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Maybe I should adopt that strategy also. Does the persistence usually pay off?


Usually, yeah. I figure the beeping of the phone will alert them to my messages, and the only way to make it beep more is to send more messages. I'd probably recommend keeping it to people you know well enough to get away with it though- if you can't send them a message saying 'oi bitch txt me' then you don't know them well enough :LOL:

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yeah i had a really bad experience flatting with a friend. only time i did. otherwise i've flatted with randoms, my sister (interesting times...) and of course oren. :LOL:


don't get couples with live with other people - wouldn't you want your own place and space? there's two of you to share costs afterall.


I don't get it either. My friends who just got married live with another girl, that would drive me mental! I could not live with a married couple, yeugh!

I'm fine being single, but having it rubbed in my face everyday would not be fun!


It wasn't a bitey one, very small fangs. It was a flat, grey one. I found it quite cute when it lifted one of its front legs higher so it looked like it was tilting its head and thinking 'what the f**k is going on here?' :LOL:




Yeah I know what you mean :( Moths are very difficult to handle. When I had a friend over she got a bit freaked when a big one came flying around the lounge. I eventually got it safely in my hands to let it outside.


Oh I don't mind cute ones that don't try and bite! I like those cute spiney ones that look like a bird has pooed on them :)


I could imagine fights and stuff being really awkward if you were the other person.


Was it a Raukatauri? One of the massive green ones whose english name I don't know?


I love those. I hate it when my cat decides they're fair game. They're really rather beautiful.


Argh I have to write this horrendously awkward letter tomorrow asking for my dad's name suppression to please not be lifted because it would have an adverse effect on me if it was. Eloquently. Fudgesicles.


Oh fark dude that sounds massive. Hope that it goes well for you, I can't believe they would even try and lift it!!!


I probably can't due to lack of funds. Extreme lack of funds :( Still searching for a job. I have about $2 worth of petrol in my car and today my mum asked if I had any change to buy some milk with. She's going for a job interview soon so hopefully we will both be employed soon!



I have 33 messages on my Facebook :stunned:


I am more than happy to buy you a drink, if you can get there! Would be nice to have you there!


It is even more disappointing when its notifications from apps.


This. Drives me mental when I see five notifications, get excited and then see not a single one is from a real person!


Which is why I just left a message on my friend's facebook :happy: But usually when I message people, a certain friend in particular always does this, they never message me back. I'm like 'its give and take here people!'. It's particularly annoying when you leave a link and then wait with enthusiasm for them to watch it.



Man I hate that, and like the one I just got, a friend in Aus that I don't talk to often put pics of her kids up, I messaged her to tell her how gorgeous they are and that I hope her and the family are well. The reply I got made me wonder why I bother "oh so you ARE still alive? I haven't heard from you in so long thought you had fallen off the face of the earth"


I remembered why I don't keep in touch too much, the last time I called her she was all like "hello stranger" and I realised this has happened the last four times I made contact. Um hello? She could call or message me? She doesn't work at all, so surely she could find five mins when the kids are napping to message me?




How was everyone's day? I spent most of mine in the back of an ambulance.



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I am more than happy to buy you a drink, if you can get there! Would be nice to have you there!


Me too. Join us, Kitty. You know you want to.




Congrats! That's bloody brilliant.


What were you doing in the back of an ambulance all day?


My day's alright, thanks. I'm having a busyish day at work though - Close Up, Tonight and a 2-hour sci-fi futuristic romance movie. :erm: The movie's not too bad so far though, apart from Samantha Morton's horrendous American accent that she keeps lapsing out of. :facepalm:

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Me too. Join us, Kitty. You know you want to.




Congrats! That's bloody brilliant.


What were you doing in the back of an ambulance all day?


My day's alright, thanks. I'm having a busyish day at work though - Close Up, Tonight and a 2-hour sci-fi futuristic romance movie. :erm: The movie's not too bad so far though, apart from Samantha Morton's horrendous American accent that she keeps lapsing out of. :facepalm:


THANKS!!! So surprised that I I keep wondering if they put the wrong mark up!


I was doing a transfer from Waitakere to North Shore, but was worse than expected and went via CT scan to Auckland neuro instead :(


That does sound busy! Man I hate fake American accents!!

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Was it a Raukatauri? One of the massive green ones whose english name I don't know?


It was just a brown one I think. Didn't get a good look at the wings.


At least his knees weren't wrinkly




How was everyone's day? I spent most of mine in the back of an ambulance.




Congrats! :D


I had the usual Tuesday of visiting my grandma and going to the supermarket. Hobbling around a bit too as my ankle went sore last night, grr. And I have been sleepy this afternoon, so I have just been lying around.


hello everyone!


Hello! :) How was your day?


And good bye. Time for din dins.

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a)Oh I don't mind cute ones that don't try and bite! I like those cute spiney ones that look like a bird has pooed on them :)


b)Oh fark dude that sounds massive. Hope that it goes well for you, I can't believe they would even try and lift it!!!



a)Lololol. That's all. I just love the way you described them :happy:


b)Mmm. It's not fun, but I got it done.




It was just a brown one I think. Didn't get a good look at the wings.
Aww. I love the massive green ones...
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Yeah, I love it when I'm in bed.


Quick question for everyone - how would you spell w(h)ackjob? H or no h? Two words or one word?


Just asking because it's a word used to describe Sarah Palin in a news story about her I'm typing up. :chuckle: Others are knucklehead (which is in the dictionary!), joke, strange breed and confused.

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It's all one day. The main stage I think starts at 12 and goes until 10:30 (Muse will play last and for the longest), but the other stages (there are 3 others) start earlier and finish later.


You can turn up any time, but it's quicker to get in if you get there early.

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