wished I've discovered it before the gig! I think I'm a newly converted fan!! My only grouse (of the gig) is that I didn't bring extra memory card with me and I didn't have enough time to know all their lyrics by heart so I embarrasingly printed out the lyrics for their possible setlist. But in the end, I just hung it at the barrier becoz it's really not cool to look at a paper to singalong to at a rock gig!! Hehe.. My suggestion- maybe the organiser could put the lyrics - karaoke style - at the giant screen - for the benefit of those who were "checking the band out". No need for the hardore fans though :)


And my oh my, crazy_mary, I really respect you for all your efforts! Long live!!

Btw, about the Beastie Boys gig, don't worry, it's not cancelled, it's being re-scheduled to Sept 2007. If I read it right, it'd be festival-like, not a one-band-only gig.


Thanks for the experience Muse!!!!!!! I love reading this forum- keep it up!!

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OMFG :eek: :eek:

just read the latest pages from this thread and...OMG IM SO JEALOUS TO 3 OF YOU WHO MET MUSE AT THE AIRPORT!!! how did you know they were there at that time?? and..and...one of you really HUGGED MATT?? and been called SWEETIE?? whoaaaa damn, you were so luckyyy..

arghhh i envy you so muchhh!!! im still high after the concert even though it was like 5 days ago..and now im really disturbed by this thought that YOU WERE MEETING MUSE. aaaahhhhh in jakarta even the craziest muse fans didn't meet them in airport or everywhere else beside the conference and the gig..

i want to cry..:( probably i'd die of excitement if i were you :LOL:

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Hi Ana & Jannah & all Muse fans,


Thanx for letting me take the setlist pix! I'm the girl wearing green. The guy wif me is my bro.


Actually, I'm a casual listener of Muse.. I listen to a lot of obscure/ not-so-radio-friendly stuff...quite pleased that most of the band's playlist - tracks played on the sound system while waiting for the band to show up were songs I know of / heard before.


I decided to catch Muse as I've heard that they are really great live. How true it is! So so true!! The white balloons, I didn't know about that, until during the gig itself. And the band played the set effortlessly although their ongoing tour could have easily burned them out, but no..they were clearly enjoying themselves as much as we do! I couldn't get enough of them!! I absolutely love Matt's piano playing..flawless ! I love rockers who not only plays the guitar, but other instruments as well.


This is only my 2nd experience being at a rock gig. The first one was Suede's 1999 gig in S'pore (which the KL gig was cancelled at the very last minute, they say due to a band member's health reason). Sadly, the band has disbanded. Anyway, I thought Suede's singer (Brett Anderson) looks a lot like Matt, including the nose, and being skinny, but only very tall (6 ft ... VS how tall is Matt?)


I'm still fuzzy with the gig experience..still wanting more. So this craving brought me to this forum. How I wished I've discovered it before the gig! I think I'm a newly converted fan!! My only grouse (of the gig) is that I didn't bring extra memory card with me and I didn't have enough time to know all their lyrics by heart so I embarrasingly printed out the lyrics for their possible setlist. But in the end, I just hung it at the barrier becoz it's really not cool to look at a paper to singalong to at a rock gig!! Hehe.. My suggestion- maybe the organiser could put the lyrics - karaoke style - at the giant screen - for the benefit of those who were "checking the band out". No need for the hardore fans though :)


And my oh my, crazy_mary, I really respect you for all your efforts! Long live!!

Btw, about the Beastie Boys gig, don't worry, it's not cancelled, it's being re-scheduled to Sept 2007. If I read it right, it'd be festival-like, not a one-band-only gig.


Thanks for the experience Muse!!!!!!! I love reading this forum- keep it up!!


No problem babe. At first my Ana asked from the cameraman Matt's setlist, and the brader passed it down to one Rela guy and the bugger thrown the paper to the crowd. It was a tussle and some other fella got that one. The Dom's setlist was in good condition because the roadie brader passed it to my sister himself.


It was crazy. It was fun. It was hell at the pitt, but worth all the pain and tears. :D

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hey Tired.Unhappy (tho you don't seem so tired and unhappy anymore xD), nice of you to put all those up. the audio is really ace. what phone is that you're using, if you don't mind my asking? o.O

mine is only old Nokia N70..


and i wonder how's the video quality like for high end phone emphasize on video like N93/i would be...those phone supposedly be able to record DVD-like quality video with stereo sound some more...

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Wow nice pic!! I have a friend who also met them in Atlanta airport!:)


yeah, thanks to shannaz, she really saved the day for us coz adyla and i only braught our cellphones..


Hi Ana & Jannah & all Muse fans,


Thanx for letting me take the setlist pix! I'm the girl wearing green. The guy wif me is my bro.


