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Thought so, I'll stick to paying on the day then.




It was an infection (most likely from fighting as usual :rolleyes:). They call it cat acne when it is around the mouth like that, she had some smaller lumps under the chin too. So just an injection of long-lasting antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory so we won't have to try giving her pills everyday. So yeah, we got the simple part, but still not that cheap, oh well.




As well as a long line of people. In 2007 I had to go to the back street behind Real Groovy, but in 2008 it wasn't so bad, probably because I went a bit earlier.


Aww your poor cat! Mine did that, got into a fight and got really sick with an infection! And the vet is so expensive!!!!

Hopefully the shot will be enough to sort her out!


Ha and I am such a twit, I looked at the design again, I totally read the MOA on the front as 'MUSE' and was wondering why we were having that on the front, haha, but when I looked the second time i realised it actually says moa, it made a lot more sense! :facepalm:

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Every Christmas something major usually goes wrong in my house, for years after we got here it would be my parents having a massive fight and storming out, and the year before last it was my dog's fault!

Mum had cooked an amazing 5 kg turkey, with bacon and sausages, and had just pulled it out of the oven, turned her back for one second and my naughty giant hunterway stood up and STOLE the turkey!!

He grabbed it and took it out into the garden!!!!'

Obviously there was no getting it back, hahaha so that was an interesting one..........


Jobs are hard all round at the moment! Keep looking and hopefully lots of people quit around this time when they don't get the leave they want and places will start hiring!


Lame on both counts, get your hottie and some nurofen and watch your favourite dvd, and I usually find having a fat old cry makes things a bit better!

Oh and chocloate. Lots of chocolate!

I really hope things start getting easier for you, you have had your share now!


Thanks Kat. Oh no, that sounds like a right mess with the dog eating the turkey! Especially after so much effort was put in. I bet he was denied affection for quite some time after that :LOL:

Yeah I'm kind of hoping that people will quit in the New Year and I'll be able to steal in and take their jobs muhahaha!

I took panadol and had my hot water bottle which helped heaps. Moped to a friend on MSN and listened to some emotional slow music too :LOL:


Are we still going to do Muse in a box or something so we aren't infringing on Copyright?:)


The turkey eating dog was about 30 kgs at the time, and managed to get through half of the turkey before we were able to get it off him!!

He looked pregnant, his stomach was so swollen and distended, but my god was he pleased with himself!


What's muse in a box? :erm:

Aw cute dog! His markings are very cute- little white legs :LOL:


It was my friend's birthday today :happy: I went over there and we played Trivial Pursuit again :LOL: You can download new categories from online so it has a dangerous level of replay-ability :LOL: Tomorrow we are all going to pub quiz :happy:


And the other day at a party, there was a spider in my hair! :eek: I was playing with my hair and felt something in it, so I grabbed it and pulled it out to have a look, and it wiggled! I dropped it on the floor and then proceeded to tell people around me in order to ease the shock.

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Aww your poor cat! Mine did that, got into a fight and got really sick with an infection! And the vet is so expensive!!!!

Hopefully the shot will be enough to sort her out!


Yeah, silly cats and their fighting. When we got home my sister called and said her cat had a sore leg which was pretty much the same thing. A few years ago my cat was limping really bad, thought it was broken or sprained, but no just got bitten in a fight :rolleyes:


Ha and I am such a twit, I looked at the design again, I totally read the MOA on the front as 'MUSE' and was wondering why we were having that on the front, haha, but when I looked the second time i realised it actually says moa, it made a lot more sense! :facepalm:


Oh right, haha :LOL: I might do some more tinkering with it soon to give you guys more options to choose from.


It does that! Can't believe it's next week.


Same here. Only 10 days til xmas and one month til BDO! :stunned::D


What's muse in a box? :erm:


It was my friend's birthday today :happy: I went over there and we played Trivial Pursuit again :LOL: You can download new categories from online so it has a dangerous level of replay-ability :LOL: Tomorrow we are all going to pub quiz :happy:


And the other day at a party, there was a spider in my hair! :eek: I was playing with my hair and felt something in it, so I grabbed it and pulled it out to have a look, and it wiggled! I dropped it on the floor and then proceeded to tell people around me in order to ease the shock.


Oh, muse in a box is well, what it sounds like. I thought maybe we would have that on the t-shirts instead of copying the MUSE logo, just in case of all that copyright infringement crap :rolleyes:


Sounds like you have been having fun and yay for pub quiz!


Spiders and insects in your hair is always annoying, you never know what your going to pull out :LOL:

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the weather has really thrown me, usually december is all about the hot summer days and the smell of cut grass that just makes you feel so christmassy and so far its all been about the rain.



Hahah, it's funny to hear you say that it's all the warm stuff that makes you feel Christmassy, because my first 11 christmases were cold, wet and grey.

And now that I have been here longer than England you would think I'd be used to Christmas here, but it still doesn't feel quite like Christmas even after all this time, I think it must be tied up with the childhood nostalgia!

But I still love Christmas here, it's just different! :)


Thanks Kat. Oh no, that sounds like a right mess with the dog eating the turkey! Especially after so much effort was put in. I bet he was denied affection for quite some time after that :LOL:

Yeah I'm kind of hoping that people will quit in the New Year and I'll be able to steal in and take their jobs muhahaha!