I think I'm a newly converted fan!! My suggestion- maybe the organiser could put the lyrics - karaoke style - at the giant screen - for the benefit of those who were "checking the band out". No need for the hardore fans though :)


And my oh my, crazy_mary, I really respect you for all your efforts! Long live!!

Btw, about the Beastie Boys gig, don't worry, it's not cancelled, it's being re-scheduled to Sept 2007. If I read it right, it'd be festival-like, not a one-band-only gig.


Thanks for the experience Muse!!!!!!! I love reading this forum- keep it up!!


hey.. so wat did u do wif the setlist? can make a copy for me?:D


karaoke style concert eh? :LOL: wat bout the peeps at the barrier who couldnt even see the screen ( and balloons :( ) ?


i'm a muse fanatic now thank u very much... REALLY???? the beasties in sept.. but sept will be bulan puasa rite? no wait i'm not sure...OH GOD.. r u sure????


same here..


OMFG :eek: :eek:

just read the latest pages from this thread and...OMG IM SO JEALOUS TO 3 OF YOU WHO MET MUSE AT THE AIRPORT!!! how did you know they were there at that time?? and..and...one of you really HUGGED MATT?? and been called SWEETIE?? whoaaaa damn, you were so luckyyy..

arghhh i envy you so muchhh!!! im still high after the concert even though it was like 5 days ago..and now im really disturbed by this thought that YOU WERE MEETING MUSE. aaaahhhhh in jakarta even the craziest muse fans didn't meet them in airport or everywhere else beside the conference and the gig..

i want to cry..:( probably i'd die of excitement if i were you :LOL:


yeah lucky us... it was all a gamble but freaking paid off.. the internet mate! checked the flite info and just went wthout thinking..i still cant believe that i met ém..



OMG vspirit, i just watched ur vid, awesome!!!!!!! its so clear!!! but am watching using my sis laptop wif lousy speaker.. my comp just broke down!!!! help!!!

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i still feel bad bout that text message thing deb, the airport always haf bad network u noe.. and pliss u dont haf to thank me, the pix was lousy and i was really bumped that all my cellphones pix are blurry.. there mite b something wrong wif the lense. u haf the same phone rite? r ur pix ok?




and btw after meeting all of them, i must say dom stood out the most!!! and i'm loving that orange belt with that banana shirt!!


god, i swear he was looking at me, coz i was so dissappointed that my phone's memory stick was full at that time!! yeah.. i noe... perasan



lol i had no idea that the airport has bad reception... i dont travel much you see. and the last time i've been there, it seemed fine :confused: my pictures turn out okay if i keep my hands steady. if i move the picture will get all blurry... lol maybe you were so nervous since dom was right in front of you, your hands were shaking when you took his picture? :LOL: i'm pretty sure mine would be! haha. and its not your fault that you didnt get the message in time. i should have followed my instincts and called you instead! :D


btw in that pic above, even if dom isnt smiling or looking at the cam... he still looks ferkin good. :)

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lol i had no idea that the airport has bad reception... i dont travel much you see. and the last time i've been there, it seemed fine :confused: my pictures turn out okay if i keep my hands steady. if i move the picture will get all blurry... lol maybe you were so nervous since dom was right in front of you, your hands were shaking when you took his picture? :LOL: i'm pretty sure mine would be! haha. and its not your fault that you didnt get the message in time. i should have followed my instincts and called you instead! :D


btw in that pic above, even if dom isnt smiling or looking at the cam... he still looks ferkin good. :)


my phone sux then, or is it digi sux?? well, yeah my hands were shaking really bad and cold..coz i just shook hands wif him before i took that pic..i was very, very happy and star struck at that time..


forgive this old lady.. i think i said s'thing like this..after taking a pix wif him..


do u mind if i take another picture of u coz we haf this friend, and her name is debbie. she really wanted to come today but couldnt make it..and she really wanted to meet u.. so is it ok?


yeah.. sure..


yeah? i'm so sorry for this ..


it's all rite..*chuckles*


yeah? so sorry..


*chuckles again*


*pose for the picture*


continued chatting wif him.. cant remember much, kept staring at him.. i think this is the picture while he was talking to us..gotta check wif shannaz first tho..




EDIT: nope. it wasnt this one.. sorry.. but cant believe how great shannaz's cam is!!

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my phone sux then, or is it digi sux?? well, yeah my hands were shaking really bad and cold..coz i just shook hands wif him before i took that pic..i was very, very happy and star struck at that time..


forgive this old lady.. i think i said s'thing like this..after taking a pix wif him..


do u mind if i take another picture of u coz we haf this friend, and her name is debbie. she really wanted to come today but couldnt make it..and she really wanted to meet u.. so is it ok?


yeah.. sure..


yeah? i'm so sorry for this ..


it's all rite..*chuckles*


yeah? so sorry..


*chuckles again*


*pose for the picture*


continued chatting wif him.. cant remember much, kept staring at him.. i think this is the picture while he was talking to us..gotta check wif shannaz first tho..




EDIT: nope. it wasnt this one.. sorry.. but cant believe how great shannaz's cam is!!


oh great thanks :D that conversation is on my blog now btw. haha.


wow how many pictures are there?! i want them aaalll!! i've already saved so many pics but i still cant get enough of it.


lol did he stare at you back? was there eye contact? :LOL: lol!

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oh great thanks :D that conversation is on my blog now btw. haha.


wow how many pictures are there?! i want them aaalll!! i've already saved so many pics but i still cant get enough of it.


lol did he stare at you back? was there eye contact? :LOL: lol!


she mailed quite a lot to me, all from her cam.. but i'm posting this two w/out shannaz's permission.. *so sorry shannaz* coz i just loooove DOM rite now..


lol u mean when i asked to take a pic for u? yeah, there was eye contact,..but i was too nervous to look directly at him. he mite be looking at shannaz at adyla most of the time, coz they were asking more questions..but wait, i'm contradicting myself.. honestly i cant remember!!

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haha lol !


u guys shud record it in recorder or whatever that can be recorded throughout the conversation la .. n then share it with us.. jeles siot ..


but, ..i can imagine if i were there ... i'd be speechless n dumb. n wave. n smiles. n speechless... n suddenly small tears .. lol!


shit man ..miss u guys a lot la MUSE! i hope they will come again! hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. and no good thing ever dies.

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she mailed quite a lot to me, all from her cam.. but i'm posting this two w/out shannaz's permission.. *so sorry shannaz* coz i just loooove DOM rite now..


lol u mean when i asked to take a pic for u? yeah, there was eye contact, and after that as well..but i was too nervous to look directly at him. he mite be looking at shannaz at adyla most of the time, coz they were asking more questions..


ohhh you 3 were talking to him at about the same time? i thought you went up to him alone and asked for a picture.. :LOL: lol imagine if you were looking right at his eyes, and he caught you looking at him, and he winked at you. whoaaaaaa if that happened to me i'll never stop grinning. never. ever.


lol omg have you joined the dom side? :eek:

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^Awesome account of past events there. Practice your chatting up skills, crazy, so the next time you get to meet them, you can catch their full interest with your great conversation skillz.


so anyway, crazy asked me this question via PM


did u prefer the s'pore gig or the m'sian one? can u make comparison?


...and my answer got a bit lengthy. Then I figured some of you might want to know the difference as well from someone who's actually been to both so I decided to post it here instead. Please note that this is more of a personal POV kind of thing, so I don't presume to speak for others.


Put under the spoiler tag for length. So only the really curious would bother.



Well, the Singapore gig has its high points generally (it's a MUSE gig, that in itself is a high enough point, if you ask me) but on a personal scale, I'd say the KL one is more ace by miles. It did a lot more for me than the Singapore one. I didn't get high on the music like I did for the KL one and I didn't get the "Wow, I just saw MUSE live, great gig it was, too" vibe, I was more worried about how I was going to survive the next gig in KL cos I was still only holding the pitt ticket then. Hysteria, being one of my favorite MUSE tunes, was ruined because I was literally feeling it, and not in a good way since it was due to actual fear of meeting the reaper that night. And if you can recall, I was actually kind of pissed off at the band themselves for a while after that. After getting pulled from the crowd, I spent the rest of the time being half-distracted, loitering about the merch and beer stands. I did get back into the music bit by bit but I couldn't get totally immersed in it no matter how much I tried. My totally having no recollection of a couple of songs played is testament to how out of it I was.


It's good to know that the crowd here made my worries null. I think I have a newfound respect for Malaysian concertgoers now. But still, I have heard that the Malaysian crowd can get pretty rowdy. Previous gig experiences as told by crazy_mary and mynameisdebbie did very little to assuage my fears. I'm not sure what the deciding factors for what makes a crowd rowdy and what makes them well-behaved here are, other than the fact that most of the people I saw who were at Stadium Negara were adults (young and old) and teenagers who seemed mature beyond their years. Perhaps it's just due to the kind of crowd MUSE attracts here, though I can't be too sure of that. It is the impression I got, though. Either way, I thought it'd be rowdier here than in Singapore (before I attended it, that is...after, I don't think Malaysians could have fared any worse). I mean after all, we /are/ Malaysians. But I guess I forgot the other thing that makes us all Malaysians. Out unpredictability--which, at times, can be aggravating, though not in this case. Turned out, everyone who turned up were pretty much laidback while the Singaporean ones exuded a more definite vibe of 'kiasuism'. I swear I'm not being biased cos I was honestly expecting a more relaxed and courteous vibe from them, which was why I was so shocked to find out that I could have been crushed and trampled to death there that night. Needless to say, that naive foreigner in me has been instantly put to sleep. I guess in any other gig, or on other occasions, they might all turn out to be great people--in fact, I'm pretty confident they are, outside of the event--but that night, I suppose eagerness overtook them all. This didn't happen so much in the KL gig. The crowd was eager, yes, but not so much as to let it rule their actions.