I took panadol and had my hot water bottle which helped heaps. Moped to a friend on MSN and listened to some emotional slow music too :LOL:


Aw cute dog! His markings are very cute- little white legs :LOL:


It was my friend's birthday today :happy: I went over there and we played Trivial Pursuit again :LOL: You can download new categories from online so it has a dangerous level of replay-ability :LOL: Tomorrow we are all going to pub quiz :happy:


And the other day at a party, there was a spider in my hair! :eek: I was playing with my hair and felt something in it, so I grabbed it and pulled it out to have a look, and it wiggled! I dropped it on the floor and then proceeded to tell people around me in order to ease the shock.


Oh mate that dog was in the dog house A LOT, he was a kleptomaniac, wouls steal things and bury them in the garden. (my glasses, my brother's car keys, mum's rolling pin, dad's mug..... a whole roll of glad wrap which he ate, and then his poos came out all shrink wrapped!:D)


Ew surprise bugs are the worst!!!!!

I really must try this trivial pursuit!!



Oh right, haha :LOL: I might do some more tinkering with it soon to give you guys more options to choose from.




Same here. Only 10 days til xmas and one month til BDO! :stunned::D




Oh, muse in a box is well, what it sounds like. I thought maybe we would have that on the t-shirts instead of copying the MUSE logo, just in case of all that copyright infringement crap :rolleyes:


Sounds like you have been having fun and yay for pub quiz!


Spiders and insects in your hair is always annoying, you never know what your going to pull out :LOL:



Yay designs! I already like the first one but if you want to do more that is cool!


GUYS I have news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I went climbing tonight which is in Glen Eden about a 45 minute drive from my house and I DROVE HOME TO TORBAY.

I DROVE ON THE BRIDGE FOR THE FIRST TIME and I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!

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well done that's really awesome kat!


think i've pretty much finished my xmas shopping today, just need to get a voucher for my mum. found out what my work xmas present is this year so i'm giving it to my brother!


That's awesome! I haven't got any further with mine, I'll probably finish it in a mad rush soon.


also went to a lovely greek restaurant tonight and oren bought me flowers. if work wasn't so crap it would have been a completely fantastic day.


That's even more awesome! Did he buy you flowers just because? Or for something?

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also went to a lovely greek restaurant tonight and oren bought me flowers. if work wasn't so crap it would have been a completely fantastic day.

That is really awesome. :happy:


Apart from work being crap, that is. What made it crap?

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That is really awesome. :happy:


Apart from work being crap, that is. What made it crap?

he's put up with me for the last 3 years!


ugh work...the phone wouldn't stop ringing, this property manager kept calling me and pissing me off asking me for a new dishwasher despite me telling her and our mutual customer that there was no claim, all the crazies came out of the woodwork and thought they'd come in...and everyone who came in just seemed to be absolutely devoid of any christmas spirit. seems that even in the insurance industry people are cunts to you at christmas time. thought i got out of that one when i left the retail sector.


and with my manager being on sick leave for four weeks it seems that every second inquiry or claim needs to be referred to a manager and i ain't got one! my old manager has been putting up with some of my inquiries and comes and authorises our payments but still around christmas when everyone is being SO demanding, its frustrating.

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Oh, muse in a box is well, what it sounds like. I thought maybe we would have that on the t-shirts instead of copying the MUSE logo, just in case of all that copyright infringement crap :rolleyes:


Sounds like you have been having fun and yay for pub quiz!


Spiders and insects in your hair is always annoying, you never know what your going to pull out :LOL:


Oh okay, you mean the logo in a box on the t-shirt :LOL:


GUYS I have news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I went climbing tonight which is in Glen Eden about a 45 minute drive from my house and I DROVE HOME TO TORBAY.

I DROVE ON THE BRIDGE FOR THE FIRST TIME and I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, well done Kat! :happy:


also went to a lovely greek restaurant tonight and oren bought me flowers.


Aw, that's nice :happy:


Pub quiz was fun. Not sure what place we came but we bet our other team of friends :LOL: Two of my friends got spot prizes too :happy:

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Oh mate that dog was in the dog house A LOT, he was a kleptomaniac, wouls steal things and bury them in the garden. (my glasses, my brother's car keys, mum's rolling pin, dad's mug..... a whole roll of glad wrap which he ate, and then his poos came out all shrink wrapped!:D)


I went climbing tonight which is in Glen Eden about a 45 minute drive from my house and I DROVE HOME TO TORBAY.

I DROVE ON THE BRIDGE FOR THE FIRST TIME and I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!


:LOL: The dog sounds like quite a character.


Well done for driving all that way! :D



also went to a lovely greek restaurant tonight and oren bought me flowers. if work wasn't so crap it would have been a completely fantastic day.


Awwwh :happy:

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Ok, finally got into photobucket to upload these:




Could perhaps have 'united states of moatearoa' instead of board address on this one.





I like the back of the second one. I think just having that as the front and a plain back would be cool. Or the same Muse-Moa design on the front, and the 'united states of Moatearoa' on the back :happy:

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