I knew it would be a better gig the moment I turned up with my friend to park his car at 11 in the morning and the place was still void of fans. The ones who did turn up early found the place so deserted they decided to venture elsewhere to kill time and come back when there are more fans gathered. And there weren't any until after three. I love it. I love how... tak hadap...the fans here are. And it's not like most showed up last minute either cos that would be a little too laidback, to the point of disinterest even, but people only really started steadily trickling in 2-3 hours before the show, which is a more than reasonable time to start showing up.


This isn't a bad thing at all and is just an observation, but in Singapore, I heard people started turning up at seven-ish, eight-ish in the morn (which was why I wanted to turn up early when I was still holding a Pitt ticket, which I gave up partially due to not wanting to show up that early and suffer through hours of idle waiting after all--the latter of which I have already experienced in Singapore--cos I thought it was going to be the same here) and by one in the afternoon, the queue was about 100 people strong, and multiplying by the hour. Of course there were latecomers as well, those who brought mats and didn't mind being the last few to go in as all they wanted to do was to enjoy the gig from far anyway. Those guys were cool. Wish I had thought of doing that myself. But there were also the latecomers who took advantage of the disorganized way the organizers were letting the crowd into the venue and jumped the queue.


See the diff? Don't get me wrong, I was actually impressed by the enthusiasm. Still am. Malaysians seemed really slacky by comparison . xD Though, like I said earlier, I love that as well. Anyway, great pre-gig enthusiasm in Singapore. Just not really impressed by what it blew up, and in a sense, degenerated, into later on during the start of the gig.


Certainly the band themselves were great back then as well but for me, there's just this vibe and camaraderie the KL gig had that the Singaporean one didn't. And by now, you should know that I think it has more to do with the crowd and the way the organizer ran things than the band themselves, though they did seem to have put in a little more effort to please the crowd in the KL gig which I didn't see as much of in the Singaporean one.


There you go. Lengthy read, I know but those are the differences I've observed and my thoughts based no them.



p/s: Glad you've enjoyed the vid, crazy. There are actually more where those came from, hehe.

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ohhh you 3 were talking to him at about the same time? i thought you went up to him alone and asked for a picture.. :LOL: lol imagine if you were looking right at his eyes, and he caught you looking at him, and he winked at you. whoaaaaaa if that happened to me i'll never stop grinning. never. ever.


lol omg have you joined the dom side? :eek:


lol.. details, details. too long to describe la.. but let me just say that dom went s'where else while we were waiting for matt and chris to finish up their work using the laptop. dom came n i said hi and asked to take a pic coz both adyla n shannaz had taken lots. then we chatted untill mat n chris were done wif their work.. then all of us took pix together ..and chatted a bit more


matt did actually winked at me on saturday..and i died for 2 minutes!!


lol..cant i be on both sides?? its just i had more luck wif dom than matt.. i couldnt even take a pic wif matt coz i was so nervous..i wanted to but malu.. plus when i arrived they were already about to board.. so i didnt want to delay ém..


^Awesome account of past events there. Practice your chatting up skills, crazy, so the next time you get to meet them, you can catch their full interest with your great conversation skillz.


p/s: Glad you've enjoyed the vid, crazy. There are actually more where those came from, hehe.


i sucked in making conversation.. damnn nervous..


i totally did, am actually looking forward 4 that embarrasing one as well.


i'll read ur answer 2moro.. wanna sleep.. but i noe i cant!!



haha lol !


u guys shud record it in recorder or whatever that can be recorded throughout the conversation la .. n then share it with us.. jeles siot ..


but, ..i can imagine if i were there ... i'd be speechless n dumb. n wave. n smiles. n speechless... n suddenly small tears .. lol!


shit man ..miss u guys a lot la MUSE! i hope they will come again! hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. and no good thing ever dies.


mumbled, smiled, speechless and trembling hands...


i misss ém too..

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arghhh DUSH DUSH!!!!

shit shit!!!!!:mad:


u guys met them with out a single crush, push and a single sweat!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:


what a lucky!!!! damn u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D



tak payah susah susah nak berebut. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:


u make me jealous!!!!!!!!!!



*kick my cpu


